Sunday, July 14, 2024

It Was Just A Matter Of Time

By now, few could claim to be unaware of the attempt on Trump's life yesterday.  I praise God it was unsuccessful, but another life was taken by the shooter, who was also put down like the dog he chose to be.  

There's not a lot I've heard confirming motivations of the shooter.  I heard he was very young, I think he was a white guy and that's really about it.  Details regarding security, or lax security which resulted in this kid getting on a roof in close range to Trump are all sketchy as well as I write this.  I spent the morning at the beach, so upon my return, I have not seen anything more definitive about the details.  I've seen the video enough that I don't need to see it again.

As to the kid, I heard something about him being Antifa, but that also hasn't been confirmed.  Despite Trump being the target, that alone doesn't make the kid a lefty.  But it would be surprising to find otherwise given the rhetoric of the left toward Trump, the many manifestations of assassination fantasies by leftist actors and singers, the constant reference to Trump as some evil, Hitler-like incarnation intent on "destroying our democracy"...blah, blah, blah.  

And when one stops to consider all the false charges his political opponents have level against him in attempts to impeach or convict him of actual wrongdoing, it's hard to believe it took so long for someone to try something like this.  By whatever means, right lefties?

Then I got to thinking about other assassinations and attempts, and I wondered how often we've seen an attempt on a Democrat or other leftist by a Republican/conservative/"right-winger" and decided to do some research. 

I initially intended to look at attempts as well as successful assassinations, but the list of assassinated politicians was long enough.  Then I decided to focus on just Dem victims, though I did find one Republican whose assassin was a friend and campaign worker, which suggest a Republican, though no other evidence was present in reports I found.  But this was more a run of the mill murder than an assassination.

And here I wish to pause to discuss the word itself.  It denotes the murder of an important person, generally a political person or for political reasons.  Some regard John Lennon's murder in this way, but I don't.  He was murdered, not assassinated.  With this in mind, the list of assassinations I reviewed included many cases of simply murder, or murder for reasons other than political, and thus no clear evidence to determine the political leanings of the culprit was found.  So I disregarded such cases. 

I also decided to narrow it down further to relatively recent cases...the 1930s to now...though I did look at earlier cases to see if anyone stood out.  Aside from the one case just mentioned in the previous paragraph, I found only one.  His name was Byron Looper, and he spent most of his life as a Dem, until changing parties to run for a specific office.  His record of performance in politics before and after the party change say the least...poor and after reading what was offered about his bio, I don't think party mattered as much to him when his ability to win positions failed to garner the authority he sought. 

It seems that conservatives don't engage in this behavior.  This group considered by morons to be oppressors, aren't really so oppressive and don't respond to oppressive political action by murdering the politician in charge.  Even Democrats are murdered by Democrats.  No.  Republicans/conservatives/"right-wingers"...probably the largest faction of gun owners and 2nd Amendment defenders...choose to vote political opponents out of office.  I know it's a strange concept, but that's how we always thought it's supposed to be done. 

Hell...we're not even prone to lying about our political opponents, much less threaten their lives!  We don't need to when their actions are reason enough to rid ourselves of them.  We reject "by whatever means", and go with "by moral and appropriate means" and hope we succeed that way.  Killing ain't our thing and chances are, a lefty will do it eventually.  They are, after all, the Death Cult Party.


Eternity Matters said...

I was surprised that some of the Leftist outfits published that picture of Trump and the flag, right after he was shot. That will be one of the most powerful and iconic photos in history.

I just hope they don't cheat enough to steal another election.

Dan Trabue said...

There is no data connecting the very young shooter to "antifa." What we DO know is that he is a registered Republican. Will you note that in your post? Or do you prefer gossip and false claims.

This very young man was clearly a troubled registered republican. Was he a secret liberal? We have no data on that point so far. Was he a disgruntled conservative extremist, worried about Trump and abortion? We do not know.

Why not let the investigation progress and see where the data leads?

Bubba said...

Dan, we ALSO know that Crooks donated to ActBlue on the day Biden took office. Did you miss that detail or was that inconvenient to the lie you're pushing?

Marshal Art said...


If you lying fucks aren't going to read the entire post, and read it with an honest desire to know what's being expressed therein, don't foul the comments section with your baseless crap. If you and your hemorrhoid feo actually read the post in that manner, then you couldn't have missed where I said:

"As to the kid, I heard something about him being Antifa, but that also hasn't been confirmed." Followed immediately by, "Despite Trump being the target, that alone doesn't make the kid a lefty."

Thus, you expose yourselves once again as lying pukes.

However, to do a happy dance because he registered as a Republican is also problematic to celebrate, as badly as you evil bastards need to have violent events perpetrated by right-wingers to validate your bullshit claims about who is the greatest threat to our nation.

Here's what we do know. The kid, very young, became voting age in time to vote in the most recent primary. In 2019, he donated money (a very small amount as a teen living with the folks) to Dems. But the Dem primary was moot, given Biden's the guy (HA!). So, like too many leftists do, they vote in the GOP primary for any non-Trump candidate in open primary states, and in the rest, register as Republicans to do the same. This isn't a new practice. Rush Limbaugh's "Operation Chaos" was inspired by this very practice in S. Carolina perpetrated by Dems. So again, it's not a new technique, and for one to register to help get a less threatening candidate to win over Trump is another way to do that. Not a great idea, but we're talking about lefties here.

In any case, I have no made any statements that suggest what hasn't been confirmed, but only reported some things which have been said in order to set up the point of the post. You're trying to pretend I'm acting like one your kind, when clearly my actual words do not suggest such a thing. So pound sand up your ass, and stop trying to pretend you have a brain.

The important point established by my post and the source which supports it is that political assassins being a right-winger is damn near unheard of. It's just too uncharacteristic for right-wing people to act violently, no matter how badly and desperately you need to believe otherwise.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

"We're done talking about the debate. It's time to put Trump in the bulls-eye."
Joseph Biden, 7/8/24.

Some evil young man just did what Biden suggested.

Craig said...

I've been busy and under the weather, but I'll write more about this soon. One of the most notable thing to me is that after years of referring to Trump in the most provocative terms possible, as well as establishing the "it's acceptable to punch a NAZI" doctrine, it is completely reasonable to lay at least some of the responsibility for this at the feet of the DFL and the MSM. When you've spent this much time and effort into demonizing and dehumanizing Trump it's not much of a surprise that someone would take that seriously.

Given that literally every presidential assassin has been left leaning, it's stupid to suggest anything else.

Craig said...

"Why not let the investigation progress and see where the data leads?"

Why start that now, y'all didn't with the Covington kid, the Nashville school shooter, or Rittenhouse, what has changed that NOW it's important to wait?

We know he's donated to DFL causes through Act Blue and that PA is a closed primary state where democrats registered GOP to vote in the primary, and we're expected to believe that the FBI could crack the phones of everyone withing a mile of the capitol on J6, but can't crack this kid's?

Obviously things will change when we get more facts, but seriously y'all on the left that are publicly complaining about it being staged or Trump not being killed, vile, nasty, inhuman, evil people. They're on your side, will you call them out?

Dan Trabue said...


We don't need to when their actions are reason enough
to rid ourselves of them.
We reject "by whatever means", and go with "by moral and appropriate means" and hope we succeed that way. Killing ain't our thing and
chances are, a lefty will do it eventually.

They are, after all, the Death Cult Party.

So, you aren't violent and don't promote violence, but you ARE concerned about "the DEATH CULT PARTY (democrats, presumably)" and "Leftys will [kill people] anyway" and you think you all need to "rid yourselves of "the death cult party...""


Do you not see the violence inherent in your irrational, fearmongering language?

IF some poor 20 year old GOP registered boy hears frequently enough that "the Democrats are the death cult party" and that we'll "kill people" and that you all need to "rid yourselves of Democrats" and the "democrats support the murder of babies" and even Trump hasn't gone far enough to save babies from "murder," then SOME of those cowardly conservative boys who idealize cowboy gunmanship and "killing the bad guys..." SOME of those GOP boys WILL start killing those who he's been indoctrinated to fear will kill babies and destroy America.

SOME of those GOP boys WILL storm the Capitol when they've been lied to that the "election was stolen" to "stop Pence and the Democrats" from "stealing the election" and in the process, those GOP boys WILL inflict violence and harm upon hundreds of police officers/law enforcement types. Given a chance, they might hang Mike Pence to "stop the Steal" because "pence was a traitor..."

Your language is inflammatory.

Me pointing out that your language is inflammatory is, itself, NOT inflammatory, it's just pointing to reality.

Hell, your boy Neil, above, just repeated the cowardly fearmongering about the election being stolen. He is a true believer in your pervert prince.

Hell, your pervert prince's own new VP (the one he hasn't tried to have executed. yet) once said that Trump was like Hitler.

You can't criticize the Democrats for the speck of over the top rhetoric in our eyes while you all retain a log-sized Q-anon/conspiracy theory/Enemy of the state, etc, etc rhetoric in your own eyes.

It SOUNDS like you're saying "We would very much like to retain the option of literally demonizing, gossiping about, making false claims and stupidly false claims about our neighbors who are Democrats but we'd like you all to not say anything that might offend us."

Maybe grow up a bit and own your own violent rhetoric. That would be a starting point.

Dan Trabue said...

Why start that now, y'all didn't with the Covington kid, the Nashville school shooter, or Rittenhouse, what has changed that NOW it's important to wait?

It's always important to wait for the details. I did not rush to judgment on any of those, I don't believe that Democrats (by and large) rushed to judgment on any of those, so not sure what that has to do with anything.

As to those on the left who might have said that it was too bad that Trump wasn't killed, well, they're not in the mainstream, are they? I know of no Democrats/progressives who've said that kind of thing.

But what of the pervert king you keep voting for and his repeated demonization of immigrants, the media, liberals... HE is not a random outsider, HE is the leader of the modern conservative/GOP movement. Will you never condemn him for his racist, homophobic, dangerously stupid false claims?

You can't condemn "liberals" for the rantings of a few on the margin WHILE remaining silent on the mainstream nonsense of Trump and the modern maga movement in support of his attacks on fellow citizens.

AND, when I say "attacks," I'm not over the top demonizing Trump, I'm stating that when he calls the media "an enemy of the people," when he calls progressives and even conservatives (like Liz Cheney and Mike Pence) liars intent on destroying the US... I'm just pointing out what your leader/prince is saying and why it's dangerous coming from the big mouthpiece of modern conservatism.

You all will be judged by history for your support for/votes for this man.

Eternity Matters said...

It is now so obvious that this was gross incompetence AND a calculated attempt to get Trump a$$a$$inated. And yet another example of zero accountability. How can no one be getting fired over this? The "roof was too slope-y" bit is so transparently false that even Leftists should be insulted by it.

I hope he stays alive, wins so big that even the Dems can't cheat enough this time (though you know they are trying), and that he learned lessons about whom to trust. He did some great things and some stupid things.

He should follow Elon Musk's example at X. He fired a lot of people, yet the site "miraculously" continues to function. That's what happens when you get rid of DEI hires. I'm glad the video of the short pudgy lady who couldn't holster her gun is getting spread widely. Exhibit A against DEI hires.

P.S. Vance looks great.

Dan Trabue said...

It is now so obvious that this was gross incompetence AND a calculated attempt to get Trump a$$a$$inated.

Yet another wildly unsupported conspiracy theory fear-mongering. At one point, I thought Neil was one of the more rational one of y'all. His Q-anon is showing.

I sort of wonder if all y'all are slipping into your own conspiratorial dementia.

Marshal Art said...

July 16, 2024 at 4:31 PM

"So, you aren't violent and don't promote violence, but you ARE concerned about "the DEATH CULT PARTY (democrats, presumably)" and "Leftys will [kill people] anyway" and you think you all need to "rid yourselves of "the death cult party...""


Do you not see the violence inherent in your irrational, fearmongering language?"

No. Nothing in the words of mine you quoted suggest violence inherent in what you falsely refer to as "irrational, fearmongering language". Indeed, it clearly states that is not our way or necessary for us to perpetuate. Why do you ilk indulge in such so extremely often?

"IF some poor 20 year old GOP registered boy hears frequently enough that "the Democrats are the death cult party"---snip----SOME of those GOP boys WILL start killing those who he's been indoctrinated to fear will kill babies and destroy America."

That's quite a fantasy, Dan. Were you naked in the bathroom when you conjured it?

Marshal Art said...

"SOME of those GOP boys WILL storm the Capitol when they've been lied to that the "election was stolen" to "stop Pence and the Democrats" from "stealing the election" and in the process, those GOP boys WILL inflict violence and harm upon hundreds of police officers/law enforcement types. Given a chance, they might hang Mike Pence to "stop the Steal" because "pence was a traitor...""

This does not align with the small amount of video of that day we've been allowed to see. No one was "lied to" about the election being stolen, as it so clearly was with tons of evidence to back up the little of which has even had a proper hearing in any court, and to the extent than any has, most of it was ruled in favor of Trump and/or the GOP. Evidence also shows more harm and death was inflicted upon J6 protesters, much of it the result of unjustified actions of Capitol Keystone Cops. No one was going to hang Mike Pence, but assholes like you point to some vids showing people chanting such and then that cute scaffold which was slapped together about five feet in height and obviously non-functional for the purpose. Assholes like you pretend it was an actual scaffold because being liars and haters, you need to believe it. Rather incendiary to continually portray Trump supporters in this way, but you pretend my words result in harm.

"Your language is inflammatory."

No it's not. Not even slightly. "Ridding ourselves of your kind" does not automatically mean anything more than ridding ourselves in voting your sorry, America-destroying asses out of office. Honest people would assume that. Liars like you will jump on anything you can use to disparage better people. It's what you do.

Marshal Art said...

"Hell, your boy Neil, above, just repeated the cowardly fearmongering about the election being stolen. He is a true believer in your pervert prince."

The election WAS stolen. Liars deny it, while saying nothing about the many people who have insisted the elections of both Trump and GW Bush were illegitimate. At least we have tons of evidence for our claims. Your type just lies.



Dan Trabue said...

So, is it the case that one is a pervert when they defend perverts? Or are they just pervert-defenders?

I am the husband of one wife, faithful for our marriage of 40 years, loving parent of two great kids. I am a deacon, worship leader and leader in my church for all my adult life. I work with those with disabilities, helping them get jobs. I welcome the homeless and immigrants into my home and make them welcome at my church. I am a lover of God's good creation and a defender of this planet created by God.

I have many faults, of course, but "pervert" is a ridiculous claim on the face of it. Now, you can BELIEVE in your head what you want, in spite of the data. But the data demonstrates otherwise.

What is it about you all that you feel such a need to defend reasonable, decent people who do good work while you defend the *****-grabber, girl ogler, abuser of power and charlatan as a decent man? I'm no one special but just ordinary people like me ARE objectively better than your little sexual deviant con man.

Man, he sure found a useful idiot in you. Break loose. Free your mind and save your soul.

Marshal Art said...

July 16, 2024 at 4:54 PM

" It's always important to wait for the details. I did not rush to judgment on any of those, I don't believe that Democrats (by and large) rushed to judgment on any of those, so not sure what that has to do with anything."

You believe what you want to believe, while plenty of evidence demonstrated the routine of lefties, particularly those in the media and politics, is to presume some conservative motivation behind violent events. And you do seem quite satisfied that this particular assassin in indeed a Republican simply because he registered as such. Nice try, dickhead.

"As to those on the left who might have said that it was too bad that Trump wasn't killed, well, they're not in the mainstream, are they? I know of no Democrats/progressives who've said that kind of thing."

What polling have you done even among your local morons...I mean...progressives (same thing)? Given how many of your kind have said all manner of vile and derogatory things about Trump and his character, as well as his supporters (with your moron presidential selection constantly regarding him and "MAGA Republicans" as a "threat to our democracy", it's a great leap to suggest a goodly portion of those jackwagons are incredibly disappointed right now. Stop pretending your kind are good people. They're not.

Marshal Art said...

"But what of the pervert king you keep voting for and his repeated demonization of immigrants, the media, liberals... HE is not a random outsider, HE is the leader of the modern conservative/GOP movement. Will you never condemn him for his racist, homophobic, dangerously stupid false claims?"

We didn't vote for Biden or Obama, you pervert bitch. But knowing you mean a man far better than either of those two...scoundrels, the fact is that what he repeated was the fact that illegals are law-breakers and far too many of them seriously so. His righteous labeling as YOUR favored media sources being enemies of the people is valid and proven yet again by how they've responded to this issue, as well as their "shock" at Biden's debate performance as if Biden's deteriorating mental and physical state hasn't been obvious since before he was elected in 2020. But you've been blatantly lying about Trump and Biden for quite awhile, so you're good with your media favorites doing it, too. Liars stick together, don't you?

And he's also justified for calling out your political party and their supporters for what they are. It's plainly obvious to all honest people. Find an honest person and ask him.

He's not a racist or homophobe, and you lie about that shit constantly because embrace grace! As to his alleged "false claims", your Biden and Obama have spewed tons of their own. Trump's don't compare in terms of seriousness and falseness, as they're mostly exaggerations or hyperbole. But you're a liar so you pretend only the other guy's evil and you lie about how evil the other guy is, while pretending the more blatant evil inherent in your party's platform and policies is just fucking dandy.

"You can't condemn "liberals" for the rantings of a few on the margin WHILE remaining silent on the mainstream nonsense of Trump and the modern maga movement in support of his attacks on fellow citizens."

And there you go again! Inflating the alleged sins of those you hate, while minimizing (in this case ignoring) the far more serious sins of your kind.

Marshal Art said...

"AND, when I say "attacks," I'm not over the top demonizing Trump, I'm stating that when he calls the media "an enemy of the people,"..."

...he's spot on.

"... when he calls progressives and even conservatives (like Liz Cheney and Mike Pence) liars intent on destroying the US... I'm just pointing out what your leader/prince is saying and why it's dangerous coming from the big mouthpiece of modern conservatism."

Honest, rational and intelligent people know full well what Trump means when he speaks. Liars (that'd be YOUR kind of people) take every opportunity to distort what he says to validate your grace embracing hatred. Liz Cheney IS a liar. Mike Pence DID drop the ball.

"You all will be judged by history for your support for/votes for this man."

Yes we will, and quite well if his first term was any indication. If his second goes no better, honest historians will more than give him the respect and adulation he'll deserve. Assholes will still hate him, know...embrace grace.

Marshal Art said...

July 16, 2024 at 7:42 PM

"Yet another wildly unsupported conspiracy theory fear-mongering."

Well it was gross incompetence on the part of security. Aside from it being obvious to the casual honest observer, that's been affirmed by a number of security people including at least a couple of former Secret Service people. It remains to be seen if anything nefarious was afoot.

"At one point, I thought Neil was one of the more rational one of y'all."

Who cares what you thought. More surprising is your ongoing pretense you know what constitutes "rational".

"I sort of wonder if all y'all are slipping into your own conspiratorial dementia."

I don't wonder at all about how far up your ass you keep your head.

Marshal Art said...

July 16, 2024 at 8:49 PM

"So, is it the case that one is a pervert when they defend perverts? Or are they just pervert-defenders?"

When referring to one Dan Traube, defending perversion and perverts as you do makes you a pervert. It's like driving the get-away car at a bank robbery. Such is also a thief. You aid and abet. You promote and defend and enable. You portray perversion as normal and/or morally equivalent to normal behavior. It's pretty clear you harbor perverse desires by virtue of your staunch support for those who willfully engage in behavior God regards as abomination. You're a pervert also by virtue of the fact that you pervert the word "pervert" to apply it to one for whom you have such a clear and unmistakable hatred and contempt. You do so in a perverse manner so as to demonize one who is claimed by those who know him best to be a decent man. You want to believe that a normal attraction to attractive women is perversion because his attraction to them led him to commit adultery, because he spoke about his attraction in a manner you over-hype as perversion when immature is as bad as an honest person would regard it. You pervert the word "pervert" in the same way your type has perverted so many words to promote your defense of true perversion as the word is properly and more accurately defined and those who indulge in it.

"I am the husband of one wife, faithful for our marriage of 40 years, loving parent of two great kids. I am a deacon, worship leader and leader in my church for all my adult life. I work with those with disabilities, helping them get jobs. I welcome the homeless and immigrants into my home and make them welcome at my church. I am a lover of God's good creation and a defender of this planet created by God."

These routine attempts to portray yourself in a manner inconsistent with your behavior here and at other blogs does not mitigate the validity of the charge against you. Many pervs seek to live in a manner which deflects attention from their perverse behaviors and characters, believe good works mitigates their perversion. Worse, those who exploit Christianity to do so are among the worst examples. It's not good pretending to be a Christian when you reject that which you find inconvenient or personally repellent about the faith. It's a false Christianity and you do so as if there's any question about the sinfulness of what you enable and defend. As if that isn't bad enough, you likewise attack those who abide and defend Christian teaching on these and other issues you reject to be hateful, bigoted and a host of other charges you've leveled against them. You call "good" evil and that, too, is perverse, having perverted the clearly revealed Will of God on the subject.

Marshal Art said...

"I have many faults, of course, but "pervert" is a ridiculous claim on the face of it. Now, you can BELIEVE in your head what you want, in spite of the data. But the data demonstrates otherwise."

The data demonstrates the truth I've expressed here about you. You simply reject it. I've truthfully related the truth about you, and it adds up to you being a pervert, and clearly by definition, more truly perverted than you insist Donald Trump is.

"What is it about you all that you feel such a need to defend reasonable, decent people who do good work while you defend the *****-grabber, girl ogler, abuser of power and charlatan as a decent man?"

To begin with, you continue to lie about Trump grabbing women by the crotch after it has been proven to you he never stated he engages in that behavior. You're not mistaken on this issue. You're willfully and stubbornly lying about it. He was speaking to what groupie type women ar willing to allow men like him to do. This is clear in what he was recorded as saying. Your constant lying about it suggests you get a vicarious thrill out of the thought of Trump grabbing women this way, which is perverse, you pervert.

To ogle attractive females, even those a few years younger than legal adulthood, is neither abnormal or perverse behavior by normal men. This, however, depends on notion of "ogling" and what one means by it. Here, you simply apply the word to Trump with most negative of connotations, and the fact that I've not heard nor read of him speaking about "ogling" females generally in the manner you seek to project upon him, simply because of some lighthearted interview on a radio show known for drawing out such behaviors and comments from guests of the show's host, who goes out of his way to prompt such lewd discussions. You see his participation in this type of talk as an opportunity to besmirch him to your advantage and to convince others to reject him politically despite his many good works as president, thus allowing our country to put in his place a known of so many your party has produced to be in positions of power and authority over our people. That's perverse as hell.

"I'm no one special but just ordinary people like me ARE objectively better than your little sexual deviant con man."

That's it, pervert. Don't do it again. You are in no way a better man than Donald Trump. You're a vile and hateful little boy, a fake Christian of the worst kind, a fraud and a con boy yourself, pretending to be Christian while you promote perversion and hatefulness. You mock Christ by daring to assume the title "Christian".

I'm still waiting for you to explain the con Trump is supposedly running. How have the American people been taken by having their lives improved while he was in office? How has he profited by such people appreciating his fine work as president? Do you know how confidence games work? Do you even understand the term "conman"? Clearly you don't, especially give the party you prefer over the GOP and the politicians you support over Trump. What kind of a chump rejects a proven commodity to instead choose a proven clusterfuck as if we could ever be better off? A chump who is clearly conned by the clusterfuck and his party. A chump like you. You're the one who's been conned, and you willfully participate in the con by your ongoing hateful, Christ-mocking behavior.

"I'm not a pervert," says Dan. "I do good things!" Trump can say the same about himself. But you're actually perverse for all the reasons listed herein and then some. Whine and cry and bleat all you like to the contrary. The facts are plain. You're a vile pervert.

Marshal Art said...

A final thing, to suggest Trump has abused his power requires evidence. You delete me and others routinely for not supporting their wild claims. In the meantime, the abuse of power by those you've supported politically have been wildly apparent for quite some time. As president, Trump has not done so. As a businessman, he has only been accused of such by those we can't judge as being honest people themselves. In his personal life, his "abuse" of his status of wealthy is also a point one can argue, if one needs to defend such a charge against him. Yet, despite him taking advantage of opportunities with women, that doesn't suggest an abuse of power, but simply sexual sin. He held no gun to no one's head. I've heard no claim that he threatened a woman's job for sex, nor any such thing of the kind. Calling him an abuser of power is just another example of you perverting in order to pad your list of reasons he's worthy of rejection by honest, decent and intelligent voters. Like your kind is known to do, you demonize to win power, which itself is a con game, leaving the nation to suffer when your kind takes control. Projecting onto to others traits you possess is a perversion of truth. You're a vile pervert.

I'll take an adulterous womanizer over your kind any day of the week.

Dan Trabue said...

I'll take an adulterous womanizer over your kind any day of the week.

You'll take an adulterous womanizer...
a spoiled rich kid who has had everything handed to him his whole life...
until he learned to use his wealth and privilege to bully, abuse and get away with things as wealthy white men always have...
Who almost certainly hasn't actually worked a single year of his life, REAL work, not merely telling his lackeys to invest in this or invest in that...
Who speaks in an unintelligent, childish manner...
who laughs at people with disabilities, mocking their disability...
who laughs about sexual assault as if it's just "locker room talk" to talk about assault and getting away with it because of your power and privilege...
who knows nothing of church except how to best package a Bible to sell an overpriced one to people willing to buy them...
who knows nothing of the Bible, clearly...
who is openly hedonistic with gold toilets and multiple overpriced mansions...
whose idea of getting out and exercise is driving around in a golf cart and pretending he's an athlete...

THAT is the kind of person you prefer over folks like me...

faithful to one spouse their entire life...
decent parent figures to their own children and children that are not their own...
who pour out their lives as teachers, sunday school teachers, social workers, those who help the disabled...
lifelong faithful churchgoers, active in leadership at their churches...
well read and intellectually curious...
active in the community and lover and defender of creation...

You find the first openly hedonistic, openly amoral man to be preferable to decent hardworking neighbors who help other neighbors out, who are faithful to their families, faithful to their churches and communities. You find people like ME "perverted" but not him.

Do you at least understand how people looking at regular people like me and at the open hedonism and amorality of Trump, and listening to you say you PREFER the hedonist, that they might find you to be irrational and morally addled?

Bubba said...

Dan, I won't speak for Marshall, but just as you omitted Crooks's ActBlue donation in asserting that what little we know all points to the killer being a Republican, here I think you ignore a key reason for his low estimation of you.

People in these conversations don't have direct access to all the noble private deeds you claim about yourself, ONLY how you interact with us, and we've seen sociopathic behavior from you for more than a decade.

You lie. A LOT. You communicate to obfuscate not to clarify, you sacrifice the truth to try to make what you think is the strongest possible point, and you do this in talking directly to us.

Here again, as deeply flawed as the man is, Trump didn't mock a man's disability, and he didn't joke about assault, "they let you" being a clear indication of the consent which is normally your stated standard for morality. You could have dropped those from your list of Trump's failings, or you could have described them accurately, but you chose demagoguery.

You've been doing this sort of thing for as long as we've known you, and the dishonesty is almost at its apex when you discuss politics. It should be no wonder that, after YEARS of DIRECT interactions with you, people find you less trustworthy ON POLITICAL MATTERS than even an egocentric politician like Trump. You have a track record with us, and the esteem you claim you deserve as a husband and father doesn't undo or overshadow the lack of principle you exhibit when interacting with us.

...and I think it's worth mentioning that you're even worse about religion than you are about the politics you derive from your religious beliefs. The biblical arguments for inerrancy far outweigh any arguments for condoning homosexuality, but you demand overwhelming evidence for the former while allowing for an argument from silence for the latter. There's no consistency there EXCEPT your preordained conclusions.

If you're truly devout, it can only be because you eschew the Christian virtue of honesty for a personal belief in something like the Muslim doctrine of taqqiya which endorses lying if it's useful.

I personally would love an honest discussion with you about faith, because I'm sometimes curious about what you really believe, but I've mostly come to ignore you because that's a long wait for a train that ain't coming.

Bubba said...

As a quick aside, it's striking how Trump's apparent success at being a father and grandfather don't count in his favor: how Don Jr. compares quite favorably to Hunter Biden, and how many of Trump's closest associates vouch for him.

Craig said...

"It's always important to wait for the details. I did not rush to judgment on any of those, I don't believe that Democrats (by and large) rushed to judgment on any of those, so not sure what that has to do with anything."

Well it has to do with the fact that the MSM and the APL DID rush to judgement and in many cases are still spewing the false narratives that came out of the rush to judgement. What you believe is irrelevant when facts are available.

"As to those on the left who might have said that it was too bad that Trump wasn't killed, well, they're not in the mainstream, are they? I know of no Democrats/progressives who've said that kind of thing."

Well, Kyle Gass is pretty "mainstream", I'd say that congressional staffers are also pretty "mainstream", the fact that you "know of" no one doesn't mean that it's not being said. But it's a good excuse to ignore things while feeding your pride.

"But what of the pervert king you keep voting for and his repeated demonization of immigrants, the media, liberals... HE is not a random outsider, HE is the leader of the modern conservative/GOP movement. Will you never condemn him for his racist, homophobic, dangerously stupid false claims?"

How does that excuse those who literally wished that Trump had been killed and did so in very public forums?

"You can't condemn "liberals" for the rantings of a few on the margin WHILE remaining silent on the mainstream nonsense of Trump and the modern maga movement in support of his attacks on fellow citizens."

I haven't, strangely enough this is another example of you failing to do what you demand of others.

"AND, when I say "attacks," I'm not over the top demonizing Trump, I'm stating that when he calls the media "an enemy of the people," when he calls progressives and even conservatives (like Liz Cheney and Mike Pence) liars intent on destroying the US... I'm just pointing out what your leader/prince is saying and why it's dangerous coming from the big mouthpiece of modern conservatism."

When you say "attacks" you mean words, not bullets. I get it, you see no difference between words and actions, and you find Trump's words worse that those on the left who you make excuses for. Double standard strikes again.

"You all will be judged by history for your support for/votes for this man."

History isn't capable of rendering judgement. It's not sentient. Strange that you think you'll somehow be exempt from this judgement you call down on others.

Craig said...

"I am the husband of one wife, faithful for our marriage of 40 years, loving parent of two great kids. I am a deacon, worship leader and leader in my church for all my adult life. I work with those with disabilities, helping them get jobs. I welcome the homeless and immigrants into my home and make them welcome at my church. I am a lover of God's good creation and a defender of this planet created by God."

Look at Dan, look at how freely he expresses his pride in himself and his accomplishments. How cute it is that he thinks that YHWH somehow needs Dan to defend that which YHWH created. Dan welcomes a few immigrants and thinks that qualifies him to pass judgement on others.

Craig said...

"You'll take an adulterous womanizer..."

As if Trump is the fist who's ever strayed.

"a spoiled rich kid who has had everything handed to him his whole life..."

Look, class envy. This notion that Trump has accomplished absolutely nothing is childish.

"until he learned to use his wealth and privilege to bully, abuse and get away with things as wealthy white men always have..."

But only "wealthy white men" , racist much? Wealthy POC would never do anything like this. Heaven forbid one use one's resources to benefit oneself and one's family.

"Who almost certainly hasn't actually worked a single year of his life, REAL work, not merely telling his lackeys to invest in this or invest in that..."

Look, Dan now has appointed himself the arbiter of defining "real work". Yet he never levels this criticism at Soros, Buffett, Gates, Jobs, or any left wing billionaires.

"Who speaks in an unintelligent, childish manner...
who laughs at people with disabilities, mocking their disability...
who laughs about sexual assault as if it's just "locker room talk" to talk about assault and getting away with it because of your power and privilege..."

Again while these things represent a serious problem, they're hardly limited to Trump.

"who knows nothing of church except how to best package a Bible to sell an overpriced one to people willing to buy them..."

This is True, unfortunately Trump is not looking to become a pastor or lead the Church, but rather to be president of a secular, representative republic.

"who knows nothing of the Bible, clearly..."

Again, no argument, but then neither did P-BO, and Biden doesn't appear to know much either.

"who is openly hedonistic with gold toilets and multiple overpriced mansions..."

Given the fact that Clinton, P-BO, Kerry, Gore, Biden also have multiple ostentatious mansions, I'm not sure this is the flex you think it is. It's more of you applying a standard to one person, while not applying it to everyone.

"whose idea of getting out and exercise is driving around in a golf cart and pretending he's an athlete..."

Spoken like someone who has no idea what it takes to play a round of golf, who ignored the fact that Biden does the same thing, and lies about Trump calling himself "an athlete".

"THAT is the kind of person you prefer over folks like me..."

I absolutely prefer folks like Trump over folks like you who are compelled to attack those your disagree with using ad homs and vitriol. Who demonstrate such pride in their accomplishments. Who lie about other with such ease. I know exactly who/what Trump is and set my expectations accordingly. I think that he is the better choice than Biden to do one thing, be president. I'm not asking him to be my friend, pastor, relative, babysitter, or anything else. I prefer someone who's upfront about who/what he is, rather that someone who lives hiding behind double standards.

"faithful to one spouse their entire life...
decent parent figures to their own children and children that are not their own...
who pour out their lives as teachers, sunday school teachers, social workers, those who help the disabled...
lifelong faithful churchgoers, active in leadership at their churches...
well read and intellectually curious...
active in the community and lover and defender of creation..."

Look how proud of himself Dan is. Look at how Dan focuses on himself.

Craig said...


As always good to see you, and we'd like to see you interact more at various blogs. Excellent point in contrasting Trump's kids to Biden's, and pointing out that Dan's claims of virtue are overshadowed by our actual interactions with him and his failure to display those virtues in this forum.

Bubba said...

Much appreciated, Craig, though time is always a limiting factor. What other blogs should I visit? IS funny, how Dan falls back to the routine that he's "jes reg'lar folks" when our problem is with him in particular, based on more than a decade of interactions. It's like those hundreds of other conversations never happened, every new post is on a blank slate, and just as he's never really changed from being challenged, we're not supposed to draw any negative conclusions about him.

Marshal Art said...

July 17, 2024 at 4:12 PM

I almost don't need to respond to this Trabue comment given the really good responses by both Craig and Bubba (it's always good to see you post comments).

But I wanna. After all, it was directed at me.

"You'll take an adulterous womanizer..."

Not because he's an adulterous womanizer, of course. Those I've known personally did not enjoy any support for the behavior from me. You praise absolute and actual sexual perverts...even daring to suggest, despite their clear rebellion against God by their choice of lifestyle, they're among the most Christian people you know. (A common suggestion about some atheists by fake and non-Christians)

"a spoiled rich kid who has had everything handed to him his whole life..."

How do you know this exactly? Do you suppose that every rich man (Fred died with a net worth of around $300 million according to Wiki) "spoils" their kids just because they're financially able, and that they never insist upon their kids ever working for that which they do "give" them (which is actually "earned" by the kids given their requirement to perform in some to receive it). You're again embracing grace by assuming negative behaviors and actions you have no evidence to support, just because of your grace embracing hatred.

"until he learned to use his wealth and privilege to bully, abuse and get away with things as wealthy white men always have..."

All actual evidence suggests he learned to use his wealth to increase his wealth. You've no evidence he ever bullied anyone, and that's allowing that he might have at some point in his life. You've no evidence he's ever abused anyone, but rationalize that belief by virtue of there having been some people who have accused him of non-payment for work performed. You don't investigate those claims to ascertain details of any kind, including the distinct possibility that the plaintiff did shit work or in some way didn't meet the terms of the agreement between he and Trump. You just choose to believe the accusation, because one embraces grace by regarding all accusations and allegations about an opponent as proof of guilt.

Marshal Art said...

"Who almost certainly hasn't actually worked a single year of his life, REAL work, not merely telling his lackeys to invest in this or invest in that..."

This is a totally hopeful wish that such a thing is true, because you choose to embrace grace in suggest negative traits about someone you hate in your grace embracing.

"Who speaks in an unintelligent, childish manner..."

That he isn't the most polished, articulate orator doesn't even belong on your list of grace embracing hateful accusations. Honest, intelligent people who have been paying attention to him rarely fail to understand his point. Much harder with two people one Jeff St jackass actually had the moronic gall to suggest are better, more intelligent choices for P & VP. Biden and Harris are masters at butchering the Queen's English and/or spewing nonsensical gibberish they put forth as profound.

"who laughs at people with disabilities, mocking their disability..."

This has been proven to you repeatedly as being a straight up, Jeff St "Christian" grace embracing lie, willfully and intentionally told despite all solid and unassailable evidence to the contrary. This one point...that you will continue to say the same fucking lies over and over again long after they were proven to be fucking does your "better man" Joe Biden when he continues to lie about Charlottesville, his son's death, the inflation rate at the time of his taking office and so many other things...this one point alone validates my statement that he's far more preferable to the likes of you and your kind.

"who laughs about sexual assault as if it's just "locker room talk" to talk about assault and getting away with it because of your power and privilege..."

Another of your willful intentional lies about which you've been shown proof of its falseness many times. You're an inveterate liar who might actually make Joe Biden look like Honest Abe. Only a pervert like you would insist upon continually perverting the truth just to corrupt others to your perverted way of thinking.

Marshal Art said...

"faithful to one spouse their entire life..."

I've never gotten a pat on the back for doing what I'm supposed to. Even when doing what I'm supposed to is acknowledged at all, it's hardly accompanied by applause or special highlighting. Indeed, as a Christian, most of what you say about yourself in hopes of marketing yourself as "a good guy" is just that...behavior expected of a Christian. Of course you crap on it all with your love and promotion of sexual perversion, but whatever...

"decent parent figures to their own children and children that are not their own..."

All Trump's kids seem to be pretty decent people raising decent kids of their own. I'm unaware of any being sexually fondled or partners in showers with their father. None are drug addicted patrons of whores, so far as anyone knows. I'm not even sure if they drink alcohol, given Trump's aversion to it.

As to kids not his own, he's done much for so many simply through improving the economy alone.

"who pour out their lives as teachers, sunday school teachers, social workers, those who help the disabled..."

"pour out their lives"??? Can you be more purposely false in attempting to make more of what people do so as to contrast them to Trump? I've a daughter who's been a high school teacher in a crappy area of Lake County Illinois. I'm going to ask her is she refers to herself in that way, or was it just something she wanted to do. And as to "pouring out one's life", Trump certainly came far closer to that than you ever have. Given the treatment he's received by grace embracing Democrats/leftists/progressives/marxists (same things) since he first announced for the presidency in 2015, it's hard to believe he didn't have a growing awareness, as so many of us who support him have, that it's only a matter of time before someone tries to assassinate him. Yet, he never wavered in his desire to serve We The People...ALL OF US. It's not wavering now.

Dan Trabue said...

for all the factual and unassailable arguments given so many times.

You think I'm a pervert because I disagree with you about the love, respect and beauty of our dear LGBTQ friends and their marriages and lives, right? And because I believe that we should be welcoming of immigrants, right?

THAT, to you, equals "perverted..." even though I take my positions in an effort to be loving and true to God and the good, to be friends to historically oppressed people, to promote that which is loving, kind, holy and good, right?

It's not like I'm thinking, "These things are atrocious evils, I'm gonna support them!" because clearly, I don't think that. I just disagree with your personal human opinions on these topics. THAT to you makes me "perverse."

Do you understand how presumptuous that is? How wrong it is, if you turn out to be wrong (as I'm sure you'll one day see, standing before Jesus, if nothing else)?

Disagreeing with Marshal is not perversion. EVEN IF Marshal really thinks he's right on these topics and in Marshal's personal human opinion, he REALLLLY thinks God agrees with Marshal, it's still not perverse to disagree with you in an effort to be good, moral, just and loving. Right?

I hope you can at least appreciate how perverse your understanding of "perversion" would be to probably the majority of morally reasoning people.

Marshal Art said...

"EVEN IF Marshal really thinks he's right on these topics and in Marshal's personal human opinion, he REALLLLY thinks God agrees with Marshal, it's still not perverse to disagree with you in an effort to be good, moral, just and loving. Right?"

Wrong. First of all, I don't "think" I'm right. There's no legitimate argument you can make to so much as hint that I'm wrong. There's nothing. So it's not a matter of disagreeing with me. You're rejecting what is clearly revealed in Scripture and pretending....lying, really...that there is some Biblical justification for not putting any effort in leading your fag and lezzie friends from their abominable lifestyle choices toward a true relationship with God. Will you defend my orientation, which could result in me slapping the crap out of you should we ever cross paths? I don't think so. You choose which "orientation" is tolerable by YOUR preference, not on what is pleasing to God. You pervert His Word to rationalize your embrace of perversion. You're a pervert.

"I hope you can at least appreciate how perverse your understanding of "perversion" would be to probably the majority of morally reasoning people."

I appreciate that you'll believe what you need to believe in order to rationalize your perversion. Truly moral people do not enable perversion like you do.

Bubba said...


"Disagreeing with Marshal is not perversion. EVEN IF Marshal really thinks he's right on these topics and in Marshal's personal human opinion, he REALLLLY thinks God agrees with Marshal, it's still not perverse to disagree with you in an effort to be good, moral, just and loving. Right?"

If you were consistent, you would live by the standards you seek to impose on others, and you would abstain from denouncing as perverse behaviors that YOU dislike in your own "personal human opinion."

Jesus warns against hypocrisy, and even a theological and political leftist should be willing to heed that warning, but no: you seem either unwilling or unable to give others the leeway you demand for yourself. It should be no wonder we hold you in contempt.

This quote of yours should be shoved down your throat every single time you weigh in on morality.

Dan Trabue said...

Truly moral people do not enable perversion like you do.

Do you understand and recognize that, by your defense of Trump - the serial sexual harasser, mocker of the disabled, obvious corrupt convicted felon - that this is EXACTLY what you are doing?

The difference being, people can look at who I'm defending and enabling - grandmothers who happen to be lesbians, gay deacons, teachers who were undocumented immigrants, etc - and they look at the trainwreck of morality that you're defending, and they can see the obvious difference. Clearly, without question, Trump is at best amoral (certainly that) and at worst immoral without caring about it... he is clearly a vulgar rapist and/or sexual predator who boasts and laughs about his sexual perversions, including ogling teenaged girls... and they see you enabling THAT mess.

Do you see how people think you're specifically and deliberately enabling a very perverted, amoral man/conman/bigot/xenophobe/sexual predator/liar?

Marshal Art said...

"Do you understand and recognize that, by your defense of Trump---snip---that this is EXACTLY what you are doing?"

I understand and recognize how desperately you want that to be true. But here's the thing: my support of Trump is not a defense of every and any sin he may have committed. Never has been, and indeed, I've expressed my disapproval of is adulterous and womanizing behavior so many times there's no need to respond to your asshole implication that I haven't, or that by supporting him for president means I'm now going to promoted adulterous and womanizing behavior as moral or morally benign. But even if I did, I'd be promoting immoral behavior, not perverse behavior. It is not perverse to dig hot babes and want to have sex with them. It's how humankind continues. It leads to subsequent generations of humans. The perversions you embrace, defend, support, enable and celebrate do not. Perversion is of no benefit to society and certainly not to the culture. While we encourage self-discipline, delaying sexual self-gratification until a true relationship is established and offspring will be raised properly, that which leads such...ogling potential partners, digging the hot babes and wanting to indulge in intimate natural to that most necessary outcome. A dude getting hot for another dude's package is not.

"- the serial sexual harasser, mocker of the disabled, obvious corrupt convicted felon - "

Chatting up hot babes receptive to the attention is not serial sexual harassment. Lying that it's serial sexual harassment is perverting reality. There's no legitimate evidence Trump sexually harassed anyone. No credible testimonies, and no...E. Jean Carroll was not credible at all and the result of that miscarriage of justice should not have resulted in picking Trump's pocket.

Once again, it's been proven to you more than once that Trump never mocked anyone by making fun of their disability. You consciously choose to perpetuate this lie, because lying is what you do. Lying is a perversion as you pervert the truth/reality when you lie. You're a pervert.

There is no credible evidence of Trump corruption. There is only accusations never confirmed. We're seeing far more evidence of corruption having been perpetrated by Biden, and the Dem party is corrupt just based on their platform alone. What's more, he's not a felon until the appeals process is completed, the verdict against him confirmed and he's sentenced.

Marshal Art said...

"The difference being, people can look at who I'm defending and enabling - grandmothers who happen to be lesbians, gay deacons, teachers who were undocumented immigrants, etc - and they look at the trainwreck of morality that you're defending, and they can see the obvious difference."

You're correct. And they will see that you're defending and enabling perverts. They are perverts by definition and practice. True "train wrecks of morality". Trump has led a less than moral life and again, no one disputes that. I wouldn't be surprised if he copped to that as well, especially now. They would also see the difference that I'm not defending Trump's immorality, while you're defending the immorality of perverts. Again, I've never seen you condemn their behavior, but rather, you rationalize it by saying they're in "loving, committed relationships". Well guess what? So was Trump with every babe he bedded, even if some of them only lasted to the point both were sexually satisfied. In the throes of sexual passion, you're damned sure to be committed until satisfied.

"Clearly, without question, Trump is at best amoral..."

Really? Based on what? His passion for hot babes? One might use that term in a limited sense, distinctly referring to his desire to get down with a dame, though you have no idea if he still is amoral. But to be amoral is to be unconcerned with the rightness or wrongness of something. Your pervs reject the fact that their behavior is unequivocally well as perverted.

"...and at worst immoral without caring about it..."

Which...uh...would mean he's "amoral".

Marshal Art said...

"...he is clearly a vulgar rapist"

He can be vulgar in the classic sense of the word, and is recorded as using what many regard as vulgar (as in "obscene") language. You're vulgar in your defense of perversion.

But there's no evidence he raped anyone. No credible testimony...only gold digging women like E. Jean Carroll whose story is not verified by anyone and considered total bullshit by those familiar with the location where she claimed it took place. Ivanna Trump recanted the claim of rape she made in her book, saying she was just still really pissed about the divorce. She insisted she wasn't raped after all. Vulgar is also constantly accusing a better man of being a rapist or sexual predator or harasser. It's also perverse in that I'm certain you get a tingle in your lady bits thinking about Trump on top of a struggling woman, given how often you default to this allegation.

That he's joked about sexual matters is meaningless. It's also vulgarity, but it doesn't have the value to you as you wish it does and desperately need it to be. And again, ogling attractive females...even teenaged not "perversion". It's natural. Many unattractive women and girls would kill to be ogled. And while it can be creepy, that's a subjective thing. Merely taking a long look at a hot babe is what normal men and boys do.

Once again, you're just working hard to make Trump as vile as you can because you're a pervert and a liar and an incredibly irrational, but typical TDS sufferer.

"Do you see how people think you're specifically and deliberately enabling a very perverted, amoral man/conman/bigot/xenophobe/sexual predator/liar?"

No. I sure see how you do! But you're all about embracing grace and to describe him in that way (you couldn't come up with more words to add to the list?) demonstrates what a vile and vulgar pervert of a grace embracer you truly are. You're certainly no Christian!

Marshal Art said...

One more thing, Dan...when does "toning down the rhetoric" begin for you grace embracers, anyway?

Bubba said...


"Do you see how people think you're specifically and deliberately enabling a very perverted, amoral man/conman/bigot/xenophobe/sexual predator/liar?"

Perverted, you say?

Disagreeing with Dan is not perversion. EVEN IF Dan really thinks he's right on these topics and in Dan's personal human opinion, he REALLLLY thinks God agrees with Dan, it's still not perverse to disagree with you in an effort to be good, moral, just and loving. Right?

Craig said...

"What other blogs should I visit?"

I'd always appreciate your input at mine.

Bubba said...

Craig, I'll try to make it a habit to drop by!

Craig said...


It'd be great to have you. You've been missed.