Sunday, August 01, 2021

CRT-Criminal Racist Tyranny

 I've been wanting to get to this since Brain-Dead Dan <a href="">posted this fiction at his blog.</a>  Now that I have a few, I'm going to dive in.  I posted a bit of his drivel in an earlier post, but what I'm going to do now is to address four point he thinks are profound and compelling examples of "the real" CRT.  Before doing so, here's what immediately precedes it:

"While recognizing the evolving and malleable nature of CRT, scholar Khiara Bridges outlines a few key tenets of CRT, including:"

 First, it seems clear that this "scholar" admits the fiction of this "theory".  "Evolving and malleable"?  Yeah...I'm gonna put my money on something "evolving and malleable".  Pardon me for saying so, but I've always been partial to that which is solid and provably true...something for which evidence supports as a reality, or at least more likely reality than not.  Nothing "evolving or malleable" is worth the time of day when it comes to pushing policy or altering existing systems.  But the leftist, it's whatever emanates from their asses at any given moment.  It's how they roll.  


So point number one:

"Recognition that race is not biologically real but is socially constructed and socially significant. It recognizes that science (as demonstrated in the Human Genome Project) refutes the idea of biological racial differences. According to scholars Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic, race is the product of social thought and is not connected to biological reality."

Dan gets right to the stupid first thing!  Kudos, Dan, for not wasting time!  I've read at least half a dozen different articles promoting this in my research for this post.  They all have one thing in common:  They don't admit what their own arguments compel the honest reader to acknowledge.  That is, that race is indeed biological.  Indeed, one only need imagine the skeletal remains of any human being and wonder if the race of the subject can be determined by DNA and such.  The answer is, YES!  It can!  Indeed, contrary to the "scholars" above, "Analysis of genomes from around the world establishes that there is a biological basis for race, despite the official statements to the contrary of leading social science organizations." (a quote from one of the <i>other</i> articles I read...I'll produce it if need be in the comments section)  

Then of course there are diseases which are unique to certain races/ethnicities:

"Tay-Sachs disease favors Ashkenazim Jews (of European descent), while cystic fibrosis haunts White people. Latin Americans and African rooted people are particularly vulnerable to type 2 diabetes, 90% and 60 % more than White people. Hypertension plagues Afro-Caribbean descent at a higher rate than other populations."  (from <i>another</i> article I read, which can also be presented if need be)  These are all biological "markers", as it were.  

The reality, and perhaps the point of the race-hustlers pushing CRT, is that racism is the construct.  We conservatives, for example, do not think in terms of race or ethnicity with regard to American citizens.  We strive to treat all people like people and not pretend there's something incredibly special regarding the race or ethnicity of people.  The left, like Brain-Dead Dan and other race-hustlers and enablers of sexual perversion, are totally about "identity politics", and that's all CRT really is.


Moving on to point two:

"Acknowledgement that racism is a normal feature of society and is embedded within systems and institutions, like the legal system, that replicate racial inequality. This dismisses the idea that racist incidents are aberrations but instead are manifestations of structural and systemic racism."

This is plain wishful thinking.  If this is true, then it allows the race-hustlers to more easily push their self-serving marxist plans.  But it's something they can't truly prove.  They can't seem to pick out a true example of this fiction.  Which system replicates racial inequality?  They can't say.  They can't draw a line between any outcome and the racist institution which allegedly is at fault.  It's just asserted that "victims" are made so by some unidentified "system" or institution.  Brain-Dead Dan certainly provides no examples.


Point three:

" Rejection of popular understandings about racism, such as arguments that confine racism to a few “bad apples.” CRT recognizes that racism is codified in law, embedded in structures, and woven into public policy. CRT rejects claims of meritocracy or “colorblindness.” CRT recognizes that it is the systemic nature of racism that bears primary responsibility for reproducing racial inequality."

This really is no different than point two, except that it suggests it is more widespread than honest people, like Thomas Sowell, would argue.  It defends the lie by asserting racism is systemic, again without offering any example that might prove the point.  

As a side note, it further goes to a point made that proponents of this crap-sandwich regard all whites as racist.  Since this country was founded by white people, their institutions then built by white people and those institutions somehow have racism codified, embedded and woven into public policy, how can anyone not believe they accuse all whites of being racist?  

As to popular understanding, I really don't know what that is these days.  Racism has always been defined as, basically, the notion that those of a given race are inferior simply because of their race.  Now, it's morphed into whatever the race-hustlers need it to be in order to accuse as racist anyone who does not agree with black people or anytime a black person fails to advance in life.  This point three provides the all-purpose excuse for black failure or suffering.  It's evil.  

Point four...a doozy!:

"Recognition of the relevance of people’s everyday lives to scholarship. This includes embracing the lived experiences of people of color, including those preserved through storytelling, and rejecting deficit-informed research that excludes the epistemologies of people of color."

 This might be the most problematic.  While anyone can have a sad story to tell, not everyone is honest about the details of that sad story.  This point echoes Brain-Dead Dan's admonition to "listen to black  people" (unless their brilliant and honest like Thomas Sowell).  The not so subtle implication is that "lived experiences" must be believed as rock-solid truth/fact.  Don't you dare question anything about it.  Yet, the telling will almost certainly provoke questions of all kinds, and in many cases, those questions will be about the validity of the story told.  But we're to simply shut up and take it as truth on the face of it.  No thanks.  I want proof or evidence to back up that story.  

I think the sad truth is that too many black people have negative opinions about many things because of hearing about those "lived experiences".  Almost every story (I'm being generous here with the "almost") we hear of racist, brutal cops killing innocent black dudes are actually cases of assholes resisting arrest.  There are no shortage of videos of blacks recording how they mouthed off to cops, as if the cop was doing anything wrong.  This will be listed among "lived experiences" but clearly, the cop has a different tale to tell.  Other videos are from the cop perspective showing how they acted professionally while being berated and insulted by the person being stopped, and sometimes resulting in the cop being shot.  

"Lived experience" is for story books.  To improve life for all, we need facts and evidence.  If one is a victim of corrupt law enforcement, prove it.  If one is truly innocent of wrongdoing, allow the situation to proceed along a legal path.  Even truly racist cops aren't likely to force an innocent person into criminal response.  

Now, I am willing to concede the extremely unlikely possibility that I've totally misunderstood any of the four "principles" of CRT Brain-Dead Dan listed from his reliable sources.  But that would only mean that Ducky Dan failed to provide clarifying explanation, which he is free to provide in the comments section if has the desire to do so like a man instead of a...I have no confidence he's capable but plenty that he's so racist he'll try to do so in a manner he believes will disparage those of us who see CRT for what it is (see the title of this post).  

There's more I could say about B-D Dan's blog post hailing this detriment to the black community and America in general.  But I'll leave it there and cite more in the comments if need be. This kinda crap bores me to no end.  Too many need racism to exist in order to profit.  None of them do anything truly beneficial for the people about whom they claim to care so deeply.  But the result is that it is now so much more difficult to become one America because of them, and I don't know what it will take to rid ourselves of these con-artists and their stench so that we can.


Dan Trabue said...

I posted this on my blog. I have no need to talk with you here. You're full on delusional. But just to point to reality on your first point...

On his own blog he's now disputing what scientists and even many rational conservatives have been noting for years: Race is a social construct, not a biological one.

"Today, the mainstream belief among scientists is that race is a social construct without biological meaning."

He's talking about it because that's one part of CRT. I figured that was at least ONE thing about CRT that even emotionally fragile and not especially scientifically literate white conservative evangelicals could agree upon.

But not Marshal.

In spite of what DNA, Science, Biologists and experts tell us, Marshal will go with his gut. Or something.

Marshal says that race can be determined by DNA. He's factually wrong.

"they would need to let him know that a DNA test, no matter how sophisticated,
can’t tell him what his race is."

And on and on it goes...

AMA, Scientific American, Harvard, on and on, expert after expert all agree. But Marshal knows better because... what? The Bible? Because the people he listens to disagrees with the experts? Because he doesn't understand science?

Even though many Christians and Christian groups (like the Gospel Coalition, below) affirm that race is a social construct not a biological reality, Marshal disputes it.

Or conservative Tony Evans, with Focus on the Family...

Just like Evans says here, I've heard the same thing for years in conservative Christian circles - there is only ONE race, the Human Race. Indeed, if one believes (as I think Marshal does) that we all come from one couple - Adam and Eve - how could we be anything BUT one race at the genetic level?

Doesn't matter. Marshal knows better than the AMA, and all these scientific experts AND better than all these Christians who affirm that race is a social construct, not a biological reality.

No cure for delusion, I guess. Or delusions of grandeur.

Dan Trabue said...

Marshal, do you believe that being black was the "curse" that God placed on Ham for displeasing Noah? That is a traditionally racist view but I was curious if it was one of the nutso conspiracy theories you buy into.

I have to tell you... while I don't know this as a fact or how to find it out, but I suspect your anti-science view that race is biological is something not accepted by the VAST majority of conservative evangelicals. I think you're on the fringe of the fringes with that one.

I mean, if you're too wacky for Focus on the Family, that's pretty wack.

Marshal Art said...

From the source to which I referenced above:

"...with mixed race populations, such as African Americans, geneticists can now track along an individual’s genome, and assign each segment to an African or European ancestor, an exercise that would be impossible if race did not have some basis in biological reality."

Perhaps I wasn't as clear as I had intended in my post. I know this is a problem for whiny bitches like you, Dan, and I apologize for not being more clear. But the problem with the premise is that science only shows that we are all human, while also providing biological explanations for our racial differences. Thus, to say there's no biological basis for race is a lie in order to push the pleasant sounding platitude that race is a social construct, as if that really changes the reality.

You see, Dan...not being a race-hustling, fake Christian, I get the point, which is that these pandering buffoons are trying to remove a means by which actual know...leftists...can rationalize their racism. But as a conservative who seeks to be a true Christian in my poor humble way, I already regard all people, regardless of race, as people, just like all conservatives and actual Christians do.

I've no doubt you're still picking your nose trying to figure out what is so obvious, but I don't need to be a scientist to know that racial differences are a matter of biology while being by and large irrelevant (except where there are unique health concerns and where race-hustlers like yourself require them to be relevant). I don't see where I'm delusional in this.

Thus, by the pandering of these "experts", we find that the conclusion you mock...that there's only one race...the Human true. It is all one needs to know with regard to human relations. So what's it gonna be, little Danny? Are we all God's children or aren't we?

"Marshal, do you believe that being black was the "curse" that God placed on Ham for displeasing Noah?"

Actually...and this is important...I believe you're a freaking moron for even asking such a moron question.

"That is a traditionally racist view..."

Well, if anyone would know, it would be a racist like you.

"I have to tell you... while I don't know this as a fact or how to find it out, but I suspect your anti-science view that race is biological is something not accepted by the VAST majority of conservative evangelicals."

Well, you feel compelled to tell people all manner of moronic stuff, Dan. I don't expect you'll stop anytime soon. But consider the following (you'll have to put your thinking cap on, Dan, and no, it's not the one with the propellers): If you look at a guy of Swedish descent, and a guy of Zulu descent and a guy of Chinese descent, how do you explain the stark differences in appearance? Through an explanation of the biological processes which created them. Race is biological. None of your links get around that salient point. They merely assert its a social construct. But how we treat people based on biological differences is a social construct.

I have to step back from my DNA comment. I re-read a source and found it is far more complicated than that. DNA testing can bring one to geographic area, and that would indicate strong possibility of race. But in identifying skeletal remains, there are far more obvious ways of determining the race of the deceased. Those ways rely on biological differences, meaning race is biological.

It's pretty clear that these science guys are too afraid of blow back for simply speaking the truth which evidence clearly shows...that there are biological differences between the races. It's also clear that there are those who would use that scientific fact for racist purposes. Today's racist...those like yourself...use a different technique, which is just straight up lying.

Eternity Matters said...

CRT is racist and evil at its core. Anyone advancing it - and especially anyone trying to teach it to children without informing parents - is malicious and/or ignorant. One more reason to get out of government schools!

Every CRT proponent (and everyone else, for that matter) should read Thomas Sowell's "Discrimination and Disparities." So much truth and logic that Leftists deny 24x7.

Nearly every social malady (crime, prison, abuse, out-of-wedlock sex and pregnancies, abortion, etc.) has fatherless homes as the root cause, yet the Left's model increases incentives for them. If they were trying to destroy society in general and blacks in particular, what would they do differently?

Illegals take the jobs of low-income blacks and suppress the wages of remaining jobs, but the Left opens the borders to let Covid-infested illegals pour into red states to get votes. Does CRT address that anti-black strategy?

Black-on-white crime, including violent crime, is more than *ten times* the inverse. Seems racist to me, but CRT probably "forgets" to mention that.

Chasing the police out of black areas re-victimizes the blacks who aren't criminals. Again, brought to you by the America-hating Left - including the "Christian" Left.

Marshal Art said...

No argument against the fact that racial differences are insignificant in the grand scheme of things. I'm not a lefty identity politics kinda guy, so why would I. I'm a true believer we are all God's children...even fake believers like you are as why would I?

But why do we look different? Why is my hair and eye color different from others'? Why is my skin color and bone structure different than others? Which social group or organization made it so and how did they do it? Did the do it intentionally or accidentally? "Construct" would imply the former.

Marshal Art said...

The above was a comment I posted at Brain-Dead Dan's, where one isn't allowed to speak freely if by doing so it exposes Dan's stupidity and hatred. But as his blathering was in response to what took place here, I posted it at both.

What's most obvious and hypocritical in Dan's stance is how it shows who really is a sheep and who is it who thinks for themselves. Dan's fall back typically is "experts". Whomever the "experts" Dan follows are beyond criticism because they have a degree or two, which of course makes them the Pope or something. To Dan, his "experts" are also beyond the lure of politics, social justice warrior pressure and pure self-aggrandizement. Their all angelic creatures without blemish and thus, for a lowly civilian like me to wonder about a nonsensical argument like "race isn't biological, it's a social construct"...well...just sit down and shut up! Dan has won the debate because "THE EXPERTS!!!"

But this is just Dan being a...And if Dan wasn't one of those, he'd actually pull up his Pampers and actually provide a coherent argument for why and how HE believes this CRT position is true. I don't care how many "experts" agree with it. I want the questions asked in my comment above to be answered in a manner that lends credence to the premise.

The argument speaks of "constructs". Well...what's that? Here's a definition from "Oxford Languages":

"an idea or theory containing various conceptual elements, typically one considered to be subjective and not based on empirical evidence"

Is it subjective that we have differences which are biological in nature? How so, exactly? And if not, how did they come to be? How did a conceptual idea result in these stark differences between the races...heck...between even people of the same race??? Don't get me wrong. I'm glad I don't look anything like Dan. I'd hate having to live life with such a stupid look on the front of my head. But there are reasons for our physical differences and they're all biological. That's just the fact of the matter.

But here's a greater concern. If the CRT principle is worth a damn...if it has any tangible meaning by which we can craft legislation and policy, why are all their remedies so specifically and definitively based on racial differences? The honest person admits the differences are insignificant as regards human rights and public policies. The honest person simply says, "I will treat every man as a brother in God's eyes" and then live accordingly. That's not what CRT is pushing.

Marshal Art said...


Absolutely. Your points are all spot on and fact-based. Those problems develop everywhere those behaviors are in place and shouldn't be seen as some admission of black inferiority by the race-hustlers deflecting to that which isn't the cause of those community problems. Yet, even if one wishes to insist the black community has special needs not experienced anywhere else (Appalachia, the East End of London, for example), not first looking inward for solutions will not get the resolutions required for improvement, particularly since what they're insisting is racism (like police behavior) is responsive in nature and not causation.

Dan Trabue said...

Oh look! Another white conservative who is ignorant of the topic of CRT is deigning to tell black folks how stupid they are for thinking it's important.

"The blacks" say, Thanks, Neil. They're SO GLAD you have set them straight with your superior white intellect.

The arrogance is mind-boggling.

You all SAY "It's racist" or "they teach you to hate the US or being white..." and YET, time and time and time and time and time and time again, when pushed to SUPPORT YOUR DAMN lazy ass white privilege man-child false claims with ACTUAL QUOTES from CRT to support your case, you all collectively take the cowards' way out and run away and hide.

If you can't support stupidly false claims - and you can't - DON'T make them.

The one and only group that appreciates such emotional-based, ignorant claims are the KKK types so, as long as your goal is to make racists happy, Neil and Marshal, you're succeeding.

"Illegals..."? Oh, you mean those refugees who you are turning away and people of color you are oppressing? Yeah, they have a name. It's Jesus.

And you turned him away.

Depart from me, ye wicked racists and friends of racists, into the bile of the hellish world you are working so hard to support.

We see.

Dan Trabue said...

Marshal asked a question he would know the answer to IF he just read CRT treatises instead of only reading the bile of white people who hate CRT and who are glad to spread stupidly false claims. Marshal asked... "..if it has any tangible meaning by which we can craft legislation and policy, why are all their remedies so specifically and definitively based on racial differences?"

The answer is because you can't create oppression and racist, harmful systems and then IGNORE race when you start to fix the problems.

It's precisely like this: IF a family of people - let's call them the Whitewash-Tombes - stole from another set of families over 50 years and thereby impoverished and harmed the people they stole from, then the answer to fixing the problem is to get the Whitewash-Tombes to start paying back the debt. Of course, more harm was done than can be adequately paid back, but the effort should be made.

And it can't be made if you don't deal with the specifics and in the case of race in US history, the specifics are policies were made on the basis of race or that harmed one race moreso than the other.

It's just like a coward and the racists over the centuries to have their lives enriched by racist oppression and policies and THEN, when that can no longer happen and they can no longer continue to be enriched by racist policies, THEN to say, "Oh, let's forget about race.... let's put it all behind us."

In order to repent and make amends, we have to first acknowledge the real race-based harm that was done.

Marshal Art said...

"You all SAY "It's racist" or "they teach you to hate the US or being white..." and YET, time and time and time and time and time and time again, when pushed to SUPPORT YOUR DAMN lazy ass white privilege man-child false claims with ACTUAL QUOTES from CRT to support your case, you all collectively take the cowards' way out and run away and hide."

I provided multiple links, all containing quotes of those who either invented this marxist travesty or are major proponents of who have implicitly or directly exposed their racist attitudes. If anyone's running away, or demonstrating ignorance about CRT, it's you, Dan.

"The one and only group that appreciates such emotional-based, ignorant claims are the KKK types so, as long as your goal is to make racists happy, Neil and Marshal, you're succeeding."

That's funny, because I've seen many videos of black parents railing against school boards for daring to teach CRT to their kids, and rebuking the same racist opinions Neil and I have. Indeed, I've seen so many, and between them and the more notable black people, from Thomas Sowell to Candace Owens and so many in between, I'm beginning to wonder if there are very many black people at all who buy in to this crap. Certainly not very many bright ones.

""Illegals..."? Oh, you mean those refugees who you are turning away and people of color you are oppressing?"

Oh, good gosh! THIS crap again! Neil's point is unassailable. Those most hurt by the flood of illegals are our own poor, including those of the black community, you hapless fraud. And stop pretending you're a Christian when you come here. You don't fool anyone. The only racist here is you.

"Marshal asked a question he would know the answer to IF he just read CRT treatises instead of only reading the bile of white people who hate CRT and who are glad to spread stupidly false claims"

First of all, fake Christian, I've been reading a lot of CRT crap, beyond that which you've posted and failed to defend as if YOU understand any of it. Secondly, those who see CRT for the dreck it is come in all races. Their objections are hardly "bile" or you would have a calm, cogent and coherent response to them. But like all lefties who are met with overwhelming logic and truth, you default to personal attack.

"The answer is because you can't create oppression and racist, harmful systems and then IGNORE race when you start to fix the problems."

Uh...yes you can. It's called, "not basing one's plans on racial criteria". Sort of what conservatives have always done and continue to do. What's more, the problems of the black community are not the result of racism. That's just white-guilt, race-hustling bullshit to deflect responsibility. Dan. It's precisely like this: "IF a family of people - let's call them the Trabues - stole from another set of families over 50 years and thereby impoverished and harmed the people they stole from, then the answer to fixing the problem is to get the Trabues to start paying back the debt."

Marshal Art said...

Who alive today has been victimized in this way? YOU like to pretend you're a Christian, right? Does this ring any bells in your pointed head:

“The person who sins will die. The son will not bear the punishment for the father’s iniquity, nor will the father bear the punishment for the son’s iniquity; the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself.” Ezekiel 18:20

So who's being victimized and by whom? Feel free to "repent" (though you've got so much for which you ought before you pretend here) and send your cash to every black family you like. I've nothing for which I need to make amends to anyone in the black community.

More importantly, you can't identify any policy that is racist which is causing any suffering by any minority. So stuff the fake piety and the unjustified condescension and keep your false Christianity to yourself. It disgusts me.

Dan Trabue said...

Marshal... "The true problem, beyond your wholesale ignorance of conservatism, is your unwillingness to speak truthfully..."

Then it should be a simple matter to find two or three quotes where ANY CRT advocates teach that white people should feel guilty, or that we should hate the US or that all white people are racist oppressors.

And yet again and again and again all you're offering is an unsupported claim.


Put up or shut up.

Speaking of yet ANOTHER unsupported claim...

"Those most hurt by the flood of illegals are our own poor, including those of the black community..."

Prove it. This is not the case according to the experts that I've read. It's what they call a myth unsupported by data.

Put up or shut up.

Marshal Art said...

"Then it should be a simple matter to find two or three quotes where ANY CRT advocates teach that white people should feel guilty, or that we should hate the US or that all white people are racist oppressors."

"Dan pretends my links provided do not provide the proofs he demanded. It's just another case of Dan rejecting anything that does not contain the EXACT wording he demands we provide evidence of having been uttered. While "all white people are racist" is not a rare utterance by race-hustlers of all colors, that sentiment...that premise...does not require that exact wording in order for one to say race-hustlers believe it and promote it as a fact. My final link (the YouTube link which present Kendi's own words) prove the sentiment is the basis of that promoter of CRT. The links dealing with the blatant hater of white people, Derrick Bell, also provides his words which no honest person can take any other way and maintain their reputation for honesty. Just in his assertion that no white person does anything for black people unless the white person can benefit is akin to saying "all white people are racist". It's an undeniable conclusion of his statement. But Dan's a liar who's trying to whitewash CRT as something noble."

The above is from a comment I posted at Craig's in response to the same lie Dan's implying here. He's been provided the answer. He pretends otherwise, because truth is anathema to him.

"Speaking of yet ANOTHER unsupported claim..."

Well...this is my bad for allowing responding to Dan's objection to Neil's claim. Now Dan will try to go off on a tangent. I'll only say this and then ignore any further attempts to stray from the topic:

I've read all manner of objection to the charge that illegals take away jobs and depress wages, which hurt our own people. Almost every one of them relate to some long term effect presented as a positive for our country. That may be, but it is mostly theoretical based on isolated examples. Worse, it does not deal with the immediate effects. For example: one argument I've read claims that those displaced from jobs eventually move into something else, even creating job opportunity. If that is true, what about right now for the guy willing to do anything to support his family?

Note also that for many who choose not to do jobs illegals will take, what would those citizens do if they had no welfare or endless unemployment money which allows them to be picky? The point here is the objections to the "myth" aren't as all encompassing of every point of contention as they try to project.

But most important to me is the simple fact that illegals are immediate law breakers who, by virtue of that fact, are unworthy of defense. Dan wants to call every damned one of them "refugees", using the most ambiguous definition to provide for them all. When "I'm in danger" is the standard response when one has been caught sneaking in or as an excuse for why their trying to enter, it's depriving actual victims and causing them great harm. In the meantime, Dan, who eschews wealth creation in his own "simple living" life, expects others to pay for the costs associated with illegal immigration. It's another case of Dan's fake Christianity used to cover for his lack of concern for his own countrymen.

Dan Trabue said...

For the one thousandth time, I. DO. NOT. GIVE. A. DAMN. ABOUT. EXACT. QUOTES.

That is a diabolical lie from the gates of hell and the bowels of your bile. It is false. I have never said that and I do not believe it. I have corrected you on this diabolical lie and yet, you repeat it again and again...

AND STILL, you do not provide support for your clearly, obviously false claim and yet you lack the courage and the intellectual wherewithal to even ADMIT this basic reality.

PROVIDE THE QUOTES, you gutless coward.

We can see that you're not and that is all the evidence we need that you're just passing on more stupidly false claims in hopes of bullying and scaring cowards into agreeing with your empty, false claims and slander.

But BE SURE of this reality directly from the pages of the Bible: neither those who bear false witness, nor slanderers, nor childish gossipmongers, nor fearmongers are part of the realm of God.

We see. We see.

Keep siding with the racists, stupid liars and oppressors and see where that leads you to, coward.

Dan Trabue said...

Marshal... " most important to me is the simple fact that illegals are immediate law breakers who, by virtue of that fact, are unworthy of defense."

You would have had a fine time with the Nazis and their sympathizers, as well as slavers and their white sympathizers. Because, "if it's illegal, then it must be wrong" has been the tool of white oppression for centuries.

The fact is: There should be and IS NO RATIONAL OR MORAL LAW against seeking safety for one's self or one's family, even if that means moving to some place that doesn't legally recognize your right to seek safety.

And only the monsters would tell a refugee to go away.

Indeed, Jesus said to you quite clearly, Marshal: DEPART FROM ME, you wicked, for I was a stranger and you did NOT welcome me. Depart from me into the pits of hell.

For this is the hell you are choosing.

Shame on you.

May your eyes be opened.

Marshal Art said...

"For the one thousandth time, I. DO. NOT. GIVE. A. DAMN. ABOUT. EXACT. QUOTES."

And yet you pretend that I haven't satisfied your request to prove that CRT asserts that all white people are racist. My links did that just fine, and you pretend they don't. You simply...and petulantly...continue to demand proof.

"That is a diabolical lie from the gates of hell and the bowels of your bile."

Maybe a bit more drama queen, comic book hyperbole will sell it. Your rejection of my links as proofs says otherwise.

"AND STILL, you do not provide support for your clearly, obviously false claim and yet you lack the courage and the intellectual wherewithal to even ADMIT this basic reality.

PROVIDE THE QUOTES, you gutless coward."

Review my links posted at Craig's blog. Actually read them this time.

"We can see that you're not and that is all the evidence we need that you're just passing on more stupidly false claims in hopes of bullying and scaring cowards into agreeing with your empty, false claims and slander."

Not at all, Sally. I'm citing CRT advocates in hopes more people become aware of just what a marxist, race-hustling, anti-America crap sandwich it is. You clearly love the taste of crap. Chow down, Skippy.

"But BE SURE of this reality directly from the pages of the Bible: neither those who bear false witness, nor slanderers, nor childish gossipmongers, nor fearmongers are part of the realm of God."

It's reassuring to know you won't be there, then.

"We see. We see."

What you want and desperately need to see. You don't see reality. You're too false for that.

"Keep siding with the racists, stupid liars and oppressors and see where that leads you to, coward."

No thanks. I'd rather not side with the likes of you. I prefer actual Christians and Christian-like people of all races, not pretending any one of them is treating the others as hapless victims incapable of availing themselves legitimately of this God-given land has to offer. But you go ahead and continue to insult them with your condescension toward them.

Marshal Art said...

"You would have had a fine time with the Nazis and their sympathizers, as well as slavers and their white sympathizers. Because, "if it's illegal, then it must be wrong" has been the tool of white oppression for centuries."

I love when baby-killers try to admonish me as nazi-like or klan-like. That's rich.

No Dan. If it's illegal then those who engage in illegal activity must be held accountable. If you don't like the law...if you actually think yourself intelligent to explain why the current immigration laws are immoral...then work to change it. Better yet, go to any of the countries where you think each and every one of those seeking entry do so because of "oppression" and work to improve conditions there, rather than allowing the decay of conditions here on the bullshit premise you're more compassionate.

"The fact is: There should be and IS NO RATIONAL OR MORAL LAW against seeking safety for one's self or one's family, even if that means moving to some place that doesn't legally recognize your right to seek safety."

The fact is: You have no legit argument that lends credence to the assertion our laws are either irrational or immoral with regard to the admission or refusal of those claiming refugee status. What you can do is work toward reversing Biden's open door policy which has made it even more difficult to determine which claimant is actually a refugee as opposed to simply saying they are, because moronic asshats like you have schooled them in making that claim. Now we're more overburdened than ever before in American history and we have no idea who is who and our citizens are at greater risk. Thanks, Puss.

"And only the monsters would tell a refugee to go away."

And only a total dumbass would insist anyone who claims he's fleeing true danger actually is simply because they say so. You're a moron.

"Indeed, Jesus said to you quite clearly, Marshal: DEPART FROM ME, you wicked, for I was a stranger and you did NOT welcome me. Depart from me into the pits of hell."

Really? Which verse is that? Try reading a Bible someday, Danny-boy.

So now, the the best and most rational move is to close the border completely until this mess your kind has created. This will be a problem for law-abiding seekers of American life, but they have assholes like you to blame.

But as I said earlier, this is not a post about illegal aliens who have no respect for our laws. It's about the steaming pile of fecal matter you call Critical Race Theory, and more precisely, YOUR blog post reference to "Principles of CRT Practice". Continue with illegal alien talk and I'll get all Dan Trabue on you and prohibit your comments accordingly. Pretend you're a Christian.

Dan Trabue said...

Last time, Marshal. You provided links to PEOPLE WHO DON'T LIKE CRT and in THOSE links they may have referenced some words from CRT advocates that YOU THINK show that CRT advocates teach that all white people are racist oppressors.

I read your links and found an entire ZERO number of words from CRT that advocate that.

So, if YOU THINK you have some actual quotes from actual CRT advocates where they - IN ANY WORDS - teach that all white people are racist oppressors, then YOU WILL have to act like a rational adult and cite the words YOU THINK are saying that.

I don't see it in your links. ANYWHERE.

If you want to make your case, then YOU cite the words.

We see how you continually dodge this reasonable request.

We see.

Marshal Art said...

First of all, your ultimatums are useless here. Keep them at your blog where you can maintain your circle jerk as you see fit. This blog is for honest discussion and with this last comment of yours, you prove you don't understand that any more than you understand conservatism or Christianity. My first link could not be more clear about the attitude and belief of Derrick Bell about all white people.

So here at this blog, it is you who must put up...and I don't mean you head up your backside. I've done my bit, and you again prove that you don't have the integrity to deal honestly with that which proves you wrong. Below are all proponents of CRT:

“Many critical race theorists and social scientists alike hold that racism is pervasive, systemic, and deeply ingrained. If we take this perspective, then no white member of society seems quite so innocent.” From Critical Race Theory: An Introduction, by Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic, first edition, pp. 79–80.

"Whites spend a lot of time trying to convince ourselves and each other that we are not racist. A big step would be for whites to admit that we are racist and then to consider what to do about it.”” From Being White, Being Good: White Complicity, White Moral Responsibility, and Social Justice Pedagogy, by Barbara Applebaum, p. 15.

“The relevant point for now is that all white people are racist or complicit by virtue of benefiting from privileges that are not something they can voluntarily renounce.” From Being White, Being Good: White Complicity, White Moral Responsibility, and Social Justice Pedagogy, by Barbara Applebaum, p. 16.

“…a positive white identity is an impossible goal. White identity is inherently racist; white people do not exist outside the system of white supremacy.” From White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism, by Robin DiAngelo, p. 149.

Getting back to the evil Derrick Bell, his "Interest-Convergence Thesis" makes it literally impossible for anyone with any racial privilege (again, as outlined by Critical Race Theory) to do anything right because anything they do right must also have been self-interested. If Critical Race Theory makes a demand of people with any form of racial privilege and they comply, they just make themselves more complicit in “racism” as Critical Race Theory sees it. There's no way to read this without acknowledging the not-so-subtle insistence that all white people are racist. This is a classic "damned-if-you-do/damned-if-you-don't" dynamic specially crafted for the race-hustler CRT.

You're an incredibly stupid boy, Dan. A mockery of our educational system (which is deserving of mockery anyway, but those like you and your troll exemplify the failures of that system).

The case is made. It is beyond debate and certainly beyond YOUR capabilities to honestly argue against it. The only person dodging obligations to defend a position or argue against an opposing one...not to mention the only person dodging the YOU, Dan Trabue...the anti-Christian liar and hater.

Dan Trabue said...

At least you're trying. So, here's what Applebaum is saying...

"The relevant point
for now is that all white people are racist
or complicit by virtue of benefiting from privileges
that are not something they can voluntarily renounce.”

It is a fact that we ALL as white people, have benefited societally and individually from not being black in a system that has systemic penalized black people. If you don't understand that, watch Phil Vischer's video on the topic. Phil is the traditional/at least fairly conservative creator of the Veggie Tales franchise.

If you watch the video and still don't understand, watch again. Keep watching until you understand.

Dan Trabue said...

While waiting for your response to the 1st problem quote, here's another...

“…a positive white identity is an impossible goal. White identity is inherently racist; white people do not exist outside the system of white supremacy.” 

This is speaking specifically to white identity. Noting that there are some who might hold on to a white identity it's not the same as all white people.

The problem you're having is understanding words and phrases. You read a line and you make an assumption that you know what they're talking about. Then you demonstrate that you don't.

Here you read him say something about those with a white identity and you assume that that means hes talking about all white people. But that's not what he said.

In short, that line does not say that all white people are racist oppressors. Acknowledging that all white people benefit from the racist systems in our history is not saying that all white people are racist oppressors.

Marshal Art said...

The fake Christian of small brain condescends to me. That's rich.

And then he asserts Phil Vischer is "at least 'fairly' conservative", proving yet again he has no understanding of conservatism.

The video is moronic. Almost as moronic as you are. It goes over the same bile any other CRT proponent does. If I were to keep watching it again and again, it won't make it any less stupid. Being stupid yourself, I'm not surprised you're enamored with it.

In any case, I've once again proven the point about CRT insisting all whites are racist.

I've seen enough videos of black people expressing how insulted they are by the claims of the CRT proponent that they are somehow "oppressed" or in any way inhibited by white people. So once again, the black people to whom I listen are clearly people of far better stock and character than those whose "lived experience" is of great credibility.

You're an incredibly stupid boy, Dan. A mockery of our educational system. The case is made. It is beyond debate and certainly beyond YOUR capabilities to honestly argue against it. But I always enjoy watching you try.

Marshal Art said...

"This is speaking specifically to white identity. Noting that there are some who might hold on to a white identity it's not the same as all white people."

Only morons speak of one's race as "identity"...morons and racists like you and CRT and BLM proponents. Normal people don't.

But again, it's a damned-if-do-or-don't situation in that to acknowledge one's skin color or race suggests one identifies as that race. Yet it's a simply statement of fact without meaning beyond the acknowledgement of different than stating the color of your car or house. This is the idiocy your position provokes and worse, you double-down on the idiocy by pretending it's meaningful. You're a moron and so are those you find compelling on this issue. At the end of the day, the quote is proof CRT asshats regard all white people as racist. It's a clear admission...clear to honest people. You're a liar.

"Here you read him say something about those with a white identity and you assume that that means hes talking about all white people. But that's not what he said."

That's exactly what he said. You're just lying on his behalf and to cover the fact that you've been schooled yet again.

"In short, that line does not say that all white people are racist oppressors. Acknowledging that all white people benefit from the racist systems in our history is not saying that all white people are racist oppressors."

Now you're moving the of your favorite equivocating tactics. Now it's white "oppressors". The challenge was proving CRT proponents regard all white people as racist. Now you're making it "oppressors". You haven't an honest cell in your white-guilted, anti-Christian body.

What's more, it's not proven in the least that "all white people benefit from the racist systems in our history". It's just a racist assertion by CRT/BLM race-hustlers and the dumbass white-guilt leftist morons who bow before them.

You're an incredibly stupid boy, Dan. A mockery of our educational system. The case is made. It is beyond debate and certainly beyond YOUR capabilities to honestly argue against it. But I always enjoy watching you try.

Dan Trabue said...

Marshal... "Now you're moving the of your favorite equivocating tactics. Now it's white "oppressors". The challenge was proving CRT proponents regard all white people as racist."

First of all, this has been part of a conversation with you, Stan and Craig, where ALL THREE of you are condemning CRT advocates for teaching X, Y and Z and in each case, X, Y and Z have been YOUR ALL's comments, NOT the words of CRT advocates.

For instance, Craig at his post on the topic... "...if CRT requires us to think of all "white" people as racist oppressors..."

That's one false claim/suggestion. Other of your all's false claims include
that CRT teaches students to hate the US or
teaches students to hate being white or
to be guilty for being white.

In each of these claims - which I have personally seen a few dozen times on blogs and on FB - the pattern is the same. NONE of you are quoting CRT advocates. You're saying what YOU THINK they mean.

And it's just stupidly false. As YOU have demonstrated by your continued failure to post a quote that says, for instance, that CRT teaches all white people are racists. Your quotes don't say that, and they certainly don't say that all white people are racist oppressors AS CRAIG said in a conversation you took part in.

So, no. I'm not moving the goalposts. This conversation has always been about the various false claims you all attribute to CRT in ignorance and slander.

As to the rest, until you ask one of these people (or many of them) to confirm that they are teaching that all white people are racists (or racist oppressors, as has been argued), I'm telling you that YOU are lying because YOU are reading INTO their words something they quite literally did not say.

I just don't think you have the intellectual honesty to admit you could be (are) mistaken and so you'll just continue to double down on the dishonest schoolchild gossiping.

Grow up.

Dan Trabue said...

Marshal... "And then he asserts Phil Vischer is "at least 'fairly' conservative", proving yet again he has no understanding of conservatism."

What do you know about Vischer that makes you think he's not fairly traditional and fairly conservative in his theology?

Disagree with you about racism?

You know that you aren't the arbiter of conservative Christianity.

Here's Vischer doing his 17 minute spiel on Easter. What's not traditional about that?

"This is my body that is given for you... this cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood... Was Jesus saying that HE was the passover lamb, HE was the one who would die so that we could live? That's EXACTLY what he was saying."

Damn, that sounds awfully traditional conservative evangelical to me. Where is he departing from conservative tradition in his view of Easter?

Support your charge. Just one time, support what you're saying with something more than childish emotional bluster.

Marshal Art said...

"First of all, this has been part of a conversation with you, Stan and Craig, where ALL THREE of you are condemning CRT advocates for teaching X, Y and Z and in each case, X, Y and Z have been YOUR ALL's comments, NOT the words of CRT advocates."

First of all, I'm responding here to what you say HERE. But it doesn't really matter which term you use, as the quotes I provided cover either.

"...that CRT teaches students to hate the US or
teaches students to hate being white or
to be guilty for being white."

These are the consequences of CRT in schools, but also in general, and they are evident in even just the few quotes I provided. You again pretend these things aren't being taught simply because the exact words "Hate your country!", "Hate being white" or "You should feel guilty for being white" haven't been produced. Evidently, you don't understand CRT any better than you understand conservatism or Christianity.

"As YOU have demonstrated by your continued failure to post a quote that says, for instance, that CRT teaches all white people are racists. Your quotes don't say that..."

My quotes absolutely prove the point, and you have once again validated the accusation that you require exact words be spoken in order to make a charge about what is being said.

"This conversation has always been about the various false claims you all attribute to CRT in ignorance and slander."

None of us have provided anything that demonstrates ignorance of marxism and lies of CRT except for you, and you slander us as liars for pointing out the truth of CRT. The false claims are by the race-hustling proponents of CRT and the moronic enablers of it like you.

"I'm telling you that YOU are lying because YOU are reading INTO their words something they quite literally did not say."

And I'm telling you you're a moron who doesn't understand the "theory" you're defending. It's crystal clear what the black race-hustlers of CRT and their black-wanna-be white guilt morons are pushing.

"I just don't think you have the intellectual honesty to admit you could be (are) mistaken and so you'll just continue to double down on the dishonest schoolchild gossiping."

You're too funny, daring to question the honesty of anyone given how dishonest you are. Every source I use bases objections on the words of CRT proponents. It's scholarly analysis of this dreck and hardly "gossip".

Try again.

Marshal Art said...

You're not going to take this post on any other tangents. Thus, any discussion of the politically liberal leanings of Vischer will not take place in this thread, which is about the list of principles of CRT you listed at your blog.

Marshal Art said...

It seems Dan has no legit criticism of my post. He's fled.

Dan Trabue said...

You are delusional believing in delusions. You can't support your empty false claims and you don't even recognize that you can't support them. What else is there to say?

Marshal Art said...

There's absolutely nothing in anything I've said that indicates "delusion", unless like a typical leftist you're once again redefining a word as CRT people have redefined "racism".

What's more, there are no "empty false claims", but opinions, criticisms and questions based on the words YOU posted on your laughable blog post.

"Now, I am willing to concede the extremely unlikely possibility that I've totally misunderstood any of the four "principles" of CRT Brain-Dead Dan listed from his reliable sources. But that would only mean that Ducky Dan failed to provide clarifying explanation, which he is free to provide in the comments section if has the desire to do so like a man instead of a...I have no confidence he's capable but plenty that he's so racist he'll try to do so in a manner he believes will disparage those of us who see CRT for what it is (see the title of this post)."

You've certainly proved THAT point well enough, as you've done nothing to defend any of the points you've posted as "principles of CRT". And to respond in advance to the weakness of your many links, none of them provide any proof that race is a "social construct". They only make the claim despite the evidence of their own arguments going against them. There's nothing about why there are different races of people that isn't the result of some biological process. It's not imagined. It's not fantasy. What it is is a biological reality which has no real significance as regards superiority or inferiority. That's where the "social construct" comes in, but it doesn't negate the biological basis for the differences between the races.

So don't pretend you've done jack to defend your moronic fascination and embrace of the marxist CRT. The delusion is all yours, Skippy.