Monday, September 19, 2022

Liberal/Progressive/Democrat/Socialist (same things) Hypocrisy

So I'm back from my trip to Illinois to celebrate my daughter's wedding.  A great time was had by all.  The old man was all verklempt.  Then joyous and celebratory and a bit pasted. 

Now it's back to the routine we are creating in our new home and here, a post about the real threat to our republic (not democracy, since we're the former, not the latter).

And this is about the illegal immigration problem and the leftist lies and hypocrisy regarding this issue. 

We begin with the failure to re-elect Donald Trump through fraud, deceit and and other election irregularities, as well as too many not voting at all, and too many pretending they were smart or virtuous  in not voting for Trump (they were neither).  Soon after his inauguration, Biden reversed much of...if not all of...Trump's border policies.  The materials for the border wall were left to rust.  The Remain in Mexico policy was discarded.  Swarms of illegals saw this moron's position as an invitation to ignore the sovereignty of our border and the rule of law and enter in any manner they believe most beneficial to do so.  The results have been catastrophic.  As millions have entered, our border states have been overwhelmed.  Drugs and thugs have poured in along with them and many have died in the attempt to enter...drowning in river crossings, dying packed in trailers, murdered and raped by assholes among them.  Biden believed it wise to fly these people all over the country in the dead of night with little to no consent by those running the towns/states to which they were transported. 

As this was happening, fentanyl killed an ungodly amount of Americans.  Crime was multiplied by the addition of foreign thugs and Americans and other illegals were their victims.  

Why was this?  It was because Trump and the GOP are falsely labeled as racists and haters of "brown people".  Protecting our border and enforcing our laws and thinking about our nation and it's people before foreigners is somehow a mortal sin in the immoral minds of the leftists.  This blatant lie led to various Dem run cities to declare themselves "sanctuary cities", where illegals can feel safe and protected from the evil white racists right-wingers who would see them deported.  We had been seeing this bullshit attitude for a long time, as social justice warriors...long before the term was even coined...railed against ICE raids on businesses as an oppressive horror.

Then an idea was born!  Governors of border states, forced to deal with the constant influx of who knows who illegally crossing our borders and all that goes with it, decided to transport by bus or plane these people to sanctuary cities!  It was a brilliant plan of immense logic.  As Ron DeSantis recently stated, these places were made for them!  These places were led by those who have more compassion than Republicans!  Thus, these sad unfortunates would surely be better off among those who are such better people, than to be constantly threatened by the evil, racist GOP.  

But it turned out the left is not so compassionate after all, if it means using their resources to accommodate these people.  Mayors in DC. Chicago and NYC all complained about what a horrible thing it was to send these people to their cities, even though the migrants consented to being transported.  One moron even whined about now being a "border state", as if only actual border states must accommodate the influx without their consent.  Now, having a few hundred sent to them was a burden.  Never mind that the border states are dealing with ten times that amount on a regular basis every month and have been since Biden was sworn in.

It got worse.  Ron DeSantis decided to send about fifty of them from his state to Martha's Vinyard.  But the people there don't want Venezuelans, and they decided to ship them to Cape Cod, whining that they don't have the ability to deal with these illegals.  Barack Obama alone could accommodate fifty extra people on his sprawling property there.  There are so many empty rooms after the summers season, they could house far more than fifty for at least the winter, and given the many extremely rich leftists who live there...all of whom either supported a Dem or a socialist like Bernie Sanders and regard themselves are morally superiors...they could easily feed and house hundreds on their properties alone.  

Unfortunately, the reality is just as we always knew it to be.  The left has no problem pushing policies that are stupid, dangerous, expensive and problematic so long as they don't have to live with the repercussions.  It's how they roll.  It's how they've always rolled.  Token efforts to care for the less fortunate go only so far, but real work is to much effort.  The real point is to be regarded as caring, not to really care in a way that makes a real difference in the lives of those they champion.  

Then they have the gall to assert these various GOP governors are exploiting the illegals as political pawns.  I heard well known vermin "Pencil" Dick Durbin say this, as well as some local political hack on Martha's Vinyard say it, too.  It's now a common theme among the left as they've found another meme on which to latch.  Homophobe Joy "someone hacked by twitter account" Reid dared mock conservatives as fake Christians for shipping illegals to the towns of fake human beings like her.

Of course, the left doesn't just pretend to care about illegals.  They pretend to care about the black community while it continues to deteriorate.  And they show no regard for the people of Martha's Vinyard who are not rich leftist assholes who've commandeered the island for their own elitist selfishness:

These are the people who dare tell us how to live, what to regard as sacred, who we should be supporting while they crap on our beliefs, and who mock what this nation was meant to be.  They are liars and hypocrites of the worst kind, and this whole episode has exposed their hypocrisy in ways that should shame them completely, but no way in hell ever will. 

1 comment:

Eternity Matters said...

So glad the wedding went well. Congratulations to you!

The Martha's Vineyard thing was epic. The only thing the Left could do for damage control was to shut up, but they couldn't manage that. They are complete, total frauds -- especially the "Christian" Left.