Thursday, January 16, 2025

More On The Truly Conned

Whether it's in conversations on these here blogs or in other platforms, such as Facebook, Trump-haters from the left and right continue to spend inordinate amount of time highlighting insignificant negatives about Donald Trump, all the while ignoring the very significant failures of those who have been in charge at all levels of American government.   Here, we see this manifested in the hatefulness of Dan Trabue, and incredibly stupid person who's presence here is totally for entertainment purposes, as well as to provide an example of incredibly stupid "progressive christians" look like. 

So while such morons make every effort to scrape the barrel to uncover even more items which they can present as examples of how foolish it is to support Donald Trump for president, they say absolutely nothing about the many failures and crimes of those they support as more "decent" and "intelligent" and overall better for the nation than that evil Trump could ever be.  But that's OK, because the harm caused by the people the Dan Trabues of the nation prefer are many indeed but can be ignored and blamed on others.  What follows is just a taste:

This is from the moron Dems in Minneapolis:

This idiocy is similar to the Fat Bastard JB Pritzker's SAFE-T Act, which handcuffs cops instead of criminals.  But oh gosh!  Trump says mean things!

Of course, the Cali wild fires are far worse than they should be...regardless of how strong the Santa Ana winds blow...because of Dem policies:

Oh, but we MUST "Trump proof" the state, which means, work to prevent compliance with rational and legitimate federal policies regarding immigration....cuz Trump hates brown people, or something!  Here's more fire related Dem nonsense:

Hey!  Let's not feed our troops!  We're too busy changing the names of military facilities because of "racism":

Here's but one example of a lefty US Attorney failing to do what is truly important and of most benefit to the people he was put in office to serve:

Add to that asshole's name is other lefty assholes like Letitia James, Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis and many others who think the safety of the public can freakin' wait while they try to push their bullshit charges against Trump and his supporters. 

The above is not even enough to consider a legitimate short list of examples of the failures and stupidity of the Democrat Party, who somehow manage to continue drawing votes from the public.  Somehow Trump supporters are "conned".  Only abject morons would say so.  

And of course, no list would be complete without detailing the many examples of criminality, stupidity and the like from the Joe Biden administration...the guy one particular dumbass continues to insist is a better, more decent person than Donald Trump.  But there are so many, a separate post is necessary to adequately cover them all. 

Yet, we keep hearing all manner of attempts to cast aspersions on Trump, his supporters, the GOP and conservatism, despite there being no parallel with regard to the constant dereliction of duty, the harm and suffering resulting from their policies and the massive costs for all of it with no beneficial return on that investment of our tax dollars.  I no longer need to submit any caveats or disclaimers conceding right-wing mistakes and overspending.  There's simply not enough of them to match the outright harm done by left-of-center politicians and their parties.  As such, I can weather all the lies and accusations and allegations by the stupid...those like Dan and some others I confront on social media.  Compare any confirmation hearing wherein the nominee is either a Dem or a Repub...such as what is taking place now with Trump's cabinet nominees.  The behavior of the Dems is unique unto them, but not in any way honest.  People like Hegseth or Bondi might stumble or stutter (though neither really did from what I've seen so far) because like we here at the blogs when questioned by Dan, they encounter truly stupid and/or dishonest questions.  Conversely, when one watches a Dem nominee for a post being questioned by GOP Senators or Congresspeople, they stutter and stumble because they're confronting truths about the they wish wasn't made public. 

The all their forms...are a blight on the nation, a clear and present danger to our future.  Only dumbasses pretend Trump's a threat.  They play that game regardless of who the GOP figure is.  And the Dem voters...the Trump-hating fakes, like Dan...pretend it's our side who are the victims of a con. 

Here's more of what morons like Dan support and enable by their wanton stupidity:
(Wow!  Talk about being "conned"!)
(Only a "progressive" would buy into this illegal immigration scam!)

(Not sure if I posted this one already, but it's such a repugnant description of the repugnant party repugnant people like Dan have conned themselves into believing are "decent" people!)

I could do this all day, and were a mental midget like Dan attempt to match me case for case, he'd soon be overwhelmed beyond any possibility his wildest footstomping tantrums could mitigate.  

Asshats like Dan can accuse and criticize Trump and the GOP all they like.  It's no more than petulant admission of how they've allowed themselves to be conned by the worst people in American politics, and the many harmful consequences of that con are being endured by all Americans.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Happy New Year!

 Twenty more days until a decent American presidency!

That's pretty much all I have to say at the moment.  The fetching Mrs. Marshal Art and I are recovering from flu-like symptoms which is appropriate for the outgoing administration and all the suffering they caused.  After a good night's rest...not likely so long as all those fireworks continue...I expect to feel better than I did this morning, symbolic of better things to come with the second most inept president in my lifetime being removed from office.  May he be restrained from causing any more harm than he already has.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Jimmah Carter Is Dead.

 Wow!  100 years old!  That might be his best accomplishment!

As is often the case when a president or long serving politician passes, praise is heaped upon them as if there was nothing significant to criticize.  Case in point, Dan Trabue's elementary school worship of the guy (  It's really sickening.  But then, Dan's a moron and not honorable enough to give an objective analysis and assessment of the guy.  "Best man to ever be president"?   Hardly.  Part of being the "best" is being effective and doing more good than ill.  That's wasn't Jimma. 

I offer two essays which present facts overlooked by the left especially, and even by some on the right who look to the Camp David Accords as a great accomplishment.  To some degree it ain't bad, but it ain't perfect either.

The first is from Peter Barry Chowka, who had many up close encounters with the guy:

The second is from the great Andrea Widburg, who claims Carter as the first dude for whom she voted for president in her life, and is happy it didn't help him win

To put it in basic terms, Carter was a clusterf**k.  He did far more harm than good, and our current troubles with islamic extremists has his peanut fingers all over them.  As to those Camp David Accords, he had little to do with a process that was already in progress.  The two parties, Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin, invited him to oversee the negotiations, and Carter tried to force Israeli concessions because he was an anti-Semite.  And in the end, what happened?   Well, no more wars between Egypt and Israel, but the Egyptian people still hated Israel and anyone who gave them aid.  Sadat was murdered for his troubles.

So, as idiots pretend Carter was something special, let's look at Dan's Carter quotations in order:

1.  I don't necessarily disagree with this, but Dan does.  I once submitted that a good man is a dangerous man, and Carter seems to echo that reality in this quote.  But he himself wasn't a strong man and our nation was not regarded as strong during his presidency anymore than it has been during Biden's...another clusterf**k Dan praises as a "good and decent" man.   Trump, for example, is accused of bluster, but he whacked a couple of truly evil dudes and our foreign adversaries are cowed by his winning the election.  "Bluster" alone is worthless if not backed up by serious action.  Nothing about Carter, Biden or even Obama was serious.

2.  This one Dan could have said and thus it's really stupid.  War is not "evil".  Assholes starting a war to exert dominance is.  Fighting wars against those assholes is not.  Civilians die and get hurt in wars and unfortunately, except for Carter's and Dan's pals...the so-called "palestinians"...most nations don't target children.

3.  The problem with this quote is the failure to acknowledge those who founded the nation by respecting human rights, particularly those in the Bill of Rights.  Like all moronic lefties, Carter perverted that notion, as we saw by his dedication to islamic thugs.

4.  This is a problem, because we're supposed to be that melting pot we seemingly no longer are.  The concept recognizes the assimilation by people from anywhere to the American experiment and its principles.  What Carter is saying subordinates that to "diversity", which has no tangible benefits to our nation, unless it's diversity of thoughts and ideas, which can be discussed, debated and, if necessary, rejected as the crap they may be.

5.  Failure is just failure if it doesn't lead to improvement and efficiency.  I really don't know what he's trying to say here.  It's not "better" to fail while striving for anything if the result is simply more failure because nothing is learned by the failures.

6.  This is typical lefty marxism, wherein the onus for people to acquire decent housing is on others, not those seeking to acquire it.  But I do encourage governments to stop over taxing and over regulating and over spending which results in a crappy economy wherein fewer have the capability to afford decent housing.  And of course, keep in mind that home-ownership isn't for everybody.

I get leftist praise for Carter.  But there is little which is truly praiseworthy on a world-wide or national scale.  The guy was a dipshit who did a few good things (Habitat for Humanity, for example), but overall was a clusterf**k.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Even More Grateful Than I Normally Am

Despite periods of grumpiness and frustration, the reality is that I'm really quite grateful for my life and all the many blessings bestowed upon it.  And now with my daughter and her husband moving down here from Hellinois last month, things are really good in the grand scheme of things.  I'm content while still seeking ways to improve and enhance.  Contradictory?  No.  Not at all.  I'm grateful regardless because God really has been good to me personally.

This year, though, the last election continues to compel what's commonly referred to as a "shit-eatin' grin". (How that expression ever came to be I have no idea, but I get what it means.)  But while I'm very, very thankful for Donald Trump being re-elected...finally getting the second term he earned by virtue of his very good first term, but of which he was clearly robbed...there's something even more about it which makes me thankful.  That would be that I can say "Trump won!"  

 I'm very thankful for that, because so many thought the possibility couldn't possibly be possible.  What doubts I had were the result of him being unjustly denied by election fraud in 2020.  And yes, People.  Election fraud occurred.  And because that happened, a totally incompetent and addled man was allowed to sit in the Big Chair and cause so much harm...harm his supporters, who became supporters of an even far more incompetent women, deny was the result of his incompetence and that of his administration. 

While I fear the defeated will not take their defeat like honorable people... because the Democrat Party has few, if any, honorable people among them...they won't be in a position to so easily cause so much harm for at least about four years.  I'm grateful for that for sure.  I'm grateful that a man who had proven he had the ability to improve upon the bad work of a predecessor already, will likely improve upon this buffoon's mess as well.

And I'm grateful I can say "Trump won and will be our 47th prsesident!" 

It's a wonderful feeling. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all, and don't save all your gratitude for this one day!  Give thanks to Him always!

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

A Note To Dan In The Event He Deleted It When Submitted Under His DEI Post

As I look to the links regarding the Bilkszto case, it becomes even more clear why you chose to take the position you did. The DEI bully, Ojo-Thompson, is just like you. Rather than deal with objections to her questionable and unsupported claims, she seeks to cancel...."delete" if you will...the response by Bilkszto to those questionable and unsupported claims. And just like you, she insists that he ignores what he knows to be true...because it favor of "BVLTT!"...even while acknowledging the fact that racism and discrimination is still a problem which requires resolving.

But you prefer to attack this guy's sad and unfortunate response to his dilemma with your evil, condescending "fragile egos of white men" crap, as if the ego of a blog host who deletes for the slightest infraction is steel. His lawyer, in a released statement about his demise presented:

"On his retirement from full-time work in 2019, a superintendent from the TDSB wrote to Richard,

You have proven your excellence in equity, instruction, entrepreneurship, student engagement and breaking new ground for communities where chronic struggles, mental health and newcomer status often brought more frustration than success. You have been a leader amongst leader in changing their lives."
(emboldened mine).

High praise indeed, and in many ways mirrors the self-congratulatory presentations of your own work and church-related service. I highlighted "mental health" because I'm aware that there are many who serve in mental health areas because of their own struggles in that regard. This man could be just such a person and why he responded to his woes as he did, if indeed they were the main reason he took his own life.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself for your fixation on this portion of my link and your foul exploitation of it and the man's suffering to promote your bullshit "white privilege" narrative. If I had respect left for you at all, which I didn't, it would now have been destroyed by this grace-embracing evil.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Not So Great Expectations

 While I believe it is highly probable that we'll see the incoming administration work toward a better America in ways the marxist/progressive/Democrat chuckleheads can't even conceive, and do so regardless of whether or not all attempts to do so will succeed, it's just as important to consider the opposite happening, or what I'm calling Shit Expectations.  We're seeing a great deal of it already, and an obvious shit expectation is that the leftists will step up their efforts to prove what low-life scumbags they truly are.   In no particular order...

---While I should have expected it, I'm saddened that our nation has any significant percentage of any location which would actually support a mentally disordered person enough to get that person elected.  Tim McBride was elected by the morons of Delaware to be their representative in the United States Congress.  He now goes by the name "Sarah" and dresses like a chick.  Nancy Mace, my congressman and a rep of whom I am no great fan, has pushed for rules denying access to female facilities on federal properties to men, even those who are so mentally unstable that they believe themselves female.  (The same would be held for women who pretend to be men.  Mace, in defending women's spaces, pretends she wasn't guilty of invading men's spaces by forcing her way into The Citadel Military College of South Carolina)

Also, regarding this heinous election outcome and Mace's response to it, it is easy to expect the disordered would respond as they always do...hatefully:

---With the sadly belated re-election of Donald Trump...the best president we've had since Ronald Reagan..., we who pay attention can't help but expect nastiness from his "detractors" (a nice way of saying "hateful, lying assholes from the left and RINO classes).  The cries of "Hitlerism" and despotism have become elevated, and it's easy to find collections of video snippets warning America of the great dangers which will befall a nation already reeling from a trashed economy, border encroachments, high crime and an increasing probability of World War, possibly nuclear.  That was an easy expectation, given the childishness of the left in dealing with not getting what they want.  They insist the meanies they opposed are meanier than even they thought.

---Trump acting quickly to assemble his team is already seeing whiners and liars portraying his selections in whatever disparaging manner which comes to mind.  So many comments I've seen on social media, as well as those from leftist guests on leftist media, contend not a one of them are qualified for the positions for which Trump intends to nominate or appoint them.  But that's obviously true because none of them are "transsexual", cross-dressing, racist, anti-Semitic leftists.  Matt Gaetz has already bowed out due to the incessant bullshit about that which has already been determined to be bullshit.  The worst part is that RINO John Cornyn was involved with dredging up this non-issue to obstruct the appointment of a guy who actually acts on behalf of America.  A similar attempt is in the works to deny Pete Hegseth the position of heading up the Department of Defense, currently run so poorly by Lloyd Austin.  Anyone who wants to argue against Trump's picks for the various positions, needs to at some point demonstrate how any of Biden's picks for those same posts were actually better than any of Trump's.  An easier argument would be in describing Biden's picks as being a bunch of clowns picked by a clown and then approved by clowns in the Senate.

---Another expectation now being manifested is the push by Dems and other leftist clowns to force their agenda to the greatest extent possible while Biden is still somewhere in office.  Certain governors and mayors are doing what they can to block Trump efforts at deporting illegal invaders by legislating their sanctuary status and other means to confound attempts by Tom Homan to send illegals packing.  Talk about anti-American traitors!  All federal funding to states or municipalities run by scumbags putting illegals over their fellow citizens should be cut, regardless of what the purpose of the funds.  That way, the citizens of these states and cities will be forced to decide if they wish to continue having these bastards governing in their names.  They are blatantly ignoring their sworn oaths of office by ignoring federal laws which are mandated by the US Constitution.  In Florida, Ron DeSantis fired a DA for failing to do his job, ignoring state law in the performance of his duties.  This was DeSantis abiding his oath of office, and we have Brian Kemp so far not doing the same with a judge who refuses to sentence an asshole gang-banger from Venezuela who brutally raped and murdered an American student.  It's my understanding that the DA made special prosecutor in that case is an opponent of capital punishment and refuses to sentence anyone eligible under Georgia law.  Thus, she is flaunting the law.  They hypocrisy of this hag is outrageous, as she dares suggest calling for this just sentence for this scumbag is somehow politically motivated.  What's more, she's stated a willingness to but illegals slack due to "circumstances" which are absolutely the result of their illegal entry.  She should be gone immediately and her law license revoked.

 Also, we're seeing Biden give the A-OK to Zalensky to use ballistic missiles capable of reaching inside Russia.  This totally provokes a response by Putin, which as I understand it, has already happened.  So not only was this worthless piece of Trabue complicit in this conflict becoming a battle in the first place, he now seeks to escalate it before his term is over.  I expect that Biden will do more stupid things before he's done.

---I expected, and have seen, some lefties pretending they hope for unity...the same assholes who have worked so hard to divide us.  The slimy Chuck Schumer has dared to "council" Trump not to do to Trump's antagonists (Schumer and the rest of the Trump-hating left and RINOs) what they have done to him.  But the difference, of course, is that their persecution of Trump was on "trumped" up charges, and in their persecution they have acted criminally, such that there is likely much for which so many of them can legitimately be held criminally liable.  Some good people believe that Trump should not bother with "revenge"...though I submit it's not revenge, but legit justice...but he's in an excellent position to let the legal system run it's course should he get his people installed.  And Marjorie Taylor Greene had a great idea should they continue with their plan to release files concerning accusations against Matt Gaetz.  And while she speaks of RINOs involved, I don't think it's exclusive to them:


For my Republican colleagues in the House and Senate,

If we are going to release ethics reports and rip apart our own that Trump has appointed, then put it ALL out there for the American people to see.


all the ethics reports and claims including the one I filed

all your sexual harassment and assault claims that were secretly settled paying off victims with tax payer money

the entire Jeffrey Epstein files, tapes, recordings, witness interviews

but not just those, there’s more, Epstein wasn’t/isn’t the only asset

If we’re going to dance, let’s all dance in the sunlight.

I’ll make sure we do. 

 ---To finish, I expect there will be more attempts on the life of Donald Trump.  What better way to stop him from proving himself the superior leader of the free world than all these leftist asshats they'd prefer!  They won't stop interfering, obstructing by whatever means comes to their evil minds.  And yet, to this day, I've still heard no one provide an example of how anyone has been negatively impacted by a Trump policy.  Not!  ONE!  (And I request examples constantly.)  Yet those who have it out for this guy have enacted so many policies which have had clear and unmistakably harmful consequences.  I expect nothing better from them because there's no basis for thinking well of them.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Great Expectations

 In a recent thread regarding the incoming administration of our 47th president of these here United States of America, Craig asked a good question about what to expect.  I've been trying to give it some thought, but I'm not sure I can answer it quite in the way he expected it might be answered.  I'll begin with Craig's own words in italicized quotes:

"Now that Trump has won, and won convincingly can we talk about expectations?"

A most reasonable endeavor.

"Given the fact that it sounds like He's much more prepared and in control of his transition process, and that he's assembled a good group of people to advise him, is it unreasonable to have high expectations for at least the first 2 years of his administration?"

 Don't know how we can measure "high" in this context.  I would say that it's enough to simply deal with whatever expectations we might have.  In doing so, I will likely regard some as "high" expectations relative to other expectations listed.

"What should the expectations be, given his previous experience, team, and promises?"  

I'll get to this later.

"I feel like he's set the expectations high and that failure to live up to those could be damaging both for his administration and for whoever the GOP nominee is in 2028."

 I disagree in that what he's set is not much different than what he set back in 2016...which is to Make America Great Again.  He got more detailed in what that means, such as to Make American Healthy Again, Strong Again, Safe Again...but I think that overriding goal of "Great Again" remains. 

"I want to be blown away by what happens early in his term, but want to balance that with being realistic."

I was blown away in his first year after the 2016 election.  I fully expected him to be less than wonderful as president.  I'll be happy this time just seeing evidence he's working toward his overarching goal of Making American Great Again.  Based on what we know of  the guy, that's pretty much guaranteed.

"Given that you've been much more positive than I, what do you expect?" 

Well, I wasn't positive he was going to win, given the history and character of the Democrat Party.  But I was positive (and still am) that he's the better man for the job.  Indeed, far more true than it was in 2020.  So what do I expect?

(Note:  it's been about a week or so since I began this post.  Since then, much has happened.  With that in mind, what I "expectations" I now have are altered by what has happened in that time.  Just sayin'.)

To begin, I have to note that there's a fine line between what one expects, and for what one hopes to see happen.  Expectations are such as a parent expecting the child to behave, when indeed, the parent can't rightly expect the child will without the child having a history of good behavior.  Even then, a rational parent knows the best child will have his moments.  So the expectation is really a desire.  With that in mind, I can't at this point guaranteed which will better define my offering regarding what's to come.  I'm not Nostradamus, so there will always be more hope and desire than knowledge of what will be. 

In the general, however, I think I can easily state with extreme confidence that, as was the case in Trump's first term, he will indeed improve the state of the union in tangible, easily identifiable ways.  But that's low hanging fruit, because unlike the first time, the damage done by his predecessor is more obvious, more acute, more widely suffered and experienced.  It's almost impossible to believe he could possibly make things worse.  He's just not as stupid and incompetent as Biden or Harris.  He certainly proved himself more capable than Obama!

I expect that Trump will actually act to fulfill his campaign promises, though I can see one or two which were just add-ons he didn't need to propose, such as no taxes on overtime.  I see that as a really bad idea if we're going to continue taxing income.  I distinguish that from no taxes on tips, since I don't think tips are as much income as they are gifts.  I would say income is what one receives from one's employer, be that a restaurant owner or the party with whom an independent contractor has contracted to perform a service.  The employer works for the consumer.  The waitress works for the employer.  The consumer appreciates the service of the waitress and offers a gratuity.  It's a gift, as what one receives from family or friends on a special occasion, like a birthday or a holiday.  I hate that the feds think they can butt into such an arrangement as if they're entitled to a piece of the action.  But OT is between a employee and his employer and is just wages.  Salaried workers often have to work the same long hours and get nothing extra beyond the salary upon which the worker agreed in taking the gig.  And when one considers the massive hourly wage of the typical union worker, that's a lot of revenues we're losing during a time of massive national debt.  One could say the same regarding tips, but again, more like a gift from someone not one's employer. 

But I digress, as I may throughout what follows.

I expect that while Trump works to fulfill his campaign promises, he'll have more support from his administration.  Being more of a political neophyte the first time around, he's keen on not making the same hiring mistakes he made the first time.  At this point, we're already hearing of really good choices for his team.  A potential downside regards those who currently serving congressional terms.  I'm unclear if there's some standard for replacing someone who steps down to serve in a new president's administration.  Does the governor of the state represented by the congressman or senator scramble to have another elected by the people, or do they simply select someone to serve out the remaining portion of the person's term of office?  I've heard both.  If the former, it would suck for those coming from states with moron Dem governors.  If the latter, those blue states who are losing a GOP rep might replace that person with a Dem (though it seems less likely at the moment given how many battleground and blue states went for Trump).  In any case, most everyone I've heard selected by Trump are Trump supporters and likely to be on board with his vision of what's needed to MAGA. 

In the meantime, I expect that Dems will do everything they can to block the appointments where they have the ability to do so.  Matt Gaetz is clearly not a shoe-in.  Kevin McCarthy supporters will oppose him unless those supporters believe in the very real chance we have to make hay.  But I expect that Trump has second and third picks all lined up should obstruction be too tough to overcome for getting pick #1 put into place. 

We're already seeing Dems in government and the lefty media criticizing Trump picks, and that was easy to expect as well.  They also don't like the Hegseth pick, though given the people they tolerated in the Biden administration, we can easily pass of their objections as not a matter of judging merit, but of hating Trump and pretending his picks are problematic.  In the case of Pete Hegseth, my initial reaction was, "Huh?"  But then I was reminded of his background.  The lunatic left is aghast at this choice.  In the meantime, Biden picked a four-star general who's done nothing but degrade military readiness, pretending that recruiting fruits and nuts makes us a better fighting force.  How this asshat Lloyd Austin rose to the lofty height he did is beyond me.  Hegseth is smart and honest enough to know that women in combat roles does not make our military a better fighting force.  He knows the "woke" crap degrades us rather than makes us a feared military.  He knows our enemies aren't playing these stupid games.  To be sure, I believe all women who enlist should be trained for combat.  But to put them out there without a dire need to do so is suicidal (though with recruiting down due to leftist crap, we could be forgiven for regarding times as "dire" right now!).  In an article objecting to the concept of women in combat, Andrea Widburg provides a glimpse into the potential problems of women in combat.  Pay close attention to the excerpt from Ryan Smith's WSJ op-ed:

I would hope Hegseth will initiate a review of homosexuals in the military as well, since the reality is that it mimics the same sexual tensions of male/female situations.

Beyond that, I recall a story I read regarding military exercises pitting co-ed units competing against all male units.  I don't recall if it mentioned all female units.  What I do recall is that no co-ed unit fared as well as the all males units.  This was unsurprising to me.  Another story I read was from a female general who related the toll her combat training took on her female body...problems no man suffered as a result of the same training. 

So that's one area where I expect Trump selections will be opposed...and only for the fact that Trump proposed the people he did.

I expect Trump will extend...if he can't make permanent...his fantastic 2017 tax cuts. 

I expect Trump will seek to further reduce the number of unnecessary regulations which impede the ability of the private sector to thrive.

I expect Trump will restore his immigration policies which were totally f'd up by Biden.  His selection of Tom Homan as border czar is obvious in its brilliance.  Homan...steeped in the world of border the most obvious choice.  His duties will include both northern AND southern border security, as well as all areas of shoreline and I doubt we'll see too many Chinese "weather" balloons sailing across our borders at any point during the next four years.   This guy's the real deal and he'll do everything he can to implement border security policies. 

I expect we'll see peace between Ukraine and Russia.  Trump will negotiate (or broker) some agreement between the two nations and Zalensky would be compelled to go along knowing Trump's not going to shower money and arms without accountability, if he provides any at all.  Putin would have to pump the brakes on his own desires given the fact that Trump's energy policies will result in less funding from oil sales to carry on any annexation by force.  Given how close the two sides were to an agreement/treaty before Biden and Boris Johnson stuck their noses in it to appear tough against Putin, I don't see that it will be as hard as some might think.  But there's more hope in this expectation than in the others above.

I expect similar achievements between Israel and their enemies, and it's been said that certain concessions are now being sought by the offending parties of the extremist savages of the muslim world.   Obama and Biden made Oct 7 possible and the assholes know that Trump ain't like those two incompetents. 

I expect that the obstruction by Dems and other Trump haters will be greater than they were during his first term, but without the advantages they had over Trump during his first term given his inexperience in that world.  We'll see more lies and projections of evil upon him, as they have already predicted that should he be elected, he will never give up power after his term ends.  This crap ain't going away any time soon and despite having their collective asses kicked, they'll be needing ongoing beatings in decreasing support.  Trump doing what Trump does should make that a reality. 

Thus, I expect that in the end, the nation will be primed for more of the same, and a J.D. Vance or a Ron DeSantis will be our 48th president.

That's as far as I need to go at the moment.  I may have a part two depending on what comes to mind.