Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Leftist Shamefulness: The Confidence Game Edition

As he is a font of ideas for new posts for this blog, one of Dan's routine accusations about Donald Trump is that he is a "con man".  The charge is that this guy has been "conning" those of us who voted for him and may again.  Like so many words and concepts, it seems clear Dan doesn't understand the term "con man".  It's short for "confidence man".  From the New World Encyclopedia:

The term "confidence man" (usually shortened to "con"), first came into use in 1849, when the New York Herald published a story about the arrest of William Thompson, entitled "Arrest of the Confidence Man".  Thompson would approach strangers on the street, talk a while with them, and then ask if they had "confidence in [him] to trust [him] with [their] watch until to-morrow."  The victims would then give Thompson their expensive watches, believing him to be an acquaintance they didn't remember.

In it's most basic form, the con game cheats others by promising something which won't be delivered while the con man walks away with something of the person promised.  It requires a set up of the victim to make him believe he will also profit in some way but instead leaves him empty handed and out some cash.  The con man then walks away with the mark's cash without having delivered a thing for it.

It's hard to see where Trump has conned anyone.  First, most all candidates seek donations to their campaigns, so that's a wash.  But for the "confidence" placed in Trump as the president for whom they voted, what did they get in return?  Well, to name a few of the many things he did while president on behalf of the people, there was an expanding economy which produced more real jobs resulting in the lowest unemployment numbers since the 1960s and the lowest for blacks since they started keeping track of that specific group of people.  There was cheaper gasoline prices, largely due to bringing us to energy independence, which helps to keep consumer prices low, given fuel's impact on everything related to providing them.  There were no wars started.  There was a move toward stemming the flow of illegal immigrants across our southern border which was working.  There was better trade agreements with foreign allies which also improved the economic picture.  There was the standing up to Russia, China, N. Korea and Iran, which made us safer.  There's much more and we got all that simply by voting for the guy and maybe donating a few shekels to his campaign.  

Aside from the gratitude of the people (except for Trump-hating asshats and American destroying leftists...who were assholes already), I don't see how Trump walked away with any of our stuff.  Where's the con?

Dan likes to believe Trump supporters believe whatever Trump tells them, when in fact most already believed as Trump, which was why he got so much support, and so much more in 2020.

Frankly, Trump's always done good for the "average American".  What follows are links describing aspect of his character that lying modern progressives (and really...does one need to add "lying" as if observant people don't already know modern progressives are inveterate, unrepentant liars??) refuse to acknowledge when related to them (because there's no way they'd ever dig to find such things):

Most of these repeat a few stories, but in doing so have something the others might have missed.  And before any jackwagon wants to puff up his chest by noticing, there's one story Snopes found to be an urban legend applied to others before Trump.  But the rest, or the vast majority of them, have been confirmed and again, aside from the gratitude of those upon whom he demonstrated real grace (a word Dan doesn't get), I am unaware of him having taken anything from any of those in the stories such that they were worse than before they met him.

I dunno.  Maybe the con is still in progress.

Now let's look at another guy:

The above is from a true modern progressive.  That means he's a moron.  He's truly been conned by a true conman, as were so many of those from the black community.  I recall one woman rejoicing after the ascension of "the smartest man in the room" how happy she was to be getting "some of that Obama money!" And what were race relations like once Barely Obumble got into office?  The degradation noticeably to its current sad state (after a lull during the Trump years).

But I can be more specific about what a conman looks like:

Down near the bottom of this piece is the actual interview of Larry Sinclair by Tucker Carlson.  Sinclair is adamant in his description of Obama as a "grifter", which is another word for "conman".  He used the word "con" during the interview in reference to Obama.  His testimony is credible.  We know because Carlson refers to him as credible.  And we know that's all one needs to do to be credible is to have someone simply say you are.  We know this because that's how it works with Dan.  Of course in this case is that added bonus of actual names cited, dates and places, as well as the fact that he's be quite open about his personal life including criminal history.  

Yet Dan was and still is straight up conned by Obama.  As Carlson suggested toward the end, many voted for Obama simply because of the belief that his winning the election would result in improved race relations in this country, which never happened.  They conned themselves on that score. 

I believe that's the case with regard to Biden.  There's no honest person who paid attention even slightly during the last fifty years who would've thought Biden was a legit choice for president.  Even if the modern progressives actually believe their lies about Trump (who conned them into believing all that crap??), only morons could've thought we'd in any way be better off with a guy even the true conman Obama assured us we could leave it to Joe to f**k things up!  As such, I don't think Biden's smart enough to run a con.  He actually believes his own high opinion of himself.  I guess he conned himself, too.

The left is rife with conned victims.  Many Dem voters believe the GOP is for the greedy and the racist.  Then there's Obama and Biden and Sanders and Pelosi and so many more making big bucks off of being in politics.  Dem voters think their party cares about "the little guy".  Where is there any evidence of that?

The list of examples could stretch into its own series, and I may indeed post a "Teil Zwei" at some point.  But I'm confident I've drawn quite the contrast between an accused conman and an actual conman. 

OH!  I almost forgot.  Another conman...if one chooses to refer to this guy as an actual man...would be Danny-boy himself.  He's been trying to con people into believing he's a Christian for years!!


Neil said...

Yeah, Trump conned us by promising constitutional judges and then delivering them.

The Covid thing was the biggest con job in history.

Marshal Art said...

Careful, Neil. Some will put all the blame for Covid on Trump! He made a huge mistake trusting Fauci, but we're told to listen to the "experts", and apparently even those who simply posture as experts. Disregard your own common sense.

Dan Trabue said...

Good God, in heaven, have mercy on your poor, poor soul.

There are no words.

Loosen the tin foil, Captain Space-Looney, your brain is going to implode from the sheer vacuum of rational thought.

Marshal Art said...

OK, Danny-girl. I'll play. What's your problem now? I know you have words, because modern progressive liars always have words.

Go ahead, Dan. I know you won't support a damned thing you allege, but this ain't your blog. You won't get deleted. "Captain Space-Looney". That's rich coming from a guy who buys the con of the LGBTQ agenda! Who believes we don't know the conceived is a fully human person endowed by its Creator with the same unalienable right to life YOU don't deserve! WHO THINKS THE 2020 ELECTION WAS ON THE UP-AND-UP!

It's not words you don't have. It's truth, facts, evidence, logic, so much as half a brain and any legit hope of salvation so long as you continue in your rebellion against God. Those are things you don't have.

Dan Trabue said...

Okay, then just one thing. Perhaps the most obscenely vapid of your noxious idiot slanders and unsupported gossip and slander.

Larry Sinclair. You are citing a man who has NO proof, but who does have a long criminal record. You are citing a man who presents, on the face of it, as if he is a person with mental illnesses and delusions of grandeur or just an overt conman, one who is not especially bright. He is clearly a troubled man.

What he ISN'T is a reliable witness. He's made stuff up. He's a gossip fairy. There is no THERE there. He is an empty toilet of a sadly impacted bowel. Your prince has no clothes.

Now, we recognize in this day and age that this is what "passes" as News amongst the MAGA conspiriate, but it's nothing. It's less than nothing.

Literally, precisely NOTHING.

There's that.

Then, there's you. You affirm that you a Christian who loves the Bible and takes it literally.

And yet, the Bible's words are not unclear on this matter. Thou shalt not bear false witness. That those who gossip and slander are NOT PART of the realm of God.

"No single witness can convict another for any error or any sin that he may commit. On the testimony of two witnesses, or on the testimony of three witnesses, the matter should be established."

"But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’" (Jesus)

You are willingly, purposefully passing on the nonsense slander of a troubled criminal man as if it were something like believable. It's not. It's rancid diarrhetic bullshit.

Much like much of what Trump routinely peddles to the useful idiots.

At the very least, for a somewhat biblical literalist, you are engaging in foul behavior which the Bible says indicates NOT being part of the realm of God.

It's vulgar, it's disgusting, it's unsupported by reality.

It is the empty-headed vomit kool aid that demented minds drink in and even more demented minds repeat.

Thou shalt not gossip.
Thou shalt not slander.
Thou shalt not bear false witness.

This is just disgusting. All of it. It's beneath contemptible.

I will accept an apology from you once you've deleted this nonsense and made clear that you were in the wrong if just for this one Larry Sinclair shipwreck of an argument.

You've lost your mind, your reasoning and your decency.

Open up your eyes. Look at the vomit you're bathing in, the gossip you're passing on.

This is sick. Repent.

Dan Trabue said...

Just one last thing:

The Tucker Carlsons, Trumps, Gulianis, etc, etc, etc, routinely present themselves in a manner that demonstrates that they are either deeply stupid or deeply committed to acting stupid. On the face of it, with their kindergarten-level reasoning, their appeals to non-experts, their appeals to "those people," or "really smart people", their grade school vocabulary, on and on... they talk as if they are just not very intelligent.

Which, there's nothing wrong with having a lack of intelligence, insofar as that goes. We all are on a spectrum of intelligence and it's all good, all along the way. BUT, we do not want someone who can't read or has significant intellectual delays performing surgery or designing airplanes and buildings, AND we don't want them to lead our nation and be in roles of complex decision making... especially if they have demonstrated to be poor human beings, from a moral perspective.

Is it just the case that you can't see, don't understand that they are talking as if they are idiots, and not in a responsible, reasonable adult manner?

That may be what baffles me most about the Carlsons, Trumps of the world... that they aren't recognized right off the bat as just too stupid to be in the roles they are in, and too immoral, as well.

I'm guessing you truly don't see how dumb they are?

Marshal Art said...

September 8, 2023 at 10:25 AM

Gee, Dan! How do you really feel?

"Okay, then just one thing. Perhaps the most obscenely vapid of your noxious idiot slanders and unsupported gossip and slander."

Redundant much?

"Larry Sinclair. You are citing a man who has NO proof, but who does have a long criminal record. You are citing a man who presents, on the face of it, as if he is a person with mental illnesses and delusions of grandeur or just an overt conman, one who is not especially bright. He is clearly a troubled man."

The same is easily said, and more easily observable about you...except for perhaps the criminal record part, though I have no idea about that whatsoever as regards you. As to "long criminal record", this suggests you didn't watch the Carlson interview of Sinclair. What is "long" in your mind? How do you gauge it? He said his arrest and jail records are from 1980-86. Is that "long" or just that you need to refer to it as such. He references a reporter Carlson also affirms as an outright Dan...I mean, liar...who claimed Sinclair's criminal record stretches something like 23 years. Criminal records can be researched.

"What he ISN'T is a reliable witness."

Why? Because he's "gay"?

"He's made stuff up."

Prove it. Where's your support for this claim?

"He's a gossip fairy."

Now you're mocking his orientation?

"There is no THERE there. He is an empty toilet of a sadly impacted bowel."

Wow. Thank you for this latest example of what "embrace grace" looks like!!

"Now, we recognize in this day and age that this is what "passes" as News amongst the MAGA conspiriate, but it's nothing. It's less than nothing.

Literally, precisely NOTHING.

There's that."

Wow. Thank you for this latest example of "Nyuh uh".

"Then, there's you."

You're quite welcome.

"You affirm that you a Christian who loves the Bible and takes it literally."

Don't think I ever expressed it as "I love the Bible". But I do try to be a good Christian, abiding as best I can the Will of God as so clearly revealed in the Bible and because of that, I take the Bible literally. You don't understand what that means, as you prove so often, but that's another matter.

"And yet, the Bible's words are not unclear on this matter. Thou shalt not bear false witness. That those who gossip and slander are NOT PART of the realm of God."

Wow. Thank you for this latest example of what a hypocrite you are!

"You are willingly, purposefully passing on the nonsense slander of a troubled criminal man as if it were something like believable. It's not. It's rancid diarrhetic bullshit."


Marshal Art said...

"Much like much of what Trump routinely peddles to the useful idiots."

None of which you've ever proven as such, while you once again embrace grace in your unjustified arrogance in condescending to fellow Americans who have proven themselves far better than you in choosing presidents.

"At the very least, for a somewhat biblical literalist, you are engaging in foul behavior which the Bible says indicates NOT being part of the realm of God."

Says you.

"It's vulgar, it's disgusting, it's unsupported by reality."

Says you. The guy who's demonstrated a complete inability to recognize reality.

"It is the empty-headed vomit kool aid that demented minds drink in and even more demented minds repeat."

Says the guy who repeats the lie of more than two genders, that homosexuality isn't absolutely prohibited by God as abomination, that abortion is not murder of a fully human person equal to the "mother" who hires the murderer to perpetrate the crime. Oh. The. Irony!

"Thou shalt not gossip.
Thou shalt not slander.
Thou shalt not bear false witness."

But that's Leviticus. NO ONE pays attention to Leviticus anymore, right Gay Pride?

"This is just disgusting. All of it. It's beneath contemptible."

I agree, and I think it's rather courageous of Sinclair to get all this out in the open...which Obama supporting leftists in the media hadn't the spine to do back when Obama was running for US Senate and then the presidency.

"I will accept an apology from you once you've deleted this nonsense and made clear that you were in the wrong if just for this one Larry Sinclair shipwreck of an argument."

You will"??? How marvelous!! I'm so grateful the guy who routinely unjustly calls me a racist, misogynist and homophobe will accept my apology for what he says requires one!

It's gotta kill Dan that he can't delete comments at my blog! That's hilarious!

"You've lost your mind, your reasoning and your decency."

Well, if you say so...but I don't see where you've proven this wild claim.

"Open up your eyes. Look at the vomit you're bathing in, the gossip you're passing on.

This is sick. Repent."

Says the guy who promotes sexual immorality, the murder of people in utero and other heinous sins!

Marshal Art said...

So let's look again at your remarks with most jokes put aside.

You're disparaging the testimony of a man you don't know in the slightest. I recall being chastised for daring to criticize two adultresses you defended simply for their accusations against Trump....calling them credible just because they accused Trump and for no other reason, as you gave no evidence either should be so regarded. What's more, the porn star...definitionally a whore because of her admission of trading sex for pay...accepted payment to refrain from speaking of an alleged illicit affair with a married man while he campaigns for public office. Yet you dare speak ill of this homosexual who has a similar charge against your god Barak Obama. You ignore the craven character of someone who accuses a man you hate...of simply (allegedly) having common male/female sex, while attacking a craven character of accusing a man you worship as being a good family man of engaging in perverse male/male sex while doing illegal drugs. And I'm the bad guy. That's rich.

This entire thing is another case of DoubleStandard Dan doing his thing. You simply attack this Sinclair for no other reason than he's doing a kiss-and-tell about your vaunted Obama.

What's worse, is that his description of Obama as a conman is no worse than that of the dude in the other link who spoke of how Obama conned the entire black population of America (more accurately most of them). Is he less credible in his accusation of the same evil character trait because he may have no criminal record of which we know? Wouldn't that lend credibility to the guy who does since they're both testifying to Obama being a conman?

On top of even that, I've done no more than post links to stories told by others, without embellishment by me. For example, I haven't said anything akin to anyone grabbing women by their crotches when that never happened and I've been corrected numerous times with the actual video in which the phrase is said. But you dare remind me of what Scripture says about bearing false witness and gossiping! As I said in a response above, you choose which Levitical law to follow while celebrating the blatant indulgence in abomination which is just as clearly listed. A sin which also prevents one from eternity in God's presence. I don't think stoning was mandated for gossip. Indeed, I don't believe anything I've done can be described as "foul", while homosexual behavior in any context between any two or more people clearly is by the Word of God.

And this is yet another lying tactic of yours which you indulge repeatedly. You do all you can to elevate those you support, while taking great pains to exaggerate the flaws of those you don't, with the intent of making your foes demons possessed, and your allies flawless angels.

Marshal Art said...

Sinclair has no particular reason to lie and you've no supporting evidence to suggest he does. Obama has already admitted to both drug use and homosexual fantasies at the very least. Yet you're going to pretend there's no way Sinclair can be telling the truth. It's what we know of Obama which lends credibility to Sinclair, not simply a justified dislike of Obama.
Then there's the case of the choir director of the church of which Obama pretended to be a member in order to further his political goals. It is said he is one of three "gay" members of that church to have been murdered since Obama became a more nationally known figure. The dude's mother believes her son was murdered to protect Obama. Sinclair repeats things which are not unknown to one extent or another, some of which is blatant and others which seems to connect.

Add to this all the crap Obama has done as president and you want to pretend Sinclair is the questionable one.

Moving on, you then again disparage better people than you as being "stupid" because you need to believe they are, as if you could ever possibly demonstrate you're possessed of more intelligence and wisdom.

You're pathetic, Dan, and a complete clown of a liar. Feel free to visit any time, because I love to laugh. And don't worry. You'll surely have other opportunities to delete me at your blog, where you wallow in lies and corruption.