Wednesday, February 17, 2021

R.I.P. Rush Limbaugh. Conservative Giant. Great American.

Had to post on the passing of a great American, Rush Limbaugh, who's presence on WLS AM in Chicago over the last twenty five years or so has provided insight and education on conservatism and the inanity of liberalism and the fraudulent nature of the Democrat Party.  Rush has had the left's number for years and his ability to so accurately predict how they'd respond to whatever was happening was truly remarkable.  He lived rent free in Barack Obama's corrupt mind for the entirety of his two failed terms of office.  Yet he gave callers of a leftist bent more time on the phone than he did for the like-minded, and turned a good share of them to light.

Years ago, while working as an office equipment technician, driving hither and yon from customer to customer, I used to listen to a radio talk show on the local Christian station.  The host's name, as I recall, was Dick Staub.  At one point, I heard a few callers telling Staub that he sounded like Rush Limbaugh.  I had no idea who Rush was at that time, and Staub's response was neither "thank you" nor "how dare you".  But I was interested in knowing who this guy was with the strange first name about whom they referred.  As it happened, I came upon a billboard with Rush's face and from it found what station carried his show.  I tuned in.  Within the first fifteen minutes or so, he said that one couldn't tune in once or twice and understand what he was all about.  Rush encouraged new listeners to give him six weeks.  That sounded like a fair offer, so I began to tune in every day and listen to the extent my travels on the job allowed.  I found there wasn't anything with which I disagreed (with the exception of a shot he leveled at Chelsea Clinton while she was still a kid.  I didn't like it and he did apologize for it).  Listening to him confirmed for me what I had begun to suspect of myself since my senior year of high school.  I was indeed a conservative. 

For quite some time he was regular listening for me.  His success led to other conservatives being broadcast on that station and one other in my area.  A liberal attempt to compete with him, Air America, failed miserably, failing to draw any leftist attention...because lefties don't give a flying rat's ass about even the crap their own spews.  Yet again, they always had Rush who gave them a fair hearing and treated them well. 

Rush liked to put on that he was all knowing.  My mother couldn't handle his shtick in that regard.  But it was an act, of course, and on those few occasions when he realized he was wrong about something he said, he would begin the next day's broadcast with a correction.  Lefty media never do that.

No doubt this is a great day for the left, who never fails to rejoice at the passing of a conservative.  Just look at how the truly moronic revel in Trump being jobbed out of a second term!  Rush, an icon, will be bring out the ghouls for sure.  But it only shows just how good he was and how effective he was in exposing what they really are. 
But it's a sad day for America who has lost a true treasure.  Rest In Peace, Rush Limbaugh.  I pray he's with God.


Dan Trabue said...

I'm sorry to hear of his passing, in spite of his hateful and irrational contributions to the degradation of the "conservative" cause. He and Ronald Reagan, WAY more than any liberal influence, drove me away from the GOP and what today's "conservatism" has become.

I'm glad that he lived long enough to see his style of "conservatism" start to unravel. I hope now he knows the harm he's contributed to over the years.

May his family find peace and his followers see the light.

Dan Trabue said...

Marshal... " Listening to him confirmed for me what I had begun to suspect of myself since my senior year of high school. I was indeed a conservative."

I was already solidly conservative when I began listening to him, sometime in the mid-1980s. I listened to him for years on a near daily basis at the woodshop where I worked. At first, I found his childish conservative-leaning humor sort of funny. Not much, but some. Mostly, his humor struck me as ham-fisted and petty, but enough that I chuckled from time to time. But the more I listened to him, the more I observed Reagan's politics that he was advocating, the more I began to see, "If THIS is what conservatism is, then I ain't conservative."

Limbaugh and Reagan drove me away from the GOP and conservatism and for that much, I guess, I give them thanks.

Dan Trabue said...

Of course, it is a stupidly false claim (the sort that Trump and Limbaugh types make their millions off) to say that we rejoice when conservatives pass away. We don't rejoice, of course. Not at the pain, death and suffering of conservatives, as a group.

But recognizing the gross misdeeds of villains who attacked others relentlessly, that is just recognizing reality. We don't celebrate Limbaugh's passing, but neither will we make him into some kind of celebrity hero millionaire, just because he passed.

The man celebrated when gay folk died from AIDS. He celebrated with horns and bells.

That is despicable, you agree?

He who lives by the vulgar attacks on people he didn't even know can't be surprised when people feel some schadenfreude... some relief at his passing. He caused pain to millions and did so needlessly and in the most vulgar ways possible, ALL to serve his vain wish to be wealthy and powerful.

It was quite sick, the way he lived and I hope his family finds some peace.

Marshal Art said...


Regarding your first comment above:

Because of Rush, conservatism has flourished and become a greater force than it had been previous to his fame becoming more widespread. He articulated what conservatism is...and exposed leftism like yours for what it ways that educated a great number of leftists...some of whom left the dark side for the light of truth. His "style" of conservatism isn't unraveling at all. That's an idiotic thing to say.

Regarding your second comment above:

Clearly he proved you were never conservative in the first I've insisted for years. What's more, it sounds like you didn't like his style. Ignore that and what's left is that you weren't conservative if what he said "drove you away". Truth is truth and like all lefties, truth to you is like a disease. People who value truth aren't driven away from it claiming, "If THIS is what conservatism is, then I ain't conservative."

Regarding your third comment above:

Pretending lefties don't take great joy in the passing of people like Limbaugh is just a straight-up lie or absolute ignorance. Already I've dealt with such on my Facebook page. It's all over the place.

"But recognizing the gross misdeeds of villains who attacked others relentlessly, that is just recognizing reality."

It's also vile hypocrisy as art form. It's what leftists do as a matter of basic leftist strategy and a main tactic for winning over sheep. Demonizing to leftists fills the void lefty by worthless ideas and failed policies. To claim as villainous what Rush did is more of the same. He called out the left for the harm they did on a regular basis. Sure, he had his moments of less than Christian comments. But as a human being who is dealing with far less than Christian Democrats, only those like you would demand he be perfect in order to criticize those so greatly worthy of criticism. Again, vile hypocrisy on your part.

BTW, he didn't need to die to be regarded as a hero of conservatism. He already was one.

Rush's position on the homosexual movement, and the unfortunate embracing of it by too many Americans, was reflective of long held, righteous dislike for it. But your response to it reflects the sordid demand homosexuals should be treated honorably despite their dishonorable behavior. He chose not to do that and in fact went the other way...even if he went too far. He actually expressed regret for his "AIDS Updates"...a segment that lasted only two weeks. He called it the single most regrettable thing he's done. This is a great example of how he copped to his mistakes as I mentioned in the post. You don't see that sort of thing from the left and they do as bad with regularity, given it is a favored tactic.

However, is his mockery of the LGBT community more despicable than the behaviors of that community? Not hardly.

And once again, we see in your comments a level of scrutiny for the behavior of this man that you NEVER employ toward any on your side of the ideological divide. No one on our side would call the guy perfect and no one on our side would dismiss his shortcomings. That's what YOU and YOUR SIDE does on behalf of your own as a matter of routine...all to serve your perverse wish to promote perversions of all kinds.

Rush was just another imperfect champion of truth and reason.

Dan Trabue said...

Marshal... "Because of Rush, conservatism has flourished and become a greater force than it had been previous to his fame becoming more widespread."

Wrong. It did so... FOR A WHILE. It fanned the flames of fear and division that appealed to a shrinking group of white conservatives and riled them up with conspiracy theories and demonizations and slander and false attacks. And the Trump/Limbaugh/Gingrich style of "conservatism" DID spread like a wildfire to a degree... BUT ONLY by appealing to a subset of white conservatives who were emotionally fragile and whose fears and fragility made them willing to believe ridiculous conspiracy theories and stupidly false claims.

That sort of populist appeal can work... but only for a while. And now, with the end of Trump, we can see the puttering out of that flame. You can't win elections and inspire unity by appealing to an ever-decreasing minority. The ~30-40% of the US who can be reached by such lies and attacks is not enough to win elections in a free republic. Sure, they pushed it further than you would think possible, but only by actively promoting the disenfranchisement of minority groups who'd vote against them, by denying a voice to places like DC and Puerto Rico, where the large numbers of racial minorities" would not support this apartheid-like system.

Limbaugh lived long enough to see the beginning of the end of this American Apartheid. The minority can't control the majority forever.

Dan Trabue said...

Marshal... "in ways that educated a great number of leftists...some of whom left the dark side for the light of truth."

Well, the reality is that it had the opposite affect on me. I was a die hard ultra conservative young man and between Reagan's harmful, class warfare against the poor and immigrants, etc and Limbaugh's stupidly false and harmful attacks on people across the board, on more than half the nation!, he helped DRIVE me away from that version of "conservatism." Facts are facts.

I rather doubt that anyone could cite huge numbers of liberals jumping ship due to Limbaugh and I know it only pushed me away.

Marshal... "His "style" of conservatism isn't unraveling at all. That's an idiotic thing to say."

To be fair, it remains to be seen. But his and Trump's appeal to an increasing minority at the cost of the poor, the immigrant, the environment, gay folk, women, people of color, etc... I don't see how it can be anything but on its way out. Maybe, MAYBE, the Trump/Limbaugh style of hateful, xenophobic, fear-based, ignorance-based populism will win out over the more rational (still awful!) McConnell, Romney, Flake, Colin Powell, etc, etc, etc conservative types, but appeals to an increasing minority can't win in a free republic.

Look: Trump has pretty solid support amongst about 70 million people. This, in a nation of ~320 million. Not even a fourth of the population. Do you really want that minority to have an out-sized voice over and against the will of the vast majority of the nation? How do you square that with equal representation for all?

Dan Trabue said...

Marshal... "However, is his mockery of the LGBT community more despicable than the behaviors of that community? Not hardly. "

Yes, it is. Look, YOU ARE complaining that some liberals will be glad that this man who relentlessly and viciously attacked women, minorities, immigrants, LGBTQ folk, etc is dead. YOU are saying it's wrong to be glad about that. AND YET, he mocked the dead who had done nothing to him and that he didn't even know.

Can you JUST SAY that this behavior on his part is sick as hell, literally?


Marshal Art said...

"To be fair, it remains to be seen. But his and Trump's appeal to an increasing minority at the cost of the poor, the immigrant, the environment, gay folk, women, people of color, etc... I don't see how it can be anything but on its way out."

Yes, it does remain to be seen. But we can get a hint as to whether or not there's an "increasing minority" of adherents to conservatism or the GOP by looking at, for instance, the increase in the percentage of blacks and minorities who voted for Trump. And I would caution you about your premature happy dance. The full effects of the liberty squashing policies of the Democratic Party...with regard to Covid, gun rights, religious freedom, free speech...will eventually convince even hard-core lefties of the folly of their positions. The threat is just how that response will manifest. If even allegedly "typical" Trump supporters are willing to act like petulant lefties in their assault on the Capitol building, it's a simply thing for lefties who engage in that kinda crap regularly to do so when their own actual rights are denied them by the very people they supported.

Your percentages are off more than a bit. First, I believe we're now closer to 330 million in this country. But of those, only about 250 mil are adults (voting age). There were at least 74 million who voted for Trump (though I'm sure you're "about 70 million) was intentional). OF that 250 million, there were about (by one article I read) 80 million who didn't vote. Of that 80 million, how many are conservative (we know some conservatives didn't vote for president at all, even if they voted down ticket)? You're probably talking about 30-35% of the adult population who are at the very least, center-right, which is about what we always see. That's hardly an "increasing minority".

Reagan took part in no "class warfare" and you may recall that he signed on to a regrettable "immigration reform" act which led to many of the problems with illegal aliens and border security issues we now face. So you lie about him yet again.

More coming...

Marshal Art said...

Getting back to Limbaugh....

"Well, the reality is that it had the opposite affect on me. I was a die hard ultra conservative young man..."

You keep saying crap like this, but then prove how stupid it is for you to imagine anyone not as moronic as you would believe it. Only a lefty would pretend there's something wrong with an ideology because they don't like the person promoting it. And then to pretend they promoted what you say they did proves you either didn't listen to Rush as you claim, or more likely, you were never intelligent enough to understand anything he said with regard to conservatism and the dangers of leftism. No. You rejected truth for lies and idiocy. No "die hard ultra conservative" does something like that. You clearly were no better than "conservative" on a most superficial level. Facts are facts.

"I rather doubt that anyone could cite huge numbers of liberals jumping ship due to Limbaugh."

I doubt it myself. Keep in mind, we're talking about liberals and they're, as a group, incredibly stupid, dishonest and completely self-serving and superficial. But callers to his show (and other shows, like Levin's, Elder's, etc.) often refer to having been converted by the logic of conservatism as presented by Rush. (Dave Rubin left the left after interviewing Larry Elder, which together with his own experience dealing with lefties was too compelling to ignore.)

I'm running out of time at present, but I want to address this "style of conservatism" angle. There's only conservatism. There's no "style" of which you speak, but there is "levels of conviction". Real conservatives are like those you dismiss and while there are some who disagree with others, that doesn't indicate anything more than healthy discourse between like-minded people. The core elements remain the same between them. You wouldn't know this never having been an actual conservative ever in your life. Those "conservatives" you cite because they hate Trump like you do aren't necessarily less conservative, but aren't any better than lefties for their focus on Trump's eccentricities over his conservative policies. It's those policies that attract actual conservatives (as well as Trump's willingness to stand up to leftist attacks other GOP presidents refused to do) despite those eccentricities...because they're not superficial like you.

I'll get to the rest of your revisionist history later.

Dan Trabue said...

Marshal... "Only a lefty would pretend there's something wrong with an ideology because they don't like the person promoting it. "

I am not saying there's something wrong with an ideology because of Limbaugh's vile messaging. I'm saying that I recognized that Limbaugh, Reagan and, by extension, one day Trump, were the future and design of modern "conservatism" and THAT shit was not anything I could sign on with. I'm not criticizing conservatism, here. I'm criticizing that VIEW of what modern "conservatism" is.

Understand the difference?

Conservatism moved from being, you know, traditionally conservative towards the vile stupidly false xenophobic and hateful Limbaugh/Reagan/Trump idea of a new "conservatism," which had very little to do with conservatism and very much to do with an embrace of stupidity, anti-intellectualism, xenophobia and hateful false claims.

Marshal Art said...

"Conservatism moved from being, you know, traditionally conservative towards the vile stupidly false xenophobic and hateful Limbaugh/Reagan/Trump idea of a new "conservatism," which had very little to do with conservatism and very much to do with an embrace of stupidity, anti-intellectualism, xenophobia and hateful false claims."

And again you prove you have no understanding of conservatism and never did. There's nothing "xenophobic" about anything Limbaugh/Reagan/Trump promoted. That's just moronic lefty-speak which stands in for an actual argument or criticism of either conservatism or its promoters. Instead, you embrace true stupidity, total anti-intellectualism and incredibly hateful and false claims...otherwise known as "lies". As always, these people you deride speak of liberty, American exceptionalism, border security, military superiority and a far less intrusive, nanny state. What about any of that is a problem for you? What, in any way, remains of your "die-hard conservatism" if all you're doing is rejecting what these people promoted? You're full of crap, but I'm offering you a chance to explain yourself because to this day, everything you've ever said about conservatism or conservatives proves you've never been conservative.

The truth is you indeed have rejected conservatism because of they "style" of those like Limbaugh. But a true conservative would not, even if they reject the messenger. So don't give me that crap about what you claim you once were when you can't articulate what it was in your understanding.

As to Limbaugh and the abomination of homosexuality, as I said, he apologized for his "AIDS Updates" after "listening" (remember that?) to those who suggested it mocked the suffering of those afflicted with AIDS. Without having any such "Updates" to review, however, I'm not sure I can sit here and pretend his intentions were such, despite the consequences being so. That's an important distinction, because the lifestyle is what brought about such suffering. AIDS is completely preventable. NO ONE has to suffer from it. Only those who chose to engage in behaviors that increased the risk of it (in this case, homosexual behavior) did.

But, he was criticized by Catholics for his tolerance of "gay" unions (not marriage), and he was friends with Elton John, who performed eight songs at his lase wedding. Haters like you either don't know these things because you never paid attention to the guy first hand to begin with, or you purposely ignore these facts because they reduce the hate you can provoke in others by acknowledging them...and you can't have that.

So spare me any further tap dancing or leftist propaganda about Rush or conservatism and bring something substantive if you think you can. Given your history, I won't hold out any hope.

Dan Trabue said...

I can't help you. Trump, Limbaugh, Alex Jones the idiots at OAN, etc, etc, are part of a dangerous trend that is a threat to a free republic. They literally are getting regular (gullible) conservatives to openly talk about the possibility of "shedding blood" and a "civil war" to "protect" "their way of life."

It's not going to happen, but the playing of these attack cards (the media is an enemy, the democrats can't be trusted, liberals hate the US, the election was rigged, Trump won the election... in a landslide...) ALL of these claims are not only false, but stupidly and dangerously false.

They're stupidly false because any rational person who hasn't been stirred into a state of emotional fear can see that there just is no data to support any of them. They're dangerously false because IF some good portion of the useful idiots driven by emotion and fear out there actually BELIEVE that "the enemy" is "stealing the country...." SOME portion of those idiots WILL do just what the white supremacists and other irrational conservatives have been doing and planning assassinations, planning to overthrow elections, planning to cause harm and to kill.

You're part of the group that has been conned, deliberately giving in to your fears and believing irrational conspiracy theories promoted by the Limbaughs and Trumps of the world. These rich hedonists are using their useful idiots to gain power and money and they don't give a damn about you all or the damage they're doing.

Hopefully, their day has passed for now.

Open your eyes. You're being played.

Marshal Art said...

"I can't help you."

You would need a better plan, a better philosophy, more knowledge...of SOMEthing...and actual truth/facts/evidence to even make a legitimate attempt.

"Trump, Limbaugh, Alex Jones the idiots at OAN, etc, etc, are part of a dangerous trend that is a threat to a free republic."

First, let's talk about Alex Jones. You like to throw him in the mix when you're failing in your attempts to sound like you have the high ground. But this fails as well since I don't listen to the guy, I doubt you do and I'd wager you couldn't prove very many people do. But whereas he's most definitely "fringe" if he's indeed conservative or "right-wing" at all, he is more comparable to the mainstream of leftism you follow like a sheep.

As regards "the idiots at OAN", I'm no more a subscriber than you are, though I would wager I've seen more clips from that source than you have and have never seen anything that suggests a desire for civil war or anything like it. And until you can provide a clip, I'm going to again suggest you're referring to people who have asserted their willingness to take up arms against people like you who continue to promote the various infringements on our rights your kind find so inconvenient. This isn't at all a radical or lunatic position for any American to take against those who only pay lip service to a free republic. Conservatism has never been a threat to it. You and your kind don't even want a free republic.

In the meantime, those like Trump and Rush have been champions of our free republic and understand even morally bankrupt people like you have unalienable rights within it, even in the promotion of your many deviant long as you can persuade the masses your deviancy is worthy of support.

"...the playing of these attack cards (the media is an enemy, the democrats can't be trusted, liberals hate the US, the election was rigged, Trump won the election... in a landslide...) ALL of these claims are not only false, but stupidly and dangerously false."

And yet you've done not a damned thing to prove any of your contentions. In the meantime, I've shown how the leftist media IS the enemy of the people, that Dems can't be trusted, that by your actions you libs/leftists/progressives have proven you hate the United States and what it was created to be, and have provided a great deal of the evidence showing the elections was rigged...none of which you've been able to rebut. As such, none of these claims are stupid or dangerous. The dismissal of legitimate concerns by lower life forms like you is.

Marshal Art said...

"They're stupidly false because any rational person who hasn't been stirred into a state of emotional fear can see that there just is no data to support any of them."

Again, your "Nyuh uh" counter argument doesn't at all or in any way mitigate or diminish the claims you assert without evidence is false. I've provide plenty of data and you've responded, at best, with nonsense and drooling. And of course, you've yet to demonstrate you have an understanding of what "rational" looks like.

It's false...dishonest as is your dismiss those who are concerned about what is so plain to them. You want to stir up YOUR idiots by suggesting there's some great numbers of people organizing violence, while at the same time, you keep your thumbs up your ass in the face of actual, filmed violence from thousands of your own kind. People you laughingly defend as expressing "the language of the unheard". Yet you will not hear the concerns of average Americans fed up with being told what they can and can't do, what they must say and believe regardless of their own feelings and devotion to long held and Christian taught notions of virtue, character as well as the principles of true Americanism.

You're part of the group that cons, deliberately stoking fear and belief in irrational descriptions of conservatism and its proponents...demonizing people like the Limbaughs and the Trumps without even knowing what they're promoting and defending. You ARE the conned. I'm of those who won't be and you can't even explain how you are not and I am. You have no proofs or evidence that any conning has been going on from the right or from those like Limbaugh or Trump. You just say whatever shit drools out of your hateful mouth because you have no real argument. You seek out and cling to any imperfection of a conservative, hype the crap out of it, but ignore the substantive because it exposes how lacking you are in your philosophy.

It seems crystal clear that God has long ago given you over to your corruption and depravities. You need to do more than merely open your eyes. You need to see.

Dan Trabue said...

Here's the type of people you're defending: Elitist, hedonistic, money-sickened, ultra-wealthy (in Trump's case, wealth he got by scams, cheating, skimming, refusing to pay his employees, inheritance, tax-evasion and not a single damn day's worth of honest labor as far as I can tell) types who are NOT like you and don't give a damn about people like you. As far as they're concerned, you're just "the workers" and if you don't shut up and do what they say, they'll fire you and not pay you your wages.

You've been played for a fool by people who don't give a damn about you. You're just their useful puppets.

Marshal Art said...

Wow. Another link about how Trump-haters feel. Can we get a report about their work ethic, or are we just to assume they're as pure as the driven snow? It's amazing what passes for "hard data" where you're concerned.

There's a big difference between being played for a fool and being an obvious fool. You're the latter, and I am neither. I support Trump based on his work as president, which is stellar. You oppose him because you're a fool and a greater moron for believing Biden is his moral opposite. I doubt you've spent two minutes truly vetting Trump's life.

Trump's record as president demonstrates he cared more about all Americans than any candidate you've ever supported, and that's by a wide margin. In the meantime, in the short few weeks since the inauguration, your old boy has demonstrated he doesn't even understand what the concept means.

Try bringing substance next time, or admit you don't have any.

Marshal Art said...

By the way, I've shredded your crap on the previous post, too.

Marshal Art said...

Speaking of being played, this is only slightly hyperbolic. It's actually worse when one actually reads the details of Biden's actions in the first month of his stolen presidency:

Go ahead, Dan. Try to bring evidence any of this is untrue. Be sure to ignore that demand and just dismiss it because it's from a contributor to American Thinker. That's how you roll, after all.

Craig said...

I too wish comfort for his family and friends and I hope that the stories about his conversion late in life are true.

The thing that Rush doesn't get enough credit for is the fact that he singlehandedly saved AM radio as a viable medium. It's not an exaggeration to say that he is responsible for a significant number of jobs, and for keeping AM and Talk radio relevant for decades.

While, I'd stopped listening to political talk radio years ago, I did listen to Rush for quite a while. My favorite Rush moment was when I was listening to a re broadcast of one of his shows, and he started talking about a couple of friends of mine who'd mowed his lawn before he was successful.

I also don't think he gets enough credit as an example of how he succeeded. The fact that he chose not to go to college, frustrating his parents in the process, set his sights on doing what he wanted to do, and managed to become the best in his industry.

Listening to his detractors spew glee, hatred and vitriol after his passing is just par for the course of how low political discourse has gotten in America. Much as they did when he was diagnosed with cancer a while back. The degree of depravity that one must have to wish someone a long, excruciatingly painful death, boggles the mind.

But despite the nastiness from the left, I have to give kudos to Chrissie Hynde. For years Rush used one of her songs as his show theme song, even though Rush and Hynde were on opposite sides politically. Unlike so many artists, Hynde never tried to stop Rush, never complained publicly, and negotiated a deal to get her royalties donated to one of her causes. The reason why she acted this way, her father was a huge Rush listener and her relationship with her father was more important than politics. I just saw a piece that talked about this story, and she was incredibly gracious. Unfortunately, that's not the norm on the left,


Craig said...


I'm not going to wade through the bullshit here, and I wonder why you're wasting your time with it as well.

Craig said...

FYI, when I talk about Rush's influence on the radio industry, let's not forget that he's responsible for the careers (some not very long) of some really bad liberal talk show hosts. For anyone who has problems with Rush's sense of humor or his edgy characterizations of people he disagreed with, just listen to Stephanie Miller. Everything folks complained about with Rush, she's worse. But, thanks to Rush, she has a career. So there's that.

Marshal Art said...

"I'm not going to wade through the bullshit here, and I wonder why you're wasting your time with it as well."

Just embracing grace, Craig. If Dan's so intent on exposing his own stupidity, I feel compelled to extend to him the grace in letting him do it.

Rush is the reason there's so many talk radio shows at all. There was always some before him, but not on such a national scale, and that includes left-wing shows as well, though they don't last as long or have the audience size. Lefties don't have the attention span to do more than a superficial listen. Note, for example, how Dan never does more than parrot headlines or repeat what he's heard from others. Center-right people tend to more truly and sincerely care about their fellow man and are willing to take the time to dig into subjects more deeply.

Craig said...

Art, as I said, I don’t think it overstates Rush’s importance to say that he saved AM radio. There’s no question that he revolutionized political talk radio as well. Anyone who disputes this is simply obsessed with partisanship and ignoring reality. If you did an economic impact study of Rush, I suspect that he’s played a huge part in thousands of jobs, and millions in economic growth. If you include radio stations, advertisers, etc.

Marshal Art said...

Absolutely agree. The scales are weighted in his favor for sure with regard to the good he's done by simply being Rush. Not really a hyperbolic thing to day given all you've acknowledged in your last. What negatives the haters like Dan can scrape up don't amount to much against all the positives, and they damned well know it.