Monday, November 22, 2021

Rittenhouse Case Exposes The Left Even Further

Like all normal, honest Americans concerned with actual Constitutionally protected rights, I was pleased as punch to see Kyle Rittenhouse exonerated of the woefully false charges against him which threatened his freedom for nothing.  There was so much video evidence of what happened that night to render the charges against him laughable lies.  I still don't understand what compelled the prosecutors to even bring the charges against him, and then to compound that stupidity by that crap sandwich of a strategy, fraught with all manner of legal blunders.  I have to wonder if these guys ever actually convicted an actual criminal given their clownish attempts to railroad this clearly innocent kid.  Indeed, if I was actually arrested for actually having committed a crime, I would certainly hope I'd be prosecuted by the likes of these bozos.  I'd really like my chances for acquittal. 

But aside from having two morons fail to find a way to unjustly frame the kid, this trial exposed so much which is frightening about our nation.  

First, KR was indicted for actions which took place during a riot by defenders of a true punk...a criminal...who was justly shot by cops attempting to arrest him.  Jacob Blake is but one more thug true assholes wish to portray as a victim of racism.  And once again, it seems quite clear to me that if one wishes to make a case of innocent people being killed by racists...cops or would behoove one to find a victim who is not a criminal shot and/or killed while doing criminal things.  BLM would have a far better chance of hoodwinking intelligent people if they didn't constantly riot over such people who invited their own suffering by their criminality.  Let's review:

Travon Martin---the impetus for BLM, shot by a neighborhood watch captain he was trying to beat to a pulp.  Here's a kid who would have had a more solid police rap sheet if not for a foolish policy which allowed him to avoid consequences of his punk level criminality.  An impotent president defended this joker.

Michael Brown---the Ferguson dude who robbed a convenience store and thought assaulting a cop was a good idea.  His death due to being an asshole provoked other assholes to riot.

Eric Brown---another low level punk who died resisting arrest.  The punchline here is this moron was resisting arrest for a really stupid misdemeanor.

Rayshard Brooks---died for resisting officers who woke him from his drunken stupor in a Wendy's drive-through lane.  

George Floyd---another with a criminal history who died while in police custody because he was high as a kite with drugs which caused him to behave in an erratic manner forcing the cops to restrain him.

All of the above are examples of people who provoked protests over racism and police brutality, though their fates where the result of their own actions...not those of cops or citizens like George Zimmerman.   With the KR case, we see the same thing.  Three people shot, with two of them dying as a result, because of their actions, not anything the kid had done.  They attacked him.  Rittenhouse didn't attack them.  AND, all three had some degree of criminal behavior in their background.

And just like those listed above, these three chuckleheads have been defended as victims by the leftist media, morons in the entertainment world and various leftist politicians including our current Flatulence-In-Chief.  Just like the cops and Zimmerman in the cases above, the kid has been vilified by all the leftists defending the criminals.  

The left has always been quick to defend the wicked, but this is really getting out of hand.  All of these people are criminals and none of them were shot unjustly.  NONE OF THEM.  (And we can add Ahmaud Arbery, who despite not having as clear video evidence as in the Rittenhouse case, died while assaulting a guy with a gun...a gun he has the right to have and carry openly in his state.)

The Rittenhouse case could not be a more clear example of the moral bankruptcy of the left.  This kid is a freakin' Boy Scout.  Those he shot were the exact opposite.  To hear media people and entertainers smear this kid's character and weep over the deaths of the assholes he shot and killed while defending his life against their attacks is an indictment of just how far gone one half of this country is.  They've been doing it since at least the Trayvon Martin incident.  

I don't know what it will take to get these people to see the light.  They are the reason we're a divided nation.  They wish America to be a place that cannot survive because what they believe has no basis in truth, fact or reason.  It's shocking and disgusting to see how the left responds to these incidents, but there's no understanding it.  It's a level of insanity that couldn't be imagined even fifty years ago.  No one would have thought we'd come to this.  

Here in the blogosphere, we've debated these differences and have gotten nowhere, as the leftist continues to pretend those who abide long-held notions of values and character are somehow now to be their fevered bigots, haters, and other nonsense.  Yet, they are the defenders of perversions, immoralities and criminal behaviors.  Perhaps the world truly is in the End Times. 

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