Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Con Con

 So it's two days into the Democratic National Convention...what I can now call "the Con Con".  It's a convention to con the stupid into believing there exists legitimate reasons to cast one's vote for Harris/Walz, instead of Trump/Vance (as usual, it really is between only two parties' nominees). 

One of the most ludicrous "reasons" given is "joy/fun".  This party knows how to have fun!  Imagine being so stupid as to even consider that among the criteria for choosing a leader of the free world!  The reality is that while the GOP speaks of the many problems caused the current administration, of which we're told by both Biden and especially Karine Jean-Pierre how closely tied Kabama Harris has been throughout the last three + years in every major decision, we're supposed to ignore all that because, gosh darn it! these guys are bringing "joy"!  So we should be joyful because the woman part at least, but certainly complicit...for all the suffering of the last three + years will now just turn it all around to stark happiness simply because she'll be president instead of Biden or Trump.  And the trained seals in the stands clapped on cue for all of this nonsense.

And of course, Harris is going to resolve all that suffering...(it's all Trump's fault, you know!)...when somehow, over the last three + years, she was somehow incapable?  Yeah...that makes perfect sense. 

What's transpired thus far in these first two days has been rote repetition of every bullshit claim made about Trump, together with baseless insistence that Harris will be a capable alternative.  She really has nothing to commend her.  We also have been seeing fantasies put forth as the record of accomplishment by the Harris/Biden administration.  They really are shameless in their deceit!  Crime is not down.  The economy isn't booming.  The border is still not secure.  There are NOT more than two genders.  The conceived yet unborn are people with the unalienable right to life. 

As to that last bit, Planned Parenthood had a van outside giving free abortions and vasectomies!  Isn't that wonderful!   The murderous assholes!  I heard today, though I haven't confirmed it, that two dozen abortions have been performed as a result of this murder wagon sitting outside the United Center like a freakin' Good Humor truck!  And naturally, the lie is that Harris will defend "reproductive rights", which clearly, as the 800K annual abortions attests, has not been an issue.  These low-lifes have indeed been reproducing, otherwise they'd not need to avail themselves of abortion. 

I'll just leave with the following collections of lies by the true con artists "progressive" voters swallow:


Eternity Matters said...

The Molech-worshiping ghouls were joyful that they murdered 25 children just outside the convention. Brought to you by the Left -- including the "Christian" Left. It is amusing how earlier this year the media was (rightly) trashing Harris because she was dragging Joe down. Of course, now they've memory-holed that and are fully on board with the narrative. And "Christian" Leftists are only too happy to support the Molech-worshipers.

Eternity Matters said...

Typical Leftist move - kicking out customers and bussing in actors to pretend to like Kamala. And the media joins in uncritically! And the Left -- including the "Christian" Left -- believes the media every time -- just like they still believe Biden's lie about Trump not condemning the skinheads.

I could post things like this all day long, but won't. You get the point.

Side note: It will be an interesting case study to track how many articles the media did on the attempted a$$a$$ination of Trump by the Leftist regime vs. how much they covered other fake news stories.

Craig said...

Race baiting, class hatred, and abortion have been the focus of this convention so far. Walz keeps lying, Biden lied his ass off, the DNC is getting way more air time than the RNC, and they're giving free abortions with one male patient. Leftist protesters outside, and a big fence to keep the elites safe.

Anonymous said...

DDS, much, boys? What's q-Anon telling you to believe this week?

Don't be juvenile.

I swear, the magop movement has lowered the IQ of conservatives by at least 15-20 points. I wonder if a study has been done?


Marshal Art said...

Lots of studies have been done. Among those done are those which have proven:

---Sex change surgeries and treatments do nothing to reduce suicides among the so-called "transgendered".

--The vast majority of abortions are for convenience rather than any medical problem.

--Taxing the wealthy does not lead to more revenues to the government.

--Reducing tax rates and regulations spurs economic growth.

--Federal spending and printing of money is the cause of inflation.

--Low IQ voters are essential to Democrat election victories.

Marshal Art said...

It's funny to see Dan accuse us of taking queues from QAnon, while he laps up every stupid thing his Democrat overlords tell him. Ignore the sorrow and suffering of the last 3+ years inflicted by policies of the Harris/Biden administration and talk about "joy" and "fun" as if that's an adult criteria for choosing the next leader of the free world. Stupid, thy name is Trabue!

Dan Trabue said...

You all:

The Molech-worshiping ghouls were joyful that they murdered 25 children just outside the convention...

Race baiting, class hatred, and abortion have been the focus of this convention so far. Walz keeps lying, Biden lied his ass off...

Typical Leftist move - kicking out customers and bussing in actors to pretend to like Kamala...

It will be an interesting case study to track how many articles the media did on the attempted a$$a$$ination of Trump by the Leftist regime... [Note: It was a Republican who tried to assassinate Trump, not "the Leftist regime..." whatever that is!]...

As to that last bit, Planned Parenthood had a van outside giving free abortions and vasectomies! Isn't that wonderful! The murderous assholes! I heard today, though I haven't confirmed it, that two dozen abortions have been performed as a result of this murder wagon sitting outside the United Center like a freakin' Good Humor truck! ...

Also, Marshal:

Ignore the sorrow and suffering of the last 3+ years inflicted by policies of the Harris/Biden administration and talk about "joy" and "fun" as if that's an adult criteria for choosing the next leader of the free world.

Not joy and fun, alone. There's also the hard work that adults do to stop child predators, women abusers, corporate criminals, feeding the hungry, helping those in need find jobs and homes, etc. And there's the hard work for a more free and open Republic and democratic ideals.

But yes, we do it with Joy and a good deal of fun. I have just returned from a get-together of joyful workers in the fight for justice and jobs and homes for those with disabilities and, BOY! did we have a good time.

That, vs Trump's relentless grim attacks on the US (the part that doesn't bow down to him) as if we're the enemy of the people, and your "molech" and q-anon pals with anger and vitriol and bitter hatred and venom... who do you think rational people are going to select.

Your bitter anger and overly-emotional faux-outrage over conspiracy theories that are not about real world realities, they're going to undo the GOP. If there is justice and joy in the world, you all will lose and lose badly. Harris/Walz and their joyful workers for a better world, AND ideally the Senate and House will all lean further to the party of joy and welcome and if that happens, you'll have no one to blame but your angry, hyper-emotional, hyper-irrational selves.

The sad part is that you won't recognize your own fault in losing. You'll likely cling to lies about "ANOTHER 'stolen election.'" But at some point, you have to start acting like rational adults.

Good luck, buddies.

Craig said...

Dan's obsession with Q-Anon and other conspiracy theories just serves to undermine his tiny bit of credibility even further.

Personally, I watch enough of the event and the friendly MSM coverage to get my information. It's also helpful when people post videos the demonstrate the idiocy as well.

The BLS report about the made up job numbers, probably Q as well.

"And there's the hard work for a more free and open Republic and democratic ideals"

Because overturning the will of the people expressed in the democratic process of voting, installing a candidate who got 14,000,000 fewer votes than Biden with zero democratic process (referred to as a "coup" by a left wing NYT writer), and engaging is race baiting, class envy, and lies are going to bring about "democratic ideals".

Bubba said...

"DDS"? Who asked for a dentist? Or is this "Democrat Derangement Syndrome," further evidence that The Left Can't Meme?

It should go without saying, one is hardly deranged in opposing open borders and the profligate, inflationary spending that leads to disastrous calls for price controls; cashless bail as a response to fiery but mostly peaceful riots; and subsidized late-term abortion on demand and tampon machines in the men's room.

But it seems name-calling is the only thing some people have -- in the name of a joyful, unifying campaign, of course!

Craig said...

"But yes, we do it with Joy and a good deal of fun"

Along with rioting, destruction, impenetrable fences, large numbers of police, lies, vitriol, and hiding from the reality that y'all have been in control of the government (certainly the executive) for 12 of the last 16 years, yet pretend that every thing wrong is all Trump's fault.

Bubba said...

Dan, you mention "Trump's relentless grim attacks on the US (the part that doesn't bow down to him) as if we're the enemy of the people, and your 'molech' and q-anon pals with anger and vitriol and bitter hatred and venom... "

I'll reiterate that a Trump rally is more like a country concert or a NASCAR event than Nuremberg, but I do notice that the "Molech" rhetoric really gets under your skin.

Why is that? You routinely call us Pharisees, implicitly comparing us to Christ-killers -- and this is after that poem you wrote many moons ago, accursing George W. Bush of deicide.

("We had a good God / Good God / and you killed him")

Pardon my French, but who the fuck are you to balk at incendiary rhetoric?

Marshal Art said...

I caught Shapiro's speech last night. I thought, "this guy sounds like he's doing a Barry Obama impression." Then, when he was done, Bret Baier almost immediately echoed my thought! But worse were the lies he told almost from the start:

"It's not freedom to tell our children what books they're allowed to read."

Uh...that's not how it's worked. The issue was the denying parents their right, authority and duty to raise their child as they feel is best, which includes insisting on a voice in determining what books are appropriate for kids at various ages...or even what books are appropriate in any school in the first place. There's no "right" for kids to read what they want. Dan might have felt proud to allow his kids to read Hustler and Penthouse when they were 7 or 8 years old. Or Dan might have felt it important that his kids read about kids having homo/lesbian experiences told in graphic detail. Good parents have more mature, responsible and Christian ideas about what is proper materials to allow their kids to see. Shapiro lied.

"And it's not freedom to tell women what they can do with their bodies."

Of course this is a favorite "progressive" lie. It's never been about telling a woman what she can do with her body. But the body growing inside her, which exists by her invitation, is not hers and as slavery has been abolished in this country (except where Democrats allow it to flourish through human trafficking), she does not own that body within her and to murder it is not her right. Shapiro lied.

"Is sure as hell isn't freedom to say you can go vote, but he gets to pick the winner."

This is funny. They rigged their primaries against Bernie Sanders. They denied Bobby Kennedy Jr wherever they could. They allowed 14 million to pick Joe Biden for '24 and then force Kamala Harris upon those 14 million. Shapiro lied. Dems lie. It's what they do.

Marshal Art said...

I was greatly fortunate enough to miss the speech by either Obama. (I was too busy watching the great pre-season matchup between the Bears and Chiefs [wish we could have seen a series or two with the starters] to watch Harris pretend to be worthy of her fraudulent coronation.) But I have seen the following vids which laid out the stupidity and dishonesty of the Mrs:

The above includes some really good exposing of Michelle's bullshit.

The above show Megyn Kelly ripping Obama in greater detail.

The Dems are truly a vile organization, and their supporters are a mix of the abjectly stupid, the unforgivably ignorant and the willful liar.

That's like Dan in a nutshell.

Craig said...

I wonder if Dan considers the Biden administration's own BLS to be a source of Q-Amon conspiracy theories. I wonder why he's so unaware of what the speakers at the DNC are saying, and therefore must brush off their actual words as being from Q. Hell, the Biden secretary of commerce tries to claim the the BLS statistics were a Trump lie. For someone who worships "data" yet is so dedicated to ignoring "data" that doesn't confirm his biases and narratives, I can understand why all he has is this pathetic response.

"F--- America! Burn it down!", is what leftists are chanting outside the fence protecting the DNC elites. This is the side Dan blindly and uncritically supports. He pretends that his side doesn't lie, while bitching about Trump lying and ignoring the blatant repetition of the same old debunked lies he still clings to. Meanwhile, the "real journalists" he reveres are forced to admit that the lies Dan clings to, are really lies.

Screw this Q-Anon bullshit. His resorting to this crap is just a demonstration that he's got nothing and that his double standards are his only standards.

Jesse Albrecht said...

Walz is like an overripe banana—wrinkly, a bit smelly, but still good to laugh at.

Jesse Albrecht said...


Wow, it sounds like you just wrapped up a big group hug with the Justice League! I can't wait for the movie—“The Avengers: Joy Edition.”

But really, it's adorable how you think rational adults are just waiting around for someone to toss them a Happy Meal of political ideals. Spoiler alert: it’s a full-course meal of hard realities and a side of grit.

And let’s not forget, while you're busy jiving with your joyful workers, the rest of us are out here trying to convince reality it doesn’t owe anyone a good time. Maybe you could throw in a few fun factoids about actual policies next time—you know, to spice things up in the “joyful conversations for justice” potluck you have going on.

But hey, keep dancing in your circle of enlightenment! I hear fun fairy dust works wonders for solving deep-rooted societal issues. Just be careful not to trip over the harsh truths lying around—you wouldn’t want to ruin the mood.
Best of luck wielding that club of joy against the big bad world! You might just need it when reality decides to crash your party.

Marshal Art said...

Indeed, Jesse! All the suffering of the last almost four years is to be dismissed because asshat Dem politicians are acting all "joyful". I was watching "The Five" on FoxNews this evening (just the first segment), and the moronic Jessica Tarlov spoke of was trying to assert that the Harris speech resulted not only in Trump panicking, but a surge of support for the Asshat Party she and Dan stupidly prefer. She mentioned some focus group, I think it was one of those Frank Luntz things where folks watch and then answer his questions. If I recall her correctly, she said there were 10 undecideds (or independents) who were now going to vote for Harris based upon her speech which from what I've heard, lacked any substance whatsoever. It's this kind of thing which threatens us all. These incredibly stupid people, hateful of Trump to the insane degree they are, ignore the many destructive consequences of the policies enacted by the Biden and his party, consequences for which she's either responsible as having been an active part of it all, as she has spent most of the term insisting, as Biden, KJP and others have spent most of the term insisting, but from which she and her party is not distancing her. They were lying then about her or they're lying now.

They were lying about her when they said she was a drag on campaign for Biden's reelection, now they're saying she's the one who can carry on the best out of all the potential alternatives they denied the ability to run.

They lie about her having been chosen by the people because 14 million voted for the ticket to which she happened to still be attached, as if anyone of those 14 million were thinking about her when they cast their primary votes for Biden.

Now we hear contemptible Trump-hating assholes say we need her because she brings "joy", because she's a "woman" (as if they've finally determined what a "woman" is). But there are only two reasons why she has been handed this by the party instead of the party's supporters among the electorate:

1. Fear. Fear of black leftists who will claim that she's deserving because her skin tone is on the dark side. Fear of women and those who think they're women because she refers to herself as a woman, while being the least likely to be able to define what a woman is.

2. Because Biden intentionally caused them grief by naming Harris as his "successor", as if he's a freakin' king, and the party is too spineless to abide actual democratic processes.

Neither our republic NOR "democracy" is being served by this party and hasn't been for some time. "Joy" is not the just and proper emotion these bastards should be expressing. But they're too morally bankrupt to be ashamed of themselves for all the great harm they've causes over the last three + years.

Marshal Art said...

So as the Dumbocrat Party tries to portray Harris as a prosecutor, while few are aware of any case she's personally prosecuted (there must be one somewhere in her past), we can simply look to her stellar work on the border. Not sure she's ever uncovered those "root causes", but I'm damned sure she's never prosecuted...certainly not personally, but not even by virtue of any policy or action on her part or that of the White House generally...any illegal border-crosser, any cartel members or terrorists, any gang members or other criminals, any fentanyl dealers or transporters, any who engaged in human/child trafficking. Nor has she done a damned thing to find the thousands of foreign kids not missing. Exactly what the hell has this "crime fighter" been doing as VP? Again, she's either fully involved in the workings of the Biden administration, or she was nothing more than its hood ornament.

It can't be said enough: Only a fucking moron would think we'd be better off with her in the White House instead of Trump. There's no legit argument which alters that stark reality. Those who support her over Trump are enemies of the United States. Given how badly she and her boss have run the nation since Jan 20, 2021, only one truly determined to destroy us cast a vote for her. There's no honest argument for her. None. There's no honest argument against Trump.

Craig said...

The simple fact that Harris was involved in withholding evidence that saw an innocent man convicted tells us all we need to know about here as a prosecutor and about her character.

Marshal Art said...


Indeed, but not to truly Trump-hating "progressive" assholes like Dan. They are many..."legion" one might say...and they vote on feelings and the superfluous rather than on facts and reality. They are the truly conned.

Marshal Art said...

I saw the two links above when reading a link at Craig's blog. They're of two celebrities giving absolutely moronic reasons for supporting Harris. Not much in the way of substance in either, but then, they're lefties defending lefties who have no substantive track records of true accomplishment...other their their own elevation on the basis of no ability. That's truly special, but I digress.

Oprah's was especially goofy, pretending electing an abject moron will reflect a true breaking of a glass ceiling. Pathetic. It's supposedly going to cause mass weeping as girls worldwide will know they can spread their legs to gain the favor of a man in power who will appoint them to public positions in return. What a plan! I think I'll hold off on encouraging my granddaughters toward that path.

In any case, that ceiling has already been broken to tiny pieces:

Oprah forgets Thatcher, Ghandi or even Merkel. But then, Oprah's conned herself long ago.

Anonymous said...

The joke is really on you guys:


Marshal Art said...

The joke on us is your attempt...and the attempt of the pretend Trump is in serious trouble. No serious observer takes anything for granted, but Harris is a poor candidate with a poor sidekick just as extreme as she is. Add that to her absence of a plan, of honesty, of a track record and the most egregious joke is on the nation if there are truly that many morons who truly believe we'd be better off with her than him. There's nothing at all funny about that, and all you fuckers who failed to act like responsible and mature adults in 2020 are seemingly about to make the same heinous error this time around on behalf of a candidate who is every bit as bad and destructive of our republic as was Biden...if not worse.

Don't vote, Dan. You're too fucking stupid.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I believe Trump may not win because of all the Demokrat cheating.

Craig said...

The videos of DNC attendees being asked what specific policies of Harris they support are hilarious. Virtually none of them can answer the question. The only policy Harris has been clear about is absolute support for unrestricted abortion.

Craig said...

I guess Dan supports the "withhold evidence to convict the innocent" candidate.

Marshal Art said...

Some cowardly putz is still trying to post under Dan's name. I don't wish to further complicate the ability of visitors to comment, as has already been provoked by feo's childish antics. What kind of pussy asshole needs to do more to disparage Dan than Dan does all by himself? If this cowardly putz wishes to make a point, he can borrow a pair of testicles and submit a comment under his own name.

Craig said...

Glenn, as more and more information the scope of DFL cheating in 2020 I agree that this is a possibility. We just saw a jurisdiction which disproportionately disqualified GOP vote monitors, so it's definitely on the table. At this point, we can be grateful that their tactics have been publicized and that we have the ability to be aware of what to watch for. It's likely going to happen to some degree, but I suspect the RNC will be better prepared to fight it in real time.

Marshal Art said...

The problem is there is too little being done to lessen the effect of Dem cheating. Some states have tightened their rules a bit, but even where a Sec of State is Republican, purging voters rolls isn't being done on anything like a regular basis. Georgia's Sec of State is a dickhead, for example. Where state governments or election officials are unwilling to put aside their partisan biases and focus strictly on purifying the process of elections, the environment remains open to cheating on a widespread basis. I once again also refer to the Omega4America site for info regarding the mail-in ballot travesty and how it's being exploited. It refers to sending ballots to locations which can be open lots, stores, businesses...not residences, which is the only locations from which a voter can vote by mail. Election officials don't seek these out...forty people voting from the same address...and many election integrity methods in common use don't even see this happening.

There's a push to get more Republicans to vote early. But this only lets the Dems know how many fraudulent votes will be necessary to overcome the GOP votes. Conversely, voting on Election Day presents problems, too, if severe weather or other unforeseen catastrophic events prevent voters from voting. Hell, in AZ, they had issues with machines going down in GOP heavy precints, forcing voters to go elsewhere and wait an interminably long time in long-ass lines.

Dem cheating is still and always a problem. That problem is exacerbated by the lack of will on the part of those state and local officials to do what's right by the people in general.

Craig said...

If I take the above at face value, it sounds like we should just give up and accept DFL cheating because there are problems no matter what we do. Obviously, the answer is a significant overhaul of how elections are conducted. But until that happens, all we can do is use the information we have to monitor voting closely and respond appropriately.

Obviously, we need to start with only paper ballots only submitted in person. Verifying that the number of ballots does not exceed the number of voters, keeping secure records of the ballots and strict scrutiny (video cameras are small and cheap, flood the counting areas with them) also seem reasonable.

Anonymous said...

What are you boys thinking about that fake moon landing??


Marshal Art said...

Clearly I have another troll issue.

Marshal Art said...

"If I take the above at face value, it sounds like we should just give up and accept DFL cheating because there are problems no matter what we do."

Is this in reference to my 10:50 AM comment? If so, it's quite an incredible stretch. Never have I ever advocated for "giving up" in the face of leftist treachery and criminality. I was merely stating the truth of what's needed in light of what little is being done. I don't know what "overhaul" of the process you think is needed. What you've suggested, allowing for it not being a fully fleshed out suggestion, is more holding people accountable for how they do what they affirmed they would be doing when they took the job. In 2020, there were many who were trying to do just that, but were discounted and Dan in the face of insurmountable arguments.

What we need is better people willing to do what is now available to them to ensure integrity in our elections. We have an entire party (the Dems) who oppose every effort to strengthen integrity, and not a few from the GOP side, as well (I refer again to Brad Raffensperger). "It's hard!" Tough.

I fully believe we are best with paper ballots, on a single election day, with state issued IDs required to both register (a good month or so before election day) and to vote and absentee ballots upon request with a legitimate, verifiable reason why one can't make it to the polls. But none of that matters without good people doing their jobs to ensure it all gets done by the numbers.

So it's not about "giving up", but rather just the opposite...times 10.

Craig said...


The reality is that we are just learning the extent of DFL fraud in the 2020 election, less than 3 months before the 2024 election. Whining about past fraud isn't helpful, while learning from it being prepared to counter it, and having the resources to fight it is. But that's just a tourniquet to stop the immediate problem.

I agree that we need a significant overhaul of how elections are conducted, but that's not going to help in Nov.

1. Paper ballots.
2. In person voting. Even for absentee ballots.
3. Stronger measures to monitor the counting process.
4. Move election day to Saturday or Saturday/Sunday.
5. ID to register and to vote.
6. Eliminate same day registration.
7. Limit results access until X% of votes have been cast.

I'll agree that it's interesting that the DFL has opposed literally every measure proposed to increase election security.

Marshal Art said...

The reality is we already knew of the many fraudulent and election interference practices of the Dems in the 2020 election. We simply have people reporting on it now, identifying some of the specific cases which should have been widely reported back then. This may partially be a result of what you improperly and inaccurately refer to as "whining". Constant reminders that fraud took place back then is no different than reminding people of the Holocaust, 9/11 or any other negative event in history so that it can be prevented from happening again. Had that "whining" been heeded from the start, we may have more confidence in the election process now. The whole point of it was to spur action to counter it and to develop those resources to fight it. Dismissing it as "whining" greatly slowed that process. As such, even the 2022 midterms were affected by fraud/interference issues.

Craig said...

I guess I'm not buying your equivalence. I've heard plenty of whining, with no real evidence until recently. It's your blog you can whine if you want to, embrace it.

Marshal Art said...

"I guess I'm not buying your equivalence."

Clearly not. Or perhaps you just don't want to buy it. To clarify, it's not equivalent in degree...that the 2020 election debacle is equivalent in severity to the Holocaust or 9/11. But like those events, it's a reminder of what happened in 2020 so that there is no repeat of it. That's why we remember negative events. Ignoring many preferred...doesn't make them go away. All those who chose to improve election integrity did so as a result of the constant references to the many ways election integrity was so greatly lacking in 2020 and 2022.

There's always been evidence available while those people were "whining". I would have assumed you're more adept that Dan at using the internet to research...isn't that what you told me at your blog?

"It's your blog you can whine if you want to..."

You're a funny guy. So you're saying I'm "whining" about you whining about people "whining" about election fraud in 2020. That's a stitch.

Craig said...

Or perhaps, you've done a poor job of selling your equivalence. Maybe it's an over exaggeration to compare one election to the extermination of 12+ million innocent humans. Maybe you're so invested in your narrative that you choose not to consider any other options.

I've used the internet to research the 2020 election fraud, and found the evidence lacking until now. I chose to watch, research and wait until the evidence was more persuasive before I jumped in. Unlike you and Dan, I don't need links handed to me in order to research things.

It's amusing how anyone who disagrees with you is portrayed in the most negative light possible.

Marshal Art said...

"Or perhaps, you've done a poor job of selling your equivalence."

No, but you're making a masterful attempt to pretend there is none.

"Maybe it's an over exaggeration to compare one election to the extermination of 12+ million innocent humans."

Maybe it would be if I was. As I said, I wasn't comparing the severity of the crimes or even that the crimes were alike in any way, but the similarity in reminding people the crimes took place. By your logic, it's all "whining".

"I've used the internet to research the 2020 election fraud, and found the evidence lacking until now."

I have as well and found there's little detail regarding the evidence so many claimed to have had or claim to have. Pretty much, all we've been able to see is the claims themselves and the unwillingness to actually look at those details and rule on the merits of those details. In the meantime, what we're hearing now with Zuckerberg's "admission" is what had already been established regarding the Hunter Biden laptop story...that quite enough people would not have voted for Biden had they been aware of it and the outcome would likely have been different. We also knew that several states altered their election protocols without the involvement of the only body with such authority...their legislatures.

I also found a report which showed the few claims which did see adjudication, two-thirds of them or better went to the favor of Trump and/or the GOP.

So I don't know where you were looking in your research, but those three points right there were enough to affirm the claims the election was fraudulently handed to Biden.

"It's amusing how anyone who disagrees with you is portrayed in the most negative light possible."

It's amusing you take this position. While I'm not unlikely to denigrate some who disagree with Dan, his troll or Vinny...I'm far more likely, even with them, to denigrate the arguments made in opposition to mine, as I'm in no way obliged to respect opinions, positions and arguments I regard as crap. But I don't think I've even done that here, so I'm at a loss as to why you take the position in the first place. Overly sensitive, perhaps?

Craig said...

Among other things I've posted an interactive chart showing the disposition of every single case brought by Trump regarding election interference. Most of them did not move far enough that evidence was presented. In the absence of actual evidence admissible in court, I see no reason why I would assume that the evidence is overwhelmingly in support of Trump.

As I said, we've recently learned about the Meta interference officially (suspicion isn't proof), we've seen Texas and other states scrubbing their voter roles and evidence of large numbers of ineligible voters. We've seen evidence of the results of GA and AZ's investigations recently as well. In short, we have in increasing amount of actual evidence that we didn't have 2 years ago. So, to some degree what you are complaining about IS happening, it's just happening slowly. Unfortunately this situation didn't magically appear overnight, and it's not going to be solved quickly.

Fortunately we are armed with much more information about how things happened in 2020, and should be able to put measure in place to limit/document similar attempts in November.

Anyone with half a brain is concerned about election security, and advocates for increases. I see little value in making it a partisan issue and tying it directly to Trump.

Marshal Art said...

"Among other things I've posted an interactive chart showing the disposition of every single case brought by Trump regarding election interference. Most of them did not move far enough that evidence was presented. In the absence of actual evidence admissible in court, I see no reason why I would assume that the evidence is overwhelmingly in support of Trump."

I don't recall this interactive chart. Can you give me an idea how long ago you posted it so that I can search it out. I don't want to be accused of being unable or unwilling...though I'm not sure I need to in order to respond to the comment.

I will say that you're proving my point about the evidence always having been out there. The details of which might not have been published for easy viewing, but the claims made had evidence behind them. One can't dismiss the claims simply because courts refused to take up the cases, weigh the merits and adjudicate.

There's a huge difference between inadmissible evidence and evidence which wasn't admitted in the first place. The latter was far more common among all the fraud claims being made at that time. If the judge refuses to hear the case for whatever lame technical reason they chose to rationalize the refusal, the evidence wasn't reviewed. That doesn't make it "inadmissible".

"In short, we have in increasing amount of actual evidence that we didn't have 2 years ago."

Again, we had all sorts of evidence almost immediately after the fraudulence occurred and resulted in an idiot "winning" the election. They chose not to look at it.

"Fortunately we are armed with much more information about how things happened in 2020, and should be able to put measure in place to limit/document similar attempts in November."

I'd like to believe whatever is attempted gets put in place and it's enough to prevent fraud from dictating the winner...but I can't help but remain totally cynical, and I hate that.

" Anyone with half a brain is concerned about election security, and advocates for increases. I see little value in making it a partisan issue and tying it directly to Trump."

Well, that eliminates half the nation and certainly the Dem Party. Unfortunately, they're running the show in too many places. Thus, it IS a partisan issue because it's that party doing the cheating to deny Trump. It's already tied directly to him.

Craig said...

It's been a while since I posted on it. But I don't know when. If you want to search for it or the link, go ahead.

The evidence may have been there, but evidence that isn't uncovered or hasn't been presented is worthless. To suggest that it is somehow reasonable to assume that hidden evidence exists and supports your claims seems to be a bad idea.

If you want to argue semantics, I guess you can. The reality is that evidence that wasn't admitted is not admissible for whatever the reason. It's a distinction without a difference.

While we may have had evidence in 2021, that doesn't affect my point that we have more evidence now than we did then. We have more action being taken now because of the newly released evidence than we did then.

If you choose to remain cynical, that's your choice. But it seems strange to complain about a choice you are voluntarily making.

Again, that's my point, it shouldn't be a partisan issue. The easy solution to the problem for the GOP is to adopt the same methods the DFL uses and cheat right alongside them.

Marshal Art said...

I was only asking for a general sense of when it was posted. Now, it's less likely I'll bother as it doesn't really matter for addressing the comments now on the table.

No, the evidence isn't "worthless". It was rendered worthless by judges refusing to take the cases and review it. It was never "hidden". That's like Dan saying God has a "secret definition" of "good" or "justice". The claimants were more than willing...freaking eager, in present their evidence had judges decided to take the cases and look at it.

Not at all arguing semantics. Evidence must be reviewed in order to rule it inadmissible. The evidence wasn't reviewed because the judges refused to hear the cases on other grounds unrelated to the evidence. Those grounds were the excuse to refuse a review of the evidence.

Again, there's evidence of current fraud, but evidence of fraud in 2020 isn't "new". It's just finally being considered, as if it matters to that election. Indeed, because it doesn't, they're not worried about reviewing it now. I am pleased that finally something is happening. I'll be more pleased if and when it results in actions that matter with regard to strengthening election integrity. Every little bit helps. I hope it helps enough.

"If you choose to remain cynical, that's your choice. But it seems strange to complain about a choice you are voluntarily making."

This is a stupid comment. The degree to which I remain cynical is compelled by current events. I can be hopeful positive, beneficial and just change will occur, but the events over the last eight years compel cynicism. That's not a "complaint", but a statement reflecting reality. You can stop with this shit any time now.

I agree election integrity shouldn't be a partisan issue. Kinda moot, though, don't you think? Given the Dems take every opportunity to block efforts to improve it.

As regards the GOP adopting Dem methods, they are indeed encouraging early voting and harvesting, but not necessarily cheating. My opinion of that encouragement is that without cheating, it won't necessarily improve our chances. For example, voting early gives them a better idea of how much cheating is necessary to overcome what might be enough votes for a Trump win. Harvesting will do little because done properly doesn't result in that many more votes, and the Dems will continue to do it in a corrupt manner. Thus, I don't think it's as easy a solution...or even as much as the GOP believes it is.

Jesse Albrecht said...

I always thought that Trump would only be a one term president.

Marshal Art said...


There are only two reasons which come to mind why I thought that was a possibility:

1. When I first voted for him after he won the primary for the 2016 election. The reason then was that I couldn't feel he would do a good job in the role. He proved me incredibly wrong and as his first term progressed, I became more and more convinced he was absolutely and unequivocally worthy of a second much as anyone prior to him had been, if not more.

2. Because of all the obstruction with which he had to deal during his first term, and then because of all the fraud, interference and other chicanery which was more obvious that too many are willing to admit, such would keep him from winning an election ever again. That's still a very real possibility.

The real question is whether or not he should be a one term president. The answer to that question is an emphatic and data supported NO! He still deserves a second term and after the suffering we've endured because he was robbed in 2020, we deserve a reprieve only his election in Nov will provide us.