Friday, July 08, 2022

If Dan Says "Stay Away", Part 2

 Continuing on with Dan's nonsense about right-wing "conspiracy theories"....

"The media is an enemy of the state" 

 To begin, this is not accurately presented.  The proper way to say Trump has said that the media is the enemy of the people, since "state" can refer to the government.  But the media is a tool of the leftist governmental animals we call, "the Democrat Party".  Nor is it a "conspiracy theory" so much as a blatant and obvious reality all honest people easily see in real time.  Now, I'm not going to spend too much time on this issue given I've done two or three posts on the problem with links to a multitude of examples of media malfeasance.  Instead, I'll just once again refer to the willful withholding of information regarding the Hunter Biden laptop scandal which was shown to have made a huge difference in the 2020 election outcome.  Considering the incredible damage the Biden administration has done to this nation, this one act of media partisanship completely validates the claim that the leftist media is the enemy of the people.  

"Obama was not a US citizen"

Setting aside this was initiated by Dan's own party, it was a claim which could easily have been put to bed had it been addressed from the time Hillary Clinton...or people in her campaign...first suggested it:

There continued questions regarding Obama's place of birth as well as the veracity of that which was presented as his birth certificate because of what was started by Hillary. 

What's more, this story goes back to the previous issue of the press being the enemy of the state.  Rather than dig into the story when it was first brought about, the media...even Fox...chose not to pursue it despite indications it might be true, including statements by Obama and members of his family.  The press has no business running interference for any politician of either party, but rather, they're to run interference for the unvarnished truth.  Should Obama have been denied the presidency?  Well, it's way too freakin' late now, isn't it?  And that's by design.  A lot easier to ignore a claim than to put in the journalistic effort to confirm or rebut it.  Indeed, Kamala Harris doesn't satisfy all Constitutional criteria, either, but don't hold your breath waiting for the leftist media to confirm or rebut it, unless it serves the party to do so.  

In any case, and now especially, there weren't too many who focused on the birther issue anyway, but Dan needs to believe it was a belief widely held to pad the list.  Most people were more concerned the media didn't feel it their obligation to honestly investigate it.

""Climate change" is fake science" 

This is another claim inaccurately presented by Dan the liar.  What honest intelligent people of the right acknowledge is that the left is lying...or is incredibly promoting the policies they demand and how without them we're doomed.  None...or infinitesimally few...of their predictions regarding climate have come true, none of their promotion of "clean energy" are currently viable alternatives and our nation's need to finance the "climate change" policies in other nations is anything more than another leftist redistribution of wealth.   The "science" the left spews is false.  What's fake is their promotion of it as an "existential threat".  There is no greater threat to our nation than the left.

""Covid" is fake science and Fauci et al are spreading lies"

 Of course this isn't a "theory" of any kind at all, but is a conspiracy by Fauxci and his kind.  There was never any need for any lock downs, for instance, and that was obvious very early on.  There was plenty of evidence it did no good and enough proving it did harm, but for reasons unrelated to public health, the left persisted in their Covid fascism for as long as they could.  The need for masking was without scientific basis, yet the left demanded it and still one needn't look too hard to find many who still wear their 90 degree heat.  They went out of their way to deny access to information regarding preventative measures.  To pretend that Fauxci "et al" aren't spreading lies is itself a lie.  Thus, not a conspiracy "theory" at all. 

"The Clintons killed Epstein, Foster, Rich and others to silence them"

Dan may have actually hit on one here.  Then again,  it's strange how many people connected to them died mysteriously:

Probably just a coincidence.

"The earth is only -6,000 years old and any evidence to the contrary was placed there by Satan...?"

Never heard this one.  I mean, I've heard of "Young Earth" theories, but a conspiracy that Satan planted evidence to make it look older?  Never heard anyone say that.  I have heard Dan mock YoungEarthers in this or a similar manner.  So as there is evidence for a young earth, I'm guessing the "conspiracy theory" is that bit about Satan.  Dan's mocked me, in fact, with this absurd notion of planted evidence when I suggested what his "experts" insist is proof of an old universe is simply the result of human limitation.  It's not that anyone...such as trying to fool anyone into believing the universe is old, but only that we don't have the means of proving the age one way or another.  What we do know is that old universe "experts" are keen to dismiss that which young earth proponents present to make their case.  So if there's a conspiracy at all, it's to stifle that which conflicts with old earth interpretations of data.  The young earth position agrees with Scripture.  Old earth people are mostly leftists and atheists, so it's important for them to oppose young earth narratives.  But we'll find out one way or the other soon enough.  I don't much think about it.

"The "homosexual agenda""

If Dan's beloved immoral reprobates didn't actually express their plans for the culture, this might count as a "conspiracy theory".  But what they intend is beyond any doubt or argument, so I don't know why Dan would put this on his laughable list...except that he's so enamored of sexual immorality he needs to disparage and demonize those who revere God's Will on the issue of human sexuality and morality. 

"One set of crazy stupidly false claims after another, promoted as if they are real or that they MIGHT be real."

 You know what would work really well here?  Some kind of fact-based, evidence-based counter argument to any claim made by a conservative or right-winger Dan and his lefty lunatics find problematic.  Just imagine if he ever produced anything like that!

"Because of this endless cascade of "alternate facts" and stupidly false claims, we just have to start holding Trump-style/supporting "conservatives" to a strict, "Prove it with data" set of guidelines."

The problem here, of course, is the notion that some dumbass like Dan would be in charge of coming up with these "guidelines" which no doubt will be not only legitimate, but equally applied to what lefties want to insist is true.  I mean, good gosh, this clown can't even support the notion there's a "Trump-style" conservatism which somehow differs substantially from classic conservatism.  Of course, Dan has no idea what conservatism is and he's not about to hold himself to any strict "Prove it with data" guideline to explain it.

I'm going to cut this off here and then pick up the rest of the laugh fest with Part 3 later.  Stay tuned.


Eternity Matters said...

Anyone denying the Pervert Agenda, especially now that you can watch endless videos of the groomers boasting about their strategies, is a wicked liar.

We know Clinton flew to Epstein’s place. We know that Epstein and Ghislane were convicted to trafficking, but no one asks them to whom the girls were trafficked!

*Some* climate science is accurate, but the conclusions they draw are illogical and poisonous to the masses. And they just *happen* to benefit the elites.

Dan Trabue said...


"Never heard this one. I mean, I've heard of "Young Earth" theories, but a conspiracy that Satan planted evidence to make it look older? Never heard anyone say that."

Not sure how common this one is, but I've certainly read it out there. That, and the notion that God planted this "fake evidence" to test us. As we can see here:

" Others say that Satan created these fossils in order to deceive us."


"Are the fossils we find in the ground from real animals or are they fake created by God to test us?"

Marshal Art said...


I agree, as my comments in the post attest. The ""Gay" Agenda" isn't a theory at all, but it certainly is a conspiracy...and they've lured morons like Dan into believing all the crap their agenda of lies wants suckers like him to believe.

It is amazing that they can sentence a woman for finding young girls for Epstein (but there's no grooming going on by leftists) and yet there's no accounting for anyone for whom Epstein sought them. Are we supposed to believe Maxwell coaxed them all exclusively for Epstein? I suppose that's possible. But why isn't there any enemies of the people even asking these questions?

The climate "hoax" is that we're in imminent danger if we don't redirect billions of dollars and crush our current energy industry. We've supposedly rising oceans, but somehow people like Obama have no problem buying property and building homes on the beach. Whether the oceans are rising or falling, that doesn't seem to be a wise purchase.

Marshal Art said...

July 8, 2022 at 9:37 PM

Well Dan, after checking your link, I can only see a list of beliefs proven wrong. Does that make them "conspiracy theories"? No. It makes them beliefs which were proven wrong. But more to the point of your nonsensical point on your nonsensical list, there's no link which speaks to these other beliefs about either God "tricking us" or Satan doing so. However, I'll point out that it's most likely one doesn't hear such things from lefties because so few believe in God in the first place, and "progressive" "Christians" believe in "experts" more. I don't regard small numbers of less educated, less sophisticated believers in God as "conspiratorial". They're only trying to resolve the contradictory claims of "experts" and Scripture. This doesn't even rank as a "nice try".