Whether it's in conversations on these here blogs or in other platforms, such as Facebook, Trump-haters from the left and right continue to spend inordinate amount of time highlighting insignificant negatives about Donald Trump, all the while ignoring the very significant failures of those who have been in charge at all levels of American government. Here, we see this manifested in the hatefulness of Dan Trabue, and incredibly stupid person who's presence here is totally for entertainment purposes, as well as to provide an example of incredibly stupid "progressive christians" look like.
So while such morons make every effort to scrape the barrel to uncover even more items which they can present as examples of how foolish it is to support Donald Trump for president, they say absolutely nothing about the many failures and crimes of those they support as more "decent" and "intelligent" and overall better for the nation than that evil Trump could ever be. But that's OK, because the harm caused by the people the Dan Trabues of the nation prefer are many indeed but can be ignored and blamed on others. What follows is just a taste:
This is from the moron Dems in Minneapolis:
This idiocy is similar to the Fat Bastard JB Pritzker's SAFE-T Act, which handcuffs cops instead of criminals. But oh gosh! Trump says mean things!
Of course, the Cali wild fires are far worse than they should be...regardless of how strong the Santa Ana winds blow...because of Dem policies:
Oh, but we MUST "Trump proof" the state, which means, work to prevent compliance with rational and legitimate federal policies regarding immigration....cuz Trump hates brown people, or something! Here's more fire related Dem nonsense:
Hey! Let's not feed our troops! We're too busy changing the names of military facilities because of "racism":
Here's but one example of a lefty US Attorney failing to do what is truly important and of most benefit to the people he was put in office to serve:
Add to that asshole's name is other lefty assholes like Letitia James, Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis and many others who think the safety of the public can freakin' wait while they try to push their bullshit charges against Trump and his supporters.
The above is not even enough to consider a legitimate short list of examples of the failures and stupidity of the Democrat Party, who somehow manage to continue drawing votes from the public. Somehow Trump supporters are "conned". Only abject morons would say so.
And of course, no list would be complete without detailing the many examples of criminality, stupidity and the like from the Joe Biden administration...the guy one particular dumbass continues to insist is a better, more decent person than Donald Trump. But there are so many, a separate post is necessary to adequately cover them all.
Yet, we keep hearing all manner of attempts to cast aspersions on Trump, his supporters, the GOP and conservatism, despite there being no parallel with regard to the constant dereliction of duty, the harm and suffering resulting from their policies and the massive costs for all of it with no beneficial return on that investment of our tax dollars. I no longer need to submit any caveats or disclaimers conceding right-wing mistakes and overspending. There's simply not enough of them to match the outright harm done by left-of-center politicians and their parties. As such, I can weather all the lies and accusations and allegations by the stupid...those like Dan and some others I confront on social media. Compare any confirmation hearing wherein the nominee is either a Dem or a Repub...such as what is taking place now with Trump's cabinet nominees. The behavior of the Dems is unique unto them, but not in any way honest. People like Hegseth or Bondi might stumble or stutter (though neither really did from what I've seen so far) because like we here at the blogs when questioned by Dan, they encounter truly stupid and/or dishonest questions. Conversely, when one watches a Dem nominee for a post being questioned by GOP Senators or Congresspeople, they stutter and stumble because they're confronting truths about the they wish wasn't made public.
The left...in all their forms...are a blight on the nation, a clear and present danger to our future. Only dumbasses pretend Trump's a threat. They play that game regardless of who the GOP figure is. And the Dem voters...the Trump-hating fakes, like Dan...pretend it's our side who are the victims of a con.
Here's more of what morons like Dan support and enable by their wanton stupidity:
(Wow! Talk about being "conned"!)
(Only a "progressive" would buy into this illegal immigration scam!)
(Not sure if I posted this one already, but it's such a repugnant description of the repugnant party repugnant people like Dan have conned themselves into believing are "decent" people!)
I could do this all day, and were a mental midget like Dan attempt to match me case for case, he'd soon be overwhelmed beyond any possibility his wildest footstomping tantrums could mitigate.
Asshats like Dan can accuse and criticize Trump and the GOP all they like. It's no more than petulant admission of how they've allowed themselves to be conned by the worst people in American politics, and the many harmful consequences of that con are being endured by all Americans.