Thursday, February 24, 2022

Important Details, continued

The above is a link to an article at AmericanThinker.  It provides some more recent details that aren't revealed during this special month, details which stand as reasons for a great deal of death and destruction which has plagued our nation over the last decade.  It also provides examples of that which leads some of the wiser Americans to justly regard the leftist mainstream media as enemies of the state.

Once again, I have no problem with discussions about revising how and what is taught to our kids with regard to the history of this country.  Sadly, too many are intent on focusing only on the bad, particularly with regard to race-relations, and it's killing the nation all by itself (not that there aren't other leftist actions constantly perpetrated which do as well). 


This link is to another article speaking to details of slavery the "white privilege" and "1619" crowd ignore or diminish as less important than merely "White Man Bad".

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