Monday, October 23, 2023

Leftist Shamefulness: Can It Get Any Worse Edition

Finally finished this one!

With the problems Israel now faces, it is as difficult to focus on one angle as it is to focus on Biden incompetency.  There's just so much.   So this will be a bit scattershot, a kind of "roundup" type post unless something specific draws my attention. 

One of the most heinous aspects of this situation...apart from the heinous evil inflicted upon Israel by Hamas on 7 October, is the leftist response to it.  It seems impossible for the left to speak on the issue without some measure of Jew hatred, manifesting mostly in false comparisons meant to indict the nation of Israel as "just as bad" as those who seek its destruction.  I won't stand for that shit at this blog.  I won't delete assholes who try to perpetrate such lies, like Dan does in deleting truths he cannot overcome, but I'll simply call out those who do as the assholes they are, even if not in so many words.  

That said, we've seen and heard lefties try to equivocate in a variety of ways, mostly suggesting opposition of violence from either side, as if the violence perpetrated is equal in nature.  With extremely rare exceptions which don't ever come to mind, the violence perpetrated against Israel and Jews (I'll simply say "Jews" from this point on) is not in any way comparable to that which is perpetrated by the Jews in response.  This current situation is just one more example of the difference between Jews and those who seek their utter destruction.  The Jews do NOT target civilians.  EVER!  I've never seen it.  I've never been presented with evidence where it ever took place.  EVER!  Yet, our very own Dumbass Dan has suggested such a thing.  That muslim civilians die in a military response to muslim murder is the consequence of muslim tactics as well as simply a truth of war.  But those civilians are victims of muslim misbehavior, for there would be no Jewish response if not for muslim murderous attacks.  That's just a fact.

Recently there was an exchange between a reporter and the vile ( "Squad".  Here, we see an example of false equivalency so vital to leftist perspective on issues like this.  The ungrateful America-hater, Ilhan Omar refuses to condemn the atrocities of Hamas and pretends that we're now to focus our attention on the likely suffering of pallie civilians.  She says this as if its an ongoing assault on the pallie civilian population.  She clearly doesn't care in the least for Jewish lives.  Neither, apparently, did any of the other Dem asshats standing with her.  But if they care so much about muslim lives, they should be railing against the murderous attacks by their beloved muslims which bring about responses which jeopardize the lives of muslim civilians.  No one is targeting muslims (except perhaps other muslims), but only targeting those who launched murderous attacks.  Other Dem assholes, like Cori Bush, pretends they're "oppressed" in the same way she wants people to believe black people are "oppressed".   The left never cares about true victims of crime and violence.  They prefer to present terrorist and criminal thugs as victims.  They're liars. 

And speaking of ungrateful America-hating assholes, there's Rashida Tlaib, who, along with the aforementioned bitch Omar, was quick to accuse the Jews of bombing a hospital...pretending to weep about the lost lives.  She made no effort to confirm the reports of the islamists who made the claim, and as far as I know at this point, she's made no effort to apologize for pushing the MISINFORMATION!  (Isn't the left supposed to be so greatly opposed to misinformation??)  Like the left always does, they are quick to regard the least negative allegation against their betters as gospel.

And of course as far as THAT goes, ( the pure-as-the-driven-snow leftist media was keen to jump on that story as fact as well.  This isn't surprising, since to the left, the Jews are like conservatives and Christians.  Again, any allegation is truth to them when it denigrates any of those groups.  Leftist journalism doesn't include any actual search for truth, and as suggested in the article, "the MSM does virtually no independent investigating anymore, relying wholly on biased outlets like the AP and Reuters which themselves knowingly rely on biased local sources, and also acts as willing stooges for Deep State leaks."  And who were the sources for these initial reports?  FREAKIN' HAMAS!!!  Yeah...let's go with them!  They never lie!  (  The leftist media are incompetent, lazy and dishonest.  (Dumbass Dan is all about dishonesty!)

Then we have the many leftist controlled colleges and universities where stupid kids have bought into the lies of the left taught to them by leftist professors.   Some, like ( this asshole in the link, later tried to tap dance their way out of the shit storm they created for themselves, after having aided in stoking anti-Jewish sentiment among the stupid they're supposed to be grooming into responsible, mature adults.  It's abhorrent and every damned one of them should lose their jobs.

Among the worst of the leftists with regard to this issue is the current administration, as well as Obama's.  Their constant financial aid to those who seek our destruction along with that of the Jews is reprehensible and treasonous.  These murderers, such as those running Iran, constantly speak of us in the most hateful manner and somehow, Dem morons don't believe what they're so openly told.   This makes the Democrat Party the greatest danger to the survival of the United States of America.  And they prove it over and over again is so very many ways.  There should never be one more red cent given to any muslim nation which hasn't proven itself opposed to terrorism and Jew hatred, and then it would still be a risky idea.  And to contrast a great president against these two imbeciles, Donald Trump helped forge alliances between Israel and several arab nations, while the two imbeciles have put the Jews...and greater risk by sending islamists aid.  Gaza can go scratch.  They are undeserving until they rise up against their own to put a stop to the murder and hate.  Do you think that'll happen anytime soon?

A good knee-slapper is leftist calls for "proportional" responses to islamic barbarism.  Apparently the left didn't think that one out.  Otherwise, Israel's "proportional" response would include dragging families from their homes to be kidnapped, raped and murdered, decapitating and burning alive infants and all manner of other forms of evil.  Leftists are really stupid people.

Finally for this post, there's "restraint" and "cease-fire".  This is what Greg Gutfeld brilliantly described as "a free punch".  The evil can do what they want and the "restraint" response from leftists is a free pass.  It happens every time, and also with regard to domestic terrorism, otherwise known as criminal behavior.  We enable and promote this vile evil when we don't crush it when it raises its ugly evil head.  It was in Omar's lying outrage, "Yeah...they murdered 1400 Israelis, but how many lives do you want to see lost?"  Give me a break.  You don't get to demand restraint after never ever showing any yourselves (and I include all pallie supporters as complicit). 

It seems the left is out to raise the bar on shamefulness once again.  Can it get any worse?  I can't see that it won't.


Neil said...

"Otherwise, Israel's "proportional" response would include dragging families from their homes to be kidnapped, raped and murdered, decapitating and burning alive infants and all manner of other forms of evil. Leftists are really stupid people."

Exactly. The Left doesn't want proportion, they want Jews exterminated. Yet those Jews will still vote Left, just like the blacks on the urban plantations do.

And while Leftists are wildly ignorant about economics and more, but they are more evil than stupid.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Trump banned any more Muslims entering the USA and one of the first things Biden-Obama did was override that law and open the doors wide for Muslims. Seeing as how the political-religion of Islam is to conquer the world while eradicating Jews and Christians, EVERYONE in the world should fear Islam (true "Islamaphobia") and deport ever single Muslim from Every non-muslim country (England, France, Spain, Germany, et al)

Conservative Tears said...

Biden is still likely gonna be elected yir next president. LOLOLOOLOLLOLOLOLO!!!!!

Marshal Art said...


As we are all sinners, it's hard not to regard the left as especially so, whether intentionally or by virtue of having been corrupted or given over. But "stupid" is much more obvious, as we can't know as easily if evil is intentional or not. Stupidity, however, flows from them so routinely, and the effects of it harm everyone, including themselves. They're too stupid to see it.

Marshal Art said...


I believe Trump simply barred muslims from certain countries where terrorism and a lack of reliable vetting were the norm. I don't believe he blocked all of them. But due to so many having been allowed, we get morons like Tlaib and Omar elected in districts where they have become a large enough percentage to make that happen. Worse, is the moron modern progressives tell us idiocy like "diversity is our strength".

Marshal Art said...

Conservative Tears,

Thanks for validating my opinion of leftists as stupid. You're welcome any time.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Well at least TRump banned them from known terrorist countries. A Smart president would ban all Muslims period because their ideology makes them the enemy of the USA (and all other countries)

Marshal Art said...


I can't fault anyone who would feel as you do, as I feel similarly with regard to people of that "faith". By their own teachings, we would be say the least...if we didn't hold them in constant suspicion. I don't much like that they've put us in this position, and only moronic modern progressives would pretend the fear is unjustified or irrational. I've known many muslims in my life. Indeed, I lived next door to a family of them (from Bosnia) and we got along famously.

The problem is how this sentiment conflicts with the American principle of innocent until proven guilty at the very least. I don't believe all muslims are murderous or supportive of murderous behavior. I don't even believe they all buy into every tenet of their "faith". This is where vetting comes into play as well as a strict policy regarding immigration and the admission of any foreigner regardless of place of origin.

Despite what moronic modern progressive fake Christians choose to pretend is true, we have absolutely no obligation to allow anyone to cross over our borders into our country. None. More precisely, or government has an absolute obligation to protect our people and choosing whom we allow entry is one important aspect of that. Immigration is for OUR benefit and if no benefit can be realized beforehand, a migrant has no claim on our hospitality.

Now, given the circumstances and the abject Jew-hatred in our country alone by pallies among us, and those who support them over Israel, it would behoove us to deny entry to any coming from muslim majority nations...particularly those who were on the list by which both Trump and Obama went.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Muslim teaching says to befriend those around you until you are in a position to take over. If people are REAL Muslims, their teaching says then MUST take over every country and must convert everyone to Islam and must eradicate Jews. If they don't believe that then they are no more Muslim than those who deny CHris is God are Christians.
I do not trust ANY Muslims because Islam's teachings are dangerous to any non-Muslim.

Marshal Art said...

Again, Glenn...I have the same misgivings. Trust me on that. But I also know that those MINOs are worthy of some measure of graciousness because they don't buy into every edict of the "faith". The problem is there's no way to read a man's heart to know with any certainty just how devoted or not he is. Thus, extra scrutiny is simply self-preservation.

Bubba said...

Gutfield puts it well, a "free punch" is exactly right -- and a proportional response makes sense ONLY during "normal" relations where wars are fought over borders and not fundamental existence. An existential threat cannot reasonably be met with proportionality.

I see that Hamas is already threatening to repeat 10/7 over and over again. The right response is an EFFECTIVE response, even if that means very large scale.

Bubba said...

About MINOs, it seems historically the contributions to civilization (there's that word again) were concentrated among Muslims who weren't devout -- and by that I mean math and astronomy and architecture and poetry. See the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam for instance.

About mass immigration, I think there's much wisdom in another poem, "The Stranger" by that racist imperialist Rudyard Kipling.

Marshal Art said...


I believe Craig cited the very same tweet to present the reality of Hamas intentions. It should be spread all over social media, but more importantly on the mainstream media for all to see. The dude flips the script with regard who is threatened by whom, as is typical.

A proportional response in this case can reasonably be perpetrated, if by "reasonable" one simply means tit for tat. The main goal is the total eradication of Israel. Proportion would mean the total eradication of all who seek that end. The attendant rape and torture is not required, but would also be a manifestation of proportional response.

As to your second comment, it seems where "devotion" is strongest, primitive existence is most likely.

I like that poem. It reflects a reality about the potential downside of immigration. The more homogeneous a society or culture, the less likely problems develop. For a long time, the favored description of the United States as regards this issue was "a melting pot". Now, the left seems to prefer a tossed salad of fruit and vegetables. That could be because the left is composed of so many fruits and vegetables.