Sunday, November 05, 2023

Leftist Shamefulness: "Innocent Palestinian Civilians" and Other Sundry Examples of The Religion Of Peace Edition

Just read the article and watch the videos.  Given the first two, it's incomprehensible any westerner...particularly an American...could ever support the pallies or dare play the moral equivalency game.  

The modern progressive is the demise of our once great nation.  They're worse than those they support because of their support.  Stupid people (mostly just intellectually lazy) are manifestations of true evil by their stupidity.  The harm they are causing is beyond measure.


Craig said...


Even without watching the videos I can say that anyone with a reasonably complete grasp of history since 1948 or so, would be unable to fall for the moral equivalency bullshit being spewed by the anti Jewish crowd.

Marshal Art said...


I agree. However, can we insist that all who play that game are completely unaware, or simply too unwilling or are too stupid to have an honest grasp? As you say, this has been going on since '48, and truly since the invention of islam around 620 AD.

I think I mentioned this recently, but I recall when I first became aware of this conflict between the Jews and the pallies. I wondered how a people like the Jews could be so intolerant of another people given how the nazis treated them just thirty years or so prior. I saw Vanessa Redgrave marching in the streets on behalf of the pallies. Then I began to investigate for myself. Now, we hear the Hamas leader saying it's Israel who has no right to the land on which their state exists. That's 180 degrees the opposite of truth.

I'm in the middle of this video, which I may post at some point, which speaks on how four maps of the area have been used to support the claim that the Jews stole the land from the arabs. A main point is how the at the time depicted in the 1st map, I think it was prior to 1948 or 49, it is mostly green (arab) with some small white areas (Jew). They use this to show how it was arab land. But at that time, the bulk of the territory "belonged" to no one. The white areas were where Jews actually purchased or traded for that land. The rest was still "un-owned" by anyone. There was no nation there, no flag under which any people lived. Yet, unlike the arabs, it had been the homeland of the Jews for thousands of years.

But hey...liars lie. Just ask Dan...except he'd lie to you about it.

Anonymous said...

With democrats winning even small victories like the retaking of the Virginia legislature, it looks like 2024 just may be a good year for democrats after all. HAHAHAHAHAHAA!

Craig said...


Whether it's stupidity, ignorance, or some other reason, the historical record is available to all. If people ignore it, that's on them.

I've seen those maps in various places, they are manipulated so as to communicate a narrative which misrepresents the Truth.

One other thing that sometimes gets lost is the reality that the area in question was mostly arid wasteland while it was controlled by the Ottomans, the fact is that Israel has made the land productive has to account for something. I'd wonder if the Arabs would be as interested in the land if it was in the condition that Ottomans left it in, instead of what the Jews have made it.

I suspect that if the Arabs get their wish and expel the Jews from the land, that the devastation would be massive and the destruction extreme which would render the land valuless.

Marshal Art said...

Anonymous...since you're too cowardly to identify yourself or to distinguish yourself with a unique nom de plume (that basically means a fake name, dumbass. Hey! "Dumbass" would be a perfect alias for you! Go with that!),

A "good year for Democrats" means a very bad year for the United States of America, as the 2020 election has proven so clearly and unmistakably. Some lefty morons believe a different Dem cretin will make things better. That's how stupid leftists are.

But anytime you wish to comment here and provide more proof of your abject idiocy, feel free. I love to laugh.

Marshal Art said...


"Whether it's stupidity, ignorance, or some other reason, the historical record is available to all. If people ignore it, that's on them."

If people ignore it, those people are complicit in all the harm which will flow from it.

" I'd wonder if the Arabs would be as interested in the land if it was in the condition that Ottomans left it in, instead of what the Jews have made it."

Prior to Jewish return to the region, and well before 1948 statehood, there were very few arabs in the region at all, much less any who actually owned land there. Most were transient Bedouins and not settlers.

"I suspect that if the Arabs get their wish and expel the Jews from the land, that the devastation would be massive and the destruction extreme which would render the land valuless."

They've already proven that suspicion to be most likely given the destruction of usable properties when Israel foolishly ceded the land to them in the baseless hope for peace. Greenhouses in particular were capable of providing as they were for about two years by some estimates and for several months upon simply taking advantage of their existence upon the infestation of Jew-haters. Instead, they destroyed such structures, using what they could to begin supplying themselves for Israel's destruction. The whole of Israel would be used in a similar way to begin a war against other non-muslims in the world. They're deserving of no concessions whatsoever, in my opinion, until at least three generations of peaceful behavior can be proven to have taken place and all references to wiping out Jews be non-existent.

Marshal Art said...

(That "n" after your name is supposed to be a comma. But you knew that.)

Asshole said...

So you are basically admitting it without saying words that Trump has already lost 2024?

Marshal Art said...

"So you are basically admitting it without saying words that Trump has already lost 2024?"

Only an asshole would even suggest I'm admitting any such thing. Given the trend of polling data, it's seems more likely than not that Trump can win in the general if he continues to maintain or increase his huge lead over other GOP contenders. I'm not given to putting much stock in polls, but the trend continues to swing in his direction across the board. In any case, there's still lots of time for things to happen, especially considering how your kind is so willing to pervert and corruption the justice system for the expressed and distinct purpose of railroading this guy to imprisonment and poverty if you can, or at least to deny him the chance to run for office. Assholes in action always and idiots abide it. Barring that kind of crap which will never stop know...'s really his election to lose.

Depressed Conservative said...

Trump loses, guaranteed.

Marshal Art said...

Depressed Conservative,

Assuming you're actually a conservative, it reasonable to be depressed if you believe Trump's loss is guaranteed...though I doubt you have any proof that it is. Speculation based on whatever indicators you find compelling doesn't qualify.

Then the question is whether or not you're a Trump who believes he's the best man for the job currently available. If you are, then to say what you said indicates you're a quitter, despite any intention or pretense of being objective. When the worst seems inevitable is the time for perseverance and dedication to a cause.

If you're not a Trump-supporter, but insist you're a conservative, then your statement suggests you support a different candidate...which is perfectly fine. One alternative in particular will be just as beneficially effective as Trump had been should that alternative succeed in wresting support from Trump to win the GOP nomination. Presently, however, no one seems able to close the massive gap between Trump and the rest of the field.

Thus, there's no way your comment makes sense as regards the primary. So we look to the general.

There, it seems unlikely Biden could pull of another win...even with the same level of fraud so widespread the last time around. Most of the most often named challengers for the Dem nomination have as little to justify support for them as does Biden. Newsome? Pritzker? Whitmer? Warren? Obama? Where is there any justification for any of these failures? Despite Trump's shortcomings while president, his term shines as overwhelmingly successful especially compared to any of these people. The first three are destroying their states with marxist crap, Warren couldn't beat out Biden for the 2020 nomination and Obama is just as stupid and false as her husband was, and every bit as dangerous to the general welfare as Barry turned out to be.

Where do those absolute facts leave us? It leaves us at the worst of all places, which is the place where we must accept that the majority of our nation are too much corrupted and incapable of knowing right from wrong, beneficial from dangerous, that they would again reject Trump after what rejecting him last time has proven to be true about the character of the Democrat Party and their own selves, and the great harm which has been the result.

If Trump loses, so does the United States. And the superficial dislike of Trump is the saddest of reasons for that to happen. I never thought I'd be so happy to be so close to the end of my life. God help my children and grandchildren. The stupid and immoral are winning.

A Different Asshole said...

"What if the seas dry up?!"

"What if I'm stuck in an elevator and my bladder explodes?!!"

"What if aliens come to Earth and start a war and we lose and are taken hostage and turned into little green people with three heads?!!!"

"What if Democrats are machines sent from the future to enslave humanity?"

"What if I have to leave my device long enough to find a real job and move out of this tiny apartment I live in and interact with physical humans?" (I often use this one with my college students lol)

Some people feed on negativity like a drug. They do this because they have nothing else that stimulates the brain like negative impulses do. Negative or shocking headlines dominate both fast and slow brain responses and searching for headlines influences high levels of dopamine release in our bodies, which can lead to depression. Over time, it becomes an addiction.

This is why fake news is so popular with both sides. It's why tabloids and lascivious news have an appeal with certain individuals.

Such individuals become addicted and so immersed and personally invested in negative news stories that the stories dominate the individual's waking thoughts, disrupte time with family and friends, making it difficult to focus on school or work, and contribute to restlessness and an inability to sleep. They "live" for the next headline and this leads to poor health.

After a while, you can develop PTSD style disorders. This is why lefties are so triggered by Donald Trump. We humorously label it TDS, but it is actually a sad emotional disorder akin to PTSD.

Reason doesn't help either, because the bad news addiction is so strong that part of their brains cannot function. Ever try to debate a drug addict?

If you find yourself like this, I would suggest one makes time for exercise, good music, fun family time, and try to read and write a little daily. After a week, you'll notice the effect bad news has on you is smaller.

Good news and logic (reason) stimulate other areas of the brain which cause a more calming effect on the body in the same way exercise does (which stimulates protein synthesis that regulates dopamine release and releases endomorphins that result in good moods, which is one of my secrets to happiness). Given time, this becomes a dominate feature of the brain (which is why many intellectuals are rarely given to emotional reactions that waver and always seem happy).

You can see similar results with Western Civilization's addiction to violence and other types of shocking entertainment. Just think, there was a time families would go to an arena to watch men fight to the death, because Gladiatorial games were akin to football in ancient Rome.

Simply put bad news - or shocking and negative stories - are easily addictive, while good news is ignored because it requires work and thought which the brain cannot process correctly once it has been conditioned by the easily sustained addiction to negative impulses from bad news.

This is why the media never print stories with happy endings. They know what sells and it isn't positive stories.

It's bread and circuses for the masses.

Todd Cruikshank said...

Hi Marshall!

"What if the seas dry up?!"

"What if I'm stuck in an elevator and my bladder explodes?!!"

"What if aliens come to Earth and start a war and we lose and are taken hostage and turned into little green people with three heads?!!!"

"What if Democrats are machines sent from the future to enslave humanity?"

"What if I have to leave my device long enough to find a real job and move out of this tiny apartment I live in and interact with physical humans?" (I often use this one with my college students lol)

Some people feed on negativity like a drug. They do this because they have nothing else that stimulates the brain like negative impulses do. Negative or shocking headlines dominate both fast and slow brain responses and searching for headlines influences high levels of dopamine release in our bodies, which can lead to depression. Over time, it becomes an addiction.

This is why fake news is so popular with both sides. It's why tabloids and lascivious news have an appeal with certain individuals.

Such individuals become addicted and so immersed and personally invested in negative news stories that the stories dominate the individual's waking thoughts, disrupte time with family and friends, making it difficult to focus on school or work, and contribute to restlessness and an inability to sleep. They "live" for the next headline and this leads to poor health.

After a while, you can develop PTSD style disorders. This is why lefties are so triggered by Donald Trump. We humorously label it TDS, but it is actually a sad emotional disorder akin to PTSD.

Reason doesn't help either, because the bad news addiction is so strong that part of their brains cannot function. Ever try to debate a drug addict?

If you find yourself like this, I would suggest one makes time for exercise, good music, fun family time, and try to read and write a little daily. After a week, you'll notice the effect bad news has on you is smaller.

Good news and logic (reason) stimulate other areas of the brain which cause a more calming effect on the body in the same way exercise does (which stimulates protein synthesis that regulates dopamine release and releases endomorphins that result in good moods, which is one of my secrets to happiness). Given time, this becomes a dominate feature of the brain (which is why many intellectuals are rarely given to emotional reactions that waver and always seem happy).

You can see similar results with Western Civilization's addiction to violence and other types of shocking entertainment. Just think, there was a time families would go to an arena to watch men fight to the death, because Gladiatorial games were akin to football in ancient Rome.

Simply put bad news - or shocking and negative stories - are easily addictive, while good news is ignored because it requires work and thought which the brain cannot process correctly once it has been conditioned by the easily sustained addiction to negative impulses from bad news.

This is why the media never print stories with happy endings. They know what sells and it isn't positive stories.

It's bread and circuses for the masses.

Todd said...

I published a long comment for Mashy to read. It might have ended up in his spam folder.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

There is no such thing as peaceful Islam.

Marshal Art said...


Who are you and who is "Mashy"? I don't recall ever seeing your name here at this blog before, and now you appear with a rather cryptic comment.

Marshal Art said...


Good essay. I posted it on FB. As I said there, the truths expressed in it make me wonder about the efficacy of the Abraham Accords. Could the arab partners simply be buying time? How can we know with any degree of certainty. What's most certain is that there will never be a "two state solution" to the Israel/palestinian conflict because the latter doesn't want it. They only want Israel's annihilation.

Bubba said...

I think Trump has a good chance of winning next year if and only if the GOP is willing to challenge voting shenanigans, but that's a real open question: too many like Romney would rather throw the race than win with the uncouth, populist Bad Orange Man.

Todd said...

I'm talking to you, Mashy,

Some people feed on negativity like a drug. They do this because they have nothing else that stimulates the brain like negative impulses do. Negative or shocking headlines dominate both fast and slow brain responses and searching for headlines influences high levels of dopamine release in our bodies, which can lead to depression. Over time, it becomes an addiction.

This is why fake news is so popular with both sides. It's why tabloids and lascivious news have an appeal with certain individuals.

Such individuals become addicted and so immersed and personally invested in negative news stories that the stories dominate the individual's waking thoughts, disrupte time with family and friends, making it difficult to focus on school or work, and contribute to restlessness and an inability to sleep. They "live" for the next headline and this leads to poor health.

After a while, you can develop PTSD style disorders. This is why lefties are so triggered by Donald Trump. We humorously label it TDS, but it is actually a sad emotional disorder akin to PTSD.

Reason doesn't help either, because the bad news addiction is so strong that part of their brains cannot function. Ever try to debate a drug addict?

If you find yourself like this, I would suggest one makes time for exercise, good music, fun family time, and try to read and write a little daily. After a week, you'll notice the effect bad news has on you is smaller.

Good news and logic (reason) stimulate other areas of the brain which cause a more calming effect on the body in the same way exercise does (which stimulates protein synthesis that regulates dopamine release and releases endomorphins that result in good moods, which is one of my secrets to happiness). Given time, this becomes a dominate feature of the brain (which is why many intellectuals are rarely given to emotional reactions that waver and always seem happy).

You can see similar results with Western Civilization's addiction to violence and other types of shocking entertainment. Just think, there was a time families would go to an arena to watch men fight to the death, because Gladiatorial games were akin to football in ancient Rome.

Simply put bad news - or shocking and negative stories - are easily addictive, while good news is ignored because it requires work and thought which the brain cannot process correctly once it has been conditioned by the easily sustained addiction to negative impulses from bad news.

This is why the media never print stories with happy endings. They know what sells and it isn't positive stories.

It's bread and circuses for the masses.

Marshal Art said...

OK, Todd. I've found your original comments, posted twice under different names. Can you confirm you are the person posting as both "anonymous" and "Asshole", "another asshole" and possibly Depressed Conservative"? Are you the sick troll known as "feodor"? The post sounds like it and it would not surprise such a troll would find other ways to get his "brilliance" posted where he is not welcome.

Whatever. I'm not seeing the connection of your long posted three the post, nor do I yet know who "Mashy" is supposed to be. You seem to struggle with names...yours and the names of others.

Feodor said...

1947 - Jews owned 10% of Palestine.

1946 - Jewish terrorists bomb the British Mandate Office at the King David Hotel, killing 91.

Chief Secretary for the Government of Palestine, Sir John Shaw, noted that the majority of the dead had been members of his own personal staff. He said, "British, Arabs, Jews, Greeks, Armenians; senior officers, police, my orderly, my chauffeur, messengers, guards, men and women—young and old—they were my friends."

Churchill condemns the violence but says the answer is to end British restrictions on Jewish immigration to Palestine.

Jews begin to flood into the land, buying up land, and eventually forcing Palestinians off the land they farmed for a millennium.

You’re an uneducated bigot and idiot, Craig.

Marshal Art said...

I didn't mean to post feo's laughable attempt to draw a parallel or moral equivalency to the murderers he obviously supports and defends by doing so, but it was just too stupid not to allow everyone to enjoy it.

The "Palestinians" who farmed the land for a millennium were not the arabs who now call themselves "palestinians". Palestinians prior to 1948 were mostly Jews.

feo's all about revisionism.

I will not be posting anymore of his bullshit.

Jesse Albrecht said...

"You’re an uneducated bigot and idiot, Craig."

You're an uneducated bigot and idiot, Feo. You're a high-functioning moron.

Jesse Albrecht said...

News headline for the day (sarcasm intended): "Feodore arrested at the local Walmart for stealing dozens of bags of cheerios and cheese balls."

Marshal Art said...

feo's a miscreant who without basis believes himself to be intellectually superior. But like Dan, and way too many lefties for that matter, is an inveterate liar. His enjoys scraping the barrel to find the odd story of right-wing wrongdoing as if it could ever possibly overwhelm the mountains and mountains of examples of incredibly routine leftist evil. He's pathetically desperate to assert the left as our moral betters. The very notion is laughable.