Saturday, October 12, 2024

He Ain't The Worst In Many Ways

I can multi-task.  One common example is when I read articles on the internet, while playing games on my phone while exercising.  I'm doing it now.  Well...except instead of exercising, I'm drinking Port.  And now, I'm also typing this here blog article, so I'm really outdoing myself! 

OK.   So I can't really read and article while typing my own.  Sue me.  But I'm gonna be talking about the article itself.

It seems I went astray at another blog when I dared expressed my opinion about voting.  I won't get into the weeds on that score, but it's happened at a couple of them.  I can't alter my position because it's the best one.  I'll just leave it at that.

Along the way, there were comments referencing Donald Trump which were less than laudatory.  Some weren't even true.  But while there have always been legit reasons for criticizing the guy, too often those criticisms are a bit too much, and more often than not, irrelevant to question of whether or not he's well deserving of our vote in the upcoming general election.  OR, they're insignificant. 

In any case, I found this article ( noteworthy.  I found it so not because of it's exposure of Kamala Harris as a total piece of shit, but for something else I had seen before and upon which I intended to post for public consumption.  It goes like this:

In a new report by the watchdog group Open the Books, researchers quantified her human resources problem. They discovered a 92% staff turnover through payroll records.


High turnover in the White House isn’t new, but Ms. Harris’ numbers are higher than others.

In the same time span, President Trump experienced a 72% turnover and President Biden had a 77% turnover.

Vice President Mike Pence hired 29 employees during his first year in the Trump administration, and five remained on staff after three years, indicating an 83% turnover rate.

Ms. Harris hired 49 staffers and retained only four three years later.  

Many have often cited Trump's admin turnover rate.  But it seems he's not among the worst, and even the poor, unfairly derided Mike Pence (The Spineless) couldn't keep his peeps on board. 

So the interesting thing for me about this piece is that it stands as another example of the double-standard Trump must endure.  He's been rejected because of adultery and womanizing (prior to his presidency), yet Biden "courted" "Dr." Jill while she was still married, and Kamala Harris got "a leg up" by sleeping with a married man.  Trump's accused of sexual abuse and all such tales are believed without trial (or after an unethical civil trial) and Biden's assault on Tara Reade has never been investigated, nor has Obama's homosexual affair with his coke dealer. 

Now, this piece exposes another double standard regarding "revolving doors" of the Trump administration, which it seems wasn't the worst, even compared to the saintly Mike Pence.  There's no details in the article speaking to why staff left any of these people, except for Harris, who is the subject of the piece.  We also don't know how many people those percentages represent.  That matters. 

But we do see again that way too many people are eager and willing to castigate Trump and will do so at the drop of a hat.  I'm often accused of being in the bag for Trump.  While I do support him for president, believed with damned good reason he was the most qualified for the position versus any of his primary opponents, I'm not so much in the bag as I am how much others who criticize him are just the opposite, and often without just cause. 

I believe that Trump gets the heat he does, particularly after his great first term, is because those who attacked him in the beginning don't have the integrity and honor to acknowledge his good work and it kicks their asses knowing that he wasn't the failure they knew he would be.  He made them eat crow and now they're pissed they were forced to choke it down. 

These stats are just another taste of it.

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