Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Shotgunned Thoughts On The Current State Of Affairs

I'm about as fed up as one can be with this whole COVID-19 nonsense.  There's just too much that has been unnecessarily imposed upon the American people, unjustly imposed, unconstitutionally imposed.  When Donald Trump was elected president, imbeciles began a #Resist movement (an impotent movement...a bowel movement...but a movement nonetheless) as if Trump was some sort of despot.  But now, when despotism and fascism is apparent in various Dem controlled states, these pathetic imbeciles are silent.  It's astounding.

---I recently had someone scold me over a comment I made about the sheep who aren't #Resisting, comparing them to those who hopped on the boxcars taking them to the showers.  The Jewish-in-heritage-only woman doesn't see the similarities between the incremental encroachment of nazi oppression and what we're seeing now with the suspension of Constitutional rights by Dem governors.  We may not get to the point of jackbooted police state tactics, but we're seeing that which led to it and there's no reason why anyone should abide any of it or any degree of it.  It's wrong and it's absolutely unAmerican to infringe upon our clearly enumerated Constitutional rights. 

---I agree with those who see all this as the best means by which the left can persuade the populace that Trump is worth deposing come election time.  The longer they extend the oppression, the more difficult it will be for the economy to recover.  That's clearly the plan.  I don't think it will work.  Open things up and the economy will come roaring back because this virus thing is not an economic policy.  That which Trump set forth that led to our economic boom is still in place and the effects of his policies will then be unshackled and the result will be the same.

---I also believe that Dem governors presiding over states economically devastated by years of Democratic malfeasance are looking to exploit this virus situation as a means by which they can suck federal tax dollars that can then be used to cover all the fiscal damage they've done...all the debt they've racked up...that came before the virus.  Dems are economic idiots.

---I cannot stand the many commercials and PSA's that are exploiting this situation.  The whole "we're in this together" line is crap, given we're forced to distance ourselves from each other.  And then to run commercials and ads of people happily "making the best of it" is outrageously deceitful, given the reports of increases in suicides, spousal and child abuse, substance abuse, etc.  The whole thing is unnatural, both as Americans and simply as human beings.  We crave being together and doing things together and socializing and visiting and touching and hugging.  Masks, gloves, distancing...these are all unnatural and, totally unreliable for achieving the goals purported to be the reason they're imposed upon us.

---It is a lie that those who reject masks or distancing are being selfish.  Neither are confirmed as necessary or effective in protecting us from infection.  There are at least two studies that indicate that no stay-at-home, social distancing policy has had any effect on the time-line of virus spread.  It's presence and duration are unchanged by such policies and thus, there's no need to have imposed them.  I get that in the beginning it made sense to play it safe.  But we're way passed the point at which we learned what is effective and what isn't.  And we're still finding things that prove masks and distancing are unnecessary for the vast majority of the populace.

---Worse than the commercial exploitation, is the many attempts to have celebrities appeal to us to continue the worthless practices, as if they are impacted to the extent the average citizen is.  I am personally still enjoying the novelty of the new place into which the Mrs and I moved, but that novelty is wearing off quickly while being denied freedom.  The luxury in which movie, TV and sports stars live is not at all the same, nor is the fact that they have the funds to sustain them for far longer periods of time than are those whose jobs were criminally considered "non-essential".  I don't need some asshat to sing to me from their living room as if it is a free concert that enhances my imprisonment.  They are far worse sheep who insist that I be sheep as well.

---While on the one hand it's hard not to regard people walking outside or driving alone while wearing masks to be absolute morons, I have to remind myself that many have been induced into abject fear that they are moments away from contracting the Black Plague.  This is evil to have done this to the populace.  They have stolen reason and threw it out the window.

---There is no problem by the usual suspects to highlight cases of severe suffering by those few who have the worst cases of infection and then die.  This is exploited to rationalize the many idiotic prohibition unconstitutionally imposed upon the public.  This tactic suggests that there is no worse way to die and thus, we must hide.  Bullshit.  Is it worse than being murdered?  Worse than burning alive?  Worse than jumping out of the World Trade Center rather than being burned alive?  Is it worse than dying of cancer?  Are there any people who, dying of cancer, pneumonia...the flu...comfort themselves by saying, "At least it's not COVID-19?" 

---What we're experience is the worst case of "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help" that we've seen in some time.  Who the hell asked them?  I never asked my evil governor to keep me healthy.  Not THAT obese SOB!  I have never asked anyone for such assistance (not even my doctor, really) and DEFINITELY not the government, who has no business meddling in health care in the first place.

---Some of the most egregious acts of government overreach includes the prosecution of small business owners who decide to ignore unjust orders to remain closed because they need to suppport their families, the attacks on churches who try to bend over backwards to serve their flocks while upholding idiotic health policy mandates (most of which have no real effect on who gets sick or not), the harassment of families in parks playing with their own children.   These are but a few of the examples that should elicit a real #Resist attitude in those who hate Trump.  Cowards all.

---I ignore requests to wear masks where I can.  Now and then there are things I must have and in order to get them I don my kerchief AFTER walking in and take it off upon paying for the product.  More often than not I go without.  I understand that some businesses are forced to comply with corporate dictates, who believe themselves forced to comply with despotic government dictates.  Others are trying to consider those who have been made to fear for their lives, and thus they cater to them by mandating customers wear masks.  That's sad, because it's actually enabling the despots as well as enabling irrational fear.

---Life is risk.  We have ALWAYS been at risk for contracting infections that can lead to our demise.  This will always be the case.  As more data continues to roll in, we find that this virus is really no different than the annual flu.  Sure.  It might be a bit more contagious, and it might be a real pain in the ass to experience.  But all disease left untreated can get really bad and possibly lead to death.  All disease impacts people differently depending upon the strength of their immune systems.  This one is no more or less than the others nor is there justification for the reaction under which we all continue to suffer.  In my life I've dealt with mononucleosis, swine flu, pneumonia (twice) and various strains and severity of flu.  While the last ten years has been among the most healthy decades of my 65 years, even with a mild case of emphysema nagging me as well.  God will take me when He's good and ready.  I'll not live in fear of disease but instead will continue to take reasonable precautions.  This crap has to end...NOW!


Feodor said...

So, a six year old kid wearing a bulletproof backpack to school with metal detectors, armed guards, and routine mass-shooter drills is "the price of freedom" and your interpretation of the 1st amendment.

But you wearing a mask in Walmart for 10 minutes is tyranny?

You are so sick in the head and dangerous.

Marshal Art said...

Is that supposed to be an argument in favor of forcing people to wear masks? The first example isn't a matter of government force...whether it's wearing carrying a bullet-proof backpack, outfitting a school with metal detectors, armed guards or training to handle any emergency situation (though I think such a mandate to protect our kids is worthwhile and not in any way any more an infringement on personal freedom than any other lesson kids learn in school).

As to wearing a mask in a store, by who's order am I force to do so? Store management, or government? The former is acceptable given it's the decision of the guy who owns the place. The latter is not as it isn't any of government's business to force compliance to such a subjective policy.

Try being a bit more nonsensical.

Eric said...

Wearing a mask for long stretches of time is unhealthy. Further, masks don't protect from viruses... Bacteria? Okay, but certainly not viruses.

Craig said...

1. Wearing a mask and social distancing will stop or slow Covid.
2. Black folks are disproportionately harmed by Covid.
3. It’d be a great idea to get thousands of black folks, have them all wander around in tightly packed groups, yelling and screaming, all whiles y of them don’t have their lower faces covered.
4. Who do you think gets blamed if we see a spike?

Marshal Art said...

Craig said...

I’m more commenting on the hordes of rioters disregarding most of the Covid protocols when most of them are black.

I’ll be waiting for the spike and for it to get blamed on Trump.

Marshal Art said...

Oh, it's coming. It's always the Republican president's fault, and no Republican president more than Trump!

Marshal Art said...

feo, who is too cowardly to run his own blog, because the fact that no one cares about it is too much for unjustifiably inflated ego, just had two comments deleted for the most common reason of being off topic. While one of them was just his typical stupid crap, the other was a posting of some other person's article and in typical fashion the troll didn't have the integrity to provide the source.

With this said, I want to say that I'm strongly considering re-posting the piece feo thinks is brilliant to a post I've been developing. While it won't be totally on topic, it will be close enough to allow, plus I do want to comment on it. feo might want to try to re-submit it with the required citation, but I'll still delete it from this thread, while saving it for later. All other off-topic comments from him will be deleted because he closed his blog where those comments belong, unread though they likely will be over there. If he insists on posting off-topic comments, that's what Dan's blog is for.

Feodor said...

The phrase “death panels” became part of America’s political vocabulary in 2009, when Republicans were trying to stop the legislation that eventually became the Affordable Care Act.

Although the details of the argument evolved over time, the gist was always the same: “Obamacare” would ration treatments for society’s most vulnerable members, like the disabled and the elderly, because their lives wouldn’t be deemed worth the expense of saving.

The claim was so outrageous that Politifact named it the “lie of the year.”

Now another national debate is taking place. It’s about how to open up businesses in the country amid a coronavirus pandemic that has already killed more than 102,000 people, many of them elderly and unwell, and is sure to kill many more.

There are difficult trade-offs and ambiguous medical evidence to weigh. But on one side of the argument is a group of people who act as if ― and occasionally even say ― that returning to normality requires tolerating mass deaths among some of society’s most vulnerable groups.

And wouldn’t you know it? It’s the same crowd that was screaming about the specter of death panels a decade ago.

Political opportunism helps to explain the apparent shift. In 2009, Republicans and conservatives were trying to block legislation from then-President Barack Obama. Now they are trying to promote and defend President Donald Trump, who has been agitating to end social distancing to open businesses and revive the economy.

Marshal Art said...

Clearly, this comment of feo's I haven't deleted is a quote without citation...a clear violation of the rules feo is required to abide. Evidently he thinks he's being clever by not using quotation marks before and after.

However, I'm giving him a pass...cuz I'm feeling generous and because it's so typically idiotic, as all of his comments and sources are.

Here, it begins with nonsense about the claim of ACA rationing medical care being false. It not only wasn't false, but the following are merely two of the articles I could have provided that describes how that rationing manifests.

It then goes on to suggest that those opposing lock downs and demanding they be lifted are of the same stripe as those who warned of "death panels". Well, that simply means being correct in warning of rationing justifies listening to them about lifting the lock downs.

Of course there's a lie that has to be pointed out. The death toll number is inflated by the addition of those who died, though not of COVID, but only had COVID when they died. Then it lies more with the next paragraph:

"But on one side of the argument is a group of people who act as if ― and occasionally even say ― that returning to normality requires tolerating mass deaths among some of society’s most vulnerable groups."

The reality is that this intelligent group of people point to the fact that every year people die of the flu, and we accept that people will die of this as well, regardless of what we do with lock downs and the like. It's not a matter of "tolerating" anything. We don't "tolerate" that thousands die of cancer or diabetes every year. We accept that it happens. We don't close down the economy and suspend Constitutional rights because of any of the various ways in which thousands of people die each year. Thus, there's no justification for doing it now.

Now, as in 2009, the same people are defending liberty and our Constitutional rights, which have been infringed upon now as it was back then.

Marshal Art said...


Your off-topic comments were deleted, but are still saved because they're so stupid I just need to address them. I'll do so at my pleasure when I post on the recent idiocy run amok in our country as a result of the death of a black man, the details of which no one cared to await before reacting like insane assholes. Post no more of them here. That's what Dan's blog is for and what YOUR blog is for, regardless of the fact that no one visits it.

Marshal Art said...

It is now confirmed that the cowardly troll, feo the false priest, does not want to engage in civil discourse. I visited his blog again to see if he indeed closed it down and found new posts. The latest at that time still was open to comments. I posted one that was not only on topic, but was a challenge to him to engage there like a man. He deleted it and now it seems commenting is no longer possible. Thus, his comments posted here will always be deleted, with the exception of a couple I saved for a future post. I will continue to monitor his site because he no doubt will post something stupid that deserves mockery. He never fails to deliver on that score...very much like Dan.

Marshal Art said...

I moved the following forward from where it was originally posted. I deleted the comment to which it responded, because it was from the troll who is too cowardly and insecure to have open discussion on his own blog where he could have posted his opinion.

Blogger Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Feo's favorite black president spent his whole time in office dividing the nation and Trump has done nothing to do so, contrary to the lie of Feo. He defends the worst President in history only because of his skin color.

Mattis full of B.S. because there never were people seeking equal justice with the riots. The people making a mockery of the Constitution all have a "D" after their names. Obama's crew severely mocked the Constitution when they instituted Obamacare and mandated that all have health insurance. The "D" LEFTISTs mock the Constitution by "safe spaces" in colleges run by LEFTIST "D" teachers. The "D" LEFTISTs mock the Constitution every time they even THINK about gun control. The "D" LEFTISTs violate the Constitution with their abortion laws. Etc, etc, etc.

Mattis is a LEFTIST hack spewing the LEFTIST line, parroting his LEFTIST lackies. His whole statement is one monster lie, as is every comment Feo posts.

June 4, 2020 at 9:36 AM Delete