Monday, October 07, 2024

A Sad Anniversary

 Just a quick note.  

A year ago today, barbaric assholes invaded Israel and murdered, raped and butchered Israelis, celebrating along the way.  Since that time, Bibi Netanyahu has been directing his IDF to destroy the Hamas scumbag organization totally, and now also faces more direct Iranian assaults for fighting off their proxy asshole Hezb'allah army in the north.  (I'm still loving the pager and walkie-talkie attack.  What a stroke of genius!) 

Also since that time, progressive dumbf**ks have wasted no time defending the bastards who continue to seek Israel's annihilation, with university protests by pro-Hamas morons, likely paid for by America-haters like George Soros, or even by elements of the Iranian government.   (I don't care who's been paying them.)  Progressive idiots pretend Israel is responsible for the deaths of "civilians" in Gaza, when it's been the Gazans who are complicit in the attack on Israel.  They'll be saying the same thing when civilians die wherever they stand by the islamic assholes as they continue their satanic assaults. 

And of course, one particular progressive asshole has come around these here blogs to pretend Israel targets civilians.  Progressives like to lie.

Then of course, there's both Biden and Harris...Harris in particular since morons think we'd be better off with her as president than the one guy who's done the most good over the last several administrative terms...who pretend they give a flying rat's ass about Jews while campaigning, while at the same time being very careful not to piss off the muslims in this country, as if their opinions are worth a damn so long as they do next to nothing to push back against islamic...not "extremism", but normalcy. 

Now, there remains something like 100 hostages the Gazans MoFos continue to imprison and abuse.  There's little proof they're all still alive, but whatever, right asshole progressives?  Biden and Harris couldn't care less.  They're too busy pretending Netanyahu is the problem, in the same stupid and lying way they pretend Trump's a problem.  They're only problems for the left, not for intelligent, honest and rational human beings.  

How sad there are so few of them in the world and in this nation where the race continues to be regarded as "close".  How can a race involving two of such starkly obvious difference in abilities be "close"? 

Right now, as so many Americans are suffering after Hurricane Helene...and some of them will be facing this new Hurricane Milton while still digging  out...the party which hasn't done jack shit for a variety of disasters which have befallen us, and which doesn't do shit to support our best ally in the Middle East has little to say about this anniversary that isn't but token sentiment lacking sincerity.  Were it not for Harris/Biden, Hamas would be no more today.  It's that simple.  Morons don't care.  They'll vote for Harris/Walz anyway, because that's what morons do.


Craig said...

I guess desperation leads people to support terrorists, and to oppose ridding the world of terrorists.

Marshal Art said...

That assholes are allowed by the people of this country to protest Israel on the anniversary of 1400 of them being joyously murdered by savages who hope to rid the world of them...and celebrate their murder as abhorrent to me. I'm not talking about government pushback...though I don't know how celebrating in the streets the murder of so many can be covered by the 1st Amendment, as such a protest is incitement. I refer to the people themselves. The people of whatever community these protests occurred should have been chasing out these assholes.

Dan Trabue said...

I guess desperation leads people to support terrorists, and to oppose ridding the world of terrorists.

Of course, the reality is that, at least amongst us, the ONLY ones supporting terroristic activities are you all.

I am clearly always opposed to violence, including/especially violence against innocent bystanders... like the 1200+ harmed/killed by Hamas AND the ~50,000 give or take Palestinians killed by the IDF.

I ALWAYS stand against harming innocent civilians. Whether it's Hamas or the IDF.

You all will give a pass to Israel - even when their attacks are likely rising to the level of war crimes, according to many legal officials - but want to condemn Hamas and the Palestinians around them.

(Plus or minus the innocent people in Iran and Lebanon.)

I support the right for Israel - or Palestinians or other Arabs - to DEFEND themselves, but that defense ends at literally killing/terrorizing innocent civilians. You all are the ones who are making excuses for Israel when they do that.

And that's the difference between us and you all.

I wish that we could all agree that there are lines that should not be crossed, and deliberately killing innocent men, women, children and babes IS that line. It would seem to be an obvious and easy line to agree with.

But then, you all are the ones who think that sometimes, it's okay and moral, even, to drop bombs on cities or to run children and babies through with swords and spears. That, too, is another difference between us.

But please, don't act like you're opposed to terrorism. You'd be confusing your side with ours.

Marshal Art said...

October 8, 2024 at 5:09 PM

What a lying hypocrite Dan is:

"Of course, the reality is that, at least amongst us, the ONLY ones supporting terroristic activities are you all."

Yet another wildly stupid and false claim intentionally submitted by Dan without the slightest supporting evidence.

"I am clearly always opposed to violence..."

Another outright, intentionally told lie. This is more so the case as he again dares equate the intentional TARGETING of civilians by Gazans with the collateral deaths of civilians behind whom Gazans hide when launching attacks on Israel. The IDF has the best record for avoiding civilian casualties than any other nation on earth. Most "civilian" deaths in Gaza are the fault of Gazans.

"I ALWAYS stand against harming innocent civilians."

Another lie. Dan supports abortion being legal...which is a targeted killing of the innocent of people...and the Democrat Party, whose policies routinely harm civilians.

"You all will give a pass to Israel - even when their attacks are likely rising to the level of war crimes, according to many legal officials - but want to condemn Hamas and the Palestinians around them."

Another intentionally submitted false claim without evidence to support it, as we've never given a pass to anyone who can be proved to have targeted civilians or committed "war crimes" of many terms the left will pervert when it serves them to do so.

"I support the right for Israel - or Palestinians or other Arabs - to DEFEND themselves, but that defense ends at literally killing/terrorizing innocent civilians. You all are the ones who are making excuses for Israel when they do that."

We excuse no evil intentionally perpetrated. That's a "progressive" behavior, not a conservative one. And there are no excuses to be made for Israel, as they are doing what they are forced to do, and in doing so, some civilian casualties will occur, because the scumbags trying to annihilate all Jews purposely hide behind and launch attacks from behind their own civilians.

"And that's the difference between us and you all."

The true difference (one of so incredibly many) is that you're a hypocrite and a liar who equivocates about the realities of the conflict between an American ally and the only democratic nation in the Middle East, and the assholes who surround them and live for their total annihilation. The islamists, and a great majority of their people, are the true genocidal asshole in the world.

" I wish that we could all agree that there are lines that should not be crossed, and deliberately killing innocent men, women, children and babes IS that line."

And yet you support abortion, so go pound sand up your murderous ass. Don't come here and pretend you care about innocent people until you acknowledge a person is always a person even when still microscopic in size and a mere second old.

Marshal Art said...

" But then, you all are the ones who think that sometimes, it's okay and moral, even, to drop bombs on cities or to run children and babies through with swords and spears."

And still more lies from Dishonest Dan, a Jeff St. liar. There are two lies here:

1. The notion that there is never a moral reason to bomb an entire city, even at the unfortunate cost of civilian lies. Dan's more than welcome to allow himself to be murdered by evil people. He's not possessed of the authority, moral standing or logic to dictate to others who they must deal with true threats. Most important of all, he's not the least bit intelligent enough to suggest a course of action in any such situation. But again, he's perfectly free to die if he thinks allowing others to die as well will get him a gold star.

2. This crap about running children and babies through with swords and spears requires an intentional rejection of Scriptural teaching. He pretends that the Hebrews acted on their own volition, when nothing in Scripture suggests that, and that somehow, it's wrong for God to command His Chosen People to do something which gives Dan the vapors. And because we allow that God's Will may include that which is difficult to fathom, we then somehow thus believe it's sometimes "moral" for us to run swords and spears through children and babies.

In the meantime, Dan has no problem with running forceps through the back of a baby's skull, suck out its brain and rip it limb from limb. He believes that's moral so long as it's a decision reached by the baby's mother and her doctor despite never being medically necessary ever.

"But please, don't act like you're opposed to terrorism. You'd be confusing your side with ours."

Dan confuses this blog with he own Blog of Lies, where lies like these fester like a syphilitic boil.

There's no confusion on our part between our side and yours, Dan. Your side is pure evil.

Craig said...

Dan claims he is against violence, and doesn't support terrorists, and probably believes it. Yet will vote for people and policies that do support terrorists. He stands silent while Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, The Houthis, and others slaughter innocent people, yet bitch when Israel tries to protect it's innocent civilians. He hides behind a flawed understanding of international law and war crimes, yet remains silent while US citizens are STILL held captive by Hamas. He'll gladly vote for the very people who've allowed US citizens to rot in captivity by Hamas, and done virtually nothing but give material support to Hamas.

Dan will claim that, somehow, it's we who "support terrorists", with his vague hints, made up claims, and non specific bullshit.

Dan's one sided attack on Israel for "killing innocent civilians" while those he supports do so with nary a peep from Dan (until his vague, general, pro forma, blandishments about being against "all violence" are necessary) until he's forced to offer vague condemnations of those he supports.

The IDF has NOT committed war crimes, I've literally provided the specific sections from applicable international law and conventions, yet Dan continues to make this baseless claim, while ignoring that Hamas did and continues to undisputedly commit war crimes.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I'll bet Dan would have been against dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki because civilians were killed, regardless of the fact that they were industrial targets and ended up saving millions of deaths had the war continued.
Personally, I see Muslim civilians as the enemy because they support the Muslim ideology of exterminating Jews first and then Christians as they conquer the world for Islam. LEFTISTs refuse to learn what Islam's goal is, refuse to study history, etc. Dan is a foolish, indoctrinated "useful idiot" of the LEFT.

Marshal Art said...

Craig...PLEASE! Dan's got a false narrative to perpetuate!

Dan Trabue said...

War crime conclusions (on both/all sides):

Craig, that YOU PERSONALLY don't think in your head that war crimes have happened by Israel doesn't count for much. I'm more concerned about legal experts. That you personally can manage to link to the Geneva Conventions and have personal opinions about what it means also doesn't count for much. I too, can read the Geneva and related conventions. And I can read what legal experts think and are saying.

I'm going to side with legal experts over some guy named Craig who is neither legal nor an expert.

I hope you understand.

And for the record: I'm not saying definitively that it's been legally determined that both sides have committed war crimes. I'm saying as a non-expert who is listening to what many experts are saying and who is just observing what's happening on the ground, it sure SEEMS to be obvious that war crimes have happened on all sides and that it's reality that many legal experts are reaching that conclusion.

That Craig has an opinion doesn't mean much to me.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

The very, very pro-Islam, anti-Israel United Nations calls just about everything Israel does a war crime. Tell me a REAL war crime Israel has committed. Hamas with their Oct 7 attack was 100% war crime and their continue indiscriminate rocket bombardment targeting only civilians is a war crime.

Craig said...

Well, as long as Dan approved "legal experts" make claims than those claims must be True beyond any possible questioning and therefore must be blindly accepted as true because a few cherry picked "experts" who Dan likes have made claims. It's not like Israel has been found guilty in any sort of impartial judicial process. But what's important is to continue the false equivalence between Israel and Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and the Houthis. As long as this false equivalence is in place, then it's possible to minimize and trivialize the long history of terrorist activities on the part of those who wish Israel destroyed and the Jews eliminated from the face of the earth, all because Israel has the temerity to finally respond to years of provocation.


You are right. Dan does consider the use of atomic weapons against the poor innocent Japanese to be vile atrocities. He seemingly ignores the behavior of the Japanese, the support of the Japanese of the war effort, the commitment to fight to the death, the refusal of the Japanese government to surrender before the bombs were dropped, the government's determination to have every single Japanese subject die in defense of Japan, and the second opportunity to surrender after the first bomb. It seems he'd have rather seen the total destruction of the entire empire of Japan, the deaths of tens of millions of Japanese subjects, and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of allied troops, instead of the bombs. Talk about barbaric.