Sunday, November 15, 2020

Tens Of Thousands

On this day, there are still votes being counted, lawsuits being adjudicated or about to be and more coming out that indicates election fraud on a massive scale.  (No, Dan.  I'm not going to provide what is easy to find on the internet at any not-leftist media source.)  At this time, the moron who has odds against him making it to Inauguration Day, given his senility and feeble-mindedness, and the woman smacking her lips...not to advance her political career in this anticipation of taking over when Biden falls, has established a new "Office of the President-Elect"...which he is not.  Not until all Electoral College obligations have been fulfilled.  He's just Idiot Former Vice-President Sleepy Joe Biden. 

President Donald Trump...the best president we've had since President Ronald Reagan despite his obvious flaws...has a real uphill battle ahead of him to try and undo the various acts of fraud perpetrated against him.  Success in that endeavor may not be enough to turn the election in his favor.  We honest people understand that fully, and are steeling ourselves against that hellish possibility.  This may be, as some imagine, where God allows us to feel some substantial pain in order to find out who will turn to Him and perhaps provoke another Great Awakening.  Even that doesn't mean we'll be ale to right the ship of state and become America again, toward which Trump was doing his part so very well to guide us.  No.  We are teetering precariously on the precipice and may fall so hard that correction is generations away.

There are many examples of behaviors which I find reprehensible and which have led us to this sorry state of affairs.  The many examples and forms of voter/election fraud are most obvious.  There have been acts that have made this more possible...easier...than it has ever been before.  Acts that took place not so very long ago that impact this election now.  Acts that suggest "systemic" election fraud"

These and other actions taken prior to elections, none worse than rushing a mail-in scheme on the pretense that Covid-19 is just so dangerous that distancing and masking in a polling place is just so much more dangerous than rioting and celebrating a presumed victory by a senile putz whose 47 years in politics has produced no significant work whatsoever.

The most disturbing news in this election, however, has been this:

What does that mean?  "Tens of thousands".  Well, it has to be more than 10,000 because that would only mean "TEN" of thousand.  So it has to be at least 20,000.  But could it be, and really is, far, far more.  According to the article, 34K in Arizona didn't vote for president on their ballots, Stan.  Another 14,000 in Nevada.  It later suggests Biden benefited more, likely because of all the down ballot voting went Republican.  A woman in the article said, "I did what I had to do for my conscience."  Good gosh, that makes me gag!  The "conscience" excuse for failing to pick the man who deserved to win a second term based on his stellar presidential record.  Given the promises of the Harris/Biden team, I can't seem to get an explanation for how such people can have a clear conscience...particularly if she does indeed win and we have to listen to her puppet say all manner of nonsensical babbling until he's carted off to the home for good.  

A proven, beneficial commodity is rejected over reasons not fully explained and at great risk of proven jackasses, one of whom is clearly a socialist moron (the other just a moron), who both promise great suffering and will make every effort to deliver...and will if we can't get Perdue and Loeffler reelected.  Their conscience is just fine with that reality.  "Oh, I'm good because I didn't vote for Trump.  Your life is destroyed, but I'm good because didn't vote for Trump."  Nice. 

How is God good with that?  "Your choice wasn't between two sinners.  It was between two visions for how your nation should proceed."  Maybe God didn't consider shower heads.  I don't know.  But of all these "tens of thousands" that didn't vote for the Republican candidate, they removed themselves from the equation, "If it ain't close, they can't cheat."  So they allowed not only the worst case scenario to have great potential to befall us, they allowed all the cheating and fraud that helped make that possible.  When the horrors of the Biden/Democrat/socialist platform manifest in the lives of all who tried to prevent it, and the innocent who could do nothing about it, may it weigh on the consciences of you center-right voters who were among those "tens of thousands".  It's on you.


Stan said...

Thanks for the call out, Marshal ... except I DID vote for president. But it's clear that anyone that didn't vote the way YOU require is fundamentally stoopid at best and likely criminally immoral.

Marshal Art said...

"Thanks for the call out, Marshal"

Welcome. Credit where credit is due.

"...except I DID vote for president."

Except that voting for anyone not of the two major parties...the only two with any real chance of winning, as no other possibility had an ice cube's chance in hell of no better than not voting at all. But now that you mention it, I should have made more note of this possibility and how it actually makes that 34,000 number for Arizona worse than only 34,000.

"But it's clear that anyone that didn't vote the way YOU require is fundamentally stoopid at best and likely criminally immoral."

Not completely off the mark, but not the most gracious choice of words to put in my mouth. But seriously, to pretend I'm presenting a "my way or the highway" argument is not at all accurate. The consequences of Trump losing will without a doubt kick us all in the ass, with some getting kicked harder than others. There's no doubt of this. That the worst case scenario doesn't take place (we really need those Georgia senate candidates to maintain their seats to ensure it) doesn't make a bad choice less bad. That would be more like dumb luck or holy providence. But bad it will be. And again, the true choice was between...not the candidates...but what each promises to do to or for us. I prefer to believe when an asshole promises to do us harm and work to prevent it. That means voting Trump, not for whomever you cast your vote as if that person has any hope of winning and being the "savior", as it were, preventing Biden's agenda.

To pretend or assert that my position is insulting is too bad. That's not the point. It's more like "Wake the hell up!!" Taking offense is gives off another message you may not intend. I'm not concerned with being nice to those who, despite their best intentions, are part of the problems that will surely befall us. I've no doubt you're sincere in your belief that you've done the right thing. Yet, you didn't. Not because I require it, but because the nation does, your progeny does, your progenitors do...whether they know it or not...whether they agree or not. Good people make bad choices. You've done it by not voting Trump and what voting Trump means for America as opposed to what allowing Biden to win will mean. Not voting for Trump means you weren't considering the big picture.

Marshal Art said...

I have to add (because I forgot to mention it in my response above) that I have to wonder if perhaps there's a bit of the following in your decision to vote "your conscience"...that you had some feeling that Trump will win anyway, thus allowing you to vote your conscience in...uh...good conscience...without fear that doing so would turn out badly.

Just a thought.