Saturday, October 12, 2024

He Ain't The Worst In Many Ways

I can multi-task.  One common example is when I read articles on the internet, while playing games on my phone while exercising.  I'm doing it now.  Well...except instead of exercising, I'm drinking Port.  And now, I'm also typing this here blog article, so I'm really outdoing myself! 

OK.   So I can't really read and article while typing my own.  Sue me.  But I'm gonna be talking about the article itself.

It seems I went astray at another blog when I dared expressed my opinion about voting.  I won't get into the weeds on that score, but it's happened at a couple of them.  I can't alter my position because it's the best one.  I'll just leave it at that.

Along the way, there were comments referencing Donald Trump which were less than laudatory.  Some weren't even true.  But while there have always been legit reasons for criticizing the guy, too often those criticisms are a bit too much, and more often than not, irrelevant to question of whether or not he's well deserving of our vote in the upcoming general election.  OR, they're insignificant. 

In any case, I found this article ( noteworthy.  I found it so not because of it's exposure of Kamala Harris as a total piece of shit, but for something else I had seen before and upon which I intended to post for public consumption.  It goes like this:

In a new report by the watchdog group Open the Books, researchers quantified her human resources problem. They discovered a 92% staff turnover through payroll records.


High turnover in the White House isn’t new, but Ms. Harris’ numbers are higher than others.

In the same time span, President Trump experienced a 72% turnover and President Biden had a 77% turnover.

Vice President Mike Pence hired 29 employees during his first year in the Trump administration, and five remained on staff after three years, indicating an 83% turnover rate.

Ms. Harris hired 49 staffers and retained only four three years later.  

Many have often cited Trump's admin turnover rate.  But it seems he's not among the worst, and even the poor, unfairly derided Mike Pence (The Spineless) couldn't keep his peeps on board. 

So the interesting thing for me about this piece is that it stands as another example of the double-standard Trump must endure.  He's been rejected because of adultery and womanizing (prior to his presidency), yet Biden "courted" "Dr." Jill while she was still married, and Kamala Harris got "a leg up" by sleeping with a married man.  Trump's accused of sexual abuse and all such tales are believed without trial (or after an unethical civil trial) and Biden's assault on Tara Reade has never been investigated, nor has Obama's homosexual affair with his coke dealer. 

Now, this piece exposes another double standard regarding "revolving doors" of the Trump administration, which it seems wasn't the worst, even compared to the saintly Mike Pence.  There's no details in the article speaking to why staff left any of these people, except for Harris, who is the subject of the piece.  We also don't know how many people those percentages represent.  That matters. 

But we do see again that way too many people are eager and willing to castigate Trump and will do so at the drop of a hat.  I'm often accused of being in the bag for Trump.  While I do support him for president, believed with damned good reason he was the most qualified for the position versus any of his primary opponents, I'm not so much in the bag as I am how much others who criticize him are just the opposite, and often without just cause. 

I believe that Trump gets the heat he does, particularly after his great first term, is because those who attacked him in the beginning don't have the integrity and honor to acknowledge his good work and it kicks their asses knowing that he wasn't the failure they knew he would be.  He made them eat crow and now they're pissed they were forced to choke it down. 

These stats are just another taste of it.

Monday, October 07, 2024

A Sad Anniversary

 Just a quick note.  

A year ago today, barbaric assholes invaded Israel and murdered, raped and butchered Israelis, celebrating along the way.  Since that time, Bibi Netanyahu has been directing his IDF to destroy the Hamas scumbag organization totally, and now also faces more direct Iranian assaults for fighting off their proxy asshole Hezb'allah army in the north.  (I'm still loving the pager and walkie-talkie attack.  What a stroke of genius!) 

Also since that time, progressive dumbf**ks have wasted no time defending the bastards who continue to seek Israel's annihilation, with university protests by pro-Hamas morons, likely paid for by America-haters like George Soros, or even by elements of the Iranian government.   (I don't care who's been paying them.)  Progressive idiots pretend Israel is responsible for the deaths of "civilians" in Gaza, when it's been the Gazans who are complicit in the attack on Israel.  They'll be saying the same thing when civilians die wherever they stand by the islamic assholes as they continue their satanic assaults. 

And of course, one particular progressive asshole has come around these here blogs to pretend Israel targets civilians.  Progressives like to lie.

Then of course, there's both Biden and Harris...Harris in particular since morons think we'd be better off with her as president than the one guy who's done the most good over the last several administrative terms...who pretend they give a flying rat's ass about Jews while campaigning, while at the same time being very careful not to piss off the muslims in this country, as if their opinions are worth a damn so long as they do next to nothing to push back against islamic...not "extremism", but normalcy. 

Now, there remains something like 100 hostages the Gazans MoFos continue to imprison and abuse.  There's little proof they're all still alive, but whatever, right asshole progressives?  Biden and Harris couldn't care less.  They're too busy pretending Netanyahu is the problem, in the same stupid and lying way they pretend Trump's a problem.  They're only problems for the left, not for intelligent, honest and rational human beings.  

How sad there are so few of them in the world and in this nation where the race continues to be regarded as "close".  How can a race involving two of such starkly obvious difference in abilities be "close"? 

Right now, as so many Americans are suffering after Hurricane Helene...and some of them will be facing this new Hurricane Milton while still digging  out...the party which hasn't done jack shit for a variety of disasters which have befallen us, and which doesn't do shit to support our best ally in the Middle East has little to say about this anniversary that isn't but token sentiment lacking sincerity.  Were it not for Harris/Biden, Hamas would be no more today.  It's that simple.  Morons don't care.  They'll vote for Harris/Walz anyway, because that's what morons do.

Thursday, October 03, 2024

As If There's Not Good Reason Enough...

The Hurricane Helene disaster is described a "Biblical" in it's destruction.  Sometimes hyperbole is appropriate.  In the 2.5 years I've been in SC, this is the second which passed me by.  As large and powerful as this storm was, we experienced less wind and rain than we did the last one.  But this one also proves that there really is no place one is 100% safe from some form of natural catastrophe.  For example, in my home state, there are two major fault lines which run through it:  the New Madrid Seismic Zone and the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone.  There was a rumbling within the last ten or so years I lived there, and it was just enough to remind folks those fault lines existed.  Naturally, many experts say it's just a matter of time before a good rocker takes place. 

And we see that with this storm.  While card-carrying dumbasses and our current pretend Commander-In-Chief, Joe Biden...pretend this storm validates their bullshit climate change alarmism, the historical record clearly contradicts that crap.  Asheville, NC, which was hit especially hard, experienced something similar in 1916 (I read there were two that year, but don't hold me to it).  This is a place now referred to as a place people moved to for a "safe" place from catastrophic weather events, but alas, they were hit because of climate change.  The rank exploitation of human suffering couldn't be more blatant here. 

But worse than that is the obvious problem of disinterest by this administration.  It's not the first time, obviously.  We saw the incompetence with the Lahaina conflagration.  We saw it with East Palestine chemical spill.  Now we're seeing it with this storm which smacked the crap out areas of four states.  Appalachian areas, where no one would have suspected hurricanes could be a threat are severely cut off from rescue and communication. 

And where's this Harris/Biden administration?  Pretending they're doing all they can.  That would be a bit more credible if they, say, stopped spending our money on illegals and other nonsensical crap and diverted it to Americans so devastatingly in need.  Instead, these compassionate assholes went the distance and upped the aid package from $700 (Lahaina) a the staggering $750.   Meanwhile, Kamala's keen on making us pay for sex change operations for illegals in custody, for lawyers to fight deportation of illegals, for more border patrol personnel to get more illegals processed after illegally crossing our border.  Tens, if not hundreds of billions have already been spent on aiding and abetting the invasion of our nation by illegals with no right to enter in the manner they've been allowed to enter. 

Yet for our own, we get lip service, a FEMA more concerned with "equity" than being prepared for disasters like this one.  We get a "president" on the beach and a VP presidential wanna-be fund raising in California...two things which couldn't be interrupted to deal with this tragic event.  (Oh, yeah...Joe was on the phone for a few hours "taking charge"!)  So while these asshole "dug deep" to come up with veritable chump change for Americans who have lost everything, the Harris/Biden jokers, on the same day that Helene hit, the Biden-Harris administration announced another eight billion dollars for Ukraine.  One report states that in 2024, these clowns have given:

- $24,400,000,000 to Ukraine. 

- $11,300,000,000 to Israel. 

- $1,950,000,000 to Ethiopia. 

 - $1,600,000,000 to Jordan. 

- $1,400,000,000 to Egypt. 

- $1,100,000,000 to Afghanistan. 

- $1,100,000,000 to Somalia. 

- $1,000,000,000 to Yemen. 

- $987,000,000 to Congo. 

- $896,000,000 to Syria. 

- $9,000 per illegal immigrant that has entered the U.S.

I've even heard that certain military units are doing nothing because they're still awaiting orders to help.  Fort Bragg has assisted in disaster relief many times, but they're motionless the last I heard. 

So while Kamala a week later finally has gone to Georgia for photo ops, and Joe has met with some state officials to insult those who don't buy into the bullshit climate change narrative, we see Trump's already answered the call...again...along with Franklin Graham's "Samaritan's Purse", Elon Musk with his Starlink installation (for free) and a host of private citizens utilizing their private small planes and helicopters, boats, trucks and other methods of helping, while the people suffering are wondering where the hell their federal government is.

There is simply no argument in favor of supporting Harris for president.  This display of incompetence and lack of compassion is beyond the pale, but it's just one more example in a very long line of examples. 

And I can't stop thinking of one particular asshole who dared suggested these two failures are more "fit" to serve as president than had been and still is Donald Trump.  How incredibly stupid does one have to be to ever believe something so demonstrably moronic?


I sent my donation to Samaritan's Purse.  Clearly there are many places taking donations to render aid to the many victims of this tragic event, so pick one and give as much as you can.  Joe and Kamala aren't doing much of anything.

Friday, September 20, 2024

More On The Clownishness Of Pervert Dan Trabue

 I want to add a thing or two to the previous post, but as it's long enough as it is already, I decided to do so in a new post.  

As we saw last time, Dan wants to pretend there's something wrong with Trump/Vance mentioning Aidan Clark when referencing the abuse of power by the Harris/Biden administration (H/B Ad) which has led to tragedies like the death of this child, and any other children harmed when the illegal immigrant Haitian rammed the bus in which they were riding.  Dan thinks it's just awful that Trump/Vance ignored the partisan pleas of the partisan hack father of this child, who would likely not be getting his fifteen minutes of fame if it was Harris or Walz doing the same thing if the kid died as a result of Trump/Pence (or Vance, as the case may be) policies.  Dan, like this dude, pretends Trump/Vance mentioning the dead kid by name is a political stunt, despite their concern that this should never have happened and should never happen again.  It's a fair cop, given how many Americans have been killed because of illegal aliens allowed to be in the country.  These assholes dare suggest that Trump/Vance has no real concern for dead American kids, but are simply playing political games.  

 Well.  That's the kind of thing we expect of Democrats, as they do this a S.O.P.  As I reminded, they're off to the races anytime there's a shooting death, falsely asserting the bad behavior of the criminally minded which lead to shooting deaths would be impossible were it not for the GOP and conservatives in general defending our God-given right to defend our lives, the lives of our family and friends and our private property.  They'll scream, "TRAYVON MARTIN!  SAY HIS NAME!"  It's quite all right to exploit the dead when it furthers the Dem agenda.  It's just not OK when reminding people of the unnecessarily killed when it's intended to connect them to actual deadly policies of the left.  The right is trying to stop the deaths.  The left is trying to deny the rights of the people.    And to that end, an old video of Harris proudly insisting she'll force her way into the homes of gun owners to ensure compliance with nonsensical laws passed by assholes like her: old_footage_reveals_that_kamala_harris_intends_to_barge_into_our_homes_to_see_how_we_store_our_firearms.html

But as if that wasn't bad enough, not only does Dan and Nathan Clark spew vile crap about better people, but others in the Dem party do as well, such as asshole Congresswoman Veronica Escobar (D-Texas):

How galling to suffer the constant puke from "progressives" and other marxist lefties!  These rat bastards don't want the names of the dead remembered.  By extension, they'd prefer the dead weren't remembered and recognized at all.  It's a lot harder to "move on" from the consequences of fatally stupid policies if the dead are dismissed and ignored as they're trying to do in these situations.  

Worse, they truly don't give a flying rat's ass about the illegal aliens, because so many of them are victimized in so many ways as well.  Like Dan, they'll continue to pretend every damned one of them is an innocent person fleeing life-threatening oppression (until they're forced to alter the story toward "self-determination" and other bullshit excuses for forcing this crap upon an nation which hasn't consented to any of it.

I've done a couple of recent posts about why leftists/progressives/marxists/Democrats (all the same thing) shouldn't be involved in crafting immigration policy.  If only that was the only thing at which they totally suck.  Sadly, they suck at everything. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Dan Beclowns Himself Yet Again!

What follows will be a comment Deviant Dan Trabue submitted for publication in the comment section under the post entitled "Biden Quits! ...And The Nation Is Spared! (?)", while waiting for Bubba to return to engage with him on points he isn't likely to present any solid basis, as he hasn't so far.  This comment isn't actually a part of that conversation, but is a response to me, wherein I called him on his usual bullshit regarding men far better than he (somewhere around comment #500).  I disallowed the comment, both because I wanted to do a post on his usual bullshit as manifested in the comment, and because...well...frankly because it's my blog and felt like it.  Since then, Dan the Perv (same guy) has submitted more off topic comments of the same kind, despite my instructions that he should cease and desist from doing so because of his typical lying. 

The comment will be edited, because I feel like it, but know that where I have done so (as indicated by my use of bold print within parentheses) it is to block his grace embracing hatred of Donald Trump, JD Vance or other center-right figures. 

In the meantime, know that his comments will otherwise be italicized and between quotation marks, whereas my responses won't be.  What you will find is one, some or all of the following:

1.  Dan has no real knowledge or understanding of the story on which he bloviates.

2.  Dan is merely parroting what his marxist overlords taught him to say and believe.

3.  Dan knows the truth but is lying.

4.  Dan's full of shit. 

So let's see what Deviant Dan Trabue the Pervert Extraordinaire has to say:

"As a point of fact: The IMMIGRANTS in Springfield, Ohio are here legally."

As a point of fact, Dan has no understanding of how most, if not all, of these (and so many other illegal aliens in other towns and cities in the United States) have come to be Springfield, OH.  It has been allowed without the standard protocols of American government.  In short, Harris/Biden abused their power and authority to circumvent laws and the intentions of policies related to immigration law:

"As a point of fact: The" (man who was one of our greatest presidents ever and his wonderfully intelligent and capable running mate) "are attacking and endangering these good people with their lies about "eating pets." It's dangerous what they're doing and not just for the Haitians."

As a point of fact, Dan has absolutely no knowledge about the situation in Springfield, OH, except what his beloved marxist minions of the leftist press tell him.  Dan has absolutely no idea if the Haitians there are remotely akin to "good people", even by Dan's criteria.  Given all the many and varied reports of the goings on there, Dan's again ignoring the valid and supported concerns of actual United States citizens in favor of Haitians because of their race and Dan's perverse desire to besmirch people who are far better Christians and United States citizens than Dan poorly pretends to be.  There's no shortage of reports of the many problems and suffering the actual citizens of Springfield, OH have endured since 20,000 non-citizens were delivered to their midst without their having been asked if it was OK.  Here are just a couple:

Add to those the testimonies of those who have actually spent time in Haiti, like our own Craig, and honest people will accept that the possibility of the eating of cats by Haitians is true story means it's far more probable than not.  Of course, we must again note that Dishonest Dan the Pervert is not an honest person.

"As a point of fact: Schools and colleges and other places in Springfield are now getting bomb and death threats because of the attacks from" (the best president we've had since Reagan and his most excellent running mate). "These are dumb and dangerous lies and even when confronted with that reality, they STILL are repeating these damned lies."

As a point of fact:  It has been confirmed that these bomb and death threats have all been hoaxes by bad actors from outside the United States.  The probability is very high that those bad actors sought to incite the stupid (like Dan) into believing Trump supporters or conservatives are threatening people over this issue.  The only people being threatened, however, are the actual citizens of Springfield, OH and other citizens of this nation due to the corrupt abuse of power by the Harris/Biden administration. 

"As a point of fact: political leaders in Ohio - including GOP leaders - are denouncing Team Magop for these damned lies."

As a point of fact:  political leaders in Ohio, regardless of their political affiliation, are denouncing the valid, legitimate clams of their own citizens as lies.  Pervert Dan Trabue is more than happy to join in the pretense that Trump and his supporters are the source of the stories assholes like Dan denounce as "damned lies".  Indeed, no one lies more than the left, and has been shown, there are many, many recorded claims of Haitian bad behaviors made by those citizens of Springfield Dan chooses to demonize as liars.  But then, that's what liars like Dan do...the project their evil upon anyone to deflect from their own wrongdoing. 

"As a point of fact: The parents of the boy who was killed in an accident by the Haitian who was driving that car has denounced Trump and his" (incredibly intelligent running mate) ". He's told them NEVER to speak their son's name again, not in defense of these indefensible, vulgar, dangerous lies. He's told Vance to apologize. Vance refused."

First off, this dude has no right or authority to demand such a thing of anybody.  Neither Trump nor Vance has lied about anything regarding their mention of the extremely preventable case of an illegal without a driver's license slamming into a school bus killing the kid in question.   This dude is exploiting his own kid for political purposes, which makes him less than a man.  Trump and Vance, as has happened so often...including after 9/11/01...the names of victims of murders and cases of negligent homicide are publicized by those who strive to reduce such crimes from happening again.  This Nathan Clark is far less "grieving father" than he is GOP hating partisan hack and it the one indulging in political bullshit.

"What kind of DEVIANT abuses the name of a dead boy for deadly partisan politics and THEN refuse to apologize to the parents?"

Don't know.  The only asshole doing that is the kid's father.  As I said, and as is absolutely true, this asshole is attacking two men who seek to ensure such a tragedy never happens again, while supporting the very motherfuckers who invited it.  And scumbags like Dan Trabue are down with that vile shit. 

"As a point of fact: I have several friends who have adopted children of color and they are reporting the negative impact of these xenophobic attacks on people like the Haitians in Springfield."

As a point of fact:  Dan Trabue is a known liar and his anecdotal stories of people are likely total bullshit.  There's no "xenophobia" at play here.  There's only marxist progressives like Dan projecting false "phobias" upon better people.  What's more, if Dan does indeed have "several friends" who are reporting what Dan says they are, odds are they're also progressive fake Christian liars like Dan and no such negative impact is impacting their adopted kids.

"These children and other innocents ARE innocent and should not be used as a political pawn. Shame on the GOP for doing so and shame on you for defending it."

 So according to Dumbass Dan, mentioning Breonna Taylor and screaming "SAY HER NAME" is using Taylor as a political pawn.  Got it.  But of course that's what it is, and that's what the progressives do routinely.  They take a death which was the result of criminality and exploit the dead as victims of conservatism or law enforcement malfeasance simply because of race or ethnicity of the dead criminal.  Every kid killed with a firearm is immediately exploited and the right-wing blamed for their defense of the 2nd Amendment.  They then renew their gun control lamentations.  Biden just recently repeated his desire for an "assault weapons" ban and holding gun manufacturers liable for other people misusing their products.  But when a child is killed as a result of leftist policies, the names of that child is not to be mentioned?  Dan's gonna have to go pound sand up his ass before he'll be allowed to get away with that vile level of dishonesty.  

So now, where I figured I'd be at an end, Dan chose to again puke some more vomit where he shouldn't have.  Here is his latest:

"How many Haitians have harmed you? How many immigrants have harmed anyone you know?"

This is typical stupidity posed by the progressive as if it's an intelligent argument, as if I need to be personally assaulted by anyone to oppose personal assaults against others.  What kind of asshole thinks this way...I mean apart from Dan...who is a world class asshole?

And of course, he lies when he frames it about "immigrants" who are people who legally enter our borders with the intent to become, not just citizens, but Americans as we regard ourselves.  The issue revolves around the problem of millions of illegal aliens...invaders who disregard our laws and sovereignty to enter with the help of traitors as found in the Democrat Party, and even some RINOs, too.  I don't have to wait until I or a loved one becomes a victim of illegal aliens to oppose allowing them to enter under the false pretenses used by the vast majority of them since Biden took office.  Dan, whose head resides comfortably up his own ass, lies about the illegals being nothing but poor, downtrodden victims, mostly because they refer to themselves as such, knowing it's the best way to get dumbasses like Dan to aid and abet their behaviors.  Dan's what's commonly known as "a sucker". 

"Get over your fears, Marshal."

 My fears are justified.  I have grandkids who walk to school and ride school buses.  I don't want any of them to be the next Aidan Clark.  It's bad enough if a citizen crashes into them.  But for someone who doesn't belong here and shouldn't be here do it when they shouldn't even be driving in this country is worthy of punishment for the governmental assholes (Democrats) who made it possible. 

"Tyrants have long used "Those Immigrants are Dangerous!!" sorts of fear-mongering to scare people into accepting tyranny. That sort of lie is a historically common tool for tyrants and con artists."

This is a common ploy of Dan's, and thus a routine lie of his, to make a false connection between tyrants, despots and oppressors and those who seek to protect the best interests of the people they're sworn to serve. 

Our current immigration laws are sufficient to determine who should be allowed in or not.  But no alterations of those laws to serve the evil motivations of those like Dan will ever be given the size of the hordes who press against the border to enter.  

Dan's a vile piece of shit.  He's traitorous in his favoritism of foreigners over those of his own people.  While those like me have never had any problem with foreigners coming here to be one of us, to assimilate and subordinate their former lives to become one out of many, to put this nation first.

There was a case of a lefty asshole citing a Haitian who was in our military, suggesting that he is an example of those opposed by conservatives and other honest, intelligent people.  But this particular Haitian is an American who, though he loves Haiti, insists he would never die for it.  However, he's proud to lay down his life for America.  He's fully assimilated and is no longer Haitian except ethnically.  He's American.  Those like me have no problem with legal immigrants.  I'm second generation on my mother's side.  Her parents spoke no English.  She and her siblings never spoke Polish to their kids and those who knew any picked it up by living in a Polish neighborhood in Chicago, but they were few.  They cast off their culture for the most part (kielbasa, pierogi, and polka is remain, of course) and embraced America.  We're not seeing that sort of thing these days and it divides us into factions.  When foreigners come here without a desire to be one of us, they remain foreigners and not fellow citizens.  None of this crap has made us a better, stronger nation. 

"Don't be a willing mark/dupe."

 If there's anyone who's been a mark, a dupe, a conned moron, it's the fake Christian progressive like Dan.  Chumps like him actually believe those for whom they vote are good people with America's best interests at heart.  He's a clear and present danger to this nation.  

Saturday, September 07, 2024

And As If That Wasn't Enough...

I've been getting heat for stating the obvious regarding the foolishness of single-issue voters withholding support for Trump over the issue of abortion.  As much as I abhor the practice of abortion and support for it as if it's ever necessary (it never is), my absolutism on this issue doesn't compel me to act stupidly with regard to the casting of my vote in any election.  Being uncompromising in my desire to see the practice totally abolished by law in this nation (though preferring it's totally rejected by all out of a true sense of what's moral) doesn't mean I will fail to support the candidate or party which provides the least likelihood of an expansion of the practice, particularly in law.  Why the f**k would I ever do such a thing?d  I'm absolutely confident that for Trump to lose or be again cheated of a win in November, we will see no action on the issue by a Harris administration which will result in fewer abortions, but rather every effort this bitch can muster to provide the greatest degree of accessibility to the greatest number of people so vile as to choose that route when dealing with any pregnancy.   Indeed, I take it as an obvious given, a fact, a guarantee.   Hard not to considering how outrageous their response to the Dobbs decision and Trump's part in getting it. 

But as I've mentioned in the previous post, and posts elsewhere where Trump is held responsible for anyone who STUPIDLY refuses to vote for him over the aforementioned comments and the unfortunate abortion-related changes to the GOP platform, what matters most is winning the election in November.  Why that matters is the many manifestations of the Harris/Biden/Obama agenda which has resulted in so much serious suffering for Americans in so many ways.  And given how obvious the suffering, how obvious of its source (Dems) and how much more obvious it is to understand the Kackler will double down and make Biden look like a piker, "stupid" is a display of restraint on my part.  So what follows are links to stories which illustrate just how bad it will be, because it's happening already and nothing's being done by either Biden or Harris to mitigate it, nor can we forget how much a part of it all was Harris, who seeks to be if she's in any way deserving of or fit for the office.

I want to say up front that most of these links are from  I want to also say that if anyone dares suggest the stories can be dismissed because of this source, they best have something more substantive than merely that if they wish to be taken seriously as a mature and responsible adult.  I can't help it AT is good journalism.

OK.  That'll have to do because I grow tired trying to decide which of the many articles illustrating the stupidity inherent in choosing to allow Harris to win over a less than absolute anti-abortion perception of Trump.  There's clearly far, far more to consider than simply the deaths from abortion, as even the few links above represent threats to human life as well. 

So yeah.  I'll stick with my position that those who would reject Trump are stupid people.  That's not just a matter of name calling.  It's an accurate description given all the evidence of harm and suffering a Dem win...on any level...WILL provide.  There are so many other issues I haven't covered, but if this doesn't make the point than the stupid can't be recovered, and that's as much a threat to the nation as the Democrat Party and their media sycophants themselves.

May God have mercy on us, and may God Bless Donald Christ's Name I pray.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Absolutists Are Being Stupid As Hell!

 I've been involved with a lot of discussion about Donald Trump's position on abortion/pro-life issues.  I'm going to begin with a few statements:

1.  I'm an absolutist on the subject of abortion.  It should absolutely be outlawed, as there is no legitimate reason to abort any child.  None.  I'm not going to provide the supporting evidence for this fact again in this post.  I've done it often enough and it's not specifically what this post is going to be discussing. 

2.  No absolutist on the subject of abortion is truly "pro-life" if they withhold their vote for Trump due to less than perfect alignment with the pro-life position.

3.  It is absurd to say that Trump's comments on abortion law make him responsible for an election loss due to moronic pro-life absolutists choosing not to vote for Trump because of his less than perfect alignment with the absolutist's position.

Initially, I was unaware of the source of those insisting that Trump is no longer worthy of support due to his less than perfect alignment with the pro-life absolutists.  When I first heard of it, I was aghast at the clear incongruent nature of such a position.  Who in their right mind would presume to suggest that allowing Kamala Harris and the Dem party to rule would move the needle toward the elimination of abortion in this country? 

I was told that it was wrong to refer to these people as "stupid" and other negative terms...that doing so isn't the best way to change hearts and minds.  But I intend to shame such absolutists...proud of their inflexibility and firmness in their defense of the innocent unborn...because time's growing short between now and November 5th, and "stupid" is absolutely the appropriate response to stupidity.  

As an absolutist myself, I defend against the unjust taking of innocent life, and none are so well as the conceived, yet unborn.  But they aren't the only victims in need of protection in this world.  We've already seen an alarming rise in murder since Jan 20, 2021, with abortion accounting for only 6-800,000 murders per year.  Add to that, 70,000- 100,000 fentanyl deaths per year.  I don't know how many other forms of deadly drugs are smuggled in to add to that number.  Then of course we have the murders from assholes released from incarceration due to "progressive" District Attorneys and Prosecutors, murders from cartel members allowed into our country under the lie of asylum seeking and "self-determination" migration.  Add to that those killed as a result of funding Iran, such as the Oct 7 massacre of Israeli citizens by members of the "Religion of Peace", Ukranian and Russian soldiers and citizens since western leaders like Biden and Boris Johnson talked Zalinsky out of the treaty he and Putin were on the cusp of cementing.  That's a lot of dead, mostly murdered, folk since Donald Trump was cheated out of a second term in 2020.  

I wonder how those single issue absolutists can defend rejecting Trump with those numbers staring them in the face.  Will it improve under Harris?  Can they make that argument?  Will they try?  Or will they feel good about themselves about "standing on principle" when doing so results in so many dead people?  It's not voting for Trump which compromises their principles.  It's denying him the win in November and leaving their cause to the abortion loving Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party which does. 

So many have told me in rejecting or criticizing Trump that they're not concerned with perfection in candidates.  Yet, this kind of bullshit belies that claim. 

So what of Trump?  While some speak of what he says, I look to what he's done.  Putting more conservative (even if not conservative enough) justices on the Supreme Court resulted in what most pro-lifers have been demanding since 1973.  Now, that Roe has been overturned and the issue has been returned to the states, the absolutists are pissed that Trump holds to that...that the 2024 GOP platform is not as hard-core pro-life as it had been.  Well, I also would have preferred that the party not so greatly altered their platform regarding this issue.  But having done so, it doesn't mean that any attempt by Dems to push a national policy protecting the "right" for people to murder their kids in utero won't be opposed when such comes to pass.  That platform change doesn't mean they've changed their position on this issue, but merely that they've changed their focus now that it's a state issue instead of a federal one. 

And for anyone who would suggest that this platform change, and recent comments by Trump indicate he and the party are in any way "abortion friendly", I have more appropriate words than "stupid" for such people.  I won't use those words now, but the motherfuckers can probably guess.  Shame on them for the mere suggestion.  We have an election to win, the result of which impacts far more than just abortion in the lives of the American people who aren't total lefty asshats.  When the single issue absolutists forget that, "stupid" is the baseline. 

So in doing some research, I found that Lila Rose of LiveAction was encouraging pro-lifers to withhold their votes from Trump...which as I said would go a long way toward ensuring more people die.  I sent her a note when I became aware of her public call for this ultimatum and gave her one of my own:


Dear Lila,

I recently made aware of pro-life response to Trump's comments on abortion, such that his comments have resulted in an ultimatum which would see pro-lifers withhold their votes from Trump because of them.  I just now found that you are among those encouraging this response.   I cannot express just what an incredibly self-defeating position this.  It belies your claim of being pro-life by choosing to risk a Trump loss in November because he doesn't rise to a level of pro-lifer which suits you.  I have absolutely no doubt you realize how much worse the nation will be with a pro-death party candidate...Kamala the White House.  As such, to reject "the best one can get" (and he's better than that) over comments likely intended to diminish the effect of pro-abort rhetoric and accusations only serves the pro-abort cause. 

I don't know the true position of Trump on the issue of abortion.  I can't read his heart.  I can only go by what he's said..that he's pro-life.  Some have doubted that, saying it's just a political posturing.  But such people can't read his heart, either.  I prefer to believe he's sincere, but still trying to sort out in his mind just how "pro-life" he truly is, given he's more of a recent convert to the pro-life side of the issue.  More than that, however, is that I believe he's trying to find the right balance politically so as not to incite the lazier of the pro-abort proponents to get to the polls.  As I believe he was absolutely robbed in 2020 by nefarious means, this means he has to act in a manner which takes into account the fact that the left will cheat again, and likely harder than before.  I think this may be the case with his admonishing governors whose policy proposals we find pleasing because they move their states closer to a total ban, but push pro-aborts to step up their efforts on every level. 

The nation in general is too corrupt to push for a total ban.  We both know this, though we both do what we can to change hearts and minds.  In the meantime, "all or nothing" is going to result in getting nothing if it means punishing Trump because of his lack of perfection on this issue.  Instead, we need him in the White House, not just for now, but to lay a foundation for his successor (DeSantis perhaps?) take over and move the needle even further in the direction we both want. 

It's also imperative to keep in mind all the others ways life is made worthless by the Democrat Party.  Leftist DAs and prosecutors not prosecuting violent criminals, open borders which admit even more violent criminals and terrorists and deadly drugs like fentanyl, just to name the most obvious.  Are the lives of fellow citizens worth less than the lives of the conceived yet unborn?  THAT question cuts both ways. 

So, while I'd love to see Trump either clarify or reverse his comments (it would be enough for me if he said nothing more), I'm still voting for him because he's the better choice even given his comments, and far fewer lives of all people will be lost.

But even more, I insist YOU reverse YOUR threats to withhold your vote for him as if voting for him would be a compromise on your principles.   Clearly withholding it would be, as I explained above.  And I hope to see that reversal because as a man of few financial means, my charitable dollars (another form of voting) must be reserved for those who further the cause of life, not compromise it on "principle". 

Thanks for your great work.  Don't screw it up by not thinking about your position any more deeply than Trump has about his.

God Bless you.



It was only right that I did so since I sought an answer to the question, "What are YOU doing when you hear of absolutists insisting they won't vote for Trump?"  But then, there should never have been any question I wouldn't confront this absurd counter-intuitive position when the opportunity presented itself. 

Finally, as the wine and late hour now makes their demands on me, I'll finish with this: floridas-/?bt_ee=sZPmaNiJQQkDK7MJ6Rb85%2BaScxhh%2B5njFqEIcgP8PasaFcyAJnQKIfLWFp9glYG2&bt_ts=1725061530914

Wow.  I hope that link will be easy to access!

In it, Trump asserts that he'll be voting against a leftist infanticide amendment in Florida, which is nice.  What's not is that he opposes the DeSantis legislation which cut off abortions after six-weeks gestation.  I can't find anything which explains why he thinks so, and the video in the links doesn't show the reporter asking.   This is something about which I've had concerns with regard to Trump's abortion comments, as well as other things unrelated.  He says something and no follow up occurs to procure clarification...and then some will say it's all on him if things go south.   No.   It doesn't work that way.  He is what he is and has been for some time.  To pretend that doesn't put some obligation on journalists to do more than stand pat on every utterance emanating from him is not journalism.  For everyone else to insist they're going to go by what he says when oratory isn't his strong suit is..."stupid". 

Anyway, he also says he wants to see insurance companies or the federal government cover the cost of IVF.  I totally oppose this on the grounds alone that IVF is more of an elective procedure.  It's unfortunate that some have difficulty conceiving.  That's just too bad and doesn't justify demanding money from others to pay for it, either through increased insurance premiums for all or by the use of our tax dollars.  It seems clear he's not up on the truth regarding IVF, such as the fact that there are better, safer and more effective ways to treat whatever it is obstructing a couple's ability to conceive. 

So the bottom line remains:  for those who oppose abortion, Trump is still the guy needed in the White House.  The fight for life goes on regardless, but it won't lose ground by voting for Trump.  


Another great argument which rebukes the notion single-issue pro-lifers must withhold their votes from Trump...if they're truly pro-life:

And another:

Operation Rescue is one of the original Christian anti-abortion absolutist organizations in the nation.  They realize their principles are not compromised by continued support for Trump in the next election.   That's because the principle is working toward the abolition of abortion, not voting for candidates who aren't anti-abortion purists.