Saturday, October 16, 2021

Hear These Black Voices!

 We're told we must listen to black voices.  With that admonition in mind, I wish to present two for your edification.  

The first is North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson.  This is a man who espouses conservative values on various issues, such as the 2nd Amendment.  Not long ago, when I first became aware of the man, I liked what I heard from him, but then read something that is less than ideal.  We normal people call that "human imperfection", but I don't recall what the problematic position, issue or opinion was, so I'll just leave it there, in order to acknowledge that I don't regard him as perfect and nothing more.  

Recently, Robinson has raised a stink among the deviant class for comments he made regarding the use of certain extremely vile and indoctrinating materials in N. Carolina schools, which seek to normalize the abnormal and perverse.  Oh, the outcry that went out among the activists and enablers of abomination!  He was accused of attacking the pure, noble and angelic homosexual and "transgender" population...those incredibly holy people who are nothing but a blessing to us lowly heterosexuals...especially us knuckle-dragging adherents of God's Will.  

Of course, the truth is that he did no such thing.  His position on these abhorrent masses is no different than any other conservative/conservative Christian, which is, while we acknowledge the disorder and immorality of their beliefs and behaviors, we allow they are still free Americans with the right to pursue their freedom, even if that freedom includes indulging in all manner of perversion and deviancy, which is what they're most interesting in protecting.  We normal people simply don't believe they are entitled to the special rights they've been granted.

But rather than once again going over that debate...a true good (conservative/Christian) versus evil (progressive/fake Christian and atheist) debate...I simply wish to focus on the crux of his opposition.  Robinson spoke out against the inclusion of homosexual/"transgender" filth in classrooms across his state (and of course, across our nation in general, ultimately).  It's bad enough that either of these disorders would be referred to as no different morally than normal human sexuality.  Indeed, that's filth all by itself.  But what Robinson was referencing was absolute porn exposed to school kids as "sex education".  The reality is that the materials are "how-to's" with regard to erotic sexual gratification, not clinical explanations for human procreation, which is the extent of what schools should dare provide to students of any age, from K-12.   What follows is a video he made to respond to the howling of the immoral assholes who dared pretend he was doing anything wrong by his opposition:

Our very own defender of counter Christian practices, Dan Trabue, was offered this video at least once...I believe at least twice, actually...and deleted it without comment, without argument, because like the lying activists he cherishes and joins, he prefers to pretend Robinson was doing nothing less than attacking "historically oppressed" people.  Give me a break.  What "oppression" LGBT people have experienced is the result of their choice to indulge their disordered fantasies.  Their enablers and defenders wish to pretend their unholy practices and desires are somehow akin to skin color, sex or ethnicity.  But then, they're hellish liars in defense of their immoral desires.

The next person is one Jason Whitlock.  This man came to my attention really within about the last six to nine months.  Tucker Carlson has had him on numerous times, though I'm not exactly certain that's the only or first place where I saw Whitlock.  (Of course to the leftists morons, the mere fact that JW appeared on Tucker Carlson's show is enough to write him off as an Uncle Tom or worse.  That's how lefties roll, them having no integrity, honesty, class or intelligent argument of any kind on any subject.)  He's spoken on several different subjects, and unlike the "black voices" we're told by "progressives" are so important, Whitlock is not likely to spew the BLM level crapola Lousiville lunatics believe is beyond reproach.  

In any case, Las Vegas Raiders coach (now "former") Jon Gruden spoke badly of a black man in an email to a friend ten years ago.  Those and other emails were caught up in some kind of investigation about some company's dirty deeds of some sort, though they were simply personal emails.  (There's a lesson there...there's nothing "personal" on the internet anymore...if there ever truly was...and certainly not when posted while at work or from/to work related email addresses.)  There were other comments he made, calling someone a "faggot", expressing his displeasure at how Jeff Fisher, while a coach himself, was pressured to draft an open homosexual, despite the player being less than pro-material, and for some topless pics of a cheerleader (don't know where he got those).  But the main thrust of Whitlock's comments were in reference to Gruden's comments about a black dude.  The following contains his perspective on the incident, and particularly on a response by former wide receiver, Randy Moss:

What really struck me with Whitlock's response was how it mirrors what I've said numerous times in the past in relation to the use of pejoratives, including those of a "racial" nature, i.e., the hated "N" word (horror of horrors!).  Jason truly maintains the tried and true "sticks and stones" position which has been rejected in favor of socially destructive victimhood identity.  

Again, both these fine men are rather new to me.  Thus far, I'm impressed as hell with each of them.  They seem quite clearly to be the type of men of which we need far more in this nation, as opposed to the spineless, panty-wetting "girly men" of the left who have done so much harm to our culture.  Men.  Real men, and in the case of these two, two more "black voices" far more worth listening to than those the vile Dan Trabue prefers.  Indeed, they are black voices black men need to hear.   

Morons like Dan Trabue aren't interested in race, except to exploit it in the way lefties do.  They also do the same with the sexually disordered and immoral.  They can do know wrong which can be pointed out by conservatives, because the point is to defeat conservatives no matter what it takes to do so, and that includes pretending they're being hateful about people when expressing displeasure with behaviors.  That's because lies are important for achieving the "progressive" goal.  That goal evidently is the destruction of our culture.  These two black men aren't having any of it, and God bless them for it.

Note:  The Whitlock piece is from his show and is about 40-45 minutes, but he gets right into that which I reference right from the top.  I haven't listened beyond about 15 minutes of this particular episode. 

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