Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Righteously Pissed

 When I vote, I'm mostly looking for adherence to the Constitution as a basis for determining how an elected official acts with regard to legislation and policy.  Does the elected stay in his lane?  If I believe a candidate performs in this manner, I consider that candidate good for the nation...meaning us.  This doesn't necessarily mean that I will benefit personally, though I believe I do anytime such candidates are elected...provided they aren't later corrupted.  I understand, however, that one with proper intentions can be thwarted in his attempts to bring government more in line with the Constitution, and I don't hold that against him.  My state Congressman, for example, is pretty consistent in performing his duties in this way.  Unfortunately the state is infested with Democrats and the fools who vote for them, making my Congressman's job next to impossible.  But he's one voice speaking the truth, added to the few others who are doing so as well.  As is the case for the electorate, every person moving toward the same goal makes achieving that goal possible. 

Now I'm at a point in my life where retirement should be a given.  While Trump was in office, that looked to be certain.  

 Biden's alleged win in Nov. 2020 changed all that.  And I'm greatly pissed off about it.  And with each passing day, I struggle with how pissed I am toward all who had a hand in it.  All those who rejected Trump have made my life harder after all the years spent seeking to ensure this time of life would be easier.  This isn't a "just part of life" situation, unless being oppressed by the stupid is supposed to be a routine or a guarantee.  None of this had to happen. 

One indication of just how these people crapped on my plans is what has happened since the sale two years ago of my home of over 30 years.  We put the money in an account so that it would grow and be a larger fund by the time we moved out of this shithole state of Illinois...the second leading state for outward migration.  All the interest we accumulated from that sale is now gone completely.   This is what the Biden economy has done.  

Of course, that's just one example of Sleepy Joe's destructive effect on the economy.  Prices of all things are through the roof.  I should save some dough on gas once we're out of here in another month.  Illinois has the second highest amount of taxes on gas purchases in the country, after California.  People near the border never fill up their cars in Illinois.  Sales tax in general should be lower, but I haven't actually compared in detail.  But even with that, all these things for which we shell out our hard earned spondoolies are more expensive now and have risen at a rate that is almost unprecedented.  Again, I was looking to retire and now I have no idea just how long I'll have to put this off.  I'm thinking I should assume the rest of Biden's term, if the stupid allow him to be re-elected.  One must allow for the stupid, because they stupid will confound every time.  It's what stupid people do. 

OH! but Art!  You're so selfish.  You're only thinking of yourself! 

I apologize for not thinking of others while I'm bleeding to death.  The fact is, it's obvious to me that if it sucks this badly for me, who has done an above average job of preparing (and by "me", I mean the wife and I...the two of us becoming one by our matrimonial vows), what of those who haven't been earning on my level?  How bad must they be feeling it?  How are they handling gas prices alone, especially those low income earners who live in the areas with the highest density of stupid, like the city of Chicago?  Gas is over five bucks there.  It's only  ("ONLY"????) averaging around 4.50 per gallon in the burbs.  Man, it's gotta be tough for those about whom the Asshat Party pretends to have such compassion!

This is the most immediate effect of rejecting Trump.  And it was easily predicted to be really bad, even if not this bad.  It seems it only gets worse, and I do not feel I do wrong not to recognize my own level of discomfort and distress stupidity has imposed upon me.  I'm not out of bounds to lament, and definitely not out of bounds to be pissed.  It's the same way a father is pissed at his boy who hurts himself doing what he was warned not to do. 

The main question is how much worse can it get?  That's a most frightening consideration considering how bad things have gotten since Jan 20, 2021 and how quickly.  One's ass is a terrible place to store one's head.  Pull them out, People! 


Eternity Matters said...

I'm so sorry to hear about all that! Inflation is far worse than the reported figures. Take a typical family and look at their budget, then see how the food, gas and rent categories have skyrocketed. Elections have consequences. Leftists literally fail at basic economics. And they are still not getting what they want, which is $7 gas. They are on the record for that, but the Leftist media hides it from the masses. We all need to get out and vote in November. The Republicans are also destroying the country, but at a slower pace than the Democrats.

Marshal Art said...

I will be unable to post the comments of visitors for a few days.

Craig said...

I'm sorry that you've gone through this. Unfortunately, you probably left some money on the table by selling when you did. I suspect you represent quite a few others, so I'm not sure you're being selfish as much as representative.

Marshal Art said...

Selling when we did afforded us flexibility, not knowing anything definite about when we'd find a place in SC and such. It also allowed us the freedom to actually make the move, unencumbered with household cares. The house was over 55 years old, and keeping up with it's age was getting more costly, as well as more labor intensive. I get the "leaving money on the table" part, but as much as I knew Jan 20, 2021 was a shit storm about to happen, I did not want to believe there would be this much shit. I didn't think the difference between after that date versus before it would be so night and day different. Some morons actually thought things would improve.

But the bottom line is that if it is impacting me, how badly must it be hurting the less fortunate? Got help them.