Monday, February 19, 2024

Craig's Pro Trump Posts--Chapter Three

 This year reviewed produced little at all about Trump...barely a mention.  There is one possibility highlighted among the entries.  

I want to again state that I don't read every comment attached to every post.  I pretty much skim them looking for any mention of Trump and then will peruse it and surrounding comments for evidence of support or praise of anything Trump had done.  But truly, so far I'm not seeing anything except for the odd case of refuting an attack on Trump or some hypocritical opinion.  I appreciate defense of Trump against false leftist attacks, but that's not the same as supporting or praising Trump policies or actions.  Two more years to go.


January 16, 2018

A defense against distortion of Trump's immigration policy preferences.  
January 4, 2018
"November 10, 2017"

Same as above.
January 2, 2018
"I wonder"

Wow!  This looks like actual support for Trump's work...or at least an acknowledgement that improvements took place because of them.  This would suggest a reason to support him in the next election all by itself.  But alas...

Just noticed a comment which kinda mitigates any notion he was being supportive.

June 6, 2018
"African American Unemployment"
Wow.  From January to June!  But this is just a list of the rate of unmployment of the black community, without any specifics as to how it came to be.  Yet, it is something others have noted was a consequence of Trump's presidency.  Is this support of a Trump policy?  I'm going  to count it as such.