Sunday, January 10, 2021

Some Stuff For Your Perusal

There's been so much going on, and I've been responding to an incredible amount of comments on social media such that I've had a hard time deciding what to cut out and what to pursue.  While trying to decide I've been pursuing it all, as well as other aspects of my personal life.  Some issues I've wanted to address here, but as they were piling up, I couldn't decide which I should take on first.  To "cull the herd", so to speak, I'm doing a round-up as Stan and Neil commonly do at their blogs.  So here ya go:

"Have Fun Stormin' The Castle!"

The following link is a video from Andrew Wilkow in which he addresses the hypocrisy and hyperbole of those asserting the breaching of the Capitol building following an incredibly huge Trump rally was on par with Armageddon.  Basically, he's speaking of people like Dan.

Oh Baby!

This next one is something upon which I just stumbled while composing this post.  I don't know the person hosting it, but she's talking about my new favorite Democrat, Tulsi Gabbard.  The weird thing is that I seem to recall she, despite being very much a babe, turned my stomach.  Something she said during the primaries in her quest for the presidency.  I don't recall what it was, though I remember also thinking I could handle her lefty crap given her fine features.  Shallow?  Who cares.  She's very attractive. 

But I digress...because she's kinda hot. 

The point here is, despite the above mentioned infatuation, what really turns me on is how conservative she's been acting in the past few months.  This video highlights four positions she's promoting that would suggest to the uninitiated that she's another brilliant conservative woman.  I reign in my digging of her face to keep in mind that it's merely four initiatives.  I'm not ready to suggest I'll vote for her in the '24 Presidential.  But if this keeps up, we may have a new Republican soon.

Not That This Is Really News, But....

This is another that I stumbled upon and was the one that led me to do a round-up (and by the way, if this round-up causes cancer, there's some legal options advertised on TV for just that complaint---or they might be referring to weed killer.  Anyway...).  It refers to the extremist drift further left of the Democratic party and the "progressives".  Notable is how it compares them to the CCP, which is especially ironic given Joey Plugs is so tight with them.

This Maskerade

The title of this one comes from a post Stan did on Dec 29.  The link below adds more reason to reject the mandate whenever possible, and it provides one more reason for explaining why I choose not to wear one simply because I'm told to.  As some have said, and even Stan has affirmed, there is a downside to always being forced against one's will to wear one.  This article speaks to problems I've never considered before, except in a very vague manner, mostly referring to communicating with children.  We acknowledge it affects communication between adults.  But this officer show just how far to the negative direction that concept can go.  It's more info that should be imparted to those frightened grandmothers about whom Stan is so concerned.  (Frankly, I think there's far more irrational fear among the young than among the elderly)  This article I found rather startling.  I would still recommend those who are fearful for their health to go ahead and mask up if it makes them feel better.  But there's far less reason to recommend them as a viable defense against any virus with the info provided therein.

There's more I would like to add to this round-up.  Or I may do another.  We'll see. 

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