Thursday, January 13, 2022

Who is Colin Flaherty?

Has anyone who still reads this blog ever heard of Colin Flaherty?  He just passed away at 66 of cancer.  I wondered why I hadn't seen anything from him in awhile.  As reported by Thomas Lifson of

"Colin was a fearless crusader, taking up one of the most taboo stories in modern America: the rising tide of Black violence directed against other races, egged on by racial grievance-mongers.  This was long before BLM." 

You can read Lifson's eulogy here:

I've read most (never counted to know for sure) of his offerings at AT, and even visited his web-site, where he posted lots of videos of events turned violent at the hands of "youths".  Of course, he pointed out what the media wouldn't, that the "youths" were black youths.  They aren't always young people, either.  What's more, he had a standing challenge of big bucks for anyone who could provide examples of other races paralleling this behavior.  (I would suggest that suppression of his work played at least a small roll in this challenge never being taken up, but who knows?)  

Flaherty's work was...and still is...important.  We can never resolve racial issues if we aren't completely honest about it, and that honesty includes admitting episodes documented so exhaustively by Flaherty.  I would expect that these episodes are abhorrent to many, if not most of the black community, yet they persist.  And part of the reason is the lack of light shining on it by race-hustlers and the media.  Again, if we're not honest...

I invite anyone to look him up, try to find his website if still available, and see if you can respond to his challenge with something actually verifiable.  In the meantime, I think it's too bad Colin Flaherty and his work aren't more widely known and appreciated. 

I expect to hear from the real racists upon the posting of this piece.


Dan Trabue said...

Wow. Well, you'll have the full support of the KKK with this post

Marshal Art said...

Not surprised this got your diaper in a twist. Also not surprised that you'd default to the vile SPLC without reading the article and researching Flaherty's work. I thought you opposed violence and oppression of all kinds? Were you intentionally lying again, or are you intentionally lying now?

So instead, you cite a racist hate-group who pretends to fight against hate-groups to criticize AmericanThinker for printing articles by Colin Flaherty. But unlike you, you pathetic little girl of a man, I actually read, not only your SPLC hit piece, but I also read the Flaherty article which got the Dan-like (as in "liar) Heidi Beirich all worked up.

First off, Heidi the liar begins by asserting Flaherty "reveled in the tragic death of David Ruenzel". That's her opinion, but nothing in Flaherty's piece suggest he was at all pleased by the news of the dude's passing. Indeed, Flaherty cited psychologist Marlin Newburn, at that time an adjunct professor of psychology at Lake Superior State University, who explains the pathology of white-guilt enablers of black violence...those like Dan and David Ruenzel. Now, I'm told to always abide the words of experts, and an adjunct professor of psychology at a university sounds like someone with expertise. Who told me that? Oh yeah! It was YOU, you lying clown! But I guess only "experts" who say what gives you a particular tingle in your girly bits!

In any case, Flaherty went on to say:

"Ruenzel is hardly the first enabler of black violence to believe he was exempt from it (He's referring to black criminality), as urban pioneers are finding throughout the country.

Newburn calls that “death from willful ignorance.”

That’s tough talk about a recently deceased husband, father and teacher whose death moved a lot of people to remember him with affection."

Yeah. That sounds like a guy "reveling" in a man's death...and indication he believes Ruenzel "had it coming". What crap, but again, not surprising coming from Dan or those like him. Those like him who are also ignorant, racist and lacking the spine to report accurately on racial issues where blacks are the "oppressors".

Beirich then has the unmitigated audacity and gall to dare criticize supporters of Flaherty after tying him to white supremacist groups who might find his work appealing for their own racist reasons, making her and those like Dan (who does the same thing regarding Trump and even me now) of opposite sides of the same racist coin. Those supporters include Allen West and Thomas Sowell...two men with far more moral say nothing of racial issues... than either Beirich or Dan by far.

Colin Flaherty was not one of those weak-kneed pussies like Dan. He noticed the problem long ago and it became his work. It's important work and now I fear there will be no one who will pick up the flag and continue the charge. Dan has neither the intelligence, honesty or the courage to actually read what Flaherty's written, or to watch his videos or to take a single moment to try to understand what honest people see easily regarding his work. And of course, Dan's incapable of finding any white parallel to the examples of black criminality and mob action Flaherty listed.

If I ran my blog like Dan runs his, I'd have deleted his comment on the same grounds as he deleted so many of mine on this Desmond Tutu post. The real difference would be that I'd have true justification for doing so. But I prefer letting Dan expose himself as the sorry, fake Christian asshole he is.

Marshal Art said...

Who will pick up the flag? Maybe <a href=">this guy</a>? Of course the stats and percentages discussed herein have been produced many times before. But to actually point them out indicates racism to asshats like Dan and the SPLC.

We will never resolve the issue of racism in this country. Race-hustlers, white-guilt sufferers and Democrats (mostly the same thing) don't want to resolve it. They thrive on the divide in much the manner described by Marlin Newburn and Colin Flaherty and really, so many other honest people. Indeed, they <i>need</i> the divide and will fight to defend it. They profit from it in so many ways. Personally, I prefer those who profit in dollars as opposed to the worms who profit in false notions of moral superiority. You Dan and the SPLC vermin. The former at least make sense. The latter are just stroking themselves.

Dan Trabue said...


Don't be a dupe for KKK-friendly race hustlers like this jlike this jackass. Look at the data.

The myth of the wild dangerous black person or mob has long been a trope used by racists to scare other white people who are willing to be useful idiots.

Don't be a useful idiot.

Dan Trabue said...


Dan Trabue said...

Here's the problem you have, Marshall.

We can suppose That groups like SPLC or the ACLU or the FBI or human rights watch or amnesty International or all these other experts and organizations dedicated to fighting injustice... we can imagine that ALL of these are part of a vast left wing conspiracy out to make conservatives look bad. We can, instead, listen to jackasses like Your Colin boy who are not experts in the field and who are nearly always white men. We can listen to people like Marshall who is not an expert in the field and is not looking to the data.

We can listen to far right spokespeople like American thinker. The question is, which is more reasonable? Listening to experts or people with a far right opinion? Looking at the data in context, or listening to racist sympathizers passing on old racist tropes like this fella?

I'm telling you that the wiser course is to listen to experts, to look at the data, and to listen to groups working for Justice and not far right white apologists.

Marshal Art said...

HA! Look who dares call me a "dupe" and a "useful idiot"!! You say "look at the data" and like the self-satisfied moron from your link to a moron site only a moron like you would find appealing, they don't look at the data at all. Rather, they cite stats without accounting for percentages of the population. These are things people like Flaherty and Thomas Sowell...who your asshat "journalists" dares to criticize as if he has any expertise in anything to the degree Sowell has...mention constantly. We see such in the federal stats when we consider what percentage of the population is what race and how each is representative. That is, the black population is still around 13-15% of the total, yet they're responsible for around half...if not more...of the violent crime committed.

Worse, while thinking himself noble in criticizing a guy far more informed on the issue than he...or you...he you provide examples enough to prove Flaherty's conclusions wrong. This is all very much like the adage, "it's not paranoia if they're actually chasing you". This isn't a trope if all the data proves it's worthy of concern. And like the previous moron you cited, who pretended Flaherty "reveled" in the death of a lefty moron, this Salon asshat ignores the reality, thereby enabling the behaviors of which Flaherty speaks.

Further, this shit-for-brains pretends he doesn't understand what a "race-hustler" is, suggesting "(it usually seems to mean "a black person who talks about racism")". This is an intentional lie of the type so common to you, fake christian. It never is used to describe merely "a black person who talks about racism", and you both damned well know it. A race-hustler exploits issues of the black community, lies about the causes and like the racists you and they are, attribute it to racism by white people.

But hey...I get liars stick together. Trump's got nothing on you people.

Marshal Art said...

"Here's the problem you have, Marshall."

I'm not the one with any problem, clown. That would be you, who does no true research but merely sees a headline from any of your left-wing sources and then you copy and print the URL as if it contains absolute truth. Like the sheep you are, you believe your "experts" to be unassailable while you disparage those I present based ONLY on their conservative leanings. You're a fraud of a clown and my contempt for you is well earned.

"We can suppose That groups like SPLC or the ACLU or the FBI or human rights watch or amnesty International or all these other experts and organizations dedicated to fighting injustice... we can imagine that ALL of these are part of a vast left wing conspiracy out to make conservatives look bad."

That's a fine spin job, liar. But the reality is that I've provided "expert" reviews of your lefty champions of justice who have pointed out their errors, distortions and other examples of twisting truth and reality. And by the way, asshat...I've provided law enforcement stats to back up the fact of disproportionate black crime. More importantly is that you are in no position to condescend given your poor support for your positions. Once again, it is clear that "expert" in your feeble, childish mind is anyone who says what you find appealing. Truth and fact has nothing to do with to whom you give your worthless respect.

"We can, instead, listen to jackasses like Your Colin boy who are not experts in the field and who are nearly always white men."

There you go demonstrating your racism once again. What difference does it make what race Flaherty is? All that matters is whether or not you can prove he's wrong. You can't. You don't even make the effort. You don't even know how to try, or you're just too hateful of yourself, too much a coward to dare question whether or not any black person is guilty of criminality.

But the fact is Flaherty WAS an expert in his field, which was to document black criminality and the manner in which it is swept under the rug by assholes in media who are as dishonest about race as you are. You want to pretend people like him act on racism of their own, without making any effort to prove he's actually racist against black people. He sees a problem which should be addressed, and because he's white and the problem is within the black golly HE'S A RACIST!!!! What a hateful liar you are!! Again, people like you are the reason racism continues to exist in this country.

"We can listen to far right spokespeople like American thinker. The question is, which is more reasonable?"

Clearly the honest, far more intelligent people such as those scores of contributors to the American Thinker and other such sites and publications. You find "reasonable" in any of the sources you ever cite. Nor do you find honesty, context, or objectivity. I've proven that above as I've done with so many of your sources.

"I'm telling you that the wiser course is to listen to experts, to look at the data, and to listen to groups working for Justice..."

Well, Dan, you're far too Dumbass to know what wisdom looks like and thus you have no room to condescend to anyone. You're just a pathetic clown.

Marshal Art said...

And then to cite three more lefty sources in an attempt to rebut one specific behavior reported by those like Flaherty. These sources are doing the very thing Flaherty describes in his articles, books and videos...downplaying a real problem which he was trying to bring to light. The question is, why would they? How are they making things better by attacking those who do? The problem still exists regardless of what they want to say about Flaherty or anyone else. So they cite those who are failing to keep the public safe from this behavior and assert the threat isn't real. They play with words, as in asserting there's no "trend", as if it matters how many people are attacking people.

"They can't tell the difference between 24 or 100" one said (the quote is my paraphrase of the rank condescension of the actual article). But it's more than merely possible that each person reporting what they saw is accurate according to their perspective at the time they witnessed the criminality. That is, one person could have caught it from the beginning and fled to a safer area, while another witnessed it after it escalated. Both are more accurate than the lefty "journalist" who does nothing but criticize due to white-guilt and self-loathing...very much like you.

But hey, keep relying on the laziest of journalists and pretend they're noble defenders of freedom. I'll continue to rely on those who actually put in the work to investigate and document and present evidence.

You're such a pathetic, lying clown.