Saturday, March 27, 2021

What To Do With Stim Checks

We didn't ask for it.  We don't even need it.  But the federal government keeps sending us money.  This money has always been attached to some stimulus bill we're told is related to the devastating effects of the Covid-19 virus.  If not for Covid-19, they tell us, we would not be without jobs.  Of course, that's not true.  We're without jobs because so many Democrat governors locked down their states, allowing only those jobs <i>they</i> deemed "essential", without providing any explanation for how it was determined one job was essential and another wasn't.  Seems to most people that if one intends to feed one's family and repay one's debts, one's job...whatever that job may absolutely essential to that person.  Where do any politician get off presuming to insist that one job is "essential" while another is not?

But this is old news, and with this new administration there are far more sinister presumptions afoot.  Rather, this post concerns those stimulus checks.  They're doing it again...or about to...and it's absurd.  JUST CEASE THE FREAKIN' LOCKDOWNS,  DAMMIT!  That's the key.  Let business do business without government interference, since those doing the interfering are those with the least understanding and knowledge of how to stimulate anything. 

But I digress again because of the plethora of stupid imposed upon the nation at a level unprecedented even among Democrats thus far in American history.  It's like they're trying to be a stupid as possible (and they picked the right people for the job). 

But those checks.  What about those checks?  When we first got ours, it sat in our account for months.  Our first thought was to send it back.  As I said, we didn't need it.  For both myself and the fetching Mrs. MarshalArt, we both in "essential" jobs and we didn't miss a day of work.  Our income was unaffected by the feckless know...those buttheads in government.  We weren't in need of "stimulus" no more than anyone else not considered "unessential" public sector workers, most of whom are <i>never</i> "essential". 

So we continued to work and were torn as to what to do with those damned checks for which we never asked nor ever needed.  Yeah, sure, it's nice to get some of our tax dollars back, and doubly so to get some of it back without having asked.  But it seemed to use to be wrong (because it so clearly was and continues to be) when all that was necessary was to simply stop interfering with business under the pretense of "stopping the spread" of the Black Plague" known as Covid0-19. 

What to do?

Our first thought was to send it back.  But then, they'd just give it to someone else who neither asked for it nor needed it.  Then we thought, perhaps give it to some charity.  That's a good idea, but before we did, we were angered by a host of other numbskullian nonsense perpetrated by our state morons, and others, and we, frankly, got distracted. 

Then, as it looked as though life was turning for the worse with the "election" of the current President Shit-For-Brains, we felt making a statement with those checks was the way to go.  We came up with a number of ideas that we thought would indeed make a statement and I believe I should share those ideas in hope of compelling others to choose from the list and direct that money that shouldn't have been sent without concern for true need nor better policy.  What follows is a sampling and I'm sure others can add to it in the same spirit in which I've composed it.  We've used our checks for some of the following in one form or another:

1.  This is the most obvious:  in general,donate the money to those ideologically opposed to the current buffoonish administration, which lost no time enacting American destroying policies.  What follows are examples.

2.  Donate to Republican candidates in all levels of government. 

3.  Donate to pro-life/anti-abortion causes, either through candidates or charitable organizations. 

4.  Donate to the National Rifle Association (this one will really piss them off).

5.  Buy a gun, or another gun, or specifically a type of firearm the Buffoon-In-Chief intends to prohibit, like and AR-15.  In fact, make SURE it's an AR-15, just because that's the one they think is so dangerous without having any real or honest argument for why they think so.

6.  Donate to Hillsdale College, or any university like it.

7.  Donate to any home-schooling organization.

8.  Donate to Heritage Foundation

9.  Donate to Project Veritas

10.  Donate to PragerU

11.  Donate to Turning Point USA


12.  Pay any tax debt, which is nice seeing as how this stimulus check is your own money in the first place.  They tax you, use your money to "stimulate" the economy by sending you a check, which you then use to pay your taxes.  Sweet.

These are just a few suggestions.  This was partially inspired by the Evanston, IL reparations policy just enacted.  This will use money from taxing weed to pay for it.  Thus, those people of color toking up will be paying for their reparations.  I like it.  Now, with that in mind, my suggestions are similar, in that money from morons will be donated to those who are diametrically opposite those morons.  It's a beautiful thing.


Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I figured that since it was my money to begin with, which the government stole, I was going to use it since my income was virtually destroyed (my income mostly comes from weddings, of which none were had last year, and funerals/graveside side services, of which I actually had three.)

BUT my expenses were way, way out of the ordinary forcing me to use home equity loan a couple times:
New furnace to replace a 20-year old one. (but it came with a 1-year interest free loan, which I just paid off)
New refrigerator to replace the 25-year-old one.
New water heater to replace a 10-year-old one.
Half the basement torn up to repair broken drain tiles
New washer to replace a 4-year-old piece of junk.
New ires on both cars.
New brakes on both cars
Replace a wheel bearing on one car

So, yes, I was really glad to get some of my tax dollars back.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Just to be clear, I think the whole idea of "stimulus" checks is absolutely disgusting and never should have happened -- open up the country and let people work for their own stimulus.

My point was that I am not giving it away to some charity or other needy organization when I have had a disastrous year. (And that doesn't count the $2500 deductible to replace my roof and siding after a hailstorm with golf-ball sized hail, and another $2500 deductible to replace my fence that the derecho took out -- luckily we were only in the 80 mph path while north of us 15 mile was 140mph with 80% of tree canopy lost in Cedar Rapids, and hundreds of houses/business destroyed or severely damage, which is why we are still waiting on our repairs 8+ months later)

Marshal Art said...

By all means, Glenn, those whose incomes suffered due to the government fascism no doubt have more personal needs to cover. And as such, you were entitled to get as much of your tax payments returned as necessary to cover those needs.

But like many, my wife and I didn't lose a day of work and should never have received a check. Despite the added wait time, and the more than likely incompetence, they shouldn't have been passing them out, but allowing those in need to apply for assistance. I mean, it's not like any government workers got laid off, so they had the personnel to properly respond to such requests.

Craig said...


While all of the causes you suggest donations to are worthy, I would repeat what I'd said earlier. Purchase any new manufactured product from an American company, or support local restaurants and leave generous tips. I think that the important things is to use it to drive economic activity. I'd argue that, for the most part, Glenn's spending fits my personal criteria. Some of the products might not be American, but it's still paying local employees for pretty much everything.

Craig said...

Interestingly enough, my youngest was the person in our family most in need of the first stimulus check, which is why it makes perfect sense that he never received one. Of course we helped fill the gap, and he'll effectively get in when he files his taxes, but it's still pretty funny. He also got screwed out of the federal unemployment payment, even though he actually was unemployed because of the COVID.

Marshal Art said...


We've always been partial to supporting local businesses, buying American and leaving generous tips, so doing it now doesn't seem like doing anything special. At this point, who's likely to get my patronage is influenced by who is willing to ignore/reject these moronic, pointless mandates. To whatever extent I can find them, those are the businesses I'll support most.

Craig said...

I've always been partial to those as well (although I tip on service and will definitely leave a bad tip if it's warranted), yet I'm not always as intentional as I'd like to think I am. Further, when I'm talking about a big tip, I'm talking about doubling my usual amount, something really out of the ordinary.

I agree that you should target your support of business in the way that makes the most sense to you, my point was that if possible, we should be targeting what we spend those $$ on.

Craig said...

I'd add one other suggestion to your donate list. If you personally know someone who's been hit hard by the government mandated lock downs, then donate directly to them. Buy gift cards for gas, groceries household goods, maybe even a nice restaurant and send them anonymously.

I'm a big fan of cutting out the middle man when it comes to helping people out.

Marshal Art said...

I wish there were more tangible, substantial ways to get governors to rescind these worthless, soul/economy crushing policies. That would do the most good for the most people.

Craig said...

Well, my brand new, soon to be built, American made amp has been ordered.

Craig said...


Getting the economy back to pre COVID levels would be the best possible solution. Unfortunately the actions taken to combat COVID, have disproportionately harmed those who have service industry jobs, who tend to be lower income. What's worse is that many of the people who's businesses rely on those type of jobs were put out of business meaning that those jobs aren't available to go back to.

Marshal Art said...


I didn't know you played. What are you getting? I'd like to find something small and wonder if they now make something that can handle both guitar and bass, preferably something I can run with headphones and a source to play along with. Am I asking too much? I'm so behind the times, I seriously don't know.

As to your other comment, that should be the aim, but I don't believe this administration has what it takes to either recognize it should be the aim or to get us there. We replaced the guy who did for reasons that make less sense now than when we had the choice.

Craig said...

I’m getting a Frenzel 525. It’s a combo of a Teeed Deluxe 5E3 circuit and a Plexi circuit. I’ve always wanted a Deluxe, but have heard they aren’t well suited to low volume. This is a more modern take on the circuit.

As far as something for guitar/bass, I’d think your best option is a PodGo or HX Stomp and a powered speaker or headphones. Maybe something like a Katana or a Cube can handle bass, but I use my HX Stomp for electric, acoustic, and bass. It sounds great and has more options than most of us will ever use. It’s all I use at churches because it’s so easy and versatile.

As for jobs etc, I think it’s a state decision not a federal decision. The states that open up will drive the economy.

Marshal Art said...

Certainly, the most impact would be the result of action by the individual states.