Saturday, September 07, 2024

And As If That Wasn't Enough...

I've been getting heat for stating the obvious regarding the foolishness of single-issue voters withholding support for Trump over the issue of abortion.  As much as I abhor the practice of abortion and support for it as if it's ever necessary (it never is), my absolutism on this issue doesn't compel me to act stupidly with regard to the casting of my vote in any election.  Being uncompromising in my desire to see the practice totally abolished by law in this nation (though preferring it's totally rejected by all out of a true sense of what's moral) doesn't mean I will fail to support the candidate or party which provides the least likelihood of an expansion of the practice, particularly in law.  Why the f**k would I ever do such a thing?d  I'm absolutely confident that for Trump to lose or be again cheated of a win in November, we will see no action on the issue by a Harris administration which will result in fewer abortions, but rather every effort this bitch can muster to provide the greatest degree of accessibility to the greatest number of people so vile as to choose that route when dealing with any pregnancy.   Indeed, I take it as an obvious given, a fact, a guarantee.   Hard not to considering how outrageous their response to the Dobbs decision and Trump's part in getting it. 

But as I've mentioned in the previous post, and posts elsewhere where Trump is held responsible for anyone who STUPIDLY refuses to vote for him over the aforementioned comments and the unfortunate abortion-related changes to the GOP platform, what matters most is winning the election in November.  Why that matters is the many manifestations of the Harris/Biden/Obama agenda which has resulted in so much serious suffering for Americans in so many ways.  And given how obvious the suffering, how obvious of its source (Dems) and how much more obvious it is to understand the Kackler will double down and make Biden look like a piker, "stupid" is a display of restraint on my part.  So what follows are links to stories which illustrate just how bad it will be, because it's happening already and nothing's being done by either Biden or Harris to mitigate it, nor can we forget how much a part of it all was Harris, who seeks to be if she's in any way deserving of or fit for the office.

I want to say up front that most of these links are from  I want to also say that if anyone dares suggest the stories can be dismissed because of this source, they best have something more substantive than merely that if they wish to be taken seriously as a mature and responsible adult.  I can't help it AT is good journalism.

OK.  That'll have to do because I grow tired trying to decide which of the many articles illustrating the stupidity inherent in choosing to allow Harris to win over a less than absolute anti-abortion perception of Trump.  There's clearly far, far more to consider than simply the deaths from abortion, as even the few links above represent threats to human life as well. 

So yeah.  I'll stick with my position that those who would reject Trump are stupid people.  That's not just a matter of name calling.  It's an accurate description given all the evidence of harm and suffering a Dem win...on any level...WILL provide.  There are so many other issues I haven't covered, but if this doesn't make the point than the stupid can't be recovered, and that's as much a threat to the nation as the Democrat Party and their media sycophants themselves.

May God have mercy on us, and may God Bless Donald Christ's Name I pray.