Friday, October 23, 2020

Poetic Truths

 The following link is about 47 minutes from a Mark Levin interview of the great Shelby Steele:  (CAUTION:  A BLACK VOICE TO WHOM LEFTIES INTO BLACK VOICES NEED TO LISTEN)

There's a spot during the interview where Steele refers to what he calls "poetic truth".  This is that which distinguishes "truths" that are not really accurate, but instead are more akin to a perspective influenced by a narrative.  What immediately came to mind was Dan Trabue's insistence that we must listen to black voices.  They are always specific black voices of his choosing despite his assurance he means all black voices.  Of course, he never comments on the black voices presented by either Craig or myself.  No.  He totally disregards those in favor of those who in reality are relating to us what Steele refers to as "poetic truths". 

Others have pointed out the distinction between reality and what Steele coined as "poetic truths".  Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Candace Owens, Larry Elder, Brandon Tatum and others.  That's a short list of black voices that don't interest either the Dan Trabues of the white population and the race-hustlers of the black population...neither of which truly have the welfare of the black community in mind.  Steele gets into why that is in this interview and no doubt in greater detail in the documentary highlighted within it.

While the interview and documentary alone are worthy of taking the time...and I strongly encourage readers to watch it...this notion of "poetic truth" also screams Dan Trabue.  I will not be able to read him referring to "reality" without thinking of "poetic truth", because that's totally what Trabue is doing...citing his own brand of poetic truth.  Dan's reality is self-serving.  That's typical of the so-called "progressive" and truly, every other form of leftist.  The sad part of it is in their conviction that their fantasy is indeed reality and by insisting on their conviction being real, they can sit pleased with the notion that their understanding of reality is legitimate and righteous, and it allows them to condescend to those who don't willingly and eagerly buy in to their fiction.  How dare they? 

Poetic truths is the balm for their itching ears. 

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