Thursday, October 03, 2024

As If There's Not Good Reason Enough...

The Hurricane Helene disaster is described a "Biblical" in it's destruction.  Sometimes hyperbole is appropriate.  In the 2.5 years I've been in SC, this is the second which passed me by.  As large and powerful as this storm was, we experienced less wind and rain than we did the last one.  But this one also proves that there really is no place one is 100% safe from some form of natural catastrophe.  For example, in my home state, there are two major fault lines which run through it:  the New Madrid Seismic Zone and the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone.  There was a rumbling within the last ten or so years I lived there, and it was just enough to remind folks those fault lines existed.  Naturally, many experts say it's just a matter of time before a good rocker takes place. 

And we see that with this storm.  While card-carrying dumbasses and our current pretend Commander-In-Chief, Joe Biden...pretend this storm validates their bullshit climate change alarmism, the historical record clearly contradicts that crap.  Asheville, NC, which was hit especially hard, experienced something similar in 1916 (I read there were two that year, but don't hold me to it).  This is a place now referred to as a place people moved to for a "safe" place from catastrophic weather events, but alas, they were hit because of climate change.  The rank exploitation of human suffering couldn't be more blatant here. 

But worse than that is the obvious problem of disinterest by this administration.  It's not the first time, obviously.  We saw the incompetence with the Lahaina conflagration.  We saw it with East Palestine chemical spill.  Now we're seeing it with this storm which smacked the crap out areas of four states.  Appalachian areas, where no one would have suspected hurricanes could be a threat are severely cut off from rescue and communication. 

And where's this Harris/Biden administration?  Pretending they're doing all they can.  That would be a bit more credible if they, say, stopped spending our money on illegals and other nonsensical crap and diverted it to Americans so devastatingly in need.  Instead, these compassionate assholes went the distance and upped the aid package from $700 (Lahaina) a the staggering $750.   Meanwhile, Kamala's keen on making us pay for sex change operations for illegals in custody, for lawyers to fight deportation of illegals, for more border patrol personnel to get more illegals processed after illegally crossing our border.  Tens, if not hundreds of billions have already been spent on aiding and abetting the invasion of our nation by illegals with no right to enter in the manner they've been allowed to enter. 

Yet for our own, we get lip service, a FEMA more concerned with "equity" than being prepared for disasters like this one.  We get a "president" on the beach and a VP presidential wanna-be fund raising in California...two things which couldn't be interrupted to deal with this tragic event.  (Oh, yeah...Joe was on the phone for a few hours "taking charge"!)  So while these asshole "dug deep" to come up with veritable chump change for Americans who have lost everything, the Harris/Biden jokers, on the same day that Helene hit, the Biden-Harris administration announced another eight billion dollars for Ukraine.  One report states that in 2024, these clowns have given:

- $24,400,000,000 to Ukraine. 

- $11,300,000,000 to Israel. 

- $1,950,000,000 to Ethiopia. 

 - $1,600,000,000 to Jordan. 

- $1,400,000,000 to Egypt. 

- $1,100,000,000 to Afghanistan. 

- $1,100,000,000 to Somalia. 

- $1,000,000,000 to Yemen. 

- $987,000,000 to Congo. 

- $896,000,000 to Syria. 

- $9,000 per illegal immigrant that has entered the U.S.

I've even heard that certain military units are doing nothing because they're still awaiting orders to help.  Fort Bragg has assisted in disaster relief many times, but they're motionless the last I heard. 

So while Kamala a week later finally has gone to Georgia for photo ops, and Joe has met with some state officials to insult those who don't buy into the bullshit climate change narrative, we see Trump's already answered the call...again...along with Franklin Graham's "Samaritan's Purse", Elon Musk with his Starlink installation (for free) and a host of private citizens utilizing their private small planes and helicopters, boats, trucks and other methods of helping, while the people suffering are wondering where the hell their federal government is.

There is simply no argument in favor of supporting Harris for president.  This display of incompetence and lack of compassion is beyond the pale, but it's just one more example in a very long line of examples. 

And I can't stop thinking of one particular asshole who dared suggested these two failures are more "fit" to serve as president than had been and still is Donald Trump.  How incredibly stupid does one have to be to ever believe something so demonstrably moronic?


I sent my donation to Samaritan's Purse.  Clearly there are many places taking donations to render aid to the many victims of this tragic event, so pick one and give as much as you can.  Joe and Kamala aren't doing much of anything.


Dan Trabue said...

I know you all are loathe to listen to experts and prefer to trust your "gut" and your "feelings," but listen to the experts:

There were 28 weather and climate disasters in 2023, surpassing the previous record of 22 in 2020, tallying a price tag of at least $92.9 billion. This total annual cost may rise by several billion...

Adding the 2023 events to the record that began in 1980, the U.S. has sustained 376 weather and climate disasters with the overall damage costs reaching or exceeding $1 billion.

The cumulative cost for these 376 events exceeds
$2.660 trillion.

So, you list a bunch of costs associated with things like providing aid to Ukraine and other places (help voted for by both parties and with not irrational reasons) that, IF your data is correct, adds up to under $50 billion.

In the meantime, climate change crises have cost us well over $1 trillion. And in just 2024, ~$92 billion. Nearly twice than what we've offered in aid to these various nations.

So, by all means, try to save money. Invest wisely with OUR tax dollars. But you can't rationally point to one pot of money that we tax payers have paid to causes the Congress felt to be worthwhile, WHILE at the same time ignoring the costs of GOP climate change-denialism has cost us.

I truly support wise spending of tax dollars. Investing in the fight against anthropogenic climate change WILL save us money in the long run and likely even in the short run.

Just get yourself and your GOP allies on board with actual fiscal responsibility.

Craig said...

I'm always impressed with the "rednecks" who the left paints as pictures of "toxic masculinity" are the ones who've mobilized boats, trucks, trailers, helicopters, and the like to go in and render help regardless of what the government does. They like to bash those who exhibit "toxic masculinity", but they also ignore the fact that those guys often jump in where others won't.

Had the feds not cancelled the contract with Starlink to provide internet services to areas like the ones hit, it's possible that there would have been some communications in place in some of these areas. It's awesome that Musk has stepped up, but he should eventually get paid for what he's doing.

VinnyJH57 said...

Have you seen the list of Republicans who voted against funding hurricane relief?

Marshal Art said...


Of course there's no real threat from "toxic masculinity". But there is from the toxic lack of masculinity of the leftists.

Marshal Art said...

No Vinny, I haven't seen the list. But I have seen that Dems have spent so much on illegal invaders who have no right to be in the country, given how they entered, nor any right to money spent which could better have served those victimized by Ma Nature. The left has feminized FEMA instead of being more prepared to handle a disaster like this, then, along with the Harris/Biden administration, waited five days to do a damned thing about it.

Another thing I haven't seen...though I saw others mention Republicans allegedly voting against funding the actual bill against which some Republicans chose to vote. Generally...if not always...when the GOP is accused of denying something most might regard as obviously something they should approve, there's leftist crap attached which compels them to vote against it. So, as this is at least the second time I've seen a reference to this group of Republicans voting against funding hurricane relief, no one seems concerned about presenting the actual bill. I wonder why it's so important to accuse without providing all the details. Could it be that the bill, like the border bill Harris/Biden pretend wasn't a massive crap sandwich, sucked out loud?

Should I find the time during the busy period in which I now find myself, I'll look more deeply into this. Hopefully, someone will do it for me and post a link.

Marshal Art said...


I can always count on your to provide bullshit.

Between two dates used to measure climatic events, there is likely to be expansion of the towns and businesses in those areas, unless it's determined the risk is too great to rebuild. As such, a hurricane in one year can produce a much greater degree of damage than a similar storm in a previous year, simply because there's more shit to break. Thus, to measure the destructive power of a storm by how many buildings were destroyed is a bullshit measure.

There remains no "climate change" which is significantly enhanced by man-made advances of technology. The "experts" you cite, and upon whom the left relies, are those who are aligned with leftist demagoguery and ideology. Those "experts" are a part of the narrative, not unaligned devotees of science. Only morons cite them. You'll continue to cite them because you're told to.