Monday, December 27, 2021

Why Don't Dem Voters Love Their Kids?

These days I'm concerned about those friends and family who continue to vote Democrat.  I wonder about just how much they can truly love their kids and support the party which puts their kids in such danger.  Sure, it's one thing to say "I love my kids".  It's quite another to say so after voting for that which harms them so much and so often.  Let's review:


The Idiot-In-Chief has shown a decided rejection of American security.  Like so many moronic lefties, Biden pretends there's some moral obligation on the part of our nation and its government to swing open the doors and let in anyone.  He has cancelled the building of the wall on our border, and denied the use of taxpayer funded materials to complete what his far superior predecessor had begun by states willing to use them...or even to purchase them in order for the rest of the nation to recoup their cost.  

And what has this prohibition done?  It has allowed the constant flow of illegal aliens and invaders over our unguarded borders.  One of the only constant sources of accurate information on the crisis at the border...FoxNews' Bill Melugin...has shown how so many are not only not crossing in order to hand themselves over to border officials as a means to get free stuff, but are purposely seeking to avoid detection by border enforcement officials, to do whatever it is they have in mind, for good or ill.  We've also been apprised of the fact that potential terrorists and known criminals continue to exploit the border situation to an extent most difficult to ascertain, given the problems imposed by Biden's moronic policies, most of which are simply reversals of effective policies implemented by his superior predecessor, Donald Trump.

So what's the effect of this criminality?  Threats to our own people, including our children.  There have been several reports from citizens who live on the border, many of whom have their own families with children, and the heightened degree of security they must employ as their properties are overrun, stolen and homes threatened by aliens and/or their criminal cartel exploiters.  And this isn't limited to only those on the border, in border towns and the like.  Biden is illegally shipping border-crossers of all kinds all over the country to negatively impact life all over, without the consent of the people.  Who could support immigration policies such as these implemented by the Idiot-In-Chief?  How little must one care about one's own children to reject one president who puts them first, in favor of this moron who has no clue?

Law Enforcement

All over America, in every state run by a Democrat governor, in every city run by a Democrat mayor, crime has increased dramatically over the last two years or more.  It began with the lies regarding the deaths of various thugs during confrontations with police, and has been exacerbated by Dem politicians through support for "defunding" and "police reform", as if the problem is the police and not the assholes they're tasked with arresting.  Bail reform has led to scores of murders and other crimes by those who should be cooling their heels in jails awaiting trial for previous criminal activity.  Kids continue to die at the hands of gang-bangers and other criminals because there are fewer cops on the streets and no legal means of protecting one's self without jumping through scores of laws and coughing up more money than most people in the neighborhoods can afford.  How can anyone say they love their kids when they elect Democrats who put this insanity above their welfare?  


Since the discovery of Fauci's virus, there has been a dramatic restriction of civil liberty by mostly Democrat governors and mayors.  We're seeing a reintroduction of these restrictions now that the Omicron variant is spreading about harming pretty much no one.  And once again, we're seeing kids denied gathering at schools and breathing freely without masks which never protected them in the first place.  The harm these policies have done to kids is now well known, but ignored by the very assholes who instituted them in the first place.  My own granddaughters act as if it's sinful to take off their face diapers.  It breaks my heart to see them act in this way, especially given how unlikely it is for them to be affected by the virus or to transmit it to anyone else.   We KNOW they are among the least threatened by the virus, yet Fauci and other assholes insist they must be injected with drugs about which the long term effects are still unknown, despite their not needing such in the first place.  The negative impact of these policies on the ability of children to learn, to socialize and to develop normally and naturally is beyond well known.  How can anyone say they love their kids and support this lunacy?

Teachers Unions and their indoctrination of lies

From racist crap like CRT to the promotion of LGBT lies and other sexual immorality, our kids are victims of those who are so far left as to be criminal in their purpose.  Those who run education in this country...from K-12 to the university level....have for too long been led by the worst of the worst, the leftist and their Democrat minions.  Our nation for too long has ranked among the worst in every subject at which our kids should be excelling...math, reading, science, history, ENGLISH!!!!...and all to push leftist propaganda.  Who can anyone say they love their kids and support the promotion of this bullshit?

The Military

With the elevation of Stupid (Joe Biden) to the presidency, our military has become an even more egregious social experiment than it was under Stupid's former boss.  Even beginning with allowing women to work aboard ships at sea, as well as other mixing of the sexes, to our current state of affairs with regard to enabling all forms of sexual disorder, our military has been weakened.  Now, added to that, we've got the best of the best being forced out over the rejection of fake "vaccines" the brass insists all must have injected into their bodies.  In the meantime, our China...are strengthening their armies in the only way any nation should, by seeking to make them the most effective fighting force in the world.  The military exists to kill our enemies and protect our nation.  The current administration seeks to make them "woke" in every area except where they need to be most awake...the defense of the nation.   This puts everyone, including our kids, in great jeopardy.   Dem voters cannot love their kids if they agree our biggest concern is "white supremacy" in the ranks.  What an absurd suggestion given the military was comprised of all races and creeds, including an islamic asshole who murdered half a dozen others?  

The Economy

While Donald Trump enacted tax and regulatory policies which led to incredible economic growth, as well as unemployment numbers not seen since the 1960s, we are now dealing with inflation we've not seen since the Carter years because of Democrat policy anyone paying attention easily predicted prior to Nov 2020.  Indeed, the warning was loud and constant, yet Dem voters still pretended the worst thing imaginable was another four years of economic growth.  The cost of everything is way the hell up in just eleven short months, and all because of Biden policies.  The impact on kids is obvious.  It costs so much more to have feed and clothe them.  

This list is really just a general description of the harm to kids resulting from voting for Democrats.  It is not comprehensive, as I don't have that kind of time.  But the point is clear and the evidence more so.  If one cares about one's kids, there is no justification or rationalization for voting Democrat, and there hasn't been in at least a generation...if there ever was at all.  Nothing good comes of it, and few are endangered more than our kids.  What's more, one cannot get a Dem voter to defend their decision to vote Democrat.  And until Dem voters can be disconnected from their false notions, kids will continue to be jeopardized.


Craig said...

I'd add abortion to this list as well. I'd question anyone who kills their children while claiming that they love them.

I've been wondering about this, and have reached a conclusion. If the American political left wants to kill off their future voters in the womb, why should I make a big fuss about it?

Marshal Art said...

It does seem like an oversight, but sometimes I just run out of steam and cut the post short. In this case, I'll pretend I meant to leave it off given how one can't expect lefties to care about those they refuse to acknowledge are people endowed by their Creator with the unalienable right to life.

I'm also going to say your final line is tongue in cheek. Of course we can't assume an infant will develop into as goofy a person as its parents. My mother was a Democrat, for example, though I don't believe she felt about the party at the end of her life as she once did. She was Democrat, not a moron. That was true of many of her generation. Now? Not so much

Marshal Art said...

BTW, I may add one or two more categories as time allows.

Craig said...

I get it as far as running out of steam and cutting posts short. I think the other category you could add would deal with how DFL run cities are turning into lawless shit holes.

As far as the last line, it's definitely a little tongue in cheek, but I think that there might be a bit of truth as well. The reality is that, if we look at some key DFL demographics, we do see a large degree of generational voting. Given that, it seems reasonable to conclude that if the left wants to kill off their own voters why should I object.

Marshal Art said...

The section on law enforcement pretty much covers the are of how DFL run cities are turning into lawless shit holes.

I've no doubt you truly do object to any behavior which leads to killing off their own voters. But that's different than accepting they will continue to indulge those behaviors. That is, I acknowledge it's what they do and that also suggests they don't love their children.

Craig said...

Have you noticed that the "environmentalists" out there on the left don't seem to have a problem (or at least don't talk about their problems) with the piles of trash, piss and shit that are frequent sights in places like SF and other liberal strongholds? Or why they didn't have a bad thing to say about the huge amounts of trash, and air pollution left in the wake of the various "BLM" riots? It's almost like their concern for the environment is something that is only trotted out when it doesn't conflict with their politics.

Marshal Art said...

It was also blatantly obvious the difference between left and right on such issues in the days of Tea Party rallies and "Occupy Wall Street" gatherings, and their various iterations around the country. Tea Party gatherings were always peaceful and people cleaned up before they left, leaving the site crap-free. Not so the leftist OWS gatherings, which along with being a garbage dump left behind, hosted criminal activities including rapes. As it relates to the topic of this post, it's clear which is was more detrimental to kids during and after. Imagine your kids wandering through the site of a OWS event held the day before. What might they encounter as they wade through the trash? How much worse for kids who must live in towns like San Fran made a cesspool as a result of "progressive" policies?

Craig said...

I'm wondering if the fact that Dan and his anal orifice comrade spend so much time attacking you means that they really want to date you.

How disgusting would that be?

Marshal Art said...

HA! Disgusting, but not out of character given their support of the perverse!