Thursday, January 04, 2024


It's hard enough dealing with modern progressive visitors who identify themselves in some way.  One doesn't expect much in the way of intellectual thought, honesty or factual evidence supporting a premise from such.  But recent events have compelled me to raise expectations for visitors who wish to comment.

I would prefer that all visitors have some way to allow for direct contact, most commonly via email.  That would be nice.  I correspond with several visitors in this manner (mostly center-right visitors, because what could I possibly have to say to the lefties I would feel necessary to keep private?), but I don't feel it need be a requirement if one doesn't wish to provide in that way.  

More important than that would be for a visitor to have an actual blog of his/her own as a means of verifying I'm dealing with a person who isn't just a troll.  One person has posted as if he is Dan Trabue.  While I have no particular concern for Dan being victimized in a virtual way, I don't particularly like for anyone to do so here.  Dan's a contemptible putz, but he has a sovereign right to his own name.  And while some of us use pen names, he isn't one of them and one who poses as someone else entirely is a coward of extremely low character.   Conservatives are most likely to post under an assumed name because modern progressives are most likely to personally attack conservatives who use their true names.  Frank Turek is but one example.  No lefty is going to lose their livelihoods by using their real name here and I would support any lawsuits by a lefty who suffers that from any conservative visitor here (an easy promise given that possibility is next to zero).  Having one's own blog to which their name is a link would at least suggest a person of some degree of honor, though that bar is low.

So the rule, which doesn't require anything more than a pair, is to always submit a comment with the same name.  That name can't be "anonymous".  If one wishes to call one's self "Dumbass" and always does, such a person will be treated as would anyone else, unless it is determined one is hiding behind such a moniker in order to simply insult, threaten or spew nonsense. 

I don't like denying anyone from submitting a comment.  To date, feo is the only one who has proven to be unworthy of free access.  Others, like Dan or Vinny, while frustrating in their unjustified condescension, falsehoods, corruptions and whining, obviously are still able to submit comments and their willingness to do so under the same name...their own, in part of why that is.  

In addition, and with recent trolls in mind, have something to say and a reason for saying it that which can be discussed if anyone cares to do so.  Drive-by bullshit (spewed nonsense) won't be published. 


Conversations can often go astray...going off on tangents organically and without intent.  That's fine.  It happens.  I don't have a big problem with it except when a particular topic is one about which I'm keen to discuss.  But what really chaps my ass is when some troll decides to spew on a topic with absolutely no relation to the post's topic, as we see so often with feo (not here so much since his sorry ass is unwelcome due to his history of bad behaviors), and now with this atheist dude one can see in the comments section following this post.  This post is not about the truth of God's existence.  I see no sane reason why some asshat would choose to puke his desperate atheist hopes here as if this post is dealing with that issue.   It comes with the first comment of these pathetic miscreants, as if he's simply adding his opinion to ongoing conversation which in truth exists only in his own fevered imaginings.  I will not entertain such attempts.  Such attempts will not be published.

 I will, however, allow someone to submit an invitation to visit another blog to address whatever the trolling individual would like to discuss.  Such a person can then take the chance that no one gives a flying rat's ass about what he/she would like to discuss, or enjoy the company of those who would.  

 This is MY blog.  Only I determine the issue to be discussed.   Get your own fucking blog.          


One-Eyed Bigot said...

Marshal Art said...

Don't know why you chose to post this here (just the type of thing for which feo is know). Are you trying to convince yourself?

In any case, the dude doesn't really do much more in his video but posture as more well informed than knuckle dragging believers and promoting other of his videos. Maybe one those actually has substance.

Despite all that, there's a huge difference between having reasons to doubt versus having sound, fact-based reasons to doubt. Unfortunately, there are only so many facts one way or another that can be found regardless of which side of the issue one wishes to defend or dispute. There is a point where faith comes into play.

Furthermore, in every such attempt to condescend to knuckle dragging believers, these know it all types tend to ignore that which renders their positions less compelling than they try to make them.

Yet, I'm up for giving the vid another look as well a checking out a few of his others to get a better sense of what he thinks is wrong with arguments favoring the One True Faith. I love to laugh.

Marshal Art said...

feo proved my point, as he tried submitting a comment. He claimed he doesn't hide, but there's no way of knowing who he is because he hides behind a fake name, with no profile or contact info. Even when he had a blog (HA!), one couldn't contact him.

Then he goes and does just what I alluded in my last comment, as he chose to respond to Glenn about something or other here, as if I give a flying rat's ass what he thinks about anything. Pathetic.

Mr. Atheist said...

Your god has becoming increasingly irrelevant as technology has become so advanced we are becoming able the lame walk and give amputees the ability to handle things again by implanting the hands and legs of other people onto them. your miracles are bogus and your religion is a joke. We can explain everything in terms of the natural world and technology without tyour god
Thereis even conversation about being able to extend life and cure death. If you don't die, what is thepoint of heaven?

Marshal Art said...

"Your god has becoming increasingly irrelevant as technology has become so advanced we are becoming able the lame walk and give amputees the ability to handle things again by implanting the hands and legs of other people onto them. your miracles are bogus and your religion is a joke."

It hasn't enhanced your ability to form coherent sentences with proper grammar and knowing when to capitalize a word, has it?

Tech hasn't diminished the relevance of God except in the minds of those lacking discernment, wisdom and any honest desire to actually review and consider all the evidence suggesting God's existence. Indeed, the advancements of technology is a significant part of that evidence particularly since it was the early church which advocated for the search for knowledge about how God's creation works.

Regardless of any "cure" for death, one will always be at risk for death from murder and misadventure. You'll be crying out to heaven when faced with such risk.

But tell yourself whatever you think will persuade you of that which you don't yourself truly believe.

Mr. Atheist said...

There is no evidence for your god. You can tell yourself whatever you think if it helps you to feel better or cope wit life. It is a free country dude. Techology has made your god more unrealistic than he already is and because of that, your churches are facing self-annihilation. I like making Christians accept a young earth interpeetation of Genesis because it pits them against all scientific evidence.

Marshal Art said...

If you're hoping for some video evidence, some driver's license...then no, you're not going to find evidence good enough for the likes of self-deluded people like you. Your desperate hope God is fiction is just another lie you tell yourself without being convincing.

The fact that you think all scientific evidence disputes a young earth proves you've not come close to studying all the evidence out there. But again, maybe someday you'll convince yourself of what you need to believe in order to assuage the guilt you feel for being a scumbag who knowingly does what's immoral. Good luck with that. Before you try to post, note the addendum to it. This post isn't about your desperate atheist hopes.