Saturday, February 08, 2020


I continue to advocate for the re-election of Donald J. Trump, and with a plethora of great reasons, all of which make irrelevant the personal distaste most opponents of the right-wing have for his past personal history and ongoing style and manner. 

(Who does the left think they're kidding?  They don't care about his manner and they don't care about his horndog history.  They hate that aforementioned plethora far more.)

So I just read the following while wasting time on FB (I've wasted a lot of hours today on the computer...I'm amazed I got anything productive done at all!) and felt it speaks well as to why that advocacy should spread amongst all on the right and among true Christians as well...maybe even primarily true Christians.  It's a response to that distaste and does it well. 

(Obviously, by "true" Christians, I'm clearly NOT referring to "progressive" "Christians".  They clearly prefer the least moral candidates and policies as a matter of routine.)

Thus, I present the following piece from ChristianPost:


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Feodor said...

What a leader says, Glen. Take note:

“Cuomo acknowledged that his actions "will cause disruption. They will cause businesses to close. They'll cause employees to stay at home. I understand that. They will cause much unhappiness. I understand that also."
But, he said, "I accept full responsibility. If someone is unhappy, if somebody wants to blame someone, or complain about someone, blame me. There is no one else who is responsible for this decision."

Feodor said...
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Glenn E. Chatfield said...


I want to point out that I never said I don't look at any media, I just said I don't trust them. Discernment is something you seem to lack.

Feodor said...

I pointed out that you have to look at media to ever know who the hell Trump is or what Republicans are doing. Because, Glen, you’re NOT in Congress.

So, all you’ve just done is agree with me in pointing out to YOU that you necessarily have to read and listen to media in order to have any kind of idea about what’s going on.

So, thank you for that.

But, the dawn hasn’t yet risen in your dim mind that if you depend upon the media to know what is going on to which you *might have an idea then you must necessarily have some degree of trust in what’s reported, because otherwise - as I doubted before but maybe it’s true - you’d be insane to mistrust the very material from which you have no choice but to base your own *thoughts on.

Now on second thought, I can believe that you do use, to your mind, corrupt sources for your only information because you churn corrupt opinion after corrupt opinion.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


You remind me of a limerick:
There once was a man named round,
While mowing his lawn he drowned.
'Twas dark and he fell,
Down the shaft of a well.
He couldn't tell his grass from a hole in the ground.

Feodor said...

And you make me think of Satan and the development of evil.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


You only think of those things because that is where you live.

Feodor said...
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Marshal Art said...

"I know. Your need to erase the truth is heightened in proportion to the increasing proximity of Trump’s failures to your door."

I know. Your need to prove what isn't true...that you're of superior intellect and more moral as well...while failing in the attempt, and that you don't have to abide the special rules enacted specifically for you because you're so special, outweighs your ability to act like the Christian you pretend to be. You posted something as fact without a link for us to review to ensure you're comprehension of what you read is accurate. Thus, your comment is deleted as your rule requires. What's more, this post is about Trump and posting about Barr is irrelevant. You don't get to do that here. Do that at Dan's where he'll let you get away with murder, lying and anything else if it's directed at us, Republicans or actual Christians.

Marshal Art said...

Re: Cuomo: Taking responsibility for stupidity isn't leadership, especially when stupidity is one's stock in trade. It's clearly your thing, too.

Marshal Art said...

Just so you know, false priest...I will continue deleting your attacks on other visitors as I see fit to do so. Act like the Christian you'd know the Bible tells you to be if you'd actually read it.

Feodor said...

It’s revealing to see you, Marshal, erase the Bible as the source of thoughts on Satan and evil.

Still, a bagpiper is a blowhard.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Feo sits around making juvenile attacks. He's tried on my blog but he's not welcome there.

Marshal Art said...

It's revealing to see you, feo, seeing what you want and need to see in order to feel good about yourself.

Still, you can repent of your self-worship and heresies and become a real Christian. There's still time.

Feodor said...

Voltaire, describing Marshal, Craig, Stan, Glen snd the millions like them... some of whom will probably still be around in another 300 years:

“Formerly there were those who said: You believe things that are incomprehensible, inconsistent, impossible because we have commanded you to believe them; go then and do what is unjust because we command it. Such people show admirable reasoning. Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. If the God-given understanding of your mind does not resist a demand to believe what is impossible, then you will not resist a demand to do wrong to that God-given sense of justice in your heart. As soon as one faculty of your soul has been dominated, other faculties will follow as well. And from this derives all those crimes of religion which have overrun the world.”

Marshal Art said...

Says the false priest who defends abortion and sexual immorality.

Feodor said...

I defend women and others from having people like you throw literal stones at them. Who taught me to do that?

Ron Paul called the coronavirus a hoax. Rand Paul delayed a vote for pandemic aid and then voted against it. Trump rejected security briefings 3 months ago about the danger; and called the virus “the Democrats new hoax.” You follow base people, Marshal, who don’t care for you at all.

You could use a priest like me to help save you.

And then, to add to my long list of damning evidence against this administration’s betrayal of the American people (while you respond with denial, dodge, diversion, lies, fearful erasure, and ad hominem hate), there’s this:

“Several months before the coronavirus pandemic began, the Trump administration eliminated a key American public health position in Beijing intended to help detect disease outbreaks in China, Reuters has learned.

The American disease expert, a medical epidemiologist embedded in China's disease control agency, left her post in July, according to four sources with knowledge of the issue. The first cases of the new coronavirus may have emerged as early as November, and as cases exploded, the Trump administration in February chastised China for censoring information about the outbreak and keeping U.S. experts from entering the country to help.

“It was heartbreaking to watch,” said Bao-Ping Zhu, a Chinese American who served in that role, which was funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, between 2007 and 2011. “If someone had been there, public health officials and governments across the world could have moved much faster.”

Marshal Art said...

"I defend women and others from having people like you throw literal stones at them. Who taught me to do that?"

Good gosh, you're such a liar...a true false priest! You don't do what you claim you're doing. You're defending murder and then pretending I'm focused on those who pretend it's not. The first concern is the act. Abortion is murder in 99.999% of the cases...if not all of them given there is no medical reason to abort in the first place. Who taught you to defend murder, but your father in hell?

You lie again with your attacks on Trump and his admin, ignoring how your boy Obama did nothing for months until the death toll from his pandemic was too great to ignore. Where was your concern then? I went through every Trabue blog post from the end of Bush's term until the start of Trump's and along with Trabue never saying a negative thing about Obama, I recall no mention from you about his mishandling of that pandemic. You're a total fraud and liar. If you had the slightest shred of honor and truth in you, you'd have acknowledged Trump's successes by now. You're a low intellect, lying false priest and champion of moral corruption. May God grant you the epiphany you so desperately need.

Feodor said...

Your argument presumes, then, that Jesus was defending adultery.

The world is made up of liberals or bigots.

Christianity, too.

Marshal Art said...

Not at all because I'm not "throwing stones" at anyone but those who are indeed committing heinous actions, like abortion. And Jesus did nothing different than I with regard to the adulteress, as He told her to go and sin no more. By doing so He acknowledged her sin...what she was...just as I do with those who favor, defend and protect abortion "rights". It is idiots like you and Dan who pretend by refusing to condemn the woman that He was modeling some tolerance for sinful behaviors in any way, shape or form. He was unable, by law, to condemn anyone, and He did nothing to suggest that her sin was not punishable by death. But then, fake Christians like you and Dan are never loath to pervert and corrupt Scripture to serve your unchristian beliefs.

The world is made up of fakes and charlatans. You're proof that Christianity is, too.

Feodor said...

Abortion is a legal right for women's health in our country. But you do not have the guts to live your faith part from our laws. That's the kind of respect you have for the US as a nation of diverse peoples.

The Amish believe that modern living with electricity and technology is a corruption of human life. They have the guts to live their faith apart from our society. The Orthodox Jews here in New York consider the food and health practices of modern life and the presence of women at all levels of work a corruption. They fund their own ambulances, hospital beds, schools, and restaurants, and practice circumcision and dating and marriage according to their laws. They have the guts to life their faith apart form our society.

You don't have their guts. Because you need to impose your faith on all of our society. Just like Sharia law. You don't love a fetus. You make war with it. Because you are a major stone thrower. And you need a priest. Bad.

The world is made up of liberals or bigots. Christianity, too.

Feodor said...

And again, for Glen:

"The steamboat: For many Americans in the 19th century, it was a symbol of power and progress, a triumph of technology that ferried goods and people upriver with impressive speed. But for certain passengers, it represented something less glorious and more terrifying. In “Unworthy Republic,” the historian Claudio Saunt describes how the boats functioned as instruments of American expansion and — for the slaves and Indigenous people forced to travel on them — “as floating prisons.” The policy known as Indian Removal was signed into law by President Andrew Jackson in 1830. Transporting so many people up western rivers entailed squeezing them into cramped quarters, where diseases proliferated and a burst boiler could scald hundreds to death in an instant.

Saunt’s book traces the expulsion of 80,000 Native Americans over the course of the 1830s, from their homes in the eastern United States to territories west of the Mississippi River. This was one episode in a long history of colonial conquest that included waging war and spreading disease, but Saunt argues that Indian Removal was truly “unprecedented”; it was a “formal, state-administered process” designed to eliminate every native person to the east of the Mississippi — a systematic expulsion that would later serve as an ignominious model for other regimes around the world. The French in Algeria looked to it as an example, as did the Nazis in Eastern Europe. “The Volga,” Hitler announced in 1941, “must be our Mississippi.”

Marshal Art said...

"Abortion is a legal right for women's health in our country. But you do not have the guts to live your faith part from our laws. That's the kind of respect you have for the US as a nation of diverse peoples."

Slavery was once legal, but you likely don't have respect for that. Yet you insist one should respect the "diversity" that pretends infanticide should be allowable. And what "guts" do you suggest I should have? The guts to murder a few abortion doctors? Blow up a few PP "clinics"? Who do you think you're kidding with this lame bullshit? I have absolutely no problem doing what I can legally to impose respect for human life, while you defend the very opposite and falsely pretend doing so is "Christian" respect for "diverse peoples".

The world is made up of all manner of evil. You're proof evil people dare call themselves "Christian". May God have mercy on your vile soul.

Marshal Art said...


I'm going to let your last comment to Glenn stand. However, you are not to post anything more that has nothing to do with the post's topic. If you wish to opine on some other topic, do it at your own blog where your many readers can enjoy it. Any further deviation by you from the topic will result in deletion of those attempts. You clearly aren't adult enough to restrain your petulance, thus I'm happy to do it for you.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


I guess you don't understand the meaning of the word "genocide." Expelling the Indians from their homelands was not killing them. I'm sure some were killed, but it wasn't genocide.

Feodor said...
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Feodor said...

Slavery in the US was once legal. And by that, you have unwittingly shown yourself a hater, a thrower of stones.

That you try to use slavey as analogous to abortion shows that - unconsciously in your heart - you view the women who have had abortions - as well as the 75% of American women who support the law of the land - as just like slave masters. Slave masters beat and whipped slaves, as well as buying and selling. Slave masters bred their slaves, looking for physical enhancements their generations of slaves for the purposes of their own economic benefit. The white men used their female slaves for sexual pleasure, producing hundreds of thousands of mixed race babies, most of whom grew up in and lived and died in slavery.

Unconsciously, below your capacity for words, you are able to think of a woman who aborts and those who support her as all brutalizing as a slave master.

Otherwise that example would not have come up in your mind.

That it did - that you are ready to compare the masters of the evil of slavery that built the American economy to women who choose an abortion - really becomes an obligation on your part to work hard and faithfully for insurrection and Civil War since the country is not listening to you and people like you. (75% of Americans support the availability of abortion.) Yet, your faith does not have the courage of your mouthy convictions, if, in fact, you really believe abortion is like slavery. Though, clearly, our economy does not run on abortion. People are not getting pregnant JUST SO they can have an abortion. Slave masters mated their slave to each other to make other slaves.

So, if you do believe it, truly, you are a coward in your beliefs.

If you do not believe it, then my original point stands: you don't have the decency and guts to live with fellow American citizens in a sharp difference of moral judgment... but coexist peacefully. You want someone else to do it. You want a strong man to impose Sharia law.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


How the LEFTIST United Nations defines a term is irrelevant to reality. "Cide" in "Genocide" means to kill. homicide is to kill a person, suicide is to kill self, etc. Genocide means only to kill.

The LEFT always redefines words to promote their agendas. That's why "woman" now includes a man pretending to be a woman, and "man" now includes a woman pretending to be a man.

Don't give me your crap redefinitions.

Feodor said...

You’re a first rate Trumper, Glenn. You’re so ego maniacal you think you know better than thousands of journalists and human rights experts.

God doesn’t like ugly. He hates ego maniacs.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

The only egomaniac on this thread is you.

Leftist journalists and "human rights experts" (more far leftism) redefine words to suit their agendas. Genocide has had a definition looooonnnnnnggggg before leftists decided they wanted to add to it, and fools like you suck it all in. You are just a pawn of the LEFT.

Marshal Art said...

"That you try to use slavey as analogous to abortion shows that - unconsciously in your heart - you view the women who have had abortions - as well as the 75% of American women who support the law of the land - as just like slave masters."

Wow! You picked up on that all by yourself, or did an adult walk you through that apt parallel? Like slavers and nazis, abortion proponents ignore the humanity of those they brutally kill.

"Slave masters beat and whipped slaves, as well as buying and selling."

Abortionists literally tear limb from limb the tiny bodies of human beings, plunge sharp instruments into the back of their tiny heads, suck out their brains to collapse their tiny skulls for easy removal.

"The white men used their female slaves for sexual pleasure, producing hundreds of thousands of mixed race babies, most of whom grew up in and lived and died in slavery. "

Men of all races use their women for sexual pleasure, often impregnating them and then encouraging them to murder the children their sexual pleasure brought into existence. Such men, and those like you who support them, then call that murder "birth control", again redefining words and terms to suit your evil purposes.

"Unconsciously, below your capacity for words, you are able to think of a woman who aborts and those who support her as all brutalizing as a slave master."

With full understanding of reality, demonstrating sound capacity for calling a spade a spade, I regretfully acknowledge that a woman who aborts is no better than any slave master...worse in a very real sense given they have no desire to deal with the lives they take in the first place...and have less respect for those like you who try to justify, rationalize, legitimize and/or legalize their actions under the pretense of "caring". You're pure evil. Repent now while you still can.

I have no desire to co-exist with slavers, nazis or anyone who pretends abortion isn't what it is...murder...the unjust termination of human life.

In the meantime, even a president of questionable moral history defends those lives, while you, a pretend Christian, does not. The irony is incredible. The moral corruption of your soul is blatant. And you hypocritically dare to call anyone "brutalizer"!!

Marshal Art said...

By the way, this conversation is over. This post is about Trump's worthiness for re-election. (You've got no one better.) No more off topic comments from you will be allowed. More special rules for the putz who thinks yourself special.

Feodor said...
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Feodor said...
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Feodor said...
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Marshal Art said...


"So, you’ve made clear that this description of you is the true one:"

What part of "this conversation is over" confounds your capacity for words? What's more, I don't think I made myself as clear as I could have. So I will do so now so there's no confusion in your small mind:

I not only hold abortionists (that would include both those who perform abortions as well as those who willingly undergo them) as akin to slavers and nazis, I find them to be even more reprehensible. Slavers and nazis could theoretically have been at personal risk for their treatment of blacks and Jews. Abortionists target completely defenseless people...pretending the decision to brutally murder them follows a period of anguished contemplation. Those tiny children can't fight back...have no way of knowing what's about to befall them at the hands of their own parents. That's far more egregious an evil than anything slavers or nazis have done. And you, not at all a Christian, supports the practice, defends the killers and dares disparage any who see it for the evil it is.

Note the deleted comments of yours for failing to heed my warnings. Your presence here is by my graciousness and you continue, not at all unexpectedly, to crap on it.

Feodor said...

Trump and his cabinet are incompetent brutalists.

“ “Nearly 3.3. million Americans applied for unemployment benefits last week as businesses struggling from the coronavirus fallout begin laying off workers. The number is staggering. It’s more than quadruple the previous record set in 1982.

But the treasury secretary doesn’t think there’s much to see here. Once legislation passes, he argued, people will be fine again and the pain right now is temporary.

“I just think these numbers right now are not relevant, and you know, whether they’re bigger or smaller in the short term,” Steve Mnuchin said in a CNBC interview Thursday morning. “I mean, obviously, there are people who have jobless claims. And again, the good thing about this bill is the president is protecting those people.”

“So you know, now with these plans, small businesses hopefully will be able to hire back a lot of those people,” he added. “Last week, they didn’t know if they had protections. They didn’t have any cash. They had no choice. Now with this bill passed by Congress, there are protections.”

This is wishful thinking, to put it mildly. Despite its big price tag, economists believe the legislation passed by the Senate on Wednesday is far too modest to meet the scope of the coming economic crash.

The $349 billion the legislation sets aside for small businesses will be exhausted quickly, but experts also believe that it will take months for the aid to reach most small firms. During that time, many of them will simply fail, and you can’t rehire workers if you don’t have a company.

The key provision of the bailout bill is a $454 billion program overseen by Mnuchin that can be leveraged 10 times over by the Federal Reserve to do essentially anything Mnuchin and the Fed want to do with it. But firms that receive this money will still be allowed to lay off up to 10% of their workforces over the next six months ― and that figure would be calculated based on this week’s employment. The 3.3 million people who were laid off last week wouldn’t count.”

Feodor said...
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Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Slavery did NOT "build the economy." It "helped" build the economy, it didn't build the economy all by itself, and it was primarily the economy of the south.

Abortion is definitely comparable to slavery.

Feodor said...
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Feodor said...
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Feodor said...
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Glenn E. Chatfield said...


You have no idea as to the degree of my knowledge, so get off your high horse and quit virtue-signaling.

NO one ever claims our economy was based 100% on slavery. In the south the percentage was higher in the north, but the North also had early economy based on white slaves from Britain and the neighboring Islands. The point is, that you and your "scholar" ilk have an agenda to make slavery the main base of the US economy so you can promote "racism" as the core beliefs of "white folk" and that we wouldn't have the economy we have now if it wasn't for African slaves.

Now get back to the topic of the post.

Feodor said...
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Marshal Art said...


I'm going to give you a chance to copy and re-post your comment of March 26, 2020 at 12:42 PM so you can add the link to the source you're required to provide when posting quotes. If I don't see it by noon of 3/27, I'm going to have to delete it per the special rules for people who think themselves special...namely you. I give you props for at least trying to stay on topic. Good boy.

Feodor said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Glenn E. Chatfield said...


You've proven what a little, cowardly boy you are -- harassing my wife on her blog, and piling tons on my blogs. You really need to grow up.

What kind of man harasses a woman!?!?

Feodor said...
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Glenn E. Chatfield said...


My wife's blog is NOT listed and mine and never was. My blogs are The Watchman's Bagpipes" (general Christian apologetics), "The Anti-Mormon Blog" (Exposing Mormonism), and "The Thought Provoker" (quotations providing thought) and "A Reference Blog" which contains links to articles on various topics. We have TWO blogs about one-room schools (Iowa on one an other states on the other). SO You are a liar to claim that my wife's blog is listed as mine.

When you post several of the same comment which needs to be moderated, it takes time to do so. And then on my blogs you posted almost 60 (it may have been 60+ but I lost count) there is only one reason to do so -- harassment. Forcing me to take the time to delete every comment.

Just because you post a comment, that doesn't make it the truth. Your comments are not read at all, just seeing your name as the commenter gets you deleted. You are not allowed to comment on my blogs or my wife's blogs.

If I was Art you'd never again be seen on his blog either.

Feodor said...
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Glenn E. Chatfield said...

School house blogs are open for both to post, but I am the only one who takes care of comments,

"Encouragements From the Piper's Wife," on which you spammed, has a title which specifically states whose blog it is.

Grow up, little boy.

Feodor said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Glenn E. Chatfield said...


Many of the school house posts have comments. But the comments are all relative to the posts -- you know, people stick to the topic of the post, unlike trolls such as yourself.

Snoopy as a pilot (not "Pilate") is how my wife and I met and that's why it is of sentimental value. Thanks for showing your ignorance.

Another lie (you are so full of lies, libel) and libel -- I do not have a fetish for bagpipes (do you even know the meaning of that word?). I play them, I perform and earn money with them, and it helps me to celebrate by Scottish and Irish heritage.

My blogs are not political, they are about exposing false teachers/teachings/prophets, etc and teaching discernment. Mormons are not Christians and lead people to eternal damnation. Why should I address politics on an apologetics blot?

"Today's GOP is the picture of brutality." More evidence of your abject ignorance and stupidity. You have no concept of reality.

Feodor said...
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Feodor said...
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Glenn E. Chatfield said...


The glance On the first one demonstrated it didn't belong, and since all the others were identical, DUH! I didn't have to fully read the first one, just saw part of the first line.

And I began reporting them as spam.

You're an ass

Marshal Art said...

Sorry, Glenn. But feo's under strict rules..."special" rules, because he's such a special guy, as he's implied to us for so long. Among those rules is that his comments must be on topic.

Here's more:

feo must provide a link to every quote he posts so that we can review his source to see if it's relevant and actually understood by him.

feo must treat everyone in a Christian manner, despite the fact that he isn't a Christian himself. I know this is a tough one for him, given his poor understanding of how a Christian should act, but I cut him just a bit of slack on this one sometimes.

feo must stay on topic unless I lead him away on a tangent. If you or another leads him away, I have full right and authority to determine whether he's allowed to follow or must remain on topic.

I know this can be a pain when you wish to comment do him directly, but as a special guy, he needs special guidelines to keep his specialness from getting out of hand. He's just so special he can't control himself.

Feodor said...
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Feodor said...
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Feodor said...


“President Donald Trump called up former Yankees superstar Alex Rodriguez — and his fiancée, Jennifer Lopez — to get their thoughts on a national response to the coronavirus pandemic, multiple sources told ABC News. The call from the Oval Office earlier this week was part of Trump’s ongoing outreach “speaking to business leaders and others about how the country is handling the pandemic,” tweeted ABC White House and Capitol Hill reporter Katherine Faulders. Neither Rodriquez nor Lopez has a medical background.”

Marshal Art said...

It would be incompetence only if you knew the content of the conversation that went between them. Simply calling it incompetence without knowing exactly what Trump sought to find out from A-Rod is just TDS blubbering.

It seems crystal clear that well as Dan...can do no more than hunt down examples of imperfection in your sad attempt to dismiss the great work Trump's done overall. Yet for the previous administration, you never made the slightest effort to consider any by Obama, as if they didn't exist. Liars both, you continue in this tradition.

Feodor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Feodor said...

You are so sick in the head with blind hate and brutality you’re willing to suggest - for smoke and mirror purposes - that A-Rod has advice in national security and epidemiological procedure for dealing with a worldwide pandemic.

Where in the hell is your shame?

Oh, right. You gave it away for beans.

Marshal Art said...

I'm not suggesting anything of the kind. Indeed, I quite plainly suggested that there was no indication as to what Trump was asking of him. If we don't know what his line of questioning is, we can't speculate at all...unless you're a hate-driven TDS sufferer looking for any reason to disparage a man of far better character than you.

Feodor said...
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Feodor said...

This is just what you guys do. You in a battle with truth. And in our faith, Jesus is the Truth. But you hate it.

"Medical Expert Who Corrects Trump Is Now a Target of the Far Right
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the administration’s most outspoken advocate of emergency virus measures, faces a torrent of false claims that he is mobilizing to undermine the president.

An analysis by The New York Times found over 70 accounts on Twitter that have promoted the hashtag #FauciFraud, with some tweeting as frequently as 795 times a day. The anti-Fauci sentiment is being reinforced by posts from Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, a conservative group; Bill Mitchell, host of the far-right online talk show “YourVoice America”; and other outspoken Trump supporters such as Shiva Ayyadurai, who has falsely claimed to be the inventor of email.

Many of the anti-Fauci posts, some of which pointed to a seven-year-old email that Dr. Fauci had sent praising Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of State, have been retweeted thousands of times. On YouTube, conspiracy-theory videos about Dr. Fauci have racked up hundreds of thousands of views in the past week. In private Facebook groups, posts disparaging him have also been shared hundreds of times and liked by thousands of people, according to the Times analysis.

One anti-Fauci tweet on Tuesday said, “Sorry liberals but we don’t trust Dr. Anthony Fauci.”

The torrent of falsehoods aimed at discrediting Dr. Fauci is another example of the hyperpartisan information flow that has driven a wedge into the way Americans think. For the past few years, far-right supporters of President Trump have regularly vilified those whom they see as opposing him. Even so, the campaign against Dr. Fauci stands out because he is one of the world’s leading infectious disease experts and a member of Mr. Trump’s virus task force, and it is unfolding as the government battles a pathogen that is rapidly spreading in the United States.

It is the latest twist in the ebb and flow of right-wing punditry that for weeks echoed Mr. Trump in minimizing the threat posed by the coronavirus and arguably undercut efforts to alert the public of its dangers. When the president took a more assertive posture against the outbreak, conservative outlets shifted, too — but now accuse Democrats and journalists of trying to use the pandemic to damage Mr. Trump politically.

Marshal Art said...

"Seeking thoughts" from A-Rod doesn't at all indicate Trump regards A-Rod as having expertise in anything medical. Not providing a source for that quote indicates you're unable to follow simple instructions for your special rules.

Marshal Art said...

Problems with your NYT excerpt:

1. It's a Trump hit piece commenting on Fauci hit pieces from a whole 70 sources, which is more evidence that if it comes from the NYT, it is not objective and thus relatively worthless. It's funny how Glenn criticizes the media and you cite one of the worst media offenders!

2. The comment has nothing to do with the post, as none of those Trump sycophants are Trump himself. Thus, the NYT piece has no relevance to the point of the post to which you are required to restrict your comments. Those social media people have nothing to do with whether or not Trump deserves four more years, which his first four years proves he does.

3. Given you've been so unable to follow the special rules for your "special" the posting of this last comment proves...I'll be even more strict about which of your comments I allow to remain posted. You might want to actually use that intellect you think you have to be more discerning about what you will post next.

Feodor said...

“It's a Trump hit piece”

You’re taking a page out the Cosby/Weinstein strategy.

Marshal Art said...

No. I took a page out of the NYT. The page you posted here.

Feodor said...

“The Washington Post now reports that on Feb. 5, back when there were few confirmed U.S. coronavirus cases but it was already clear that the pandemic was spreading worldwide, Health and Human Secretary Alex Azar asked the administration for $2 billion in emergency funding for the exact supplies now in shortage, including protective masks. The administration refused, cutting the request to $500 million in the eventual budget request.”

Feodor said...

President Donald Trump said Sunday he would extend nationwide social distancing guidelines for another 30 days, an abrupt back-down from his push to reopen the country as coronavirus continues to spread.

The 15-day guidelines Trump announced two weeks ago were set to expire on Monday, and the President had suggested over the past week that he was looking to relax them, at least in some parts of the country. He even floated Easter, on April 12, as a potential date by which the country could return to normal.
But on Sunday he said he'd decided to extend the guidelines -- which include suggested limits on large gatherings -- to April 30, a sign his earlier predictions were overly rosy.

Feodor said...

Another cruel act against native Americans by the Trump administration.

The Mashpee Wampanoag tribe is pledging to fight a move by President Donald Trump’s administration to “disestablish” its reservation. Cedric Cromwell, the chairman of the Cape Cod-based tribe, says he was informed Friday at 4 p.m. by the Bureau of Indian Affairs that Department of the Interior Secretary David Bernhardt had ordered their 321-acre reservation be taken out of federal trust, following two court decisions declaring that the federal government didn’t have the authority to give the lands special status.

A nd while the order doesn’t mean that the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe loses that recognition, it would mean that their reservation — split between Mashpee and Tauton — would no longer be considered sovereign land. As the Associated Press reported in 2018, that would mean the tribe would have to shut down its police force and other social services, subject residents to government taxes, and further delay its efforts to build a casino complex in Taunton.

According to the Associated Press, the federal government hasn’t removed a tribe’s land trust status against its will since the mid-20th century’s so-called Termination Era.

Feodor said...

Unbelievable. Cowardly. Sick. Illegitimate President. The Founding Fathers feared this direction of populist catastrophe.

“U.S. President Donald Trump accused hospitals on Sunday of hoarding ventilators that are in scarce supply across the United States as the coronavirus spreads, adding any hospitals not using the devices must release them.

Trump, whose critics have accused him of trying to deflect blame over his handling of the crisis, did not cite any evidence to back his accusation that hospitals were hoarding the devices. It was also unclear which medical facilities he was referring to.

"We have some healthcare workers, some hospitals ... hoarding equipment including ventilators," Trump said.

Marshal Art said...

I think it's pretty clear to anyone not consumed with satanic-level hatred for false priests and "progressive" "Christians"...know that Trump is referring to hospitals in areas as yet unaffected by the virus. There's a need these hospitals can meet if they release equipment for which they haven't a need. I would wager than had Reuters and others taken the time and had the integrity to put the quote in the context in which it was delivered, there's be little doubt of Trump's meaning. But haters will take every inarticulate utterance from this president as an opportunity to attack him when his overall performance is seen by most as quite good.

This is a problem with left-leaning media, as we now hear that they intend to cover less of what Trump says at his daily pressers, because these daily events have resulted in higher approval ratings as the general public can see every day what a great job he's doing overall.

Your CNN piece, and the take-away you force into it, is another example of your satan-level hatred dictating your position. It isn't a flip-flop to express hope and confidence in American ability and then act according to the reality. I guess you'd be much more in favor of the man if he was all doom and gloom 24/7, never at all criticizing him for that. Yeah...sure.

I prefer a president who seeks to instill calm and confidence in the people he leads. I don't want a president who says "Get use to it. This is the new normal" like your boy Obama did.

And as to Obama, I don't recall you saying a damned thing against his many cuts and attempts to cut funding for the CDC and other disease prevention during his time in office:

And as for the tribes, I have long felt that reservations are an outdated, unreasonable and impractical policy for this nation. These "indigenous" people are either Americans or they are not. If they are not, I don't see the point of spending our tax dollars on them in any way. Let them live in the country as every other ethnicity does. "Tribal lands" are actually American lands. This would improve living conditions for all of them as they would not be dependent on that which has done little to improve their lives for so long. Bring them into the fold where they will be one with us and their lives will improve dramatically. I don't know if this is Trump's mindset on this issue, but it will result in better consequences nonetheless.

Feodor said...

He’s a weak thug. Which appeals to do many evangelicals. His go to strategy:

“Trump’s Virus Defense Is Often an Attack, and the Target Is Often a Woman
Now part of the long list of women the president has insulted: a governor, a reporter, the head of General Motors and, of course, the House speaker.”

Feodor said...

True, moral leadership:

“I cannot thank the president enough for his personal concern and his compassion," said Christie, known for his blunt, in-your-face political style, after the two men completed their tour. He said the affected areas needed clean drinking water, restored power, and children back in school. "I discussed all of those issues today with the president and I'm pleased to report that he has sprung into action immediately to help get us those things while we were in the car riding together," Christie said.

Obama has suspended campaign events since Sunday while overseeing federal relief efforts and holding public events to show Americans he is focused on handling a major natural disaster instead of pressing his quest for a second term.”

How gutless Trump responds:

“We’ve had a big problem with the young, a woman governor,” he said in an interview last week with Sean Hannity, the Fox News host. “You know who I’m talking about, from Michigan.” The president dismissed Ms. Whitmer, who has been pressing the federal government to provide more medical equipment to her state, noting that she was a new governor and it had “not been pleasant.” In a tweet, he later referred to her as “Gretchen ‘Half’ Whitmer,” saying “she doesn’t have a clue.”

Feodor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Feodor said...

You are so in the shit bag for this guy, Marshal, you can’t even spell leadership.

Hope, Marshal, isn’t instilled by obvious lies:

“Easter just sounds to me like a beautiful time to get the country back to normal.”

Everyone knew that was a lie when he said it. Even you. But you’re comforted by lies.

Feodor said...

If pregnant women do not get $500 in pandemic aid for the fetus from this administration, then Republicans really do not think of the fetus as a person.

Marshal Art said...

"“Trump’s Virus Defense Is Often an Attack, and the Target Is Often a Woman
Now part of the long list of women the president has insulted: a governor, a reporter, the head of General Motors and, of course, the House speaker.”"

So how do you resolve this with the whine that women are equal to men? Are they or aren't they? Trump makes no special case for women who make stupid attacks on him anymore than he does men. He doesn't "pick on women". He responds/retaliates against any who attack him. Only lying lefties like to pretend he's being misogynistic when he retaliates against hateful women. Keep trying.

"In March 2018, a Cardinal Health survey of surgical staff and hospital supply chain heads found that 64% of respondents did in fact admit to hoarding supplies, citing the waste or overuse of supplies as significant problems in their organization."

The problem is not what Trump implied, but merely that he implied it. You lefties criticized him for suggesting hydroxychloroquine, but then praised Cuomo as demonstrating leadership when he did. You lefties are so transparent and not at all willing to check to see if there's any merit to what Trump ever says.

Obama/Christie, Trump/Whitmer-----apples to oranges yet again. I wonder. Did Obama actually deliver? In the case of Whitmer, like all governors, it's her responsibility to oversee how her state prepares itself for the unexpected. What good is a governor who simply begs for assistance? We know that some, like Cuomo, have state rules that govern how hospitals will be outfitted and resupplied. Those regs do not account for the unexpected.

Trump could perhaps have lightened up, given Whitmer's short tenure thus far. However, from what a Michigan friend of mine says, she's no keeper so far and as just another anti-Trump lefty, she no doubt feels she's "fighting the man" by ragging on Trump. You lefties do that sort of thing. But as I said earlier, if she insists on dishing it out to him, she best be prepared for a return volley. Can she take it or not? Nothing "gutless" about a guy defending himself against.

"If pregnant women do not get $500 in pandemic aid for the fetus from this administration, then Republicans really do not think of the fetus as a person."

I believe that's pretty much a done deal, dumb shit. Pregnant women are specifically mentioned as recipients of aid. Pay attention.

Marshal Art said...

"You are so in the shit bag for this guy..."

You mean, I'm in the feo? I'm in to truth and honesty and accuracy in reporting what's going on. Those are things you routinely ignore.

"Everyone knew that was a lie when he said it. Even you. But you’re comforted by lies."

That's hilarious coming from you, the favorite son of the father of lies. By "everyone" you surely mean Trump-haters who presume everything he says is a lie without doing a damned thing to truly hear it, understand it and definitely without wanting it to be anything but. Honest people took it for exactly what it was, a desire for a certain thing to happen, which is what hope is. It's an expectation. To hope is to want something to happen or be the case. It has absolutely nothing to do with lying or telling the truth, because it definitionally has no basis in either. For example, I hope one day you'll actually come to Christ and actually act like a Christian. I have this hope without any rational, factual reason for thinking it's even possible. But I hope it nonetheless, for YOUR sake.

I'm hoping this lockdown will end earlier than they've mandated it will, and I look forward to getting back to biz as usual within a month. Like Trump, I have confidence in the good people who are making things happen toward that end. Look for a good person and you'll see they're dedicated to that goal. YOU, on the other hand, hope that this crisis will be as bad as necessary to result in the nation electing an idiot...I mean, Democrat...come November. Don't you? Be honest for once and admit what I hope is not true, but can't feel that it is based on your brutal hatefulness.

Feodor said...

Authoritarian Populists Have Six Classic Moves. Trump’s Response to COVID-19 Uses Five of Them.

While a disciplined autocrat such as Orbán might be more obviously dangerous to American democracy than an erratic one such as Trump, the latter’s actions fit a similar template that bodes ill for American institutions. Recent history shows that authoritarian populists engage in six categories of assaults on democracy, of which seizing raw executive power is but one. As president, Trump has engaged in each of these behaviors: spreading disinformation, quashing dissent, politicizing independent institutions, amassing executive power, delegitimizing communities, and corrupting elections.

He has politicized the Department of Justice to punish his political enemies. He has filled federal agencies with political loyalists, bypassing the Senate’s advice and consent. He has purged those he perceives as disloyal. He has declared a phony “emergency” at the southern border to override Congress’s decision to deny him the money for a border wall. He has used the machinery of government to retaliate against media companies and members of the press who criticize him. And he has corrupted elections by, among other things, attempting to coerce a foreign governmentto dig up dirt on a political opponent.

Now, these same tendencies are shaping President Trump’s response to the current pandemic.

First, Trump engaged in a campaign of disinformation to downplay the significance of the virus and overplay his personal success in keeping it at bay.

Second, he has attempted to quash dissent by limiting the press’s access to public-health officials critical of his response; he has also threatened to withhold aid from states who don’t “treat us well,” or who question the effectiveness of his administration.

Third, he has sought to delegitimize vulnerable communities by doubling down on restrictive immigration policies at the southern border that have no relation to preventing the virus’s spread, such as the border wall, and that may even exacerbateit.
Fourth, he has threatened to exercise powers he does not legally possess to “open the economy”—overriding the authority of governors and mayors to impose stay-at-home orders and business closures. (Thankfully, he has, for now, backed off that threat.)

Finally, in this same vein, he has suggested that he may undermine the independence of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention by forcing it to ease social-distancing guidelines against the advice of the agency’s own leaders. Even when Trump purports to listen to the experts, as he apparently did this weekend in walking back his vow to precipitously change the CDC’s guidance, his rhetoric that the guidelines are his to alter remains worrisome.

Marshal Art said...

Your link is a joke...a total Trump-hating, leftist projection.

Like so many who hate Trump, the lefty elitists hate Orban for his standing up to their stupid policies and his devotion to what's best for his country.

Spreading disinformation? Who was president when this took place:

Quashing dissent? Who was president when this took place:

Politicizing independent institutions? Who was president when this took place:

Amassing executive power? Who was president when this took place:

Delegitimizing communities? Who was president when this took place:!

Corrupting elections? Who was president when this took place:

He has politicized the Department of Justice to punish his political enemies:

He has filled federal agencies with political loyalists:

Out of time for now. More to come. This is easy.

Feodor said...

Katrina Commander Rips 'Totally Clueless' Jared Kushner's Coronavirus Comments

“Russel Honoré on Friday made it crystal clear what he thinks of Jared Kushner and his role in President Donald Trump’s coronavirus task force. ”I don’t believe he know what the hell he’s talking about,” the retired lieutenant general said of Trump’s son-in-law and adviser, who has no medical experience, in an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes.

“He’s totally clueless as to what he’s talking about,” added Honoré, who is credited with correcting the initial botched federal recovery response to Hurricane Katrina that struck New Orleans in 2005.”

Anonymous said...

Feodor is a stinky toilet bowl monster and a hemp lizard.

It is funny how he says that Glenn lacks credibility for putting up a blogger profile picture of Snoopy, yet he does not put up a picture of himself and provide his real name.

He even published more than seventy comments on Glenn's blog, all of which were deleted in moderation without being read. He published five on his wife's blog, but what does she have to do with this discussion?

Feodor is a high-functioning moron. I really liked it when his comments read as: "This comment has been removed by a blog administrator."

That was perhaps the most intelligent and coherent sentence we've got from him so far in this discussion. He's a real piece of artwork.

Marshal Art said...


Be so kind as to sign your comments with some pen name (if you wish to remain anonymous). I don't want to wonder if you are the same anonymous person as the last who posted under that word.

Thanks in advance.

Marshal Art said...


As I struggle to find time to finish my response to your earlier comment, I will point out that your last is off topic. The next such comment will be deleted.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Feo has now posted almost 100 pasted in comments on my blogs, my wife's blog, and our shared blogs. It wastes time to have to mark them all as spam and I have again requested that blogspot revoke his privileges.

His behavior proves he is not a Christian (we all knew that anyway) and also proves he is a childish bully.

Feodor said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Feodor said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Glenn E. Chatfield said...


I don't bully anyone. I expose the false teachings of Mormons, JWs, Christian Scientists, and every other cult out there. I never attack the people. You braying jackass.

Feodor said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Marshal Art said...

Note to feo, whose claim to intellectual superiority should have made this moot: The opinions of other Trump-haters does not stand as evidence in your attempt to pretend that Trump is unworthy of another four years. You NYT opinion piece relies on sheep like you to accept the writer is capable of knowing the hearts of others, when in fact, he is projecting his own hateful perspective of Trump as if a fact.

Keep you comments on topic. I don't care what other say to you. Keep your comments on topic. You're the special guy with the special rules.

Feodor said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Feodor said...

Trump’s Allies Know He Has Failed

Defenders of the president seem to have settled on the excuse that the White House botched its pandemic preparations because it was too distracted by the drama on Capitol Hill.

Over the past two months, President Donald Trump has deployed a dizzying array of lies about why the coronavirus wasn’t a cause for concern, then defenses to excuse or deny his deadly mishandling of the pandemic. The virus was under control in the United States, he argued. The warm weather would make it go away. It would miraculously vanish. It was China’s fault, and limiting travel from China had solved the problem. It was the media’s fault for exaggerating things. It was Barack Obama’s fault. States in urgent need of ventilators should have purchased the medical equipment months ago, and it isn’t the president’s responsibility to fix that problem.

The intent may be to shift blame, but the argument is actually a concession of Trump’s own failure. While Trump’s defense of his leadership has been erratic, one theme has been the insistence that—despite a great deal of evidence to the contrary—he has handled the crisis excellently. At every stage, he has congratulated himself for a job well done, even insisting that “we altogether have done a very good job” while warning Americans to expect as many as 200,000 deaths from the virus.

Yet, in making their impeachment-distraction defense, his supporters are all of a sudden acknowledging that his performance could have been better. Some are more explicit about that than others: Olson argued outright that Trump failed to “act ... decisively in February when he had time,” and the aggressively pro-Trump outlet The Federalist published a piece conceding that it was “a fair point” to say that the president had taken his eye off the ball. But even those who focus exclusively on attacking congressional Democrats for not doing enough to counter the pandemic are implicitly admitting that the government could have done more—that its response to the crisis was not, as Trump declared, “10 out of 10.” In pointing to impeachment as a distraction, McConnell can’t also argue that Trump did everything perfectly.

Feodor said...
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Feodor said...
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Feodor said...

Please remember, the next time you vote (which I hope is post-pandemic, not today, as in Wisconsin) that the party that claims to be ‘Pro-life’ went all the way to the Supreme Court to overturn the governor's reasonable order to move an election so that people weren't exposed to a deadly virus.

Marshal Art said...

Again, you prove yourself to be more interested in expressing your brutalizing hatred of the right-wing rather than honesty and logic. As the following demonstrates, some are willing to risk to do their duty to vote, and the governor's "reasonable" order was a last minute flip-flop.

It also provides another example of the duplicity and dishonesty of the media that you and Dan defend as beyond reproach.

Feodor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anon X said...

Feodor is a stinky toilet bowl monster and a hemp lizard.

It is funny how he says that Glenn lacks credibility for putting up a blogger profile picture of Snoopy, yet he does not put up a picture of himself and provide his real name.

He even published more than seventy comments on Glenn's blog, all of which were deleted in moderation without being read. He published five on his wife's blog, but what does she have to do with this discussion?

Feodor is a high-functioning moron. I really liked it when his comments read as: "This comment has been removed by a blog administrator."

That was perhaps the most intelligent and coherent sentence we've got from him so far in this discussion. He's a real piece of artwork. He is a real condescending son of a bitch.

Marshal Art said...

Anon X,

I prefer comments to be directed to what another says, not the other specifically, unless you can provide a reasoned, and fact-based argument for doing so. This would include a quote from the other person (adding also the date and time the other person made the comment being quoted). feo does enough insulting without cause to satisfy whatever quota for such might exist...anywhere. Don't become like him. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

By the way, feo has done the copy/pasting of a single comment multiple times here already, to the tune of about 1000 times. He's done so at Craig's about 500 times. Yet, I still prefer insults to be between only a visitor and me, and not a visitor and another visitor. Thanks again.

Marshal Art said...

I find it curious that none of feo's links ever mention the GOP side of the story. I wonder why?

"But the Inspector General Act still permits a president essentially to fire inspectors general at will, as long as Congress is notified in writing with an explanation." (as per Sec 3(b))

Feodor said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Feodor said...

Even as experts in his own government were increasingly alarmed about a pandemic threat this January, President Donald Trump apparently remained unconcerned, with no scheduled intelligence briefings before Jan. 6 and only nine the entire month.

In the first week of the year, when dire warnings about the coronavirus and the threat posed to the United States reportedly began showing up in his daily intelligence packet, Trump had only one scheduled briefing, according to a HuffPost review of his daily schedules.

On Jan. 18, when his Health and Human Services secretary finally managed to reach Trump on a Florida golf weekend to discuss the threat, Trump had no scheduled intelligence briefing. Nor was there one on his schedule for Jan. 22, the day Trump famously told CNBC that the virus posed no danger and was limited to a single person who had come in from China.

During that same month with only nine scheduled intelligence briefings, Trump spent six days on his golf course in Florida and staged five reelection rallies.

“Not only did he disregard a series of warnings from the U.S. intelligence community about the outbreak, but in the lead-up to the virus reaching our shores he rarely even held the intelligence briefings that are critical to anticipating threats to the homeland,” said Andrew Bates, a spokesman for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

Trump himself acknowledged that he did not appreciate the severity of the danger until just before he imposed travel restrictions on foreigners who had recently been in China on Jan. 31. “When I learned about the gravity of it was sometime just prior to closing the country to China,” he said Wednesday, after being asked specifically when he learned of the intelligence regarding the coronavirus. “So, I don’t know exactly, but I’d like to see the information.”

That late January time frame means Trump waited four weeks after his own Centers for Disease Control and Prevention learned from Chinese colleagues on Jan. 3 about a dangerous new disease to take his first substantial action. It is also four weeks after the threat first appeared in Trump’s “President’s Daily Brief,” the report specifically prepared for him and which serves as the basis of his intelligence briefing, according to multiple published reports.

Warnings about the virus and COVID-19, the deadly disease the virus causes, continued to appear in Trump’s PDBs from that point forward, according to The Washington Post.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

FYI Art,

I have no idea who annoy X is nor have I anything to do with his post.

Besides which, he/she is way behind on his count

Feodor said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Feodor said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Glenn E. Chatfield said...


Again you are guilt of libel against me. I have too many followers to state any particular on is guilty.

Feodor said...

Evangelical protestants who gather together to worship are participating in irrational death cults.

Much less destroying their theological foundation of sola scriptura.

Marshal Art said...

feo speaks of moral monsters and why God might have allowed this or any other virus to impact our society so greatly. What a loon! Here's a guy who enables and celebrates sexual immorality and the murder of the unborn and he thinks God's angry because we have Trump for president! That's hilarious!!

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I'd like to know by what standard Feo decides what is moral or immoral. Looks to me like he just uses his own opinion vs God's standards.

Feodor said...

A President who always moves to hide what he’s doing is illegitimate. He trusts nobody - including the American people. When the Obama administration and Congress were passing TARP and many other funding aid legislation, the GOP was the loudest voice calling for fiscal transparency.

Trump just erased all transparency. And the financial as a response to Coronavirus so far is way, WAY bigger than the total passed out in 2009. Trump is a dangerous menace.

“President Donald Trump replaced acting Pentagon Inspector General Glenn Fine Monday night, a move that also removes Fine as the top watchdog for COVID-19 stimulus.

Fine had been selected by fellow inspectors general to chair the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee. The inspectors general created the committee to oversee the roughly $2 trillion stimulus deal, passed last month by Congress and signed into law by Trump to mitigate the economic damage caused by the pandemic.”

Feodor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Feodor said...

Fact Check: Trump baselessly disputes own Administration’s HHS IG report, repeats several other false claims to reject FOX reporter’s question at Monday's coronavirus briefing

President Donald Trump made yet another series of false and misleading claims at his Monday coronavirus briefing, during which he repeatedly criticized reporters and frequently departed from his prepared text.

Trump repeated false claims about coronavirus testing and about the Obama administration's response to the H1N1 pandemic, baselessly dismissed a new report about hospital shortages of critical supplies, and played down early problems with a new small business lending program. He also repeated some of his old false claims about trade with China.

At Monday's briefing, Fox News correspondent Kristin Fisher asked the President about a recently released report from the Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Inspector General which details challenges facing hospitals in responding to the coronavirus pandemic, including shortages of supplies and equipment, as well as prolonged wait times to get testing results.

In response, Trump said, "It's just wrong. Did I hear the word 'inspector general,' really? It's wrong."
When pushed on the fact that the report was released by his own administration, Trump suggested the findings were politically motivated, asking, "Well where did he come from, the inspector general? What's his name?" Trump later added, "So give me the name of the inspector general. Could politics be entered into that?"

Feodor said...

President Trump on Monday morning became the latest in a procession of Republicans to say making it easier for more people to vote would hurt his party politically.

In an interview on “Fox & Friends,” Trump referenced proposals from Democrats in the coronavirus stimulus negotiations that would have vastly increased funding for absentee and vote-by-mail options. The final package included $400 million for the effort, which was far less than what Democrats had sought.

“The things they had in there were crazy,” Trump said. “They had things — levels of voting that, if you ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.”

Marshal Art said...

You're an idiot. The point is that having all those proposals enacted would make cheating by Democrats easier. THAT'S why Republicans would have a harder time winning. It was never hard to vote in the first place, and there were already sufficient considerations for those forced to be away from their homes or forced by illness or injury to stay in them. But as you're a false priest, you pretend these things aren't true.

Feodor said...

Even as experts in his own government were increasingly alarmed about a pandemic threat this January, President Donald Trump apparently remained unconcerned, with no scheduled intelligence briefings before Jan. 6 and only nine the entire month.

In the first week of the year, when dire warnings about the coronavirus and the threat posed to the United States reportedly began showing up in his daily intelligence packet, Trump had only one scheduled briefing, according to a HuffPost review of his daily schedules.

On Jan. 18, when his Health and Human Services secretary finally managed to reach Trump on a Florida golf weekend to discuss the threat, Trump had no scheduled intelligence briefing. Nor was there one on his schedule for Jan. 22, the day Trump famously told CNBC that the virus posed no danger and was limited to a single person who had come in from China.

During that same month with only nine scheduled intelligence briefings, Trump spent six days on his golf course in Florida and staged five reelection rallies.

“Not only did he disregard a series of warnings from the U.S. intelligence community about the outbreak, but in the lead-up to the virus reaching our shores he rarely even held the intelligence briefings that are critical to anticipating threats to the homeland,” said Andrew Bates, a spokesman for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

Trump himself acknowledged that he did not appreciate the severity of the danger until just before he imposed travel restrictions on foreigners who had recently been in China on Jan. 31. “When I learned about the gravity of it was sometime just prior to closing the country to China,” he said Wednesday, after being asked specifically when he learned of the intelligence regarding the coronavirus. “So, I don’t know exactly, but I’d like to see the information.”

That late January time frame means Trump waited four weeks after his own Centers for Disease Control and Prevention learned from Chinese colleagues on Jan. 3 about a dangerous new disease to take his first substantial action. It is also four weeks after the threat first appeared in Trump’s “President’s Daily Brief,” the report specifically prepared for him and which serves as the basis of his intelligence briefing, according to multiple published reports.

Warnings about the virus and COVID-19, the deadly disease the virus causes, continued to appear in Trump’s PDBs from that point forward, according to The Washington Post.

Feodor said...

I ignore the bullshit excuses you suck up from the spin manipulators of weak minds and move right on the fact after fact after fact telling rational people of Trump’s historically dangerous and corrupt incompetence.

If he were black he’d be in jail. And we both would be cheering the justice: me because the justice is due to the facts; you, glee that a black man was taken down.

Feodor said...

CNN has finally decided to stop presenting Trump as anything but incompetent. Their one line summary while Trump is live today: “Angry Trump turns press conference into propaganda session”; “Trump melts down”; “Trump falsely claims media ignored Coronavirus in Jan, Feb...”; “Trump uses task force briefing to try to rewrite history...”

Feodor said...

What an astoundingly juvenile man; and in that office of power? Criminal. He cares only how he looks. He doesn’t care about anyone outside his family, which he sees as just an extension of himself.

“President Donald Trump’s name will be printed on the economic stimulus checks that will be distributed by the Internal Revenue Service to individuals to help mitigate losses caused by the coronavirus pandemic, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

The addition, which was ordered by the Treasury Department, is expected to delay the delivery of paper checks by several days, according to the Post, which cited unnamed senior agency officials. The phrase “President Donald J. Trump” will be printed in a memo line on the left side of the checks (most will total $1,200 for individuals), below a line that says “Economic Impact Payment.”

After the IRS adjusts its printing technology for this addition, tens of millions of Americans are expected to receive these checks in the mail in the coming weeks.

Marshal Art said...

"What an astoundingly juvenile man"

This coming from a boy who likes to copy/paste the same comment hundreds of times and apparently is doing it again at Glenn's blog. As such, it is clear that feo is incapable of providing anything substantive that stands as a legitimate reason to deny Trump another four years, much less to remove him before his first term ends. Opinions of other Trump haters doesn't get it done. Insulting Glenn doesn't get it done. Off topic and irrelevant items doesn't get it done. Citing some of the worst sources the mainstream news media has to offer doesn't get it done. Thus, I will see about closing this thread to any further comments. At this point, feo's just cluttering the place with nonsense, none of which overcomes the many great things Trump has done as many great things that it completely exposes Obama for the worthless, impotent and waste of space president rational people already knew him to be.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Feo also posts them at my wife's blog, bullying her - a person who has never had any interaction with him. Real men don't bully women.

Feodor said...
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Feodor said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Glenn E. Chatfield said...

More lies and libel by Feo. He never stops.

Feodor said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Glenn E. Chatfield said...


Blogs aren't private, but to post on a blog of my wife's is bullying her. She has never had any interaction with you.
I only interacted with you on other people's blogs, adding to the conversation on those blogs, germane to the discussions on those blogs.
You comments are not germane to any of my wife's posts and you only post on hers because you are a coward and it is a way to get to me.
You comments are never germane to any articles on my blogs, and because of you childish, bullying and harassing behavior you will never be allowed on my blogs regardless if your comment might be germane to the topic.

And that is the 100% truth.

Feodor said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Glenn E. Chatfield said...

You are an ass.

I have long commented on friends' blogs, be it germane to the posts or germane to the conversations. That is not bullying, and you know that. It is your logic which makes no sense. Comments germane to a topic on blogs or to comment strings on blogs is not bullying or harassing. Spamming those who have never communicated with you, posting spam comments, is harassment and bullying, which is the only thing you LEFTISTs know to do. Someone disagrees, attack them. You intolerant piece of crap.

Your comments are not germane to anything except intolerance for those of a different view. Going on my wife's blog, a person you know nothing about, a person who is not part of our communication, is nothing more than bullying and harassment. I have no idea what takes google so long to address your childish foolishness, but I continue to report you for harassing my wife and you continual spam.

Feodor said...

Oh, yeah, Glenn... real germane.

You remind me of a limerick:
There once was a man named round,
While mowing his lawn he drowned.
'Twas dark and he fell,
Down the shaft of a well.
He couldn't tell his grass from a hole in the ground.

Marshal Art said...


I don't care what anyone...Glenn or whomever...says to you. You are required to stay on topic and not take the juvenile road of petulant disregard for your special rules, implemented because of your childishness. At this point, you've done nothing to counter the reality that Trump as earned a second term. Obama never earned his second term. He merely ran against weak opponents while being supported by racists. His record is deplorable. Trump's is a record of accomplishment that serves the American people far better than even many past Republican presidents and better than anyone would have believed prior to his taking office. Liars like you simply ignore it all while searching for anything you think will convince the already stupid to oppose his reelection.

I'm still trying to figure out how to close comments on this thread. I know Dan's done it on a few of his, but only because he can't rebut truth provided by better people. In your case, you've proven you have no real argument against Trump other than that you simply don't like him. That's cool. No one is required to like a president's personality or character flaws. But his success in improving the lives of so many Americans before the COVID-19 nonsense proves he's the best option for turning around the hardships caused by him listening to the medical "experts" who bought into flawed computer models.

Stay on topic if you're going to post anything more here. But it's futile to do so since you've failed in epic fashion once again to make a case...if that's what you want to call it.

Feodor said...

You write as if you have a choice, Marshal; as if you’re deciding anything. You’re not. There is zero freedom when you serve lies.

The Lincoln Project:

“We’ve never backed a Democrat for president. But Trump must be defeated.

This November, Americans will cast their most consequential votes since Abraham Lincoln’s reelection in 1864. We confront a constellation of crises: a public health emergency not seen in a century, an economic collapse set to rival the Great Depression, and a world where American leadership is absent and dangers rise in the vacuum. When we founded the Lincoln Project, we did so with a clear mission: to defeat President Trump in November. Publicly supporting a Democratic nominee for president is a first for all of us. We are in extraordinary times, and we have chosen to put country over party — and former vice president Joe Biden is the candidate who we believe will do the same.

Biden is now the presumptive Democratic nominee and he has our support. Biden has the experience, the attributes and the character to defeat Trump this fall. Unlike Trump, for whom the presidency is just one more opportunity to perfect his narcissism and self-aggrandizement, Biden sees public service as an opportunity to do right by the American people and a privilege to do so. Biden is a reflection of the United States. Born into a middle-class family in coal-country Pennsylvania, he has known the hardship and heartbreak that so many Americans themselves know and that millions more are about to experience.

Biden’s personal tragedies and losses tested his strength, his faith and his determination. They were enough to crush most people’s spirit, but Biden emerged more compassionate toward the suffering of others and the burdens that life imposes on his fellow Americans. Biden did what Americans have always done: picked himself up, dusted himself off and made the best of a bad situation. In the years since he first entered office, Biden has consistently demonstrated decency, empathy and humanity.

Biden’s life has been marked by triumphs that didn’t change the goodness in him, and he is a man for whom public service never went to his head. His long record of bipartisan friendship and cross-partisan legislative efforts commends him to this moment. He is an imperfect man, but a man who loves his country and its people with a broad smile and an open heart.

In this way, Trump is a photonegative of Joe Biden. While Trump has innumerable flaws and a lifetime of blaming others for them, Biden has long admitted his imperfections and in doing so has further illustrated his inherent goodness and his willingness to do the work necessary to help put the United States back on a path of health and prosperity. Unlike Trump, Biden is not an international embarrassment, nor does he demonstrate malignant narcissism. A President Biden will steady the ship of state and begin binding up the wounds of a fractured country. We have faith that Biden will surround himself by advisers of competence, expertise and wisdom, not an endless parade of disposable lackeys.

For Trump, the presidency has been the biggest stage, under the hottest klieg lights in a reality show of his making. Every episode leaves the audience more shocked and divided. Trump’s only barometer is his own ego. The country, our values and its people do not factor into Trump’s equation. We’ve seen the damage three years of corruption and cultish amateurish can do. This country cannot afford to be torn apart for sport and profit for another term, as Trump will surely do. If Biden takes office next January, he won’t need on-the-job training. We are in a transcendent and transformative period of American history. The nation cannot afford another four years of chaos, duplicity and Trump’s reality distortion. This country is crying out for a president with a spine stiffened by tragedy, a worldview shaped by experience and a heart whose compass points to decency.”

Marshal Art said...

HA!!! You dare accuse others of lies while as son of the father of lies, you post drivel from The Lincoln Project??? BWAAAAHHHHHAHAHAHAHA!!!! A handful of nominal Republicans supported financially by Dems, promoted on lefty news outlets and not one conservative alternative to Trump or any other right-wing politician they oppose for having sided with Trump??? You never fail to out-stupid yourself!! You're a complete joke. But least you're good for some laughs!!!

Feodor said...

Avoiding every point, incapable of engaging in reason, zero argument, 100% spit.

That’s all you got. Nothing to give you credibility.

And you ask for respect? You don’t give yourself a sniff of a shot at respect shit for brains.

Feodor said...

It rained early this morning in Brooklyn.

No need for a link to know the truth.

And as sure as it will rain...

“President Donald Trump littered Wednesday's coronavirus briefing with another procession of false and misleading claims.

He inaccurately declared, again, that he has absolute power over state coronavirus restrictions. He falsely claimed "nobody needs" ventilators anymore. He exaggerated the number of federal judges confirmed during his presidency. He repeated some of his standard false claims about trade with China.

Trump also accused the World Health Organization of perpetrating a "cover-up" without providing evidence of deliberate malfeasance. And he threatened to invoke a never-before-used constitutional authority to unilaterally adjourn Congress in order to confirm more of his appointees.”

Marshal Art said...

I'm under no obligation of any kind, not even of courtesy or kindness (two more things of which you have no understanding
), to engage on points of opinion presented due to your having no legitimate or compelling facts that support replacing Trump as president.

I don't ask for respect, particularly from the likes of you. Your opinion of me has absolutely no value, especially given how it's based only on your pathetic and unjustified arrogance and your laughingly inflated ego. No, fake Christian. I only expect respectful behavior of a type an actual Christian would demonstrate. You'll have to inquire of an actual Christian how you might go about doing so. Being respectful and giving respect are two different things. One needn't do the latter while doing the former. Whether you choose to respect me or not matters not at all to me. But you will be respectful. This is especially required when dealing with other visitors here, and as you like to pretend you're all that, a higher expectation reflective of that unjustified self-regard is upon you. Failure by you to demonstrate that will also result in deletion of the offending comment at my sole discretion.

And as I had no delusions about it, you demonstrate your low character by continuing to do what you're prohibited from doing because a contemptible, lower-class reprobate such as yourself lacks the self-discipline and true Christian understanding to do any differently. Another quote without citation, more opinion without facts in support and no legitimate, rational argument that suggests Trump hasn't earned another four years. Face it. You'd be incapable even if such an argument existed.

It's sunny in Chicagoland. And sure as the weather will change, you'll sadly remain the perfect example of what an honest Christian man is not. May God grant you the epiphany you so tragically and desperately need. This I ask in Christ's name.

Feodor said...

Jesus stopped listening when he heard this:

“We’re going to win. We’re going to win so much. We’re going to win at trade, we’re going to win at the border. We’re going to win so much, you’re going to be so sick and tired of winning, you’re going to come to me and go ‘Please, please, we can’t win anymore.’ You’ve heard this one. You’ll say ‘Please, Mr. President, we beg you sir, we don’t want to win anymore. It’s too much. It’s not fair to everybody else.’” Trump said. “And I’m going to say ‘I’m sorry, but we’re going to keep winning, winning, winning, We’re going to make America great again.”

Marshal Art said...

The real only begotten Son of God stopped listening to you when joined the baby murderers, the sexually immoral and all others who reject His teachings in favor of the heresies to which you cling so tightly. In other words, He stopped listening to you when you stopped listening to Him so long ago. But there's still hope for you if you repent and start worshiping God instead of yourself. Good luck.

Marshal Art said...

If you were Christian, you wouldn't be so hateful.

Feodor said...

If you wanted to love like Christ you would be a christian.

Marshal Art said...

If you wanted your opinions about me to be taken seriously, you would be an honest man, instead of a false priest whose only goal is to demonize ideological opponents. Not exactly the mark of an actual Christian.

Feodor said...

Trump is an imbecilic danger to national security. And you’ve become someone who defends his craziest behavior. You’re lost.

“Revealed: leader of group peddling bleach as coronavirus 'cure' wrote to Trump this week:

In his letter, Mark Grenon told Trump that chlorine dioxide – a powerful bleach used in industrial processes such as textile manufacturing that can have fatal side-effects when drunk – is “a wonderful detox that can kill 99% of the pathogens in the body”. He added that it “can rid the body of Covid-19”.

A few days after Grenon dispatched his letter, Trump went on national TV at his daily coronavirus briefing at the White House on Thursday and promoted the idea that disinfectant could be used as a treatment for the virus. To the astonishment of medical experts, the US president said that disinfectant “knocks it out in a minute. One minute!”

Grenon styles himself as “archbishop” of Genesis II – a Florida-based outfit that claims to be a church but which in fact is the largest producer and distributor of chlorine dioxide bleach as a “miracle cure” in the US. He brands the chemical as MMS, “miracle mineral solution”, and claims fraudulently that it can cure 99% of all illnesses including cancer, malaria, HIV/Aids as well as autism.”

Feodor said...

"After a dozen or so years travelling back and forth, Case shifted her focus to the US to study rising reports of physical pain — backaches and other maladies that might keep a person out of work. (It turns out that areas with high incidences of physical pain neatly correlate with support for Trump.) 
“He said to us, ‘This has a lot of resonance with what happened in the African-American community in the late 1960s and early 1970s.’ And the more we looked into that, the more we realised he was dead on,” Case says.

In those decades, US manufacturing had begun to decline and black people were first to lose their jobs. They were forced to take worse ones — or none at all. Soon marriage rates began to plunge because men no longer had prospects. Out-of-wedlock births and drug addiction shot up. Professionals with means moved out, stripping neighbourhoods of talent. A working class became an underclass.

Many conservatives blamed inner-city African-Americans for their own plight — finding fault with their “culture” and ignoring the role of economics. Thirty years later, as working-class white people have begun to succumb to a similar fate, some commentators are making familiar accusations — to Case’s disgust. “It’s not black culture, it’s not white working-class culture,” she argues. “We really think if you treat people shabby enough, for long enough, bad things happen to them.”

There are signs that workers are suffering in other western countries too. The latest data shows that deaths of despair also began to tick up in Britain in the early 1990s. But the levels — while rising — remain well below those in the US. One reason, Case suspects, is that “opioids have never been unleashed in the UK the way they have been in the US. So it’s a much more muted crisis.”

Oxycontin, a controlled-release form of the powerful opioid oxycodone, was approved in 1995 for pain relief and then vigorously marketed by pharmaceutical companies and their lobbyists. By 2017, OxyContin and other prescription opioids were responsible for nearly a third of the record 70,237 overdose deaths that year in the US. The toll from that year alone is greater than the number of Americans killed in Vietnam.

“If things were going well, those opioids may land on soil that’s not very fertile,” Case says. “But when things are going badly, those opioids are landing on a place where people are looking for ways to numb themselves, and here comes this drug — and my doctor even says it’s OK. And it’s helping me cope with a life that I can’t find other ways to cope with.”

Another factor that distinguishes America, in Case and Deaton’s view, is its uniquely burdensome healthcare system. In 1960, it absorbed 5 per cent of national income. The figure has since grown to 18 per cent, and rising. In the book, they liken it to “a tapeworm that Americans accidentally swallowed long ago”.

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