Saturday, February 08, 2020


I continue to advocate for the re-election of Donald J. Trump, and with a plethora of great reasons, all of which make irrelevant the personal distaste most opponents of the right-wing have for his past personal history and ongoing style and manner. 

(Who does the left think they're kidding?  They don't care about his manner and they don't care about his horndog history.  They hate that aforementioned plethora far more.)

So I just read the following while wasting time on FB (I've wasted a lot of hours today on the computer...I'm amazed I got anything productive done at all!) and felt it speaks well as to why that advocacy should spread amongst all on the right and among true Christians as well...maybe even primarily true Christians.  It's a response to that distaste and does it well. 

(Obviously, by "true" Christians, I'm clearly NOT referring to "progressive" "Christians".  They clearly prefer the least moral candidates and policies as a matter of routine.)

Thus, I present the following piece from ChristianPost:


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Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Good article, but just a couple comments about voting for Trump.

First, no Christian should ever vote Demokrat due to their totally ungodly platform.

Second, these "Christians" who are anti-Trump continue to fail to understand that we are not voting for a pastor but are voting for a President to best run this country. He may have all sorts of personal flaws, but he is doing an outstanding job as a President.

I have no respect for "Christians" who are anti-Trump as President.

Marshal Art said...

That's pretty much the point of the article. Yet, despite his "non-pastoral" manner, his policies are leading toward a more God-pleasing nation.

You last line is rather disparaging toward two particular bloggers. I haven't respect for their position on this issue, but I understand it and haven't lost respect for them. I think that's more reasonable. I don't need that everyone agree with me 100%. (It's just easier if they do.)

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

It's not about agreeing or disagreeing, it's about Christians who denigrate a person for not being exactly perfect and at the same time promote those who are in the Demokrat party. I can't respect that sort of person because they bring shame on the name of Christ.

Craig said...

The assumption that not supporting Trump equates to support of the DFL seems a bit over the top to me.

I will say that I’m becoming more inclined to vote for Trump because if I’m going to be demonized for something I might as well do what I’m being demonized for.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


I guess that most of those I'm familiar with who are anti-Trump say they will vote Demokrat to be rid of him.

Marshal Art said...

Certainly not all legitimate Christians would vote for a Dem to be rid of Trump. They just won't vote or perhaps will vote third party. To my mind, there's no two ways about it, both of those options are akin to supporting the Dem. The only possible way a third party vote would make sense to me is if there was an actual, legitimate chance of a third party victory...say, all three polling more or less equally...without which the vote is wasted as all non-Repub/non-Dem votes typically turn out to be. At best, third party votes are pretty much a vote for the candidate of the two remaining who is least like the third party option. Ross Perot comes to mind.

But this article better articulates what I've tried to a lesser extent to put forth. Denying Trump, though obviously more so now than in 2016, allows...indeed makes one complicit...the nation to drift further from being a nation pleasing to God than otherwise. We cannot say that a vote for him means we're seeking to be a nation of Donald Trumps, especially now after three years of policy that have pushed in the moral direction. Aside from his boorish manner, there's been no sign that his past behaviors have been promoted, enabled, celebrate, enacted into law or mirrored in any policy. Even that boorish behavior hasn't. Said another way, the legitimate fears of many solid and true Christian's have not come to pass and it amazes me they persist given his overall performance as president.

Part of the problem is how to explain one's choice when standing before God. This nags at real Christisns, and understandably so. But if one's intent is purely on what best serves the national interest, how would a vote for Trump be held against one? How does one stand proudly after doing nothing to prevent one's countrymen from suffering just because a low class individual was the one stepping up and attracting support enough to win the nomination. Regardless of the fact that he eventually won, judging the choice would not take into account what eventually happened, but what was at stake when the choics was in one's hand. And that was when polling suggested he was less likely to win.

Now, he's proven all he's brought from his personal track record is his boorishness. Thus, there's less reason to deny him than there was then, versus what is arguably a more detrimental possibilty. As such, it is far less defensible from a moral, God-pleasing standpoint to withhold support for his reelection than it was in 2016. Some would say that it's his election to lose, but the last three elections should convince everyone leaving it to chance is a bad idea.

No statement is heard by a non-vote or third party vote. Any statement of displeasure with a low character president matters in the face of the displeasure one would feel more keenly than the horrors that would befall us under the leftist extremism that would replace him and reverse his beneficial work. An example:

Here in the People's Republic of Illinois, I just received the notice my car is due for an emissions of many money grabs. "For our convenience" we can pick up this years license plate sticker at the same time. The cost of the tag...basically an inch long piece of thick $50 above last year's #100+ cost!! $150+ for a piece of tape because of the debt racked up over the decades by this vastly Democratic state bulging with unfunded liabilities, mostly public pensions. In one town, 80% of their tax revenues is for pensions. The rest goes for ALL other municipal services. The town's a shithole, but retired town council people are livin' large!

And that's just on the financial side. The more left the government, the greater the moral decay, the more stifled are people of faith. Now, at this point in time, it simply cannot be argued that this immoral man hasn't promoted and enacted policies that have nudged us...if not outright pushed us...toward morality.

Craig said...

It’s theoretically possible that there could be a DFL candidate I could theoretically vote for, but it’s incredibly unlikely.

Since I live in a state that would vote for Hitler if he had DFL behind his name, my presidential vote has little impact. But I’m in an area where the GOP can win down ballot races and that’s where I focus. The other problem I have is that the GOP candidates are usually less conservative than I’d like.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


I'm soooooo glad we left Illinois in Dec 1995 after 17 yrs living there. All I've seen since is a state on a fast track to collapse.

Marshal Art said...


Well...anything is possible, right? ;)

I, too, live in a left-wing state. But I don't abide the out that my vote has little impact. No one's vote has any more or less than mine. It's the numbers that matter and by casting mine, I add to the numbers of those who support the same candidate. And the greater that number, the more it influences fence sitters, especially as the numbers begin to balance out. I often wonder how much more support a right-wing candidate would have if all those who lean in that direction were actually voting, rather than refusing over insignificant and irrelevant reasons of the type that prevent some from voting for Trump. Of course the same could be said for the other side, and any threat that Trump is gaining ground in a state like mine might compel lazy lefties to get to the polls, though I don't see them as caring as much as a typical right-winger.

And yeah, I'd like to see GOP candidates grow in the number of strongly conservative types. Alas, sometimes we choose the "moderate" because they're closer than the Dem against whom he's running. Don't you? If so, you're doing what you won't do for Trump...holding your nose. Just sayin'.

Marshal Art said...


We've begun our plan for migration. The house is now on the market, though only for about a week (just two showings so far). Hopefully it will sell within a few months at most and we'll move to an apartment for about a year to a year and a half, and then we're outa here. We fear the impact to our plans should we lose in November and/or more idiotic policies by our idiot governor are enacted. Just so many buffoons in this state keeping things on the downward track! I have to say, if it was only the weather, we might not be as keen to leave, though I hate the weather here. But there's just too much that makes our autumn years scary if we stay.

Craig said...


IMO, the best thing I can do to effectively affect national policies is to vote for senators and representatives who will govern according to conservative principles.

Marshal Art said...

Bit we are limited by the best available candidates...which is the most conservative in their proposals or by that ashwell as any track record if already serving, and do on for every level of government for which we have an opportunity to cast a vote. For the presidency, that's Trump. The majority of his actions demonstrates well the principle of governing according to conservative principles.

Craig said...

I saw a quote earlier today that I’ll try to find that expresses your view really well.

At this point, I can commit to voting GOP for the down ballot races. Beyond that, I’m open to the possibility of voting for Trump for the very reasons you’ve given. There is zero chance the DFL candidate will enact primarily policies that I agree with, therefore I’m left with no option.

We have some time and I’ll think long and hard.

Marshal Art said...

It's exactly the way I felt in 2016, but more so now, with the added advantage of Trump actually proving himself in terms of policy positions and actions. I can't imagine him doing anything so egregious politically to prevent my support in November, or anyone rising from the ether to stand as an obviously better choice.

Craig said...


Allow me to summarize the article, Dan was so worked up about.

Trump’s campaign hired a tech guy to do advertising on social media that spun stories to make Trump look less bad.

FYI, the DFL has the capacity to do or is doing the same sort of thing.

I’m shocked that political ads aren’t 100% true and scrupulously accurate. I’m even more shocked that Trump has moral failings and pushes/crosses ethical lines if it benefits him.

Thank goodness that Warren hasn’t built her entire career on a foundation of falsehoods.

Marshal Art said...

His Atlantic article engages in the very dis/misinformation behavior of which it accuses Trump.

Craig said...

I’ll try to get a link, but Erik Erickson wrote a great piece addressing this.

Anonymous said...

Glenn, why would you be glad to leave Illinois when that is going to soon happen in Iowa and the rest of the U.S.A? The Dems are winning.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Anonymous troll,

If you think the Demokrats are winning, it means you aren't paying attention.

Marshal Art said...

Now, now, Glenn. We don't know if this anonymous guy is a true troll just yet. However, I would like for him to explain why he thinks Dems are winning when the newest polls show increasing support for Trump, increased satisfaction with life in general, etc., not to mention the continued failures of the Democrat Party to remove Trump from office. I won't say Trump is untouchable, but the Dems certainly haven't found any way to lay on glove on the guy.

I would also like to know if Anonymous sees "Dems are winning" as a good and beneficial thing for the nation given just how bad things are in states like Illinois where Dems have such tight control.

Anonymous said...

What about after Trump? A Democratic president can be elected just to undo all the good things he has done. We may have won a few battles, but we are losing the war. The dems already got complete control of America.

Feodor said...

"Trump is simply engaging in the time-honored practice of not dignifying a stupid question with a reply."

This is complete and utter bullshit revealing your corrupt inability not to lie about him.

Trump refuses to dignity anything but he answers everything. With lies, self-centered praise, outright denials, etc. He NEVER leaves a question hanging.

Except this one: One question he will not answer: was he ever involved with anyone who had an abortion?

He's sick. He lies to the American people. He's immoral. You know all this. And you don't care. Because you're into brutality because you're too weak to change for the better.

You're sick in the head.

Marshal Art said...


I believe it is possible to cement at least some of Trump's good works through legislation. To what extent would require looking at each one individually. But continued support for center-right candidates and incumbents would also do as much. Dems only have control if we allow them to have control. Right now, polls are showing the people are happy with the state and course of our nation. That doesn't indicate Dems are winning.

Marshal Art said...


It's just too bad that Trump doesn't act in every case how you might expect him to act. But you, in your hatred and corruption, insist that his refusal to respond to this particular question reveals to you what you need and want it to reveal. That is, it's another of your personal problems.

But what if he was involved with someone who had an abortion? Does that suggest he was in any way personally involved with that evil choice? Could it not also mean that the abortion took place before his involvement with the person? Not to your sick, deceitful mind.

I'm aware of his shortcomings as a man and as a president. As to the latter, he has proven his shortcomings are more than displaced by his skill and achievement. You know this and you don't care because you're into brutality because you're too corrupt and given over to your evil to change for the better.

You're sick in the soul...assuming you have well as in the head.

Feodor said...

“Donald Trump offered Julian Assange a pardon if he would say Russia was not involved in leaking Democratic party emails, a court in London has been told. The extraordinary claim was made at Westminster magistrates court before the opening next week of Assange’s legal battle to block attempts to extradite him to the US, where he faces charges for publishing hacked documents. The allegation was denied by the former Republican congressman named by the Assange legal team as a key witness.
Assange’s lawyers alleged that during a visit to London in August 2017, congressman Dana Rohrabacher told the WikiLeaks founder that “on instructions from the president, he was offering a pardon or some other way out, if Mr Assange … said Russia had nothing to do with the DNC [Democratic National Committee] leaks.”

Marshal Art said...

...and of course, feo believes that which appears to indict Trump, because feo has a twisted and disordered hatred for the man whose policies have so benefited the nation. What feo copies and pastes above is what honest people refer to as "an allegation". feo, in his corruption, regards it as fact before any proof can be presented. Typical.

Feodor said...

You didn’t care if it “appeared to indict Trump.” Unproven! You’d defend him night and day and say he’s never abused his power.

Now, today, knowing that if’s true, you’ll turn your other face around to say that it doesn’t matter, it’s not really indictable, he’s not abusing his power.

You have zero moral strength or even commitments. Your brutalizing politics of whiteness has broken you. You’re sick in the head.

“WASHINGTON — Former California Republican congressman Dana Rohrabacher confirmed in a new interview that during a three-hour meeting at the Ecuadorian Embassy in August 2017, he told Julian Assange he would get President Trump to give him a pardon if he turned over information proving the Russians had not been the source of internal Democratic National Committee emails published by WikiLeaks.

In a phone interview with Yahoo News, Rohrabacher said his goal during the meeting was to find proof for a widely debunked conspiracy theory: that WikiLeaks’ real source for the DNC emails was not Russian intelligence agents, as U.S. officials have since concluded, but former DNC staffer Seth Rich, who was murdered on the streets of Washington in July 2016 in what police believe was a botched robbery.”

Marshal Art said...

"You didn’t care if it “appeared to indict Trump.” Unproven! You’d defend him night and day and say he’s never abused his power."

Because he hasn't abused his power. When he does, I'll oppose it, but unlike you, I'll wait until it's proven that it actually happened. That's how adults do it.

In the meantime, there are far more obvious examples of abuse of power by the previous president that you'll never acknowledge because abuse of power isn't your real concern. It's hatred for Trump that drives you, false priest. No one is fooled...not even your conscience...assuming you have one.

"Your brutalizing politics of whiteness has broken you."

By this you mean my Christianity-influence politics of righteousness has empowered me and you can't handle being schooled again.

Now, you idiot, you confirm your first story is more than a bit questionable with your latest offering. The two stories are clearly in conflict and thus you prove once again your sick hatred of Trump is what drives you. You don't give a flying rat's ass about anything but validating your perverse hatred. You and Dan...two ravenous vultures of a feather.

Feodor said...

Rohrabacher just admitted it, idiot. Can’t you read?

“ Because he hasn't abused his power. When he does, I'll oppose it.”

Oppose it. Call for an investigation. Or lie.

Marshal Art said...

Wow! You can't even follow your own nonsense! You're a pathetic kinda way. Let's review:

In your first attempt to promote your irrational hatred of Trump, you provided a bit that states Trump offered Assange a pardon. He did not. It further states that Rohrabacher claimed he was acting on instructions from Trump. Also not true.

NOW, you claim that Rohrabacher "told Julian Assange he would get President Trump to give him a pardon if he turned over information proving the Russians had not been the source of internal Democratic National Committee emails published by WikiLeaks." But even that is different than what was implied by your first bit. "Getting the president to" do anything is a far cry from Trump doing the offering, isn't it? It doesn't say anything as to whether or not he was successful in bringing the offer to Trump for his consideration. It doesn't say anything, in fact, that Trump has anything to do with any of it. Indeed, your second bit says it was all Rohrabacher, not Trump. So with your own offerings properly understood (as if it takes any interpretation), where's the abuse of power by Trump? It certainly doesn't exist in anything you've put forth. And all Rohrabacher admitted was that he was attempting to find evidence for something some want to believe it fully debunked...the death of Seth Rich and the belief that he was the real leak.

You're a clown.

Feodor said...

You went with a lie. Twisted in order to be diversionary; tearing at simple reason: the confirmation of the main witness - a friend of Trumps; speaking words with lips curled into a snark with a heart that thrills to duck over truth and people...

What shock.

Marshal Art said...

What loon!! You ARE a lie. You can't even follow your own BS.

Feodor said...

Trump is all about the cover up; never concerned with facts. Wannabe dictator.

“Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.

The day after the Feb. 13 briefing to lawmakers, the president berated Joseph Maguire, the outgoing acting director of national intelligence, for allowing it to take place, people familiar with the exchange said. Mr. Trump cited the presence in the briefing of Representative Adam B. Schiff, Democrat of California, who led the impeachment proceedings against him, as a particular irritant.”

Marshal Art said...

Nothing in feo's last that matter, that is relevant, that actually proves anything he wants to believe is true. "Wannabe dictator"?? Nonsense. Trump's done any time during his presidency thus far...that indicates a desire to be a dictator or anything like one. Far from it. But feo's too corrupt and hateful, like a false priest should be. There's nothing to cover up, except feo's own black heart.

Feodor said...

Deny. Divert. Disparage. Break laws, lie to the American people.

You are a true amoral son of Trump.

Marshal Art said...

Whatever, false priest.

You deny Trump's many successes that have greatly benefited the nation.

You divert from those successes by wallowing in allegation.

You disparage the man who's proven himself to be a far greater president than your impotent Barack Obama (an extremely low bar to be sure).

He broken no laws, unlike your favored political figures, nor told any lies of any consequence that have in any way negatively impacted the people of this nation, unlike your favored political figures.

You are the true son of the father of lies, a false priest and no Christian. While you continue to accuse Trump of whatever comes to your weak mind, none of it trumps your own evil support for sexual immorality, infanticide, disarming of the law abiding and of course your heretical perversions of Scripture. And should Almighty God see fit to answer my prayer and grant you the epiphany you so desperately need, Donald Trump, for all his flaws, will remain a far, far better man than you.

Feodor said...

Lock him up! 40 months. Lying to Congress. Threatening witness.

Just another Trump advisor. BFF this time.

Patrick the Wiener said...

It's just too bad that Trump doesn't act in every case how you might expect him to act.

Listen you are totally unaware of what is happening in the world today you are living in your own little bubble supported by Trump lies and propaganda. You don't want to see truth Look at the way you try to dismiss the facts by sledging they are my personal problems. You say that because you have heard opinion leads tell you that,you are regurgitating propaganda.

But you, in your hatred and corruption, insist that his refusal to respond to this particular question reveals to you what you need and want it to reveal. That is, it's another of your personal problems.

Now my friend you could not be more wrong. It's objectivity factual that you are wrong. The law says when the house impeaches a President the Senate must have a trail. It's the law. They did not have a trial for removal. They did not have a trial they said up front it would not be a fair trail they said it. look it up. They had a fixed show trail that did not allow evidence or witnesses that is not a trial. They broke the law.

You tell me that I am corrupt you follow a dictator who set's himself above the law who suborns fixed trails and subverts the law the constitution. You are not even honest enough to look at the facts,

But what if he was involved with someone who had an abortion? Does that suggest he was in any way personally involved with that evil choice? Could it not also mean that the abortion took place before his involvement with the person? Not to your sick, deceitful mind.

what the heck are you talking about? You are giving me a meaningless hypothetical. you dismiss the evil he does you are not even aware of the vast evil he's done and you don't care, you think abortion is the only sin. People like you have turned Christianity into a mockery. Trump is a wolf in sheep's clothing, open your eyes man!

I'm aware of his shortcomings as a man and as a president.

No you are not, you are not even dimly aware of it he's done vast evil that harms millions, you only think about the piddling personal sexual things, big deal. 45,000 people a year will die in the future because he took away protections on air pollution. 13,000 from striking regs on coal fired plants you don't even have an inkling do you? You are living in a dream.

As to the latter, he has proven his shortcomings are more than displaced by his skill and achievement. You know this and you don't care because you're into brutality because you're too corrupt and given over to your evil to change for the better.

He has no skill or achievement.He doesn't know how to read,did you know that?He did not make the economy better, Obama did! It was already good after an 8 year trend of steady improvement when he stole the office and you are putting materiel gain over spiritual truth, you are spiritually bankrupt.

You're sick in the soul...assuming you have well as in the head.

yes! I am sick, because the what mindless cretins like you have done to sell your souls to wolves in sheep's clothing to wolves in sheep's clothing and destroying the
christian faith makes me sick. Jesus warned us. He said there will be wolves in sheep's clothing you said "that's forme."

Marshal Art said...

Is that your new handle now, feo? If it is, it's apropos. You are a wiener.

"Listen you are totally unaware of what is happening in the world today..."

Sez you, wiener.

"You don't want to see truth Look at the way you try to dismiss the facts by sledging they are my personal problems."

They are your personal problems, among so many others.

"The law says when the house impeaches a President the Senate must have a trail. It's the law."

"You are not even honest enough to look at the facts,"

I not only look at them, I actually understand them.

"You are giving me a meaningless hypothetical."

It's based on the actual question posed to him based on YOUR telling of it.

"you dismiss the evil he does"

I dismiss nothing. I dismiss your understanding of what he's done...your imaginings of what he's done. I dismiss YOU.

"People like you have turned Christianity into a mockery."

Sez the guy who tries to insist the Holy Spirit affirms the acceptance of homosexual behavior and abortion.

There is no such law. The Senate is only conferred with "sole authority" to do so, just as the House has "sole authority" to impeach. Doesn't mean either is required by law to do either.

"45,000 people a year will die in the future because he took away protections on air pollution."

Speculation of a most biased kind.

"You are living in a dream."

You're a nightmare.

"He has no skill or achievement."

Demonstrably false. I don't mean "demonstrably false" in the way Dan uses the expression. I mean it's easy to note his skill and least it is for honest people. Find an honest person and ask.

"He did not make the economy better, Obama did!"

Obama said the crappy economy was the new normal and that Trump would need a magic wand to make it better. You can't cite one policy of Obama that did anything to improve the economy, much less explain how it did.

"he stole the office and you are putting materiel gain over spiritual truth, you are spiritually bankrupt."

How did he get all those states to give him the electoral votes needed to win? That would indicate a level of skill even I didn't ever attribute to him!

Material gain is how normal people measure economic improvement, given that economic improvement indicates material gain.

You wouldn't know truth...spiritual or otherwise...if it kicked you in your lady parts.

"yes! I am sick,"

Wow. A breakthrough.

"...because the what mindless cretins like you have done to sell your souls to wolves in sheep's clothing"

Don't know any mindless cretins who aren't you. I didn't sell my soul to anyone. I voted for a guy who promised things that would improve life for the entire nation, someone who wasn't Hillary Clinton, and my risk has paid off nicely. He's done far more that has aligned with the Christian faith than Hillary would have, and more than most center-right presidents of the past have done. Indeed, rather than destroying the faith, he's helped it out rather well. YOU, on the other hand, continue to mock the faith with your many heresies. Jesus warned us against the likes of you and Dan. We who don't fart around with the faith or truth know who Trump is. We also know who YOU are.

Feodor said...

Not me. My beat guess is that your conscience got control of your keyboard when your hate wasn’t looking. Sounds kinda like you - a rant light on facts and quotes - except that it’s correct on the diagnosis and characterizations.

That or someone from the real world found their way to your blog.

Marshal Art said...

Affirming for us all you are from the real world. Got it.

Anyway, no hate from this end, except the hate I have for your heresies and hateful character. For you personally I have only pity and hope you'll someday come to the REAL Christ as revealed to us in the Scripture you pervert.

Feodor said...

Nope. Some other real world person you’ll have to demonize to make sense of your dead faith.

Marshal Art said...

Oh, sorry faith is indeed alive, and it's faith in the real Jesus Christ you only pretend to follow. Oh that you would reject your heresies and instead abide His teachings...forsake your self-worship and worship the One True God revealed to us in Scripture. In Christ's name I pray these things come to pass.

Feodor said...

Christ does not listen to lies.

Marshal Art said...

Something you need to remember before you promote another heresy.

Feodor said...

Sorry, not listening. I know in whom my faith resides.

Marshal Art said...

Yes, but self-worship gets you nothing. Try Jesus.

Patrick the Wiener said...

"...because the what mindless cretins like you have done to sell your souls to wolves in sheep's clothing"

Don't know any mindless cretins who aren't you. I didn't sell my soul to anyone.

you sold your soul to the republican party, you have no idea what the gospel is about,you have adopted a salvation by works doctrine in which good works are measured by political rightness, and being anti abortion.

I voted for a guy who promised things that would improve life for the entire nation,

He has bot fulfilled a single promise he made, Has Mexico paid for the wall? smell the coffee

someone who wasn't Hillary Clinton, and my risk has paid off nicely. He's done far more that has aligned with the Christian faith than Hillary would have, and more than most center-right presidents of the past have done.

He's turned it into a laughing stock, I have been dining Christian apologetic on the net for 20 years, people i;v been trying to the Lord for years just laugh about the idea of "finding Jesus: because to them Christianity has been disproved,it's hypocritical,

Indeed, rather than destroying the faith, he's helped it out rather well.

how? SHOW ME ONE REASON. Because you feel your enemies will be crushed not becasue anyone is finding the Lord, your kind of
chrisiabity os based on hate , you couldn't care less if people go to hell

YOU, on the other hand, continue to mock the faith with your many heresies.

You amuse you know you don;t know enough about theology to even define heresy, you think not being republican is heresy,

Jesus warned us against the likes of you and Dan.

who? who the hell is Dan?

We who don't fart around with the faith or truth know who Trump is. We also know who YOU are.

like he;s the messiah you really are in a Trump worship cult. you say i'm heretica.? If not worshiping Trump is makes, me a heretic then I'm a heretic. No you to tell me openly and honestly what exactly you mean by know who
trump is? who is Trump? who the hell is

Feodor said...

Trump’s farm bailout - a need he himself created - is now twice as large as Obama’s GM bailout.

The difference being that GM paid that bailout back... with interest.

Marshal Art said...


First off, let me just say two things:

Based on your comments, I thought you were the troll named "feodor" and I now stand corrected, but saddened that there are now two people equally foolish and false. Dan is a ally of feo and can now be seen in a comment on a more recent post of mine. If you like, you can click on his name and follow him at his blog where you're likely to pretend he's a really swell guy.

Secondly, your comments are a mess and difficult to translate into actual English. Take your time, employ rules of grammar and sentence structure and try a little proof-reading before hitting the Publish button. Just a helpful hint toward making yourself more understandable.

Also, note how I put YOUR comments in quotes and/or italics before posting my response. This too makes things easier to follow and understand...for most people.

"you sold your soul to the republican party, you have no idea what the gospel is about,you have adopted a salvation by works doctrine in which good works are measured by political rightness, and being anti abortion."

I am not a member of the GOP in any way, though I admit I once was. I vote Republican because they're positions are more closely in tune with reason, logic, facts and also Christianity. You couldn't hope to prove otherwise.

"He has bot fulfilled a single promise he made, Has Mexico paid for the wall? smell the coffee"

This is rank ignorance and if you won't inform yourself, you have no business weighing in. Here's a very short list of promises he's kept:

--Moving our embassy from Tel Aviv to Israel's capital, Jerusalem.
--Appointing Constitutionally sound jurists to every level of judicial branch of government.
--Improving the economy (this alone satisfies multiple promises related to this issue)
--Strengthening the military.
--Securing the border (an ongoing task, and it's incomplete status does not indicate a failed promise. It also satisfies multiple promises related to this issue).
--Extricating us from bad treaties, such as the Iran deal, Paris climate accords, etc.
--Improving trade such as replacing NAFTA with the USMCA

Again, a short list of promises made and kept by Trump. You likely have no idea of what promises he's made beyond making Mexico pay for the wall.

"He's turned it into a laughing stock"

What follows the above quote is incomprehensible. Read my second point at the beginning of this comment and restate your case in an intelligible manner.


He's defended religious freedom and expression. His support for the pro-life cause aligns with Christian values, as does his support for constitutional/American principles in general. This is true because of the influence of Christianity on the founding of this nation. It's got nothing to do with converting anyone to Christianity, and my position doesn't suggest such a thing. Pay attention.

"You amuse you know you don;t know enough about theology to even define heresy, you think not being republican is heresy,"

Try me. But keep in mind that my original comments assumed you were someone else.

"like he;s the messiah you really are in a Trump worship cult."

Never have, nor never would refer to Trump as a messiah, nor do I regard him as such. But the fact that he has "saved" the nation from many harms brought about by Obama, particularly economically, is beyond question. Thus, Trump is presently the right man for the job. A comment from one of the superhero movies (I believe the Batman trilogy with Christian Bale) expresses the sentiment best: He's not the hero we wanted, but the hero we need. Trump might not be the president we wanted, but he's proven himself to be the president we need.

Feodor said...

We will live with Trump disasters for a decade.

From Fortune magazine:

“The Trump administration recently requested $2.5 billion in emergency funds to prepare the U.S. for a possible widespread outbreak of coronavirus. Critics, though, are pointing out that money might not be necessary if the administration hadn’t spent the past two years largely dismantling government units that were designed to protect against pandemics.

The cuts started in 2018, as the White House focused on eliminating funding to Obama-era disease security programs. In March of that year, Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer, whose job it was to lead the U.S. response in the event of a pandemic, abruptly left the administration and his global health security team was disbanded.

That same year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was forced to slash its efforts to prevent global disease outbreak by 80% as its funding for the program began to run out. The agency, at the time, opted to focus on 10 priority countries and scale back in others, including China.

Also cut was the Complex Crises Fund, a $30 million emergency response pool that was at the secretary of state’s disposal to deploy disease experts and others in the event of a crisis. (The fund was created by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.)”

Patrick the Wiener said...

"you sold your soul to the republican party, you have no idea what the gospel is about,you have adopted a salvation by works doctrine in which good works are measured by political rightness, and being anti abortion."

I am not a member of the GOP in any way, though I admit I once was. I vote Republican because they're positions are more closely in tune with reason, logic, facts and also Christianity. You couldn't hope to prove otherwise.

you are the loyal little brainwashed slave of the 1%. you thin the GOP is the big deal it;s just another tool they use. You are GOP you are brainwashed to bark any time they snap their fingers.

"He has bot fulfilled a single promise he made, Has Mexico paid for the wall? smell the coffee"

This is rank ignorance and if you won't inform yourself, you have no business weighing in. Here's a very short list of promises he's kept:

I'm a Ph,D candidate in history of ideas, you have been brain washed to think of agreement with your politics as knowledge and disagreement with them as ignorance that is real stupidity.

--Moving our embassy from Tel Aviv to Israel's capital, Jerusalem.

that helps no one it is provocative and destabilizing and accomplished nothing

--Appointing Constitutionally sound jurists to every level of judicial branch of government.

they are fascists who want to end the bill of rights and will allow Trump to continue his criminal enterprise

--Improving the economy (this alone satisfies multiple promises related to this issue)

He did not accomplish that Obama did, it does not justify murdering poor people or selling out america to Russia

Patrick the Wiener said...

--Strengthening the military.

you could cut that by half it would still be the most powerful in the world

--Securing the border (an ongoing task, and it's incomplete status does not indicate a failed promise. It also satisfies multiple promises related to this issue).

the evil he's done to 5000 children marks him as the anti Christ he's on par with Hitler. the truth is illegal imitation had died to a trickle before the asshole maed it an issue, he caused the influx to revive by talking about cutting it off.

--Extricating us from bad treaties, such as the Iran deal, Paris climate accords, etc.

that ingenious move allows Iran to make nucs again.

--Improving trade such as replacing NAFTA with the USMCA

that genius move had destroyed small farms all over the country

Again, a short list of promises made and kept by Trump. You likely have no idea of what promises he's made beyond making Mexico pay for the wall.

all typically bad moves all lauded by his brainless lackies.

"He's turned it into a laughing stock"

What follows the above quote is incomprehensible. Read my second point at the beginning of this comment and restate your case in an intelligible manner.

Trump has destroyed the NATO alliance the leaders of those nations think he's a fool,the average people think Americans are fools. I have several friends in England and France this is what they tell me,


He's defended religious freedom and expression. His support for the pro-life cause aligns with Christian values, as does his support for constitutional/American principles in general.

that's utter bull shit, The right to life movement (What a joke name for it,they hate life, is not serious about stopping abortion, you could end it tomarrow by pushing RU486

This is true because of the influence of Christianity on the founding of this nation. It's got nothing to do with converting anyone to Christianity, and my position doesn't suggest such a thing. Pay attention.

America does not have a convener relationship with God like that of ancient Israel WE do not have a formal relationship with Christina we have freedom of religion we do not have an established national religion,even leaders of the Evangelical movement used to acknowledge this before the chuckle heads in the moral majority came along

"You amuse you know you don;t know enough about theology to even define heresy, you think not being republican is heresy,"

Try me.

"like he;s the messiah you really are in a Trump worship cult."

Never have, nor never would refer to Trump as a messiah, nor do I regard him as such. But the fact that he has "saved" the nation from many harms brought about by Obama, particularly economically, is beyond question.

you have no understanding of economics you've been brain washed to be ignorant,

Thus, Trump is presently the right man for the job.

Obama saved us from Total economic collapse in 2008 the economy imporved every year of his eight years.In fac the surge under
trump was predicted in 2012 by fornicated based upon projections of Obamna years,

A comment from one of the superhero movies (I believe the Batman trilogy with Christian Bale) expresses the sentiment best: He's not the hero we wanted, but the hero we need. Trump might not be the president we wanted, but he's proven himself to be the president we need.

rationalizing his evil to appease the greed of your masters

Marshal Art said...


Just because lefty Trump-haters label Trump's moves as "disasters" doesn't make them such. Reality about lefties suggest a more likely scenario: using this coronavirus scenario politically to attack Trump. You people can't be trusted to be honest about anything when the ability to use it politically is even remotely possible. With so many sites using the same language for that purpose, regurgitating the same negative analysis, reason dictates withholding judgement of reports such as that which you've chosen to post until adults can weigh in. One source suggests the Associated Press, of all people, have debunked the narrative you're pushing. I haven't found it yet, but I'm not all that intent on responding to every drop of vomit you puke out, given your well-known hateful agenda.

Marshal Art said...

"you are the loyal little brainwashed slave of the 1%."

It's always hilarious to hear this moronic charge, as if whatever 1% you have in mind matters to what is true and factual. In the meantime, you buy into leftist drivel, always countered by the facts, and pretend the other guy is the brainwashed one. Typical.

"I'm a Ph,D candidate in history of ideas, you have been brain washed to think of agreement with your politics as knowledge and disagreement with them as ignorance that is real stupidity."

Sheepskin doesn't equate to either intelligence or wisdom. If you're favored accusation is "brainwashing", you prove you lacking in either, PhD or not. It is knowledge of fact, truth and logic that informs my politics...not the other way around as you seem to need to believe.

"that helps no one it is provocative and destabilizing and accomplished nothing"

Recognizing Israel's capital, as we do with every other country in the world, proves we don't kowtow to the demands of aggressors such as the those who oppose our ally, Israel. If doing the right thing provokes assholes, that's only further proof we're doing the right thing. Our allies appreciate such courage.

"they are fascists who want to end the bill of rights and will allow Trump to continue his criminal enterprise"

An idiotic thing to say when those he appoints are among the most dedicated Constitutional originalists available. What's your PhD in? Lesbian dance?

"He did not accomplish that Obama did, it does not justify murdering poor people or selling out america to Russia"

Abject idiocy. What meager growth took place during the Obama years was in spite of his policies, not because of them. You couldn't point to any fiscal policy he implemented that did anything more than to retard economic growth if you had a gun to your pointy head.

What's this crap about murdering poor people? You have any evidence that supports that ludicrous allegation?

While you're failing to provide that info, try providing any that supports the "selling out america to Russia" crapola. I could use a laugh. (Love how you capitalized "Russia", but not "america". You give yourself away.)

"you could cut that by half it would still be the most powerful in the world"

The effectiveness of our military was severely deteriorated, particularly by the neglect of Obama, as any military expert will attest. There's your ass, and then there's a hole in the ground. Learn the difference between the two.

Marshal Art said...

"the evil he's done to 5000 children marks him as the anti Christ he's on par with Hitler. the truth is illegal imitation had died to a trickle before the asshole maed it an issue, he caused the influx to revive by talking about cutting it off."

Trump's done no evil to any child, but it is typical of deranged haters like yourself to attribute to Trump any suffering experienced by those connected with law-breaking. In this case, the parents, guardians or exploiters of children brought across our border illegally. Also a bullshit charge is blaming Trump for the increased attempts to cross illegally. It is the duty of our president to enforce the laws of the land, not to ignore them as Obama had. No one has the right to America but Americans. All others require our permission to enter. Those who drag kids across without first having acquired that permission are those who are solely responsible for the suffering those children endure. Honest people don't see this as a remarkable revelation. Stupid people? That's another story.

"that ingenious move allows Iran to make nucs again."

Wow! That's a level of stupidity that is truly astounding. It's almost as if you're in a competition! Obama shipping crates of cash allowed Iran to do what they do, which they were doing regardless of Obama's idiotic deal. Good gosh, you're stupid! Talk about brainwashed!!!

"that genius move had destroyed small farms all over the country"

Add that to your list of things you won't be able to prove.

To capture the bankruptcy rates of farms, the USDA utilizes the number of Chapter 12 filings per year.

Robert Johansson, “The Outlook for U.S. Agriculture—2019: Growing Locally, Selling Globally,” U.S. Department of Agriculture, presentation at the 95th Agricultural Outlook Forum, February 21–22, 2019, (accessed January 15, 2020).

Chapter 12 is a special chapter of the Bankruptcy Code just for farmers, although they can use other chapters.

Farm bankruptcies are receiving media attention, yet, as explained by Robert Johansson, the USDA’s Chief Economist, “[n]ationally the rate of bankruptcy per 10,000 farms remains low—sitting at approximately 2.35 bankruptcies per 10,000 farms [in 2018], lower than the 3 bankruptcies we saw in [the] 2010–2012 period.”

As a percentage, the 2018 bankruptcy rate is just two one-hundredths of a percent.

"all typically bad moves all lauded by his brainless lackies."

Who tells you to say these things?

Marshal Art said...

"Trump has destroyed the NATO alliance the leaders of those nations think he's a fool,the average people think Americans are fools. I have several friends in England and France this is what they tell me,"

Your PhD must be in "Not Paying Attention to the Real World":

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, speaking on "Fox News Sunday," said President Trump's tough talk has ultimately strengthened the 70-year-old alliance by leading member nations to contribute tens of billions of additional dollars to ensure their own security.

"I have several friends in England and France this is what they tell me,"

There are ignorant, uninformed Trump-haters in other countries, too. That's not news except to the ignorant, uniformed Trump-haters you.

"that's utter bull shit, The right to life movement (What a joke name for it,they hate life, is not serious about stopping abortion, you could end it tomarrow by pushing RU486"

You're like 12 yrs old, right? RU486 is an abortifacient drug, you idiot. You're exchanging chemical abortion for surgical abortion. Jeez!

"America does not have a convener relationship with God like that of ancient Israel WE do not have a formal relationship with Christina we have freedom of religion we do not have an established national religion,even leaders of the Evangelical movement used to acknowledge this before the chuckle heads in the moral majority came along"

To pretend that Christianity didn't inform the opinions and ideologies of the founders requires a willful ignorance of reality. Even among the least religious among them, even deists like Jefferson and Franklin, all the founders, like most during that time, were raised with a strong understanding of the Judeo-Christian tradition. It's moronic to suggest it didn't have an impact on how they viewed the world. Given the many similarities to their political philosophies and Christian teaching, this is self-evident and beyond debate. The dishonest choose to focus on the fact that they instituted no national religion, while ignoring how each of the original 13 states, with one, perhaps two exceptions, had state religions despite allowing citizens to worship as they pleased. Religious references appear in every founding document.

"you have no understanding of economics you've been brain washed to be ignorant"

Try me.

"Obama saved us from Total economic collapse in 2008"

Wrong again.

"the surge under trump was predicted in 2012"

But it's been more than just a surge. It's the complete opposite of what Obama and his people were saying before the election...that 2% was the "new normal". The policies of the two presidents were in stark conflict, and Trump's reversal of Obama's is the reason for the "surge".

"rationalizing his evil to appease the greed of your masters"

I wonder if your real name is "Luchez". Name the evil you believe Trump to represent or to have enacted. Just warn me so that I don't spit out my drink laughing.

Feodor said...

“Washington - President Donald Trump is hoping for a "miracle" that will make the coronavirus disappear but tanking stock markets and signs the disease is stalking America are delivering their verdict on his scattershot management of the crisis.

A historic Wall Street sell off, the first case on US soil that could not be traced to travel to countries battling the virus, and news of drug shortages outpaced White House efforts to show everything was under control.
"It's going to disappear. One day it's like a miracle, it will disappear," Trump said at the White House Thursday as the virus marched across Asia and Europe after US officials said the US should brace for severe disruption to everyday life.”

Marshal Art said...

More leftist perversion of reality...exploiting a bad situation for political gain. Unsurprising the false priest would embrace it.

A miracle would include an effective cure/vaccine developed in a speedy manner...something some are expecting will occur.

"Tanking" markets are a natural consequence of negative worldwide events. This would've occurred even had Trump not made spending cuts idiots like you want to pretend made much difference to the response to this event.

"Scattersot management" is a willfully false description of Trump's response to this event, typical of the type for which lefties are notorious.

The first case not traced to travel refers only to the patient not having personally traveled, but as is considered likely, the patient was in contact with someone who did.

Drug shortages always occur when major outbreaks of a new virus does. Yet, it doesn't indicate a lack of control as it is one of the challenges being addressed in a responsible manner, all things considered.

It can and is likely to disappear as we move into the change of season, which is typical. Also typical is that mutations of the virus can occur during this period and then return later as if a new virus. Those in the know are aware and preparing for this.

Thus far, Trump has responded well, particularly as compared to Obama's response to SARS (I believe it was). So good we have a president who cares about America and people in general and gets things done.

Marshal Art said...

Too bad we have lefty Trump haters who see this human suffering as a wonderful opportunity to attack Trump. Shameful as usual.

Feodor said...

“No other 2020 candidate for president, including Donald Trump, can come close to matching Bernie Sanders’ level of support among members of the U.S. military, to go by the most recent campaign finance data from the Federal Election Commission.”

Feodor said...

You keep drinking that Kool-Aid.

“Federal courts have prevented President Donald Trump from implementing a proclamation he signed last month that would make White House adviser Stephen Miller’s dreams of restricting legal immigration a reality.”

From Forbes: “New data from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) show legal immigration declined by almost 87,000, by more than 7%, between FY 2016 and FY 2018. “Excluding refugees means 122,412 fewer legal immigrants became lawful permanent residents in FY 2018 than in FY 2016, a decline of 11.5%,” according to a National Foundation for American Policy (NFAP) analysis. Refugees approved in years prior to the Trump presidency were finally (and appropriately) counted as permanent residents in FY 2018, which obscures some of the reduction in immigration. Trump administration policies now blocked in court by lawsuits would lead to deeper reductions in immigration.”

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

No other 2020 candidate for president, including Donald Trump, can come close to matching Bernie Sanders’ level of support among members of the U.S. military, to go by the most recent campaign finance data from the Federal Election Commission.

Feo, if you didn't make this up, then they did. I am familiar with too many military people, and I spent five years in the military, and there is no way very many military people would vote for a communist.

Feodor said...

I am familiar with too many rational, smart, loving christian people - and I myself have grown up in the church and have graduate degrees from actual universities - and there is no way your hate-filled thrill for lies is faithful, smart, or healthy.

(Just using your own level of evidence on you.)

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

the difference is that you wouldn't know a real Christian if one was standing in front of you.

The military doesn't like Demokrats because every time one gets in one of the first things they do is denude the military. Reagan had to build up after Carter, Bush had to build up after Clinton, Trump has to build up after Obamanation. I could go back farther but I think these three examples make my point.

Feodor said...

That you are desperately committed to denying facts, Glenn, doesn’t even reassure my faith. Christ is far from you. That’s why I am, too.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Ah feo,

Art and Craig have you so well pegged. You have no clue about truth, let alone the Christian faith.

Marshal Art said...

I found a couple of articles stating decreasing support for Trump by the military. This decrease isn't across the board, with some moving away while others maintain their support. Overall his approval numbers still surpass Obama's numbers by the end of his term.

There are some legit reasons why military support might wane. However, most disapproval is directed at specific policies, not all of which draw the same level of response by the same factions of personnel. For example, more men approve of Trump than women, more whites than minorities and what leads to disapproval is more often for the same UK nderstanding...or lack the general population. And of course, as always, this is all based on polling of less than 2000 people (about 1600 if I recall correctly), so Trump-haters revel in the news without considering that sentiments can change with future events.

I haven't seen the source feo uses for his Bernie Sanders bit, but I can't see that intelligent people would put much stock in any claim of Bernie garnering more support from the military than pretty much anyone else, to say nothing of Trump. On what possible basis would they support a commie like Bernie at all? If feo was the least bit honorable, he'd supply links to his info as I do with mine. No doubt doing so would provide a different picture of reality that wouldn't serve feo's glaring hatred.

Feodor said...

You’re just bad at the googling thing, Marshal Trump. And bad at numbers.

“Soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines have donated a total of $185,625 to Sen. Sanders’ 2020 campaign. By comparison, they have given $113,012 to Trump, $80,250 to Pete Buttigieg, $64,604 to Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and a relatively paltry $33,045 to former Vice President Joe Biden, according to Doug Weber, a senior researcher at the Center for Responsive Politics.
For every candidate in the 2020 race, the CRP maintains a list of the 20 companies or institutions whose employees have given the most money to his or her campaign. Remarkably, the U.S. Army, the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Air Force, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Veterans Affairs all separately appear on Sanders’ list, comprising 5 of his top 20. The largest service branch, the U.S. Army, comes in at number 11, with $65,395 in total donations. That’s just behind Walmart, whose employees gave $69,523.“

Marshal Art said...

Ah! I see your point. So if you donate $100 to Bernie, whole Glenn, Craig and I donate $20 each to Trump, by your logic more asshats favor Bernie, than there are good Americans supporting Trump because more money was donated by an asshat like you. Got it.

Feodor said...

“President Donald Trump attacked Fox News again Friday after the right-leaning network's latest poll showed him losing to all six of the leading contenders for the Democratic nomination.“

Feodor said...

You guys are alike.

Ted Cruz jibed at the New York congresswoman after she skewered Donald Trump's decision to vice president Mike Pence in charge of the administration's response to the coronavirus - a decision that she said "could cost people their lives." In a trio of questions, the Texas senator asked Ocasio-Cortez: "As you are speaking as the oracle of science, tell us, what exactly is a Y chromosome?"

Ms Ocasio-Cortez, who once worked as a waitress, responded: "Sen Cruz, while I understand you judge people's intelligence by the lowest income they've had, I hold awards from MIT Lincoln Lab &others for accomplishments in microbiology."

"Secondly, I'm surprised you're asking about chromosomes given that you don't even believe in evolution."

She finished by saying: "Sincerely - an Intel global finalist, a fmr multi-year intern for Sen. Kennedy, a cum laude dual major in Economics & International Relations, a fmr Educational Director for national organisation, Who to you is "just a bartender".

Marshal Art said...

This is your last warning, feotroll: YOU are required to supply links for every quote you post. No "studies say" type comments will be accepted from you. No expectations that others must research anything you put forth based on some condescending arrogance that WE must Google your offerings. Failure to comply will result in your comments deleted. It's these types of childish games that result in comment moderation, with you comments going to spam. My few rules are reasonable and enhance discourse, unlike Dan's which do the opposite.

In the meantime, if AOC is the genius her response claims to be, she could've shut Cruz down more effectively by answering his question. Like you, she apparently believes herself wise because of her degrees. Like you, she's a complete and utter moron despite them. No where in your quoting of Cruz did he mention "just a bartender" (couldn't her degrees garner her better?), or that he judges anyone based on their lowest income.

Marshal Art said...

You wanna play games, troll? You don't get to set terms here. You either play by house rules or you'll be forbidden entirely as you had been for the last several months. Doesn't matter to me. YOUR behavior has bought you special and unique rules that only you must follow. I'm not obliged to treat everyone equally here, particularly childish losers like you. I lifted your prohibition and you're abusing it already.

Feodor said...

You mimic Dan. Maybe you secretly like being controlled by him. Here you are passing it along with the same argument, but you’re hypocritical about it. You won’t hold yourself to the same standard.

As you’ve just shown. There is zero credibility to your argument about numbers if Sanders’ supporters. And you won’t find any link to back you up. Sanders supporters are notorious for given less but more of them actually giving.

Despite Glen’s fantasy’s and your made up diversion, the facts speak volumes about the military’s desertion of Trump. Most of them have seen a fraud.

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

you are false Christians, you don't Jesus, you wolf in sheep's clothing,
trump is satan

Marshal Art said...

Thanks Joe, for using your real name. Had you done so to begin with, I would not have confused you for feo, who is a false priest.

Marshal Art said...

"You mimic Dan. Maybe you secretly like being controlled by him. Here you are passing it along with the same argument, but you’re hypocritical about it. You won’t hold yourself to the same standard."

That you believe I mimic Dan simply due to an incredibly superficial similarity in demand for how people comment is typical of you and further evidence of your falseness and/or low intellect. What's more, as you're such a special person, you're held to an appropriately special standard to which no one else has earned so well. Your history of bad behavior demands such a standard to which only you are held. Indeed, you've eagerly invited such a standard be applied to you.

The rest of your comment is only your opinion and that isn't worth anything at all...which is why you're required to provide evidence for everything you say.

Feodor said...

Trump is a national security threat.

“Iran has nearly tripled its stockpile of enriched uranium since early November, the United Nations’ atomic agency said Tuesday, prompting warnings from experts and diplomats that Tehran has slashed the time it would need to amass enough fuel for a nuclear weapon. When the nuclear agreement between Iran and six world powers took effect in January 2016, U.S. officials estimated that it would take at least a year for Iran to produce sufficient enriched uranium for a single nuclear weapon if it broke out of the agreement.

But after the Trump administration quit the accord in May 2018 and Iran stopped adhering to key limits, that “breakout time” has substantially shrunk and could now be below four months, one prominent expert said.“

Marshal Art said...

This assumes it wouldn't have happened anyway. Only lefties believe a regime like Iran can be trusted to do what they sign their names to doing. It also assumes that US officials of the Obama administration were smart enough to accurately assess the capabilities of Iran's nuclear program or were honest enough to tell the truth about it and risk Obama's "legacy".

BTW, thanks for the link. Was that so hard?

Feodor said...

Nope. It doesn’t assume anything. It simply pays attention to Iran’s behavior in reaction to Trump’s incompetence and strategic idiocy. And thereby reasonably draws the obvious correlative effect of Trump’s endangering decisions.

Only those who cannot reason, or spit on reason, deny the obviousness. And, doing that in front of us, you go on to lie.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Muslims have never kept any treaty they've signed. Islam teaches that you are to lie to your enemy until you are in a position of power. So nothing Trump has done would have changed a thing with Iran - it was foolish of those who made the treaty to thing Iran would hold to it.

Perhaps Feo should read a wee bit of history of Islam.

Marshal Art said...

It's worse than that, Glenn. feo ignores the fact that his hero, Barack Obama sent them skids of cash before leaving the Oval Office which allowed Iran to step up production, which, again, they would have done anyway if they could. Remember also how Israel had exposed plans of Iran in the past. Trump's actions simply provided an excuse for Iran, and worse, for American Trump-haters, to do what they do.

Feodor said...

Glenn reminds me how western Christians, for 800 years, have been constantly killing massive numbers of non-white peoples - even to the point of genocidal war on native Americans with whom we broke signed treaties - plus killing Byzantine Orthodox Christians by the millions. I worry that Glenn will lie in order to get into a war to kill more people. It’s just who he is as a Christian.

Perhaps the fake Scott - a people slaughtered by a neighboring Christian nation - should read a wee bit of history.

Marshal Art said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marshal Art said...

History does NOT justify the claim that there was a "genocidal war" against American Indians. There was no governmental plan to eradicate any of the tribes.

Feodor said...

“The British officer in charge, Captain Simeon Ecuyer, reported to Colonel Henry Bouquet in Philadelphia that he feared the crowded conditions would result in disease. Smallpox had already broken out. On June 24, 1763, William Trent, a local trader, recorded in his journal that two Indian chiefs had visited the fort, urging the British to abandon the fight, but the British refused. Instead, when the Indians were ready to leave, Trent wrote: "Out of our regard for them, we gave them two Blankets and an Handkerchief out of the Small Pox Hospital. I hope it will have the desired effect."

It is not known who conceived the plan, but there's no doubt it met with the approval of the British military in America and may have been common practice. Sir Jeffery Amherst, commander of British forces in North America, wrote July 7, 1763, probably unaware of the events at Fort Pitt: "Could it not be contrived to Send the Small Pox among those Disaffected Tribes of Indians? We must, on this occasion, Use Every Stratagem in our power to Reduce them." He ordered the extirpation of the Indians and said no prisoners should be taken. About a week later, he wrote to Bouquet: "You will Do well to try to Innoculate the Indians by means of Blanketts as well as to try Every other method that can serve to Extirpate this Execrable Race."

Feodor said...

“There is a difference between peace and retreat. The Trump administration’s agreement with the Taliban represents a full retreat. It’s an agreement that most Republicans would deplore if a Democrat president made the deal, and they’d be right to be angry.

Let’s begin with the elephant in the room. There is no meaningful argument that the fate of Afghanistan is somehow irrelevant to our national security. The War in Afghanistan was no “war of choice.” On 9/11 our nation suffered its worst attack since Pearl Harbor. It suffered its worst attack on an American city since the British burned Washington D.C. on August 24, 1814, and the Taliban were intimately involved. That attack came from an enemy operating with the permission and under the protection of the same Taliban the Trump administration deals with today.”

Marshal Art said...

Clearly I misunderstood. When you said "we" in relation to genocidal war with American tribes ("we" broke treaties), I was certain you were referring to "we" Americans, as opposed to the British government before we broke from them. Thus, my comment stands nonetheless as I referred to our government, which had no policy to wipe out any tribes.

Of course, the further back in time (800 years??!!), the easier it is to find atrocities by every race and nation upon another. No surprise there, especially in light of your boy Dan affirming how we, particularly we western Christians, have evolved since then.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Feo proves he has no intelligent arguments because he resorts to libel and ad hominem attacks, as well as his misrepresentation of Christian history, as well as history in general.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

There has been many studies I've read over the years which say that the smallpox blanket incident was nothing more than a myth. But the LEFT likes to use myths and lies === that's their whole ideology.

Feodor said...

California Slaughtered 16,000 Native Americans. The State Finally Apologized For the Genocide

Up to 16,000 Native Californians died in the genocide, which took place from the 1840s through the 1870s. Most of the deaths occurred during hundreds of massacres during which state and local militias encircled and murdered Native peoples. The genocide was facilitated by discriminatory California laws and the outright support of state officials and Federal authorities who condoned and supported the attacks.

The Piper's Wife said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Sorry, my wife was still signed on her blogspot. Let's try again

What you seem to forget was that the Indians also killed thousands of settlers and started it way back in the early 1600s. That wasn't genocide by them and neither was it genocide when settlers killed Indians. There were massacres of both sides -- it was a war. So us killing thousands of Germans in WWII wasn't genocide either. It was a war.

Quit taking your talking points from the ever-offended LEFT and try to study for yourself.

By the way, history has always been my favorite subject. While there may have been individual people who wanted to wipe out all Indians, there were also only individual people who wanted to wipe out all Irish in the USA. Nowhere did the governments try to exterminate them, rather they just wanted to put them on reservations. And any "news" from California is about as lame as you can get.

Feodor said...

"What you seem to forget was that the Indians also killed thousands of settlers and started it way back in the early 1600s."

So, Glenn, if the Chinese land on the west coast and start taking over San Diego we shouldn't defend ourselves?

Your blind, ignorant brutality is priceless.

Feodor said...

Glenn now: "Feo proves he has no intelligent arguments because he resorts to libel and ad hominem attacks..."

Glenn then: "Ah feo, Art and Craig have you so well pegged. You have no clue about truth, let alone the Christian faith."

Glenn always: Hypocrite abuser of the Christian thought.

Feodor said...

Oh, and while there was a professor (Colorado?) who once manufactured a history of 19th century use of small pox blankets, he got the idea from the true history of Amherst’s (Amherst College is names after him) involvement in giving small pox blankets to Indians in the 18th century.

Sorry, Glenn. You’re wrong again.

Feodor said...

Texas Republicans have enacted voter suppression.

On Super Tuesday, long lines at a number of Texas polling stations cast a pall over the Democratic primary, sowing confusion and anger on an otherwise clarifying day for the party.

Texas Democrats chose to award a plurality of their convention delegates to former Vice President Joe Biden. But people were forced to wait hours to vote on Tuesday in part because for several years, the state has systematically closed polling places in communities with large and growing Black and Latino populations. And that casts doubt on whether Democrats actually have a chance to turn the state blue in 2020, regardless of whom they nominate.

Marshal Art said...

From the Guardian article:

Voting rights advocates and both Republican and Democratic leaders have largely been in favor of vote centers because they can make it more convenient to vote – by allowing people to vote near work, for instance – and because they can reduce the number of people whose votes are thrown out because they went to the wrong polling place.

But Texas state law allows a county that transitions to vote centers to operate with half as many locations as they would otherwise have needed under a traditional precinct-based system.

When deciding whether to close a polling station, elected officials typically consider how many people used it, as well as factors like public transportation accessibility. Some elections administrators who agree on the importance of protecting minority voters warn against assuming that closures are automatically a bad thing.

“I’d be curious to know how many of the consolidation efforts were good faith efforts [to] … increase the number of options for a voter but also improve the kind of polling place that a particular voter may have voted in,” said Chris Davis, the Williamson County elections administrator and former president of the Texas Association of Election Administrators. He pointed out that some precinct polling places were ADA-inaccessible.

You'll note that nothing here suggests anything more than an effort to improve the voting process, NOT discriminate.

I would also add that all the articles are basically just different versions of the same story, so 100 more links using the same source doesn't make the allegation more true. In addition, I saw nothing in the Leadership Conference Education Fund that indicates any evidence of racial animus leading to the closing of polling places.

That fund (LCEF), by the way, is heavily left-leaning. While I that is always troubling, I can handle that if I saw something that reflected something more tangible than a typical, unsupported leftist this one regarding the closing of polling places. It's not too much to ask to back up what is said. And while YOU are now providing links (regardless of how redundant they all are), it's far better to find one with actual evidence of the charges being made, and none of your links provide any. Rather, it actually supplied evidence that the charges aren't true, and that despite the negative impact of the changes made, the intentions were good ones meant to improve things, not deny anyone anything.

One thing that your multiple versions report is that voter turn-out in these areas was traditionally poor even with the increase of minorities. Now this recent election cycle has an increase in turnout AFTER closings took place, so naturally the race-hustlers play the causation/correlation game. Gotta push that narrative!

Marshal Art said...

For all the whining about people being denied, the real truth is that too many regard voting as an inconvenience. I feel for those who stand in line all day. Really I do and I don't like lines for any reason, period. But some things are worth the effort to endure them and voting ranks at the top of the list. With all the leftist policies implemented to make sure leftist candidates have a chance of winning...early voting, mail-in,'s weird to think there should be such long lines anywhere. But states are free to do things as they choose.

I believe the best idea is one that should have been implemented first before all others, and that would be a national holiday for voting every two years for federal positions. (States can worry about state and local elections in any other way they choose). We already hold them on the same day for all states, so why not? We see the folly of early elections every cycle so that idea can be jettisoned once and for all. With a day off from work, there would be no excuse for not getting to the polls.

As to these closings, if increased population demands more locations for the centralized voting centers, that will always require a degree of speculation that may or may not accommodate the population of those who actually intend to vote. Boo-hoo. I wouldn't be surprised if they make changes before the next cycle, and then what will you lefties whine about?

Marshal Art said...

feo believes that contemporary apologies for "genocide" is proof that genocide was a policy of the American government. It. Was. Not.

As the very informative...and clearly shows, there was no such policy and Glenn's comments about Indian aggression are true. Unlike yours, my link is very even-handed, forgiving no one for anything but objectively reporting the realities so often intentionally ignored by those lefties who thrill in perpetuating the lie that American is the most evil place on earth. You have long ago proven you are among that sorry lot, and you'd be doing yourself a great service by not settling for sources that fail woefully to withstand even casual scrutiny. I don't recall a single instance when anything you've brought forth in support of a premise or position hadn't been met with rebuttal evidence that totally exposed its intellectual laziness, if it had anything intellectually sound about it at all. No doubt you'll again regard this as ignoring of facts, but that's a lame attack given I've once again provided a better source with better information that sheds more light of truth on the subject than yours had any hope of doing.

But again, I appreciate the links despite what poor sources they were for your purposes, and I can see why you so routinely chose not to provide links in the past. Keep trying though. The requirement still stands.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


So, Glenn, if the Chinese land on the west coast and start taking over San Diego we shouldn't defend ourselves?

The Indians did not have a unified nation, but were individual tribes, usually with no sense of property ownership. So they weren't defending themselves except when settlers began to push them out of territories in which they lived. The Indians themselves continually fought tribe against tribe and even took over land from other tribes. So your logic (or rather lack of) comparing such scenario with an invasion of our NATION by another NATION is irrational.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


Glenn now: "Feo proves he has no intelligent arguments because he resorts to libel and ad hominem attacks..."

Glenn then: "Ah feo, Art and Craig have you so well pegged. You have no clue about truth, let alone the Christian faith."

Glenn always: Hypocrite abuser of the Christian thought.

You have demonstrate that you do not know truth and that you have no real clue about the Christian faith. This is not an ad hominem, rather it is identifying the source of the problem. I cannot be an abuser of Christian thought because I speak the TRUTH about the Christian faith.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Oh, and while there was a professor (Colorado?) who once manufactured a history of 19th century use of small pox blankets, he got the idea from the true history of Amherst’s (Amherst College is names after him) involvement in giving small pox blankets to Indians in the 18th century.

I call balderdash on that. However, for the sake of argument let's assume it was true. That is not genocide, it is an act by a small group of people against SOME Indians and not genocide. You keep using that word "genocide": I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Here's an article for Feo, about who else colonized America -- THE INDIANS!!

And about California's apology -- what a worthless attempt to take a more high ground. How can one apologize for something if they aren't responsible for it!?!?!?

Feodor said...

In just three years, the Trump administration has diminished the role of science in federal policymaking while halting or disrupting research projects nationwide, marking a transformation of the federal government whose effects, experts say, could reverberate for years.

Political appointees have shut down government studies, reduced the influence of scientists over regulatory decisions and in some cases pressured researchers not to speak publicly. The administration has particularly challenged scientific findings related to the environment and public health opposed by industries such as oil drilling and coal mining. It has also impeded research around human-caused climate change, which President Trump has dismissed despite a global scientific consensus.

But the erosion of science reaches well beyond the environment and climate: In San Francisco, a study of the effects of chemicals on pregnant women has stalled after federal funding abruptly ended. In Washington, D.C., a scientific committee that provided expertise in defending against invasive insects has been disbanded. In Kansas City, Mo., the hasty relocation of two agricultural agencies that fund crop science and study the economics of farming has led to an exodus of employees and delayed hundreds of millions of dollars in research.

“The disregard for expertise in the federal government is worse than it’s ever been,” said Michael Gerrard, director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University, which has tracked more than 200 reports of Trump administration efforts to restrict or misuse science since 2017. “It’s pervasive.”

Feodor said...

An official at the Interior Department embarked on a campaign that has inserted misleading language about climate change — including debunked claims that increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is beneficial — into the agency’s scientific reports, according to documents reviewed by The New York Times.

The misleading language appears in at least nine reports, including environmental studies and impact statements on major watersheds in the American West that could be used to justify allocating increasingly scarce water to farmers at the expense of wildlife conservation and fisheries.

The effort was led by Indur M. Goklany, a longtime Interior Department employee who, in 2017 near the start of the Trump administration, was promoted to the office of the deputy secretary with responsibility for reviewing the agency’s climate policies. The Interior Department’s scientific work is the basis for critical decisions about water and mineral rights affecting millions of Americans and hundreds of millions of acres of land.

The wording, known internally as the “Goks uncertainty language” based on Mr. Goklany’s nickname, inaccurately claims that there is a lack of consensus among scientists that the earth is warming. In Interior Department emails to scientists, Mr. Goklany pushed misleading interpretations of climate science, saying it “may be overestimating the rate of global warming, for whatever reason;” climate modeling has largely predicted global warming accurately. The final language states inaccurately that some studies have found the earth to be warming, while others have not.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Face it, the LEFT is all a tizzy because Trump and conservatives KNOW there is no such thing as man-caused climate change. It is all a hoax to get more government control of our lives. And there is nothing any government can do about natural climate changes.

Marshal Art said...

At this point it's crystal clear that feo is shotgunning again. He'll continue to post every little negative thing about Trump he can find without doing any research of his own to verify the claims made within them. But even in the excerpts he posts, one can easily see the anti-Trump bias that makes taking the time to read the whole thing quite unnecessary, to say nothing of frustrating for once again having one's time wasted. Just look at the last one from 3/5 @ 1:05 PM:

"The wording, known internally as the “Goks uncertainty language” based on Mr. Goklany’s nickname, inaccurately claims that there is a lack of consensus among scientists that the earth is warming."

But it isn't an inaccurate claim at all. There IS no consensus, unless one is referring to a consensus of alarmists. There are plenty of scientists specializing in the the various subsets of climate study that reject the argument that climate is changing in a dangerous way that requires massive government redistribution of wealth, that man's role in affecting the climate is significant or that there's any legit cause for concern at all.

Typical of the left, no center-right politician exists who is qualified or has been effective in office simply because none of them is Jesus Christ-level perfect. That's the kurtz und lang of their opposition. It's certainly not because their preferred jokers have ideas or track records that are worth a damn. Thus, any flaw, any idea that doesn't play out perfectly makes the entirety of a politician's work worthless, even if the good stuff so vastly outweighs the bad as is the case with Trump, who's successful policies are regarded as if they don't exist at all...which is just another lefty lie.

Here's a newflash: Trump's not perfect as president. Here's another: He's far closer than most and vastly more so than any of those who seek to unseat him in November. Replacing Trump with any one of the Dem aspirants will result in an almost immediate deterioration of life for all Americans. It's not possible for it to be otherwise given what they hope to accomplish if they should win.

Marshal Art said...

I wasn't going to delete feo's last comment at first, but I did say I would if he failed to support his truth claims with a link to a legitimate source. In his last, he expressed an opinion and claimed it was supported by "every" health professional and reporter (the latter not needing any health training at all for their job). So now he's required to present a poll that supports the contention, though certainly no such poll exists.

Feodor said...

I love all of Glenn’s links.


Feodor said...

And you’re bizarrely google-challenged. You can google for 50 hits re Trump’s failure - even in simple words - to take this danger seriously. It’s everywhere.

But you’re Dan without the reasoning.

And that is what you have to deny. The truth that is everywhere.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


You want links to prove the man-caused climate change is a hoax? Go to this blog post and look at the DOZENS of links proving not only is there nothing mankind can do about the climate but also questions about whether any change is actually taking place.

Feodor said...

Education Dept. to Cut Off Federal Funding for Some Rural Schools

A bookkeeping change at the Education Department will kick hundreds of rural school districts out of a federal program that for nearly two decades has funneled funding to some of the most geographically isolated and cash-strapped schools in the United States.

More than 800 schools stand to lose thousands of dollars from the Rural and Low-Income School Program because the department has abruptly changed how districts are to report how many of their students live in poverty. The change, quietly announced in letters to state education leaders, comes after the Education Department said a review of the program revealed that districts had “erroneously” received funding because they had not met eligibility requirements outlined in the federal education law since 2002.

Feodor said...

15 Americans died from coronavirus this past week.

Trump signed an emergency bipartisan Congressional bill for $8.3 billion dollars to slow and stop the virus.

250 Americans died this last week from gun violence. No funds were directed to stop the killings.

Marshal Art said...

feo whines because I deleted his lame comment, suggesting that Trump failed to adequately prepare for the coronavirus issue. He believes googling the issue will provide 50 hits regarding Trump's failure. Of course that's 50 hits all referencing the same lame anti-Trump crapola. That means it's basically one pile of crap spread among 49 other "sources". Citing those who hate Trump isn't citing legitimate information. I don't need to search for such as it's not necessary to know how lefties respond to anything Trump does. But his response is more than adequate:

feo says, "But you’re Dan without the reasoning." But feo wouldn't know reason if it kicked him in his lady parts. He's less familiar with truth.

"Department officials said they were surprised to find out that the law had not been followed for more than a decade, and agreed that census data was not the right metric to determine eligibility for the program.

Liz Hill, an Education Department spokeswoman, said the department “has drafted the legislative fix needed to use a free-and-reduced-lunch funding formula.”

“When you discover you’re not following the law Congress wrote, you don’t double down, you fix it,” Ms. Hill said. “If that’s what’s Congress wants, Congress should pass it, and the Education Department will happily implement it. We will also continue to look for ways to help ensure students are not unnecessarily harmed.”"

The above is the part that feo didn't quote without citing his source, but I didn't delete it this time. What he did quote included the reason for the cut, and it seems that all these school districts were happily taking money they didn't necessarily have essence, cheating. As my offering demonstrates, the department found the error and acted as they should, noting that the change abides the law. One would think that rather than just take the money hoping no one would notice, they'd get to their reps to inform them of the problem so that the law could be changed to their advantage. But then, all those years ago they couldn't have known they'd need this correction by the department to blame Trump.

"250 Americans died this last week from gun violence. No funds were directed to stop the killings."

You're an idiot.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

The Federal Government shouldn't be funding public schools to begin with. That is unconstitutional. The states are responsible for their schools.

The Department of Education was an unconstitutional cabinet, invented by Jimmy Carter as a promise to teachers unions (socialists) for helping him get elected. The DEA has wasted billions of dollars interfering with states' rights.

Feodor said...

Can it really get more embarrassing for America?

“President Donald Trump asserted anew on Saturday that Mexico is paying for his border wall, even as his administration shifts billions from the Pentagon to cover some construction costs and Mexico pitches in nothing.

Trump, on Mexico and his border wall: “Yes they are. They’re paying for it. And they’re OK with it. Mexico’s paying for it.”

Marshal Art said...

We have people like you and Dan. How could it get any more embarrassing than that?

Feodor said...

“From boyhood on, Hitler devoured the Westerns of the popular German novelist Karl May. In 1928, Hitler remarked, approvingly, that white settlers in America had “gunned down the millions of redskins to a few hundred thousand.” When he spoke of Lebensraum, the German drive for “living space” in Eastern Europe, he often had America in mind. Whitman methodically explores how the Nazis took inspiration from American racism of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He notes that, in “Mein Kampf,” Hitler praises America as the one state that has made progress toward a primarily racial conception of citizenship, by “excluding certain races from naturalization.”

The Nazis were not wrong to cite American precedents. Enslavement of African-Americans was written into the U.S. Constitution. Thomas Jefferson spoke of the need to “eliminate” or “extirpate” Native Americans. In 1856, an Oregonian settler wrote, “Extermination, however unchristianlike it may appear, seems to be the only resort left for the protection of life and property.” General Philip Sheridan spoke of “annihilation, obliteration, and complete destruction.” To be sure, others promoted more peaceful—albeit still repressive—policies. The historian Edward B. Westermann, in “Hitler’s Ostkrieg and the Indian Wars” (Oklahoma), concludes that, because federal policy never officially mandated the “physical annihilation of the Native populations on racial grounds or characteristics,” this was not a genocide on the order of the Shoah. The fact remains that between 1500 and 1900 the Native population of U.S. territories dropped from many millions to around two hundred thousand.

He made frequent mention of the American West in the early months of the Soviet invasion. The Volga would be “our Mississippi,” he said. “Europe—and not America—will be the land of unlimited possibilities.” Jim Crow laws in the American South served as a precedent in a stricter legal sense. Scholars have long been aware that Hitler’s regime expressed admiration for American race law, but they have tended to see this as a public-relations strategy—an “everybody does it” justification for Nazi policies. Whitman, however, points out that if these comparisons had been intended solely for a foreign audience they would not have been buried in hefty tomes in Fraktur type. “Race Law in the United States,” a 1936 study by the German lawyer Heinrich Krieger, attempts to sort out inconsistencies in the legal status of nonwhite Americans. Krieger concludes that the entire apparatus is hopelessly opaque, concealing racist aims behind contorted justifications. Why not simply say what one means? This was a major difference between American and German racism. California’s sterilization program directly inspired the Nazi sterilization law of 1934. There are also sinister, if mostly coincidental, similarities between American and German technologies of death. In 1924, the first execution by gas chamber took place, in Nevada. In a history of the American gas chamber, Scott Christianson states that the fumigating agent Zyklon-B, which was licensed to American Cyanamid by the German company I. G. Farben, was considered as a lethal agent but found to be impractical. Zyklon-B was, however, used to disinfect immigrants as they crossed the border at El Paso—a practice that did not go unnoticed by Gerhard Peters, the chemist who supplied a modified version of Zyklon-B to Auschwitz. Later, American gas chambers were outfitted with a chute down which poison pellets were dropped. Earl Liston, the inventor of the device, explained, “Pulling a lever to kill a man is hard work. Pouring acid down a tube is easier on the nerves, more like watering flowers.” Much the same method was introduced at Auschwitz, to relieve stress on S.S. guards.“

Feodor said...

And the this from a horrible conservative rag.

“Coronavirus is exposing Trump's unsuitability to handle a crisis”

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Nothing like citing leftist media, Hitler and a few nut cases in history to "prove" Americans were genocidal. I'd like to know where they got their numbers for before and after 1900 Indian population. And it wasn't "America's race law," the racist laws were in only parts of America. But the treatment of the negro wasn't the topic dd-- Genocide of the Indians was the topic. There was no genocide regardless of how many people made comments about eradicating the Indians.

But if you want to complain about the treatment of Indians overall, well it was war. In war there are losers and winners.

If you want to talk about the negro and slavery, you need to start where American got the idea for enslaving the negros -- they were cheaper than the thousands of white slaves and indentured servants (treated as slaves) who brought over to the USA from England and Ireland long before the first black slave. When it comes to slavery, America was a Johnny-come-lately and you have to put the blame on the Africans who sold their own people into slavery.

As for the euthanasia and abortion and sterilization propagated in the early part of the 20th Century in the USA, that was from people like Margaret Sanger and her liberal ilk who called negros and Jews and other "undesirables" "human weeds" Go blame your leftist/ilberal buddies for that stuff.

Then regarding gas for execution, what difference does it make if it is hanging, shooting, gas, poison injections or electrocution? The death penalty is necessary and instituted by God for murderers. America wasn't using gas for "genocide" -- just for executions. So grow up.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

"Coronavirus is exposing Trump's unsuitability to handle a crisis"

Yep, we can sure trust the leftist media to know what is going on. NOT.

Marshal Art said...

Well said, Glenn! Regarding execution methods, I would point out that due to concerns about inhumane, cruel and unusual punishment, folks have tried to find ways to more humanely execute those found guilty of capital crimes. It is of no consequence regarding the historical American character than bad actors abused that which good actors invented. That's what bad actors do. They take the good (Scripture for example) and use it to further the bad (immoral sexual behaviors, for example).

Feodor said...

Perhaps the two of you are unfamiliar with the Washington Examiner ("Coronavirus is exposing Trump's unsuitability to handle a crisis").

It is raving conservative newspaper.

You both need to be better than elementary readers.

Feodor said...

Glenn, your unbalanced defense that everything you don’t agree with - sorry - that everything which exposes your ignorance, is leftist is simply desperate irrationality.

These works of history have Hitler’s letters and speeches focused on American practice.

You can keep denying reality if you want. But then we have no choice but to understand your “faith” as an inconsequential claim by a madman.

Marshal Art said...

As Glenn says, you're keen to even trust the word of an Adolph Hitler if it means firtering your leftist narrative. None on those side of the divide could possibly be surprised by that. Hitler's cherry picking works perfectly for you.

Haven't gotten to you Examiner link yet, but know that honest conservatives can be wrong at times. And of course there's the very real possibility, based on your history, that you either don't understand the article or are willfully distorting what it says. We'll soon see.

Feodor said...

You and Glen think the Washington Examiner is leftist.


Marshal Art said...

If you wish to believe that, fine. Knock yourself out. You'll probably choose to believe I mean that rhetorically.

Feodor said...

Ok, you, Marshal, need to be at least reading at an elementary level. Or just stop lying.

This is Glen’s response to the Washington Examiner article:
"Coronavirus is exposing Trump's unsuitability to handle a crisis"
Yep, we can sure trust the leftist media to know what is going on. NOT.

And your response to Glen:
“Well said, Glen!”

Ignorant idiots. Trumpets. Liars.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


Now you're just being stupid. I don't what what historical documents were cited -- I only pointed out the value as being worthless for your claims about genocide and euthanasia, etc. So what if Hitler said he got the ideas from the USA -- I pointed out that there were those in the USA that committed such horrid crimes but it was not the Fed gov't nor the majority of the people. Hitler took his cues from the LEFTISTs like you who considered those they didn't like to be "human weeds" (yes, that is a quote for Margaret Sanger who saw abortion as the way to reduce the population of negroes).

As for the cite about Trump and coronavirus, that's the Leftist view because you all suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Try reading from those in the actual field with Trump and they say he's done everything possible.

Marshal Art said...

Poor feo. He wants so badly to be winning.

First, I never said the Examiner is left-wing. Period.

Second, my praise for Glenn's remarks was not related to the Examiner as the rest of my comment should have suggested to you. But if you wish to continue believing whatever makes you feel as if you've "won", why you just keep stroking yourself. No one else will.

Feodor said...

Ah, so you cannot agree with Glen’s ignorance but don’t have the guts to say it - because honestly wounds your cause.

And Glen cannot own what he wrote.

Spectacular character. And so consistent over years.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


I own what I write. To me all media are LEFTISTs. E.g. Most LEFTISTs call Fox a conservative network, but they are a far cry from it.

You call me in the wrong because I consider a source you cited as being LEFTIST. That is my opinion. Suck it up.

For two years, all we heard was “Russia, Russia, Russia, Trump is Putin’s puppet”. The Democrat 2020 Presidential Candidates have demonized the wealthy this whole season. And, now, we’re all gonna die because Donald Trump is not taking the Coronavirus seriously. The Democrats weaponize everything to stoke fears and gain more power. They drop the nuclear bomb every, single, doggone time. This respiratory syncytial virus (Coronavirus) is just the latest weapon in their arsenal

The Democrats gave us their game plan when Rahm Emanuel said “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”. All they have done is speed up the cycle. Everything is a crisis now. All crises all the time.

I love it!

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

The LEFT needs some real perspective on corona virus.

Marshal Art said...


I can't agree that Hlenn IS ignorant. YOU on the other hand...different story.

You don't have the character to judge these character I'd others.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Feo posted a comment about Trump not being prepared for the over-hyped corona virus epidemic, but the far left California Governor PRAISED Trump's handling.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Another good article proving Feo wrong about Trump not being able to handle the corona virus.

Feodor said...

Well, I must say that it’s a breath of fresh air that Glen owns his hatred of humankind, disgust at community and nation, and places himself fully with brown shirt, anarchistic embrace of nihilism.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Feo, You sure are adept at lies and libel.

Prove: Glenn has a hatred of humankind
Prove: Glenn has a disgust of community and nation.
Explain: How Glenn places him self with brownshirt, anarchistic embrace of nihilism.

Nothing but lying ad hominem attacks.

Feodor said...

Glen, the only territory to right of the Washington Examiner is facism.

You are fascism with a velvet ignorance.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


More assertions, no facts.

Feodor said...

Well there are plenty of facts, Glen, but your MO is to deny inconvenient truths, otherwise you’d become aware of your madness. The other capacity we have in order to make judgments is simply value reasoning from within a humanity of respect. Judgments of these kinds are not based on facts but on the moral compunction of compassionate love. And you obviously fail this standard. And won’t let all the surround of judgment by God’s manifold creation reach your conscience.

Feodor said...

“In 2020 we’re relearning the lessons of 2008 — namely, that America’s right-wingers can’t handle the truth.

When you look back at the record, however, you discover that as the financial crisis developed right-wingers were also deeply in denial, inclined to dismiss bad news or attribute it to liberal and/or media conspiracies. It was only in the final stages of financial collapse that top officials got real, and right-wing pundits never did.

Let’s take a trip down memory lane.

The 2008 financial crisis was brought on by the collapse of an immense housing bubble. But many on the right denied that there was anything amiss. Larry Kudlow, now Trump’s chief economist, ridiculed “bubbleheads” who suggested that housing prices were out of line.

And I can tell you from personal experience that when I began writingabout the housing bubble I was relentlessly accused of playing politics: “You only say there’s a bubble because you hate President Bush.”

When the economy began to slide, mainstream Republicans remained deeply in denial. Phil Gramm, John McCain’s senior economic adviser during the 2008 presidential campaign, declared that America was only suffering a “mental recession” and had become a “nation of whiners.”

Even the failure of Lehman Brothers, which sent the economy into a full meltdown, initially didn’t put a dent in conservative denial. Kudlow hailed the failure as good news, because it signaled an end to bailouts, and predicted housing and financial recovery in “months, not years.”

Wait, there’s more. After the economic crisis helped Barack Obama win the 2008 election, right-wing pundits declared that it was all a left-wing conspiracy. Karl Rove and Bill O’Reilly accused the news media of hyping bad news to enable Obama’s socialist agenda, while Rush Limbaugh asserted that Senator Chuck Schumer personally caused the crisis (don’t ask).”

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

you've just proven you have no evidence to support your libel against me. Typical LEFTIST behavior. Make outrageous claims and assert behaviors and beliefs expect others to just accept your claims because it's all emotion and no evidence.

You need to grow up.

Feodor said...

I do have evidence. Evidence that you attempt to deny with irrationality. The world knows that the Washington Examiner is on the extreme side of the right wing media. The only descriptor to the right of that is purely Extreme. Which is where you are: the territory of fascists. So you see the Washington Examiner on your left shoulder and call it leftist. You never look to your right because hell is on that side.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


Because I consider ALL media to be untrustworthy, that somehow makes me fascist?!?!

I said all media is leftist to me because I don't trust any, so how does that make me fascist?

I'm still waiting for your proof that have a hatred of humankind, that I have a disgust of community and nation and that I place myself with brownshirt, anarchistic embrace of nihilism.

If a newspaper printed such lies I would sue them.

Feodor said...

“Because I consider ALL media to be untrustworthy...”

How incompetent were your history teachers?! Or is it you?

Exactly why Hitler, Mussolini, Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, Latin American Dictators all first shut down or destroyed the press and shot or exiled journalists. I’m glad we’re here to stop fascists like you.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Feodor you are being an ass.

Only a fool would be 100% trusting of any media source.

I happen to be discerning no matter what source I use. If you aren't discerning, THAT is how "Hitler, Mussolini, Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, Latin American Dictator" et al suckered everyone!

Feodor said...

You lie. No one said anything about trusting the media 100%. You lie to divert and dodge. Thinking people know how to read with a critical eye of reason.

Perhaps your choice of not trusting any of it is because you are unarmed with enough reason.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


I said I consider all media to be untrustworthy, and you railed that I didn't trust Washington Examiner and must therefore I must be fascist. And if I don't trust any media 100% then just how does that make me fascist?!??!

Apparently your thinking is the irrational one. I've got more discernment in my left pinky than you have in your whole body.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


I'm still waiting for your proof that have a hatred of humankind, that I have a disgust of community and nation and that I place myself with brownshirt, anarchistic embrace of nihilism.

Marshal Art said...

Leave it to feo to rely on Paul Keugman as an honest, reliable source. The accuracy rate of the predictions of economists is poor at best. Krugman's record isn't exactly the gold standard. But like feo, he laughingly believes himself smarter than everyone else.

Feodor said...

Marshal, you’re only option is to attempt to demean the writer. Because the writer is documenting actual GOP reactions engaged in downplaying, denying, diverting, demonizing others to avoid the facts of the fiscal crisis. And you cannot take admit the reality.

As always, you choose to hate someone as an out from being implicated - as you are - in duplicitous lies about how white men run the country.

Marshal Art said...

And your only option is to play the race card once again when your weak attempt to use Krugman's testimony fails to impress due to his own poor ability at economic prophesy. It can't be overlooked that acknowledging economists are typically bad at economic prognostication is in no way a denial of any reality. But you go ahead and continue trying to "win". It's entertaining.

Feodor said...

It’s your choice, right here right now, to try to erase the fact of all the hell working Americans have been through by greedy wealthy, Republican voting oligarchs.

That’s who you are: self harming, supporting vile, 70 year old white men who laugh at people like you. “My Wall will stop the coronavirus!” You lap it up while he plays another round of golf and makes money from your taxes paying him for sleeping in his own bed at Mar-a-Lago. Why do you like doing that so much?

Because you’re sick in the head.

Marshal Art said...

First, you must establish who's been suffering hell at the hands of ANY Republicans, and how.

This should be entertaining.

Feodor said...

I guess your moral coma began before 2008.

Marshal Art said...

I guess you're just flapping your virtual gums and have nothing to back up what you choose to believe.

In the meantime, as time for me is tighter than usual at present, I offer the following in response to earlier goofiness from you (I have no confidence you'll take the time):

Paul Krugman...well known buffoon. No wonder you rely on his opnions, birds of a feather and all.

I've always been amazed that anyone would regard fascism as right-wing. I've never been surprised that lefties would try to insist that it is, given their own well known desire to take over the private sector and dictate legally how people should live. Obviously fascism is contrary to any limited government point of view.

One of several fact-heavy pieces I could have offered in response to the charge that Trump's not dealing with the coronavirus situation effectively. There's no issue or event that you lefties won't try to spin so as to make Trump appear to be less buffoonish than those you support. You fail constantly in that effort. Give it up and live honestly.

Feodor said...

As a matter of fact, it’s a statement of fact. Doesn’t need quotes and doesn’t belong to anyone. It’s a fact. Well... yes, that does mean it doesn’t belong to you or Glen.

Senate overturns DeVos rule limiting debt relief for defrauded students.

Marshal Art said...

You might have gotten away with that lame excuse had you not included your smarmy editorializing. Even so, the first fact you need to abide is that any quote you wish to post requires a link to your source. You're special. You get special rules.

Feodor said...

Trump’s irrational off-topic speech (where are the test kits, nation wants to know) blew his fifth whole in the stock market.

Says popular opinion everywhere. But none of the bunker dwellers dare whisper opposition. You give yourselves permission to be special: willfully irrational.

Feodor said...

Face it Marshal: no one can defend this fake President without blocking facts and judgment. Throughout history it’s been this way with brutalizing authoritarianism. Thank god this is a long-standing democracy with enduring values to call upon. Otherwise Trump would have turned us into Russia.

Marshal Art said...

Face it, feo: you aren't honest in pretending there is nothing about Trump one can defend. There's plenty, but you can't handle the fact that there is so much he's done that your vaunted Obama was unable to even understand, much less accomplish on behalf of the average American. This is particularly galling for frauds like you and Dan because of how badly you need to have other agree he is. To you, he's the worst, Obama was awesome, but Trump has benefited America in so many ways while Obama was totally impotent. Talk about fake presidents!!! Few were as fraudulent as your boy.

You'd be hard pressed to find a Trump supporter that regards him as without serious flaws of character. But it takes a lying lefty like you to suggest that he's been less than Obama. You block facts like you're paid handsomely to do so and in doing so you're without standing to judge. Liars like you don't get to judge anyone.

There's no authoritarianism in Trump's presidency, nor in right-wing ideology for that matter. All of that emanates like a stench from you fascist leftists, particularly with regard to your support of baby murder, of stifling true Christians in favor of your favored sexual immorality, homosexuality.

One has to be a complete moron to pretend that anything Trump has done, or is planning to do would or could turn us into Russia. Trump's policies are pushing toward the America of our founding fathers, and you couldn't point to a single thing he's done that suggests otherwise.

I can't wait to laugh at your lame attempts to try.

Feodor said...

David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network said Trump’s vow last week that “anyone who wants a test can get a test” has turned out to be “100% false.” And Brody ― who in 2018 told The New York Times he had “phenomenal” access to the White House ― called out Trump for confusing Americans and repeatedly providing false information.

David Brody’s Twitter.

Marshal Art said...

Wow. Scrape the barrel much? Since last week, people have been going crazy snarfing up all sorts of things, including test kits. What was true and hour ago is not true now thanks to emotions running wild, mostly stoked by liars like you who exploit bad situations for political gain. Talk about brutality. Human suffering doesn't matter so long as you can defeat Trump.

Feodor said...

Leftist FOX News:

“As coronavirus continues to spread across the United States, the quest to combat the global pandemic is being hampered by testing kit shortages and a fear that the materials needed to make more may soon run dry. Officials estimate that only around 8,500 people in the U.S. have thus far been tested for the pathogen, sparking fear that the numbers who have contracted it – and are continuing the spread – may be drastically higher. Meanwhile, other countries encountering a severe outbreak, such as South Korea, are said to be testing upward of 10,000 people per day....

Moreover, the issue of testing availability has been further complicated by the insistence from the administration that kits are available for anyone who needs them. “Anybody that needs a test, gets a test. They’re there. They have the tests,” President Trump said during a recent visit to the CDC in Atlanta. “They’re there. They have the tests. And they’re beautiful.” That has many in the industry scratching their heads.

“The testing process has been difficult. Initially, the test kits were flawed, and burdensome rules and strict criteria contributed to hospitals and doctors struggling to test widely for the coronavirus. These delays have made it impossible to get a true picture of the outbreak,” explained Dr. Azadeh Shirazi, Disease and Prescription Specialist, and CEO/Founder of the La Jolla Laser Surgery Center.”

Feodor said...

“Despite mounting pleas from California and other states, the Trump administration isn’t allowing states to use Medicaid more freely to respond to the coronavirus crisis by expanding medical services. In previous emergencies, including the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Hurricane Katrina and the H1N1 flu outbreak, both Republican and Democratic administrations loosened Medicaid rules to empower states to meet surging needs.

But months into the current global disease outbreak, the White House and senior federal health officials haven’t taken the necessary steps to give states simple pathways to fully leverage the mammoth safety net program to prevent a wider epidemic.”

Marshal Art said...

State of emergency declared today. Too sad that you lefties are confounded at every turn. Trump's the man feo wishes he was.

Feodor said...

He gave in to all of thinking people’s pressure - not a hero; waaay too late. He’s not a man. He’s a diagnosis. And you’re a carrier.

Feodor said...

“I don't take responsibility at all.”

3 years in office
still a coward

Marshal Art said...

You go on and keep the dream alive, false priest.

Feodor said...

72 Percent of All Rural Hospital Closures Are in States That Rejected the Medicaid Expansion
States that refused Obamacare's Medicaid expansion are hemorrhaging hospitals in rural areas.

“More than half of all rural hospitals in Mississippi, South Carolina, Georgia and Oklahoma lost money from 2011 through 2017. In Kansas, the bloodletting was even more widespread. Two out of three rural hospitals in the state operated in the red during the seven year period. Five were forced to shut down.“

Feodor said...

from 2018

Top White House official in charge of pandemic response exits abruptly

“The top White House official responsible for leading the U.S. response in the event of a deadly pandemic has left the administration, and the global health security team he oversaw has been disbanded under a reorganization by national security adviser John Bolton.
The abrupt departure of Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer from the National Security Council means no senior administration official is now focused solely on global health security. Ziemer’s departure, along with the breakup of his team, comes at a time when many experts say the country is already underprepared for the increasing risks of a pandemic or bioterrorism attack.”

Marshal Art said...

What a surprise!! Everyone who works on such things is alarmed that cutbacks, realignments, personnel shifting...whatever...can lead only to unmitigated disaster. In response, this poor excuse for a journalistic entity provides naught but a single, ambiguous comment from the administration. Talk about slant! Perfect for haters like feo!

Feodor said...

You and Glen are all just a too big company of liars like this;

“As schools and universities across the country moved classes online to combat a pandemic, Liberty University’s president, Jerry Falwell Jr., tried to stand defiantly against the tide.  Falwell, a close ally of President Donald Trump, downplayed the seriousness of the coronavirus outbreak, speculated whether it was a political stunt from Trump’s opponents and wondered aloud if the virus was part of a secret plot concocted by North Korea and China ― all in the span of one “Fox & Friends” appearance on Friday.

And despite Liberty University’s robust online education program, Falwell staunchly defended the school’s attempt to have 15,000 residential students return to its Lynchburg, Virginia, campus after spring break ― calling one parent who questioned the university’s approach a “dummy” on Twitter. 

But by Monday afternoon, after backlash from some students and Lynchburg residents, the evangelical university reversed course, agreeing to move most classes online. In a statement, Falwell pinned the reversal on a decision by Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) a day earlier to ban gatherings of more than 100 people in the state. “We originally believed it was safest to return our students following their spring break instead of having them return following greater exposure opportunities from leaving them in different parts of the country for longer periods,” Falwell said. “But, the Governor’s recent decision to limit certain gatherings has left us no practical choice because we have so many classes of more than 100 students.”

“Liberty is taking into account the sometimes conflicting orders and guidance of government officials and public health experts regarding higher education and our unique population. As this dynamic situation changes again, the university will continue to reassess,” he added.

And yet, the university’s change in course was announced as the Trump administration released new guidelines for containing the spread of the virus, including having young and healthy people avoid groups of more than 10 people and “engage in schooling from home, when possible.” 

Just a bunch of liars.

Marshal Art said... you desperately need to believe. And given the fact that the virus has not been much of a problem at all for people as young as college aged students, large numbers of them assembling together seems less that threatening. Despite what one might think of Falwell...and I don't think of him much as all...his understanding of liberty is sound and does indeed include choosing to face risks others would avoid.

There is precedent for even choosing to expose one's self and how that can lead to the creation of antibodies that strengthens the immune system, leaving the virus one less place to hang its hat.

But's far more important to indict anyone who seems to be better than left. People like feo have little else to justify their beliefs...such as they are.

Feodor said...

The will to lie is powerful in you, young immoralist. You voted for a bankrupt, blowhard, daddy established real estate mogul for an incompetent President. And now take an evangelical brutalist for a virologist. You're a flat out idiot.

"The nation’s top infectious diseases expert has a stern warning to young people: Don’t get complacent about statistics showing serious coronavirus cases and fatalities are skewed toward the elderly and those with underlying health issues. “You are not immune or safe from getting seriously ill,” National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” when asked if younger Americans should be concerned about contracting the virus, which Fauci has repeatedly said is more lethal than the average flu.

“Even though when you look at the total numbers, it's overwhelmingly weighted toward the elderly and those with underlying conditions,” he explained, “the virus isn't a mathematical formula. There are going to be people who are young who are going to wind up getting seriously ill.” In addition, Fauci said it is critical for young people to understand that they can be a carrier for the virus and spread it without showing symptoms or feeling ill themselves.

“Even though you don't get seriously ill, you could bring it to a person who would bring it to a person that would bring it to your grandfather, your grandmother or your elderly relative,” he said. “That's why everybody's got to take this seriously, even the young.”

Feodor said...

How smart are evangelicals?

US museum Dead Sea Scroll collection found to be fakes

"A collection of supposedly valuable Dead Sea Scroll fragments on display at the Museum of the Bible in Washington DC has been found to be fake. After six months of analysis, experts released a 200-page report detailing how the fragments were forged - likely made from old shoe leather. "Each exhibits characteristics that suggest they are deliberate forgeries," the analysts said in a statement.

Costing $500m (£386m), the museum was opened by Evangelical Christian and billionaire Steve Green in 2017."

Marshal Art said...

And yet, Evangelicals don't lie about what Scripture teaches, being smart enough to understand and accept what is clear and obvious...which, by the way, an expertly crafted forgery isn't. Leave it to a false priest to exploit the fleecing of a single man to disparage an entire group of people. The irony of a leftist condescending to question the intelligence of others is outrageously laughable.

Feodor said...

Courageous, competent leaders say, “the buck stops here.”

What does Trump say?

“The president’s response to questions from Kristen Welker of NBC News and Yamiche Alcindor of “PBS NewsHour.” Welker wanted to know whether Trump took responsibility for the lag in testing for the coronavirus. “No, I don’t take responsibility at all,” the president said. Later, Alcindor followed up with a question about his decision to disband the White House pandemic office. “What responsibility do you take [for] that?” Alcindor asked. After declaring the query “nasty,” Trump went on to say, “And when you say ‘me,’ I didn’t do it.” When Alcindor reminded him that it is his administration, the president said, “I could ask perhaps — my administration — but I could ask Tony [Fauci] about that because I don’t know anything about it. I mean, you say — you say we did that. I don’t know anything about it.”

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Why should he take responsibility for something he has no control over? "Courageous, competent leaders" don't accept responsibility for that which they have no control. Just because some people in his administration took certain actions, that doesn't mean it is Trump's responsibility.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is strong with you.

Feodor said...

That’s exactly what courageous and competent leadership means: I’ll own everything and work with anybody to make great change.

You never knew before. Now you do. Sounds like Mr Obama among many others.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

No one should accept responsibility for something they weren't in control of. It would be lying to do so. Maybe integrity is more important than lying? Of course your ilk wants to apologize to blacks for slavery and to Indians for maltreatment, etc. Yet all you are doing is virtue signalling because you were not responsible for any of that.

Feodor said...

Also, leaders take responsibility and correct their mistakes. Trump is indeed responsible... and gutless.

Trump’s shutting down the global pandemic team in 2018 - “I’m a business person, I don’t like having thousands of people around when you don’t need them” - and his blithe ignoring of his covid-19 briefing 3 months ago... constitute persuasive rationale for concluding that Trump and his administration have failed the nation and will be responsible for more fatalities than fewer.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Feo's another one it's a waste of time to have discussions with.d

"To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead." Feo is dead.

Marshal Art said...

So as it turns out, the Museum of the Bible were not actually fleeced at all, but presented some or all of their Dead Sea Scroll artifacts with a notice saying something to the effect that authenticity was pending. In other words, they displayed the pieces with a disclaimer, and then actually involved themselves with attempting to authenticate.

Moreover, despite their naivete in believing the pieces to be authentic, others with far more experience were also "duped" by these forgeries and still one expert insists the final word is yet to come.

It's sad that a false priest takes so much joy in the misfortune of a sincere Evangelical. But then, that's how false priests roll.

"That’s exactly what courageous and competent leadership means: I’ll own everything and work with anybody to make great change.

You never knew before. Now you do. Sounds like Mr Obama among many others."

Well...I don't know which "Mr." Obama is being referenced above, but it ain't this one:

"Mr." Obama took responsibility for nothing.

Feodor said...

Lying. On video. In his own words and the sound of his own voice.

Feodor said...

Republican leaders only want to reward their wealthy friends. They have zero respect for you. Why should they? You have zero respect for yourself.

“The chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee warned a small group of well-connected constituents three weeks ago to prepare for dire economic and societal effects of the coronavirus, according to a secret recording obtained by NPR. The remarks from U.S. Sen. Richard Burr were more stark than any he had delivered in more public forums.

On Feb. 27, when the United States had 15 confirmed cases of COVID-19, President Trump was tamping down fears and suggesting that the virus could be seasonal.

"It's going to disappear. One day, it's like a miracle. It will disappear," the president said then, before adding, "it could get worse before it gets better. It could maybe go away. We'll see what happens." On that same day, Burr attended a luncheon held at a social club called the Capitol Hill Club. And he delivered a much more alarming message.

"There's one thing that I can tell you about this: It is much more aggressive in its transmission than anything that we have seen in recent history," he said, according to a secret recording of the remarks obtained by NPR. "It is probably more akin to the 1918 pandemic."

In attendance, according to a copy of the RSVP list obtained by NPR, were dozens of invited guests representing companies and organizations from North Carolina. And according to federal records, those companies or their political committees donated more than $100,000 to Burr's election campaign in 2015 and 2016.

Thirteen days before the State Department began to warn against travel to Europe, and 15 days before the Trump administration banned European travelers, Burr warned those in the room to reconsider. "Every company should be cognizant of the fact that you may have to alter your travel. You may have to look at your employees and judge whether the trip they're making to Europe is essential or whether it can be done on video conference. Why risk it?" Burr said. Sixteen days before North Carolina closed its schools over the threat of the coronavirus, Burr warned it could happen.

Feodor said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Feodor said...

Glen would rather rule in hell than serve in heaven.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Feo, You are still adept at lies and libel. Now you've added another claim against me which is a bald faced lie. Prove that I would rather rule in hell than serve in heaven; prove that by anything I have written. And again I'm waiting for you to prove your other claims you've lied about me:

Prove: Glenn has a hatred of humankind
Prove: Glenn has a disgust of community and nation.
Explain: How Glenn places him self with brownshirt, anarchistic embrace of nihilism.

Feodor said...

You use unreason, Glen, to assault reason.

Example: you believe all media journalism to be untrustworthy. But you defend the sociopath in the White House and his administration of incompetents. But how did you come to know Trump? Personally? How do you know what he says? Phone calls? How do you know why he’s done? You were there?

All your judgments are based on what you don’t trust.

Obviously you are not, in fact, that degree of insane. Obviously you lie about not trusting any media. Obviously you say that only to defend your conscience from what trustworthy media (protected by the founding fathers precisely to keep eco maniacal power in check by informing the public) reports about how epically disastrous and illegitimate this orange faced bankrupt businessman is. Obviously you do so because you thrill to the brutality he wreaks upon our nation. Even should it come to your door. You’re in thrall to this minister if Satan.

You’d rather support the ruler of hell if only he looks like you, than serve a brown prince of heaven.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


If I don't want to trust ANY media, that does not make me insane or foolish or anything else. It makes me discerning. I verify before I trust. That is not "unreason," it is very reasonable.

Again, you still propagating a lie by saying I would support a ruler in hell, and I don't care what anyone's skin color is.
You still haven't admitted your lies or given proof of what you charge me with. Because you have no legs to stand on. You are behaving as a coward -- making charges with nothing to back them up so you run from the request for proof.

Feodor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Feodor said...

You believe in this horrid, brutalizing administration. But you only know it by virtue of the media. Even media that calls out his horrid, brutalizing behavior. And you believe the truthfulness of how he is represented. You don’t have a personal relationship to him. All you know is what you’re told by media.

So why do have to distance yourself from American media? From the press to whom enumerated freedom was given by the founding fathers in the constitution as a check on unbridled power?

Because you love the brutalizing, horrid part. You love the news the media brings you. But you cannot admit to yourself. You’d crumble if you were to become fully aware of who you are: filled with fear that drives your anger at God’s beloved prodigal creation.

Marshal Art said...


You believe in horridly, brutally ripping a child to shreds while in its mother's womb. No one is more a horrid, brutalizing sinner than one who does that or supports its legality. Trump, in the meantime, defends the life of the unborn, of the citizen against the illegal of the jogger in Central Park.

In the meantime, you have no personal relationship to Trump. All you know is what you're told by media. Mostly left-wing media. The media who has debased itself by promoting one party over the other rather than to stand objectively between the two and report honestly about the two. But because they side with your leftist villains, you regard them as heroic.

And please stop speaking of our Lord. You are not a fan. You're an exploiter of Him, pretending you can judge on His behalf while straining to see through that lumberyard in your eyes. You're a fraud and you fool no one hear, except maybe Dan.

I find it incredibly odd that throughout these almost 200 hundreds comments, there has not been one by you in defense of any candidate who you believe would be a better president than Trump. No argument for why any policy proposed by any Dem candidate, or third party candidate, would be worthwhile over any of Trump's. You simply look for anything that seems to you the least bit negative, while pretending there has been no improvement in the nation as a result of any of his policies...which is just another way you lie. You're no more a serious student of politics and current events than you are of Christianity. You're a fraud.

So keep flapping those virtual lips of yours. I've got plenty of popcorn to enjoy while you continue to embarrass yourself.

Marshal Art said...

Oh, gee. That comment suggesting spending other people's money is a sign of leadership would have served you better with the link you're required to provide. Too bad.

Feodor said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Glenn E. Chatfield said...

So Feo claims to be a mindreader.

Feo you are still Wrong. No evidence has been presented to support your charges against me. Admit it, you are a lying, braying jackass.

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